The Ninth Arch

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THE NINTH ARCH, comprising the Book of the Spider (OKBISh), is the final volume of a series of Trilogies which trace the emergence into historic times of an ancient body of occult doctrine known as the Typhonian Tradition. In order fully to understand its purpose and content, The Ninth Arch should be scanned against the background of the larger canvas on which it is painted. Such an approach will facil- itate insight into the Oracles of OKBISh and their accompanying comments. As an additional aid to focussing salient features of the ‘Tradition, the author's Nightside Narrative, Against the Light (Starfire Publishing, 1997) should serve as a helpful and explanatory ‘foot- note’ to the circumstances existing at the time OKBISh was ‘received’. ‘The Oracles were communicated audibly, and occasionally visually, to various members of New Isis Lodge (1955-62) and at certain stages of magical ritual, The Current which generated the material began, sporadically, as early as 1939, with the initial movement of a transmission which developed over the years into the text known as the Wisdom of S'lba (see Outer Gateways, Skoob 1994), In 1946, the Wisdom — then in its nascent stage — was recognized by Aleister Crowley as an authentic communication. From that time, the Informing Intelligence went on to complete the Wisdom, and proceeded to produce the massive series of Oracles presented in The Ninth Arch. ‘The mode of reception has been described in the Introduction, The method of documentation con- firms beyond cavil the validity of serial qabalah, as used previously in analyses of the Wisdom. continued on back flap The Ninth Arch KENNETH GRANT * . Starfire Publishing Ltd LONDON MMII ew. An. 08 Contents oy ll oeesetree : U Peuo res fgeiecenne : ee Le eileen “ee eee ‘The Book of the Spider Ors Cran pried weaauseeza “The Book of the Spider se ae oi BE ceehe ete ‘a Conmant scsi tnd we OKBISh ‘aie rst Transmission) 53 Geese eee Ta ‘The Comment oKziss pnd pty Ss Ping a "pe kay Hore ie, oe Anpendic sat tee 526 Appendic 1 529 lowsary a4 Bibliogroph ES) Index 0a Plates Bronte Tha Berta Begiol Formula ‘Meta ene ofa), ‘stn Osman Spare 1. fwwtion Aiea Fok 2. Veodeo eon ‘ris Ward reser Elerion Motine $8 The Gales of Monit The Geddes of Dream Conta Flroyak Fulda 5 The Beat “ated FS 6 Primal Magi Sits Grant 4 Farris of Set Pete Sith the Meson fed Fok aM Might Flower Ebene Meir 1 Aletymi, “Mari Bll 12 The Ophidan Bye Stell Grast 1 Se Poerat Clanca 14 The Dane Aled Pt If Black Wing rom Kivrorian Mites) Marien O. Nergan 18, The Omincus Cough Sidney sine 1h Phun Coneonaton L:The Melting Cat Keath Ora 9 The Whe Boe Keane Grant 0. Nate ‘Baan Ward 21 Ter 2 Candin 2 Cutie 2% Sa rat Stes cram 2 Aone ‘Ste Grant 27 omen Sean Grant BR prion of te 8 ‘Se Gena 2 Nowa ties Pgs Thechonon Dilger Riustrations Aap ofthe Heavens an Spl of ewlto by Prdar: Carer ‘The Str Masfestton/Tha Stone ofthe Pare fon ‘oy Pree Aca rg Heng oh gi of New Ini Lasge Troon Gr For Anthony Mille Micha! Staley Peter Sr "The three grand masters agted to Da a soot ves under pond leading fom Searomi rat reir apartment, doe weet ‘ture, and ecing der the suncum sane ofthe temple 0 be Aided no line separate rcs," unt arch was oe te place for helding the grand cous ‘er the ssh ach vas complet, the shoe grand masters tye therein ows thing wih wer inert tothe caf uch i theack ofthe covenant apo of mana the od of aver he Boal Fallows, ‘The Metres of Preemasairy Foreword and Acknowledgements Ops resetting oasis cee by ema rin nnd acher retods of exngeni the tox of 9 tranemiee on roceived in Now Iste Ledge botween tho years 1038 and 1962 Gindusie) The transmission came to be known loosely a8 ‘Bouk 23, OKBISh, ae The Book of the Spider Unlike another ‘malar transmission, the Wisdom of Sth, ORBIh ried itself mainly in the twenty-ninth Tannel of Set," heneo its numerical Alesignation, pis the fae that mast of it chapters contain twenty-nine verses. The communicating Intelligence called ell ORBISK, a Choldaean word meaning “spider, and the ext of ORBISH frmed a web of 924 strand or verses. This ‘rch was traversed by payee magical medioms ofthe Ledge, faromost of which wus a prisstes known az Avim. Arm was oth s mem and a psthoness. Her manner af working, hee woul linase and strange ctor, are deserted in the press author's Against the Light, where she appears as he skrver, Mungaret Leesing. Tt wns Arim who introduced the presunt writer 4 the Cult of che Ka, of which she fins became aware through the novel ‘Gc, gh Bn, Pn Sai Oude Cl ome at Mt Poti, Pa eg 2 and Ca be Stas hag ef Axthar Henry Ward, more widely known aa Sax Rohmer {1889-1950). Ip che year 1915 Rohmer weote ‘A Tale of CChinntown, which hie publisher nsinted on entiling Done ‘gan intonsely fausinating tay in vetuo o ite authors pe- ‘ialised Knowledge of Chinese cult, Throogh it, Asim amo to kaow of te true identity ofthe mysterious Sin Sin Wa However, Dope was not che only fletonal work to form an important part of Arimis mental furniture, Io Ue early nine= testes Thad drawn her atentin tan remarnble work by ‘he novelist Richard Mare, exiled The Bos, As explained in my previous book, Marsh i thaonly author with whose worl Tam acquainted whe alludes to Uhe‘Childre af as and to the teange and horvible cult whose priesta reincarnated in a ‘quae inseotivel form, form suggestive of an anormal alliane ofspiar end beetle. eis imporeant to boar in mind tbo Influence which these vwo books had on the mind ot tbe server atthe time ofthe transmision af ORBISA ‘Another important influence wae that ofthe Neeronaricon, the shadowy grimaire chat impinged from another dimension ‘upon the mind othe New England spelt in macabre mythe ‘weaving, Howard Philips Loveeraft Vaions reaensens have since béen dreamed up by other writes and I should like to ‘express my indebtedness particulary the Sehlangekraft and ‘he Georve Hay edison (le Bibingrahsljr.) la te coarse of the-present valor all rferencen ta the Nadrnomain a tleee otborwieeetaed to the Schlaogebrs editor. 1 wish especially to thank my wife, Stef, for her untiring hulp and encouragumment at all Uines during the writing of these Pyphonian Tilagics rom fst wo last, and for her artvor fand cover desig which she unfulingly' supplies, Likewiee, thors other artists who have een generous with thie work az clit lps lepers okra ti gona Ma Fllerina Morsien, Ma. Jncth Page, Ma. Clara Payne (Hlamsa, and the late Alfted Floki whose untimely death at ‘he sime of this book's writing haa deprived the world ofa fine ‘Typhonian artist. Feeney a For usofol Moms of iaformstion 1 thank Mrs. Alison Davidson, Me and Mrs. Sestrey D. Ryans, Mr. David Hal, Mr Bichard Harting and Mr, Wiliam D, Prion. inaly, T wich to acknowledge my indebtodnesa to Mi: Michael Staley Soror Artemis and Mr. Robert Taylor for pab- Thing this book Bonet Gree Landon 2002, General Introduction Tic Sit ro he al yoo in ser of rg in Which I have attempted t demonrtnte three major Aupects ofthe Typhonian Tadison: 1) AS hos emerged from an indefinitely remote past into ‘current modes of expression in cartan Oueult Orders and Socitio. 2) As it has ovalved procedures for tralicking with ceeult Entity and Praeter-hiran Intelligence 8) As i has prepared a way out of the ehaos and imainont destruction of Humanity whieh in now hnlaneed precar ously on tho brink ofits sultdug wrave. ‘he tiles ase not devised for thoxe whe do not peeeivs thee direction, Rather are they intondd to serve as Sel points far those who ars not yet aflinted to the notions whieh they ‘prose bat yet sue a formulate of principles to ease Uae to become transmitters in ther turn and i their oun right The Ninth Arch aasurnes in ite readers a familiarity with the terminology of the Typhonian Gnosis a tin expressed in this wero (rlevant glosaris arv provide in each volume), nd desi tn participate, to enter into a world of wih most mortals ave unavare and oten remain ofr the length of heir lives This ‘other world we call the Mate Zone. etween the years 1955-1962, in e Magical Lodge named [Naw iis, Unere occurred manifestations of aceult phenomena ‘ntsc the range of those which are froquecty experienced in ‘connection with Lodge Workings. For instane, the "mazicol lage! deserbed in Hecatr's Fountain (volume 6 of the series) slate diretly to the Mauve Zone, ‘New Ts Lavge served as the focus ofa series of aya rials lua pn ‘TNphanian azthetypes That is to aay, the rials teas media forthe manifestation ofthe archetype Whi Lodge comprising eklled magicians dreams (ie, inezkes) Identical images in concentrated collectivity, the eneulng, phonomesa become a shared and vivid experience. This is Bredinely what oersrred i the Magical Workings of New Iie Lodge. But unforoscon abzcrmalition in ritual procedures triggered Forces that swung taem into entirely tnexpected and unsuspoeted chan, One form af Typhonian template frequently deployed was an Intelligence which gave the name OKBISh, « Chaldaean ‘nord meaning a spider. This Wnty assumed soul of the Bricoodings and, through various medi, issued ‘ornles' oF ragieal verses which were written down and Inter collected to {onthe Book OKBIS Unlike the Book of the Vision Called Sat which was transmitted in the fu light of das, the Bok of the Spor CORBIS) was transmitted in the recesses of aightcelly ‘iluminod fully by lurid asbos o lightning bilianes thot aaled and dovkened the sight. The seaselexs sussurations of ‘their magnesium fires drowned even the reverberant shavons, th echoing thunders of which heaved their vibrations Into caverns beyend the tunnel of Qulielfis Under these circuratanees Sagments only of the ceminuaications could be reconstituted by those who had evoked the Sentinel of the ‘Tanned This, the twenty-ninth tunnels presided over by Hekt, ‘tated a ot Onno the Wm of "Sudesh Been Ra the frog headed deity of ancient Kham knw as the ‘Lady of ‘sansfrmations Her momslyph isthe ter Q, which ndarse the earebral chakra o* power-on in the hurean body omplex connected to the psvehosexual extent, ‘As nota in Nightside of Bde (page 180), the Spider's Web ‘ppifes the network of tunnels which provide acess to other, “outer dimensions. What appear tobe mere interstices between ‘the meshos ofthe We ara knswn tobe fathorlote dream span ning gulf of epsmi immonait. A evasy geemetey prodsed hy ‘the erssoross filaments of the Web charastariaes (hea eonduite ‘aschoy plummet to dary deep Tacs tghly by thi weaving and dszaing darkness, he even blackor Tower af Kath’ roars vortginoualy. Upon its hocled and utmost turret lanes the jewel of the Ninth Arch. Lovee deverbod iat“ sim of oth, thot droamers seo fixe above the archway of certain black Tower standing alone in twilight ie familiar to other dreamers aa the Phalhas of St, the Standing Stone son the Mauve Zone, the eropuscular abys= beyond the dark gulfe of ‘oop. Our tranemitsion soos it ass "Axsinst the Tiphs, elie tothe sun ~the diagonal eschins the parapet beh") Not all the woblincs are anchored; some hang ima vid ana syan but haitvey the desing gull, rosa wires eat of ehruptly at tho chasms ee, ike various tral ofthe mer hight halting before blind doorvays and boled gateways. The artist ‘Austin Spare, plumbed many of the chasms and some of the tunnels end has incorporated in certain drawings and pitings signs and sig of guidance for chase who enn rend them” ook 28 is concerned primarily with opening th Gateway Generally considered, the tunnels have no gates, althoogh there are hidden deors editing o parallel tunnels. These aro used by advanee magicians whose ims might inde guiting Sse Lineal, Ta Cm of Chere Das War 1 th Wind of Sho 100% "55 Grants Ineper Ores of tn Oren Spare an Zoe Shrubs ‘Uniaras ‘Aon an aatignment eomnested with the worl a 0 (Order, Thess lateral snd wer-head ‘cespe rostee’ ara rarely ‘ested, but they ace not equally rarely encered from Ontside, ‘whieh pores major problems for myhtside travellers unis thay have a working knosledge of the formulae wed by Les ‘oltigeur,” hove skilled in vaulting the paths bac ofthe ree tite ‘he gateways accessing paths and tunnol ae aligned with ‘he emie power rons with whieh they ar intanded ta tafe ‘The Bookof the Spider i an example an improperly opened ante, whereas the Wisdom of Sho exrmplies the contrary. ‘The transmission seeps through OKBISh aad flows throu SLBA. Nevertheless, distortions eaneed hy an improper or ‘clique opening Hoque gene lsum evocative of extraordinary phonfomate extrapolated frm the, Mauve Zone wa. An approximate selogy ix the Held of technology ‘ay be recognized hen, dive to misealelation or error i Jaboratory technique, mistake reyo!utioniaesstentifietheores and opens hither anno dimension of human experience W. B. Yeats, in a lotior to Flvence Farr, expressed aptly his itoation: “Most of vs have acen some ceremony produ an lalioglter unintended result because uf the accidental use of some wrng formula. or symbol" And, eonterning the Artes ie wrote she sain errespadont “Tho achetypos follow that of Horas, an Inaugurated in 1901 wie tho reeoption in Cairo, by Crowley, of the Book of the Low. At tho tie af his ‘announesmen, nea wa not only living aermi’ Lift at Tal ‘Timbars, Deep Cove, Bexist Columbia; he vas also isolated mngieslly herause of prolonged estrangement from Crowley ho had claimed him, i 1916, a his “magical son’ Crowley hha, in eonaequence of laser diferences, withheld trom Jones the Magical Words of Ue Equinox whic, tice yearly, Cowley ‘essed from the Seeret Chiefy of the AA. and whisk be Fhlayed te members of Une Order to which Jonca belonged ‘Tes impossible to comprahend the import of the Current movers since its eoncentration through Aiwass in 190% ‘vith recognising the itl ede played by Fratar Aehed and, the deste rpestively of Crowley sn 1947, and of a magician ‘nari John W, Parsons in 1982. The former oeearrod tthe ‘onset of the ‘UFO Age! the latter coincided with an mine of ‘raneplutani infuene:s that set in motion the founding of New die Lodge in 1956 whieh eventusted in the veceipt of the ‘Wisdom of Sth, with ts detrine of non-mobile Becoming”. As With all transmissions ~ the Book of Dyan, the Book of the Iie, the Book of Babaton, ete. — Sho cast te chad into the ‘Tunnels of Set in the form ofthe Boa ofthe Spider (OKBIS. ‘This Book ORBISK contains the Kays to tho myetoroe of all, sugoal ond matin! techniques vulbramed to Sho, and thee ahoraions in the Acona of Mé, af Mast, snd of Zain - tho ‘Ann without a Wor! OKIUSh contasns also solution so the enigma of the efizion which — ranged in grotoequo erray — negated, in the midnight darkness of Msicur Busches =the Aro tram tho Ondo te Ser SS * foe Graney Cf td es eB eo chap mpm on Chancery Lene, the noon-day sunshine" And ‘who knows i the baiz Faod dor through which he pecacd — Sethe, gravely dignified calm = aid not open on4 room sccupied nearly hal centary previously” by Aleister Crowicy? ‘The effigies came to life during the riuals of New Iie Lodge, after Crowiey’s death. Whethor or not thoy recelved helt ‘earge from got srceres, they seeped from the Manve Zone ino the Busche Emporium fram which they emerged in the smonner described in Fontes Founda. It necessary, thene= fore, to lok somewhat docsly ot the fragments constituting ook 20, for soch oracle and versecomber han ta pecliar au tentions, The reculting tangential reflexes weave th infinitely ‘complex wh of OKBISH, Tecra eal ve ht in Sp fon Ge Rr ale Pec i ental eet ‘coi ther era Firegirl Aaa ee eeteee te ae pee ‘nln de cot chou Samo Fergal me te el haat Sooseeuiatamiomet Seeinhomeate es Eoeetnnyonrenscoens eee eae "ex Gram ci ht i te Se rain eete "Ses Fullows The Mysterio Precanonr, page 256 ere a lee ede Cian Grant Is tpmost tien exh ma acy allen ahoges resembling conical guceasur- Sounted by eyee, their laches ike teneaclee or rachnean morales” Chspal in ther embace te ‘white naked bodes of winen about to pany ato Use {ping mae abe gneisee sno whom brew ls ‘descent beetle like analy. From her sla gle harn pede ‘Thee cure bfoew Ue celsk sage in trlose Which masks an interchange mages nero. otek reapond by angers of nan te ‘ther ef He semen. 4a the Interchange are Fapld tha nor suamoat aad ad a paarie ery ae ed ‘arse being sual ill an wiley ew sequence lerergea Tho Sign of Use Kapa (Uhe determin of it eee eee eee area af the celcpszous erature glows Pith rsd ane From the spe ns dep iedor Usa congas iato runes btrachian entities. They hop and neat iTattemptireto rise tothe Nevoslyphis bard ant the bectan been Thr elt liane ronay na hey Tosp to aeons te eet I aot nt he 0 aptamer west manta, ul rotng, that the bneachian hone is tasomogied ints eres of ‘hv Poe pvtil tien ow ine hw band ef lip ie, ansming them Ina a mano of em pase ‘lan aon ad ais a Uh celiac Sekish compels the Iga te woul he Bariare to he Bier ipo, ‘Thea gather hang eure: The mana ede 9 #00 luna oon ic, ite the encrtd aeons hot J iin make tad ls se opt the hid sexton, pleeiag the nave baa Tey ine out Ue ese sw ay el abel wile ‘em ace eu devret the materi sa tne a tho row fais Thecvishing or ccs and ance engulfs he ldieroem, The prose: wits the irk Umoreatre nth opr nr mata eto ana ar dit at lpr ado eared on ‘peter of oe matherntin lent amen drm Te ‘Sods era of Hake upon the oem, ant fas rome tolep te ‘eo cece wo ok othe Past Shes ase Te was Inter confirmed by outside eouree that at appro raiely the time ofthe final magoetie sleep, aptiding dust. ‘oud eacaped fom the window ofthe lodgeroom. I was a5 ‘myriad luminous spores eprond koa fungus over buildings in the near vicinity; veiled te Hight a tet lamp which shone sluny throu the vapour The phenomenon was noted by several scgorvory al of whom declared that a not-usslewsant odour lceorspanied ane tha t neice in them a wage dvi ‘oaple with a sense of isgrentation One observer, previously ‘unaware even ofthe Ledges xistenes, and who nspoened tobe passing along the tres, recorded his impressions ‘Ahsmid Jun ight." 1s stalling slong Bakor Scat ed tumed dow Cord Swe! hes Che ote Tg ing cored and s dll pnkiatslue hone nd mere ‘iit a filtering thong sa above tn aclear ty hat oked ie a sane very sara, very Lng Iie dt, dhe towers tho meon.Tehoaght as boing {UFO apd ell van so, though the fk decribed Ta ig bi with wie wingwpac, nme Bet ‘supa in she Yon ele at ary vad satierd = rl tapered peepee pane ai Other witnesses described a ‘scintillating dowd, or a “ced bed pitted with dank poten that ceemod t sue tho light ofthe stret lamps nd passing trafic. One witness men- ‘ionod ehoking famos and a dence Iyer of pinkish purple mist ‘whieh poured from "Une end wall of building it hy 2 smal ‘window dich suddenly blazed bright a day in tho surrounding darkness = tho dat 2th dane 285 he wae a fy pee RS Saceal ard net ep Pack ‘The day filowing the event, when the obelisk was being