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Drugs 50 (1): 62-72, 1995

PRACTICAL THERAPEUTICS 0012-o667/95/0007-Q062/S11.00/0

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A Guide to the Treatment of Lower

Respiratory Tract Infections
Friedrich Vogel
Krankenhaus Hofheim, Hofheim im Taunus, Germany

Summary 62
1, Aetiology 63
2, Diagnosis 64
3, Therapy 65
3,1 Bronchitis, 65
3,2 Primary Pneumonia , 68
3,3 Secondary Pneumonia 68
4, Special Pharmacokinetic and Dosage Recommendations 69
4,1 Cephalosporins 69
4.2 Macrolides, 70
4,3 Quinolones 70
5. Conclusions , , , 71

Summary Acute bronchitis is usually a viral infection which, unless there is a special dispo-
sition, does not require antibiotic therapy. For the initial oral chemotherapy of bacte-
rial infections of the lower respiratory tract (chronic bronchitis, pneumonia) the
effective and well tolerated cephalosporins, macrolides and amoxicillin plus ~­
lactamase--inhibitor are recommended. In complicated cases with severe underlying
disease, longer history or frequent exacerbations, quinolones should be given if Gram-
negative infections are suspected or if initial therapy with other substances has failed.
If Legionella, Mycoplasma or Chlqmydia spp., so-called 'atypical' pathogens, are
involved, macrolide antibiotics are the therapy of fIrst choice. Special attention should
be given to the increase in resistance against cotrimoxazole (trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole) and tetracyclines. In hospitals where primary pneumonias are
treated preferentially by intravenous medication, therapy should be switched to oral
antibiotics as soon as feasible (follow-up therapy).
For severely ill patients with secondary pneumonia and underlying disease,
second generation cephalosporins with aminoglycosides, or monotherapy with
third generation cephalosporins are recommended. In very severe, high-risk
cases, third generation cephalosporins, combinations with high-dosage quino-
lones or ureidopenicillins plus ~-lactamase-inhibitors are suitable. Future devel-
opment in th~antibiotic treatment of respiratory infections will follow the current
trend of lower dosages, with the clear objective of shortening treatment periods
and achieving earlier discharge from hospital.
Lower Respiratory Tract Infections 63

The identification of the relevant pathogens be- vere underlying disease where patients must be ar-
fore or during antibiotic therapy of lower respira- tificially respirated. Frequently, septic complica-
tory tract infections (LRTIs) is still a serious prob- tions are present, and renal and hepatic function is
lem. In most cases, treatment will be selected and impaired. Predominantly, patients treated in inten-
started according to clinical and anamnestic cri- sive care or oncology units belong to this group.
teria without the results of a bacteriological diag- Acute bronchitis is most commonly of viral
nosis. According to our own investigations on the aetiology and does not require antibiotic treatment
relevance of microbiological findings from 100 unless there are special risk factors (e.g. underlying
hospitalised patients at the University Hospital in diseases, age, etc.). Primary bacterial infections or
Bonn, Germany, a positive microbiological result secondary superinfections occur with an incidence
was obtained in only 34.5% of cases. Drug therapy, of only 5 to 20%. In such cases pneumococci,
however, was started in more than 90% of cases Haemophilus inJluenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis
before these results were available, and was chosen ~d staphylococci are the commonest and most im-
according to the patient's symptoms and the expe- portant infective agents. Mycoplasma and Chlamy-
rience of the physician. dia spp. are rare.£5,6] During acute exacerbations of
In 91 % of the total cases, a substantial improve- chronic bronchitis the same organisms dominate as
ment was achieved. Despite improvement of inten- in acute bronchitis (tables I and II).
sive care and an increase in the availability ofther- To differentiate between viral and bacterial in-
apeutic measures, nosocomial pneumonias still
fections, differential diagnostic methods are re-
have a poor prognosis in patients treated in inten-
quired, which are summarised in the following
sive care units. The mortality ranges from 5 to 24%
for Gram-positive pathogens and up to 70% for
Primary, community-acquired pneumonia in pa-
infections caused by Pseudomonas Spp.[l,2] Miss-
tients without underlying disease can be treated in
ing cough and swallowing reflexes causes perma-
outpatient settings by appropriate oral antibiotics.
nent exposure to organisms from the rhinopharynx[3]
The most frequently occurring pathogens of bacte-
and the gastrointestinal tract.f4 ]
rial pneumonia are pneumococci, followed by H.
inJluenzae and staphylococci (table III). Atypical
1. Aetiology
pneumonias are caused by Legionella spp., Myco-
LRTIs can be grouped according to their clinical plasma spp. and Chlamydia pneumoniae. The fre-
picture and differing aetiology: bronchitis (acute quency of Legionella spp. varies between 1 and
bronchitis, exacerbation of chronic bronchitis) and 15%. Data on the frequency of mycoplasma infec-
pneumonia [primary (community acquired), sec- tions vary according to epidemiological situation
ondary (nosocomial), atypical]. Additionally, se- and season between 5 and 35%. Infections caused
vere cases of LRTIs (mostly pneumonia) should be by C. pneumoniae are reported to occur with a fre-
treated according to the degree of severity: quency of 5 to 6%.£6-8]
Stage 1: Severe purulent bronchitis or broncho- Secondary, nosocomial pneumonia, which is
pneumonia in patients without severe underlying
disease, without pronounced clinical symptoms or
Table I. Frequency of causative organisms of chronic bronchitis[5]
respiratory insufficiency.
Organism No. (%) ~-Lactamase­
Stage 2: Patients with underlying diseases or positive (%)
elderly patients with pronounced clinical symp- Pneumococci 1079 (40) o
toms, with tachypnoea, dyspnoea and hypoxaemia, Haemophilus influenzae 781 (29) 2
renal and hepatic impairment and possible septic Moraxella catarrhalis 311 (12) 41
complications. ~-Haemolysing streptococci 261 (10) o
Stage 3: Severe pneumonia combined with se- Staphylococcus aureus 241 (9) 74

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64 Vogel

Table II. Causative organisms of lower respiratory tract infections only possible if cross-contamination of bronchial
(outpatients). 206 of 480 individuals were tested microbiologically. secretion with organisms from the upper respira-
114 isolates from 91 patients showed the following spectrum[6]
tory tract can be avoided. Once the patient has been
Isolate Organism No.
(%of given appropriate instructions, suitable specimens
cases) can be obtained by expectoration of bronchial se-
Bacterial Streptococcus pneumoniae 62(30)
cretion from the lower respiratory tract. Other, less
(n =92) Haemophilus influenzae 16 (8)
H. parainfluenzae 2 (1)
frequently used methods are transtracheal aspira-
Moraxella catarrhalis 4(2) tion or bronchoscopy. The sputum should be ob-
Haemolysing streptococci 4(2) tained following adequate mouth hygiene during a
Staphylococcus aureus 2 (1) cessation hiatus in the therapy; morning sputum is
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1 (0.5)
usually preferred.
Mycobacterium malmoensii 1 (0.5)
The sputum work-up investigation should be
Viral causatives Influenza virus a + b 12 (5)
(n = 19) Respiratory syncytial virus 5(2)
performed rapidly - within 3 to 4 hours. If this is
Adenovirus 1 (0.5) not possible, it must be chilled immediately after
Rhinovirus 1 (0.5) sampling and must be transported without interrup-
'Atypical' causatives Mycoplasma pneumoniae 1 (0.5) tion of the refrigeration chain.l1]
(n =2) Coxiella bumetii 1 (0.5)
Since the result is important for the choice of
therapy, differential diagnostic methods must be
used to distinguish between bronchitis of viral and
mainly treated by parenteral antibiotic administra-
bacterial origin. Bacterial infection usually mani-
tion, shows a different aetiology and pathogene-
sis.[9] The spectrum of causative organisms differs fests as an acute, severe illness, whereas viral in-
substantially from that seen in primary pneumonia, fections cause milder symptoms in the early stage.
with staphylococci, Pseudomonas spp., Entero- In contrast to viral infections where the fever is
bacter spp., Klebsiella spp., H. inJluenzae and low, bacterial infections tend to cause high fever
Streptococcus pneumoniae occurring most fre- and frequently chills. Tachycardia and tachypnoea
quently[7,1O-12] (table IV). are also more frequent. The sputum of bacterial

2. Diagnosis
Table III. Causative organisms (%) of primary pneumonia[7]
The microbiological diagnosis in bronchial in- Organism Institution
fections causes substantial problems, and several Grady Milwaukee Hartlor!
Memorial County General Hospital
groups recommend starting antibiotic therapy
Hospital Hospital 1980 to
without bacteriological investigation in less severe 1967 to 1968 1967 to 1970 1981
cases. An exception should be the clinical situation (n = 167) (n = 111) (n = 204)
where the microbiological diagnosis can be or- Pneumococci 62 71 36
Staphylococcus 20 10 8
ganised more easily and where respiratory infec-
tions are frequently secondary. In these cases, spu- Haemophilus 8 4 15
tum analysis and even bronchoscopy should be influenzae
performed where possible. Enterobacteria 19 13 16
In general, a microbiological diagnosis is indi- Pseudomonas 3
cated if the primary antibiotic therapy has failed, if
Serratia 2
acute attacks accumulate in short intervals (2 marcescens
months), if an acute attack occurs during therapy Acinetobacter spp. 1
or if the history reveals frequent failure of anti- Legionella spp. 14
biotics. A definitive bacteriological diagnosis is Anaerobic organisms 3 4

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Lower Respiratory Tract Infections 65

Table IV. Causative organisms of primary and secondary pneu- choscopy, transtracheal aspiration and blood cul-
monia in 109 hospitalised patients[B]
tures are also of little value. Serological tests are
Organism Total Primary Secondary more helpful in identifying the causative organ-
Streptococcus pneumoniae 13 8 5
isms of atypical pneumonia and best results are
Staphylococcus aureus 5 5
achieved if samples taken during the early stage of
Streptococci b, d 7 6
Haemophilus influenzae 8 8 infection are compared with those from a later
Pseudomonas spp. 7 7 stage.
Klebsiella spp. 7 7
Enterobacter cloacae 5 4 3. Therapy
Proteus mirabilis 3 3
Escherichia coli 7 7
3.1 Bronchitis
Legionella spp. 3 2
Mycoplasma pneumoniae 7 6 1
Respiratory viral infections are very common in
Parainfluenza a, b 6 5
humans, occurring most frequently in the winter.
Especially susceptible are children and the elderly,
where acute respiratory infections cause 10 to 20%
infections is purulent and plentiful; in viral infec-
of the total mortality. Other risk factors for viral
tions it is mucous and rare. Bacterial infections are infections are asthma, diabetes, a hyperreactive
associated with leucocytosis and a shift to. the left bronchial system, chronic obstructive lung disease,
in the differential blood count, which is less fre- congestive heart failure and immunosuppression.
quently seen in viral infections. The cough is Besides the general immunological status, local
mostly dry during viral infections, whereas in bac- damage to the mucous membranes caused by in-
terial bronchitis it is frequently combined with pu- halative smoking, restricted or obstructive ventila-
rulent expectoration. tory impairment and pulmonary congestion are
Similarly to bronchitis, the bacteriological iden- modifying factors.
tification of pneumonia pathogens also causes dif- Viral respiratory infections usually take a be-
ficulties. Investigations carried out in Great Britain nign course and the symptoms decline after 7 to 10
during the past 20 years showed that up to 50% of days. Except for susceptible patients, as mentioned
the pathogens in community-acquired pneumonia above, antibiotic treatment is not indicated; in most
could not be identified. [13] Our own experience ob- cases physical rest, administration of mucolytic,
tained from different hospitals, from general prac- secretolytic or antipyretic drugs and inhalative or
tice and from one University hospital revealed an parenteral administration of corticosteroids in
identification rate below ~O% under routine clini- more severe cases are sufficient. For reasons of
cal conditions. cost effectiveness and wastage reduction, oral an-
In primary pneumonia the following methods tibiotics are gaining more importance in the treat-
for specimen collection can be used: pharyngeal ment of hospitalised patients.
swabbing, sputum analysis, transtracheal aspira- For at-risk patients with acute bacterial bronchi-
tion, bronchoscopy and blood culture. It should be tis or patients with an acute exacerbation of chronic
mentioned, however, that in most cases antibiotic bronchitis, several effective drugs with different
treatment will be started before the causative or- antibiotic spectra are available. Oral penicillins
ganism can be identified. have fully maintained their efficacy against Gram-
Five to 30% of primary pneumonias are atypical positive cocci and are the first choice for treatment
infections caused by Legionella spp., Mycoplasma of infections caused by pneumococci and strepto-
spp. and Chlamydia spp.l14,15] Since these organ- cocci in adults and children.l 19]
i~ms are difficult to culti~ate, throat swabs and spu- Aminopenicillins (ampicillin, amoxicillin)
tum have little significance for diagnosis. Bron- broaden the penicillin spectrum and are also active

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66 Vogel

Table V. Recommendations for the therapy of bacterial infections in adults[16]

Diagnosis Most frequent pathogens First choice Alternatives
Acute bronchitis Primary: viral Aminopenicillin (e.g. amoxicillin) Aminopenicillin + ~-Iactamase
Secondary: superinfections with inhibitors, or macrolides, or
bacteria cephalosporins
Acute exacerbation of Pneumococci Cephalosporins, or aminopenicillin Quinolones
chronic bronchitis Haennophilusinfluenzae ± ~-Iactamase inhibitors, or
Moraxella catarrhalis macrolides
Pneumonia Pneumococci Cephalosporins, or Quinolones
Haennophilus influenzae aminopenicillin ± ~-Iactamase
Staphylococci inhibitors, or macrolides
Chlannydia spp.
Legionella spp.

against Haemophilus injluenzae, enterococci, list- infections but, because of increasing resistance in
eria, salmonelli, shigelli and, partly, Escherichia several frequently occurring causative organisms,
coli and Proteus mirabilis (table V). Among these they cannot be recommended for this indication.
drugs the better absorbed derivatives, amoxicillin Moreover, investigations have shown that tetracy-
and bacampicillin, should be preferred. To eradi- cline is no more effective than placebo in the ther-
cate ~-lactamase-producing strains of staphylo- apy of acute exacerbations of chronic bronchi-
cocci, M. catarrhalis, H. injluenzae, E. coli and P. tis PO]
mirabilis, aminopenicillins should be given in Because of their broad spectrum coverage, good
combination with a ~-lactamase-inhibitor such as clinical efficacy and excellent tolerability, oral
clavulanic acid or sulbactam. Erythromycin per- cephalosporins are nowadays the first-line treat-
forms well against streptococci, pneumococci, My- ment for LRTIs. Except for cefalexin and cefa-
coplasma spp., Chlamydia spp. and Legionella droxil, which are no longer recommended for the
empirical treatment of purulent exacerbations of
Depending upon the strain, eradication of staph-
bronchitis, oral cephalosporins provide several ad-
ylococci and H. injluenzae is not always suffi-
vantages for empirical antibacterial chemotherapy
cient.[16,17] Modern macrolides, such as clar-
(recommendations of the Paul Ehrlich Society,
ithromycin and roxithromycin, are comparable
Germany[16]). An overview of the antibacterial
with erythromycin in antimicrobial activity but
activity of different cephalosporins is given in
possess improved pharmacokinetic properties and
are well tolerated.[16,18] Azithromycin, anew azalid table VI.
compound, is characterised by an extraordinarily The oral first generation cephalosporins,
long half-life and high tissue concentrations.[19] cefalexin, cefadroxil, cefradine and cefaclor, are
Cotrimoxazole (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) effective against Gram-positive organisms such as
and similar combinations are widely used thera- streptococci, pneumococci and staphylococci but
peutic agents for respiratory infections, but cannot not against enterococci, and they show restricted
be recommended without reservation because of efficacy against enterobacteria, except for the ma-
the increasing resistance of H. injluenzae and jority of E.coli, Klebsiella spp. and P. mirabilis
staphylococci strains, the lack of efficacy against strains. The susceptibility of H. injluenzae is low,
streptococci and occasional severe adverse effects. with the exception of cefaclor, which is also more
The low cost tetracyclines are commonly used active against streptococci and pneumococci but
in hospital and general practice for respiratory tract ineffective against Pseudomonas, Enterobacter,

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Lower Respiratory Tract Infections 67

and Serratia spp., P. vulgaris, Citrobacter spp. and cephalosporins and good clinical efficacy. [22] Com-
Bacteroides fragilis. [21,22] parative trials with cefaclor vs cefuroxime axetil re-
Among the more recently approved cephalo- vealed an effectiveness at least comparable or
sporins, cefuroxime axetil is effective against slightly better in the treatment of LRTIs and pneu-
Gram-positive pathogens such as staphylococci monia with cefuroxime axetil. [28,29]
and streptococci, including pneumococci, as well Compared with amoxicillin with or without a
as the Gram-negative organisms, H. inJluenzae, ~-lactamase inhibitor, cefuroxime axetil has also
M. catarrhalis, Klebsiella spp., E. coli, and P. demonstrated an equivalent clinical efficacy with
mirabilis. Clearly, the improved ~-lactamase sta- superior bacteriological eradication and tolerabil-
bility that broadens the antibacterial spectrum is an ityJ3o-32] The most striking difference in the com-
advantage over older compounds of this class.[23] parison with cefaclor was the much lower dose of
Cefixime, like the other third generation cephalo- cefuroxime axetil that achieved a similar clinical
sporins, is predominantly active against Gram- effect. Schleupner et al.[29] reported the same clin-
negative bacteria. The lack of efficacy against ical efficacy following cefuroxime axetil250mg or
Staphylococcus au reus and S. epidermidis is a dis- 500mg 12-hourly, or cefaclor 500mg 8-hourly.
advantage. Although M. catarrhalis and H. in- Surprisingly, the lower daily cefuroxime axetil
Jluenzae are susceptible, activity against penicil- dosage was slightly better than the higher dosage.
lin-resistant pneumococci is less pronounced. [24-26] These findings,[28,29,33] as well as other experi-
Cefpodoxime shows good activity against Gram- ences,[31,34-36] indicate that LRTIs and pneumonia
negative organisms, except for Enterobacter spp., can be effectively treated with a daily dose of
Serratia marcescens and Pseudomonas aerugin- 500mg and Ig of cefuroxime axetil, respectively.
osa. Good efficacy is also observed against H. Compared with amoxicillin (3 x 500mg and 3 x
inJluenzae and M. catarrhalis, as well as Gram- 250mg daily) in the therapy of respiratory tract in-
positive organisms like streptococci and pneumo- fections, cefixime (1 x 400mg) exhibited a slight
cocci. Effectiveness against staphylococci is less superiority regarding the clinical and bacteriolog-
pronounced, and no efficacy is seen against en- ical efficacyJ37] Compared with cefaclor (1.5g
terococciPl,27] daily) the clinical efficacy was similar and the bac-
Several studies have demonstrated the good teriological potency was slightly lower. Similar re-
clinical efficacy of the new oral cephalosporins. In sults were found in studies in acute bacterial sinus-
terms of their effectiveness and excellent tolerabil- itis and otitis mediaP5,26,38]
ity, the results are comparable with or slightly bet- A comparative study of cefpodoxime (400mg
ter than standard therapy with arninopenicillins or daily) and ceftriaxone (lg daily intravenously)
older cephalosporins. Cefaclor has usually been showed comparable results with similar bacterio-
the standard comparative compound since it shows logical activity in the therapy of LRTIs.l39] A
the broadest antibacterial spectrum of the older comparison of cefpodoxime with amoxicillin-

Table VI. Efficacy of oral cephalosporins against the most frequent causative organisms of respiratory tract infections
Streptococcus Haemophilus Moraxella Streptococcus Staphylococcus
pneumoniae influenzae catarrhalis pyogenes aureus
Cefalexin, cefadroxil +++ ++ +++ +++
Cefaclor +++ ++ ++ +++ +++
Cefuroxime axetil +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
Cefixime +++ +++ +++ +++
Cefpodoxime proxetil +++ +++ +++ +++ +
Symbols: + = poor activity; ++ = intermediate activity; +++ = high activity; - = not effective.

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68 Vogel

clavulanic acid in the therapy of primary pneumo- dence has been obtained with erythromycin and
nia also showed similar results,[40] as did a compar- clarithromycin, [41] which are effective against most
ison with amoxicillin in the same indication.[27,40] of the causative organisms, including the myco-
The majority of penicillin-hypersensitive pa- plasmas, cWamydias and legionelli. Aminopenicil-
tients do not show cross allergy to cephalosporins. lins can also be used for the therapy of primary
Exanthemas are rare. Gastrointestinal disorders are pneumonia if atypical pathogens can be excluded.
rare with older agents, but occur more frequently The group of oral cephalosporins is becoming of
with the newer compounds.[l6] As with penicillins increasing importance in such cases.
and erythromycin, oral cephalosporins are suitable When initial therapy with oral penicillins,
for use during pregnancy and lactation. Respective cephalosporins and macrolides is not successful or
contraindications given for novel compounds when an infection with Gram-negative organisms
should be considered as general precautions and is suspected, an oral quinolone like ofloxacin or
could not be substantiated in clinical trials.l 16] ciprofloxacin is indicated.
Quinolones, especially ofloxacin and ciproflox-
acin, have a very broad spectrum of action and
3.3 Secondary Pneumonia
show good efficacy against Gram-negative en-
terobacteria, P. aeruginosa and Gram-positive
pathogens such as staphylococci. Because of their Because of the particular environment in which
poor efficacy against pneumococci and their high it occurs, nosocomial pneumonia shows a micro-
activity against Gram-negative bacteria, they can- bial aetiology that differs substantially from com-
not be considered as drugs of ftrst choice in respi- munity-acquired primary pneumonia (table
ratory tract infections. They are, however, well tol- IV).l6,9-12,42,43] The individual patient situation as
erated with an average adverse effect rate of 4%, well as the speciftc epidemiological and resistance
predominantly gastrointestinal disorders, and pattern of each hospital must be carefully weighed
rarely allergies or CNS symptoms with headache up before a therapeutic decision is reached.
and vertigo. . In most cases, nosocomial pneumonia is treated
Quinolones should be reserved for severe cases by parenteral drug administration.l9,44] It is worth
of respiratory infections in patients with concomi- mentioning, however, that oral antibiotic therapy,
tant disease or when infections with Gram-nega- for reasons of cost containment and wastage reduc-
tive organisms are suspected. tion, should be preferred if the severity of the
patient's clinical situation allows. With their excel-
3.2 Primary Pneumonia lent clinical efficacy and tolerability, cephalo-
sporins, alone or combined with other antibiotic
The classification into primary and secondary agents, are now established as initial therapy of
pneumonia is of great importance in making rec- nosocomial pneumonia (table VII).
ommendations for differential therapy, since the Depending upon the degree of severity, the drug
spectrum of pathogens varies between the 2 cate- chosen, dosage regimen and combination partners
gories and different therapeutic principles must be vary. The different stages of severity (stages 1-3)
applied. have already been described in section 1. Because
The prognosis of primary pneumonia has im- of their aetiological spectrum, second-generation
proved substantially following the availability of a cephalosporins are most suitable for stage 1 pa-
variety of effective oral agents that allow a treat- tients and should be administered in low doses. For
ment even in an outpatient setting. Owing to the cefuroxime, 750mg twice daily is recommended.
present incidence of causative organisms in pri- Cefotiam, cefamandole and cefoxitin should be ad-
mary pneumonia (table III), a broad spectrum an- ministered as daily doses of 2 X 19 to 2 x 2g. As
tibiotic is the therapy of choice. Good clinical evi- they have low ~-lactamase stability, cefazolin and

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Lower Respiratory Tract Infections 69

Table VII. Recommendations for the parenteral therapy of 2g, ceftriaxone 2 x 2g, all daily.[45,46] For the last
secondary pneumonia
compound, some reservation is recommended in
Severity stage 1 severely ill patients with renal and hepatic impair-
Cephalosporins, second generation ment. Because of the high mortality risk of stage 3
or macrolides
oraminopenicillins (+ ~-Iactamase inhibitor)
patients, the cephalosporins should be combined
initially with aminoglycosides or ureidopeni-
Severity stage 2
1. Cephalosporins, second generation + aminoglycosides or
quinolones (oral) orureidopenicillins Alternatively, ceftazidime or cefepime can be
2. Cephalosporins, third generation administered as monotherapy at a dosage of 2 to 3
3. Quinolones
x 2g daily or combinations with high dose quino-
Severity stage 3 lones may be used.[45-48] Promising clinical results
Cephalosporins, third generation + aminoglycosides
or quinolones (intravenous/oral) or ureidopenicillins
have been obtained with monotherapy with im-
or monotherapy with ceftazidime ipenem (2 to 3g daily»)45,48] It should be men-
orimipenem tioned, however, that for severe infections an ini-
tial combination with aminoglycosides or
quinolones is more favourable.
cefazedone are of minor importance in the therapy Especially in severe cases of secondary pneu-
of secondary pneumonia. monia, parenteral administration of antibiotics
As an alternative for initial therapy, especially cannot be avoided, since high plasma drug concen-
if Legionella, Mycoplasma and Chlamydia spp. trations are required initially. It should be pointed
have to be taken into account, macrolide antibio- out, however, that parenteral administration should
tics can be used, although only erythromycin is be replaced by oral medication as soon as possible,
currently available for intravenous administration. especially in stage I or 2 patients. This follow-up
For the treatment of stage 2 patients, second or 'switch' therapy can now be recommended fol-
generation cephalosporins in combination with lowing the availability of several potent oral anti-
other antibiotics are also recommended but the biotics with favourable pharmacokinetics and very
doses must be adjusted higher: cefuroxime 2 to 3 good tolerability.
x l.Sg; cefotiam, cefamandole and cefoxitin 2 to 3 The early switch to oral medication has proven
its clinical relevance[30,34,49] and offers many ad-
x 2g daily. Since mortality is significantly higher
than in the stage I group, combinations with vantages for the patient as well as for the clinical
aminoglycosides, quinolones (ofloxacin, cipro- staff or for the community. Septic complications
caused by infusions or inconvenience for the pa-
floxacin 400 to 800mg), which are available orally,
tient caused by frequent injections can be reduced
or with ureidopenicillins (piperacillin, azlocillin,
and a large amount of wastage is avoided. Addi-
mezlocillin) should be administered.
tionally, many patients can be discharged earlier
Alternatively, third. generation cephalosporins
from hospital, which contributes substantially to
can be used as monotherapy: cefotaxime, ceftizox-
their personal comfort and to cost containment.
ime and cefmenoxime 2 to 3 x 2g; ceftazidime 2
x 2g or 3 x Ig and ceftriaxone 1 to 2 x 2g daily.
4. Special Pharmacokinetic and
Stage 3 comprises patients with severe concom-
Dosage Recommendations
itant disease and respiratory insufficiency, where a
high percentage must be artificially respirated.
4.1 Cephalosporins
Septic complications occur frequently in this
group. Third generation cephalosporins at high The older, oral cephalosporins, cefalexin, cefa-
dosage are indicated: cefotaxime, cefmenoxime, droxil, cefradine and cefaclor, show good bioavail-
ceftizoxime 3 x 2g, ceftazidime 3 x 19 or 2 to 3 x ability (approximately 90% and above) and an

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70 Vogel

average half-life of 1 to 2 hours. High blood con- at a serum concentration of 0.4 mg/L. With a serum
centrations of 10 to 18 mg/L are achieved. At 10 to concentration of 2 mg/L, a tissue concentration of
25%, the protein binding is low. The urine recovery 0.9 mg/L in the bronchial mucosa was ob-
rate is high, being 80 to 90% for cefalexin, cefrad- tained.l27 ,51]
ine and cefadroxil, and 50 to 75% for cefaclor. Correlation of in vitro activity and serum or tis-
This low recovery rate for cefaclor is caused by sue concentrations shows advantages for newer
the relative instability of the compound, which oral cephalosporins in comparison to the older
leads to a loss of activity of 50% after 6 hours at compounds. For that reason new oral cephalospo-
37°C.[22] Among the newer oral cephalosporins, rins are effective in lower dosages and permit
cefuroxime axetil has a bioavailability of 50 to longer dosage intervals.
60%; absorption is facilitated by administration af-
ter a meal. Consequently, the urine recovery rate is 4.2 Macrolides
lower (45 to 55%). The protein binding is 30 to
50% and the half-life 1 to 2 hours. A correlation of The pharmacokinetics of macrolides differ con-
the in vitro activity with the plasma concentration siderably: the bioavailability is 10 to 50% and the
shows that MICgo (minimum inhibitory concentra- serum concentration of roxithromycin and clarith-
tion for 90% of strains tested) values of cefuroxime romycin is substantially higher than that of
azithromycin and dirithromycin.[52]
axetil are exceeded for a significantly longer time
compared with cefadroxil and cefaclor in spite of Macrolides attain high intracellular concentra-
tions: they accumulate in the lysosomes of the
the lower bioavailability of cefuroxime axetil.
phagocytic cell. The concentration of macrolides
Concentrations in sputum and bronchial mucosa
in body fluids is nonuniform. In general, they can
are 2 to 3 mg/L at a blood concentration of 10 mg/L,
be found in a range where the relevant bacteria are
which is well above the MICgo values of the clini-
impeded. For H. inJluenzae the concentrations are
cally relevant pathogens of respiratory infec-
not always sufficientJ16]
Macrolides are metabolised in the liver and the
Cefixime has a bioavailability of approximately
metabolites undergo biliary excretion. With the ex-
50%, the urine recovery rate lies between 18 and
ception of clarithromycin and dirithromycin the
25%, and 60 to 65% is bound to plasma proteins.
metabolites have no antibacterial efficacy. The
The low urine recovery indicates a partial biliary
main metabolite of clarithromycin has in vitro ac-
elimination of 4 to 10%. Consequently, an alter-
tivity against H. inJluenzae.l 16 ] The urinary recov-
ation of the intestinal flora was observed in volun- ery of the macrolides is low. Apart from biliary
teers, with a decrease of enterobacteria and an in- excretion,gastrointestinal elimination is assumed,
crease of enterococci. The tissue concentrations are which may be due to a direct transfer of the mac-
mainly above the MIC values of relevant causative rolides from the blood into the intestine. The longer
organisms and amount to 1 mg/L in the lung and half-life of the newer macrolides allows twice- or
0.05 mg/L in the sputum. The serum half-life of 3 once~daily administration.
hours is higher than that of older cephalospo-
4.3 Quinolones
Cefpodoxime also has a bioavailability of ap-
proximately 50%, the urine recovery is 40% and Because of their microbiological and pharmaco-
the protein binding reaches 30%. The serum half- kinetic properties, quinolones can be utilised in a
life is 2 to 3 hours, depending upon the patient's variety of infections. Good clinical results have
age. The tissue concentration is mostly above the been obtained in the therapy ofLRTIs. The concen-
MIC of relevant organisms, except for staphylo- trations in the sputum, the bronchial mucosa and in
cocci, and amounts to 0.2 to 0.6 mg/L in the lung lung tissue exceed those in the blood by several

© Adis Intemational limited. All rights reserved. Drugs 50 (1) 1995

Lower Respiratory Tract Infections 71

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Correspondence and reprints: Professor Dr Friedrich Vogel,
40. Periti P, Novelli A, Schildwachter G. Efficacy and tolerance of Krankenhaus Hofheim, Lindenstrasse 10, D-65719 Hofheim
cefpodoxime proxetil compared with co-amoxiclav in the im Taunus, Germany.

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