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Kenzo Manuel Fasgo Purba, 210210053, The Knowledge of Mother on Exclusive

Breastfeeding at Pustu (Sub-Health Center) of Rural Village of Sidodadi, Sub-
District of Sibiru-biru in 2014.

Mini Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Indonesia Methodist University, Medan

Background: Exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia is lower while the effect of

without exclusive breastfeeding to the child is the lower of body weight, and the baby
is susceptible to any diseases because did not get the immunoglobulin contained in
colostrums. The data of health profile of Indonesia in 2004 indicates that the
exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia is lower for 41,67%. This research aims to study
the knowledge level of mother on exclusive breastfeeding at Pustu (Sub-Health
Center) of Rural Village of Sidodadi, Sub-District of Sibiru-biru in 2014.

Methods: This research use descriptive method with cross sectional study. The data
was took by using questionnaire contain question items related to this research. The
questionnaire was arranged in closed form using Gutman scale in which there is 2
answer and respondent only chose one of them. This research was conducted during
March – April of 2014 at Pustu (Sub-Health Center) of Rural Village of Sidodadi,
Sub-District of Sibiru-biru.

Results: Based on the result of research, it indicates that more of them who provide
the child with exclusive breastfeeding is on age category 23-28 years old for 46,6%
(42 respondents), minority in age of 35-40 years old for 4,4% (4 respondents).

Conclusion: Based on this research it concluded that the knowledge of mother about
exclusive breastfeeding, more of them give a true answer (95,6%), about the
advantages of exclusive breastfeeding, more of them give a true answer (93,3%), the
knowledge of breast composition, more of them give a true answer (94,4%),
knowledge about production of breastfeeding, more of them give a true answer
(92,2%), knowledge of mother about method of breastfeeding, more of them give a
true answer (82,2%), knowledge of mother about removing the breastfeeding, more
of them give a true answer (82,2%) and knowledge of mother about the storage of
breastfeeding, more of them give a true answer (81,1%).

Keywords: Knowledge, Mother, Exclusive Breastfeeding


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