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10 Вопросы российского и международного права.


UDC 342.97

Издательство "АНАЛИТИКА РОДИС" ( )

Non-governmental organizations in Russia: legal aspects

Lavinski Kirill
Juris Doctor Candidate,
Pennsylvania State University, Dickinson School of Law,
P.O. Box 16802, University Park, Lewis Katz Building, Pennsylvania, USA;

"Non-Governmental Organizations in Russia: Legal Aspects" traces the evolu-
tion of post-Soviet Russian legislation on various types of social associations,
especially the non-governmental, non-commercial organizations commonly
known as "NGO's". The article examines the key provisions of legislation deal-
ing with social associations in general, charitable organizations, non-commer-
cial organizations, and religious associations, including the scope of the laws,
bureaucratic registration provisions, and their possible application as tools to
restrict organizations the state considers undesirable. The practical application
and pitfalls of the laws is analyzed through the case study of Moscow Branch
of the Salvation Army v. Russia at the European Court of Human Rights. The
effects of the 2006 and 2012 amendments to Russian law on social associations
and non-commercial organizations are considered. The article concludes with
commentary on the authoritarian trend in the development of Russian NGO
law which has made it progressively more difficult for civil society, particularly
organizations with foreign connections, to operate and thrive in Russia. The
author postulates that this trend is significantly inhibiting Russia's social and
democratic development.
Non-governmental organization, social association, non-commercial organiza-
tion, civil society, nonprofit, third sector.

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Introduction In amendments to the Law on Non-

Commercial Organizations, the term
Arguably, few things are as im- "non-commercial, non-governmen-
portant to the development of a demo- tal organization" (некоммерческая
cratic society as the growth of a vibrant неправительственная организация)
"third sector" – the plethora of non-gov- also appears. This article attempts to use
ernmental, non-commercial organiza- the precise term that appears in the text of
tions ranging from charitable and reli- the legislation when discussing that leg-
gious groups to wildlife defense funds islation, but for the purposes of overall
to consumer protection societies. This meaning, the term "NGO" is understood
article examines the uneven develop- to denote any non-profit organization or
ment of the "third sector" in post-Soviet association working to achieve some de-
Russia, surveys key provisions of fed- sirable social goal and improve the gen-
eral laws covering various types of so- eral public welfare.
cial associations, and identifies common
threads running through all of them. It is The Evolution of Russian
believed that there is a trend toward pro- NGO Law
gressively greater restrictions, especially
on foreign-linked social associations, Russian law on non-governmen-
and that this trend is ultimately counter- tal organizations includes several laws
productive to Russia's growth into de- regulating specific types of organiza-
mocracy. tion, including social associations in
A note about terminology. general,1 religious associations,2 charita-
Russian legislation does not gen-
erally use the term "non-governmental 1 "Federal Law "On public associa-
organization." The broadest category tions" N 82-FZ, 19 May 1995", avail-
able at:
of voluntary organization formed by articles/31-russia-federal-law-no-82-
citizens is referred to as a "social asso- fz-of-may-19-1995-on-public-asso-
ciation" (общественное объединение).
2 Butler, W.E. (2009), "Federal Law
The most frequently used term that is the "On Freedom of Conscience and
closest to the common understanding of Religious Associations" N 125-FZ,
26 September 1997", Russian Public
"NGO" is "non-commercial organiza-
Law. 2nd ed., Oxford University Press,
tion." (некоммерческая организация). N.Y., pp. 122-127.

Неправительственные организации в России: правовые аспекты

12 Вопросы российского и международного права. 1`2013

ble organizations,3 political parties,4 and register in compliance with the new re-
non-commercial organizations.5 Many quirements. As will be demonstrated, this
provisions in these laws overlap, and an requirement has often been used to weed
individual organization may be subject out organizations considered undesirable
to more than one of the laws. by the State through the denial of re-reg-
As will be set out below, several istration. Finally, foreign organizations,
overarching themes emerge in the leg- or organizations founded, sponsored by,
islative requirements. First, most non- or linked to foreign citizens or stateless
governmental organizations, regardless persons are subject to different, more
of type, are required to register with the stringent requirements than domestic
State authorities and cannot operate le- organizations. The regulation of foreign
gally within Russia until the registration organizations, in particular, has become
application has been approved or after it progressively more burdensome since
has been revoked. The processing of reg- the dissolution of the Soviet Union, es-
istration applications, as well as auditing pecially during the presidency and prime
and the enforcement of other require- ministership of Vladimir Putin.
ments, is handled primarily by the Fed- A. The 1995 Federal Law on So-
eral Registration Service (FRS).6 Second, cial Associations.
when any of the relevant laws is amend- The first post-Soviet legislation
ed, the changes usually set a deadline by on non-governmental organizations was
which all covered organizations must re- the Federal Law on Social Associations
3 "Federal Law "On Charity and Charitable (N 82-FZ)7, adopted on 19 May 1995.
Organizations" N 135-FZ, 11 August
As the fairly generic term "social asso-
1995", available at:
search/library/files/Russia/federallawon- ciation" implies, this law is very broad in
charactandorg.pdf. its reach, covering all social associations
4 Butler, W.E. (2009), "Federal Law " On
except religious organizations, commer-
political parties" N 95-FZ, 11 July 2001",
Russian Public Law. 2nd ed., Oxford Uni- cial organizations, and non-commercial
versity Press, N.Y., pp. 75-110. trade associations created by commer-
5 "Federal Law "On NGOs" N 7-FZ, 12
cial organizations.8 A social association
January 1996", available at: http://legis- 7 "ФЗ" is an abbreviation for
id/4378/. "Федеральный Закон".
6 The FRS maintains a website (most pages 8 "Federal Law "On public associations" N
are available in Russian only) at http:// 82-FZ, 19 May 1995", available at: http://

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is defined as a "voluntary, self-govern- of a juridical person upon the association

ing, noncommercial formation, created (Article 2).
on the initiative of citizens on the basis 2. The relationship between the
of shared interests for the realization of State and social associations.
shared goals, as described in the found- The law prohibits interference by
ing documents of the association" (Ar- agencies of State power and their repre-
ticle 5). There are several subcatego- sentatives in the affairs of social asso-
ries of social associations with specific ciations, and conversely the interference
definitions. Unlike some later laws, it is by social associations with the affairs of
also non-discriminatory with respect to agencies of State power. Not unexpect-
foreign nationals and stateless persons, edly, there is an exception for those cases
"with the exception of those instances where such interference is permitted by
established by the federal laws and inter- the law (Article 17). As will be shown in
national treaties of the Russian Federa- the context of later legislation, this ex-
tion" (Article 1). ception ends up swallowing the rule to a
1. General rights granted to citi- large extent.
zens by the law. 3. Provisions for the registration
Included in the right to associa- of social associations.
tion of citizens are: the right to create Although a social association
voluntary social associations for the pro- may operate under the statute without
tection of shared interests or the achieve- registering, it will not have the rights of a
ment of shared goals; the right to join or juridical person unless it does so (Article
refrain from joining an association; and 3). The information required to be con-
the right to leave an association without tained in the registration application is
hindrance (Article 3). Unlike the require- quite extensive. Aside from basic demo-
ments in most later legislation, the law graphic information such as the names,
grants citizens the right to form social addresses, and telephone numbers of
associations without prior government the members of the permanent direct-
approval, and permits them to function ing body of the association, the statute
without registering with the government. requires the submission information re-
However, registration conveys the rights garding the structure and proceedings
of the association. This information in-
public-associations.html. cludes documentation from the general

Неправительственные организации в России: правовые аспекты

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assembly of the association showing nization offends the moral, national, or

the establishment of the association; the religious sentiments of citizens (Article
confirmation of its charter; the formation 23). While most of these provisions do
of permanent directing and operating not appear controversial, vague provi-
organs; the protocols for the general as- sions that give much leeway to the regis-
sembly of structural subdivisions for in- tration agency are significantly expand-
ternational, all-Russian, or inter-regional ed in subsequent litigation. In addition,
associations; and evidence confirming as will be discussed in more detail be-
all the demographic information (Article low, the requirement that all documents
21). These documents must be submit- be properly formulated has given rise to
ted within three months of the inaugural rejections based on technicalities such as
general assembly of the association (Ar- spelling errors and usually necessitates
ticle 21). A decision must be rendered by the assistance of legal counsel in draft-
the Registration Service within a month ing the application.
of submission (Article 22). 5. The rights granted to social as-
4. Grounds for denial of registra- sociations.
tion. The statute guarantees certain
The enumerated grounds for de- rights to those social associations that
nial of registration include: if the char- are juridical persons (that is, those that
ter of the association is contrary to the are registered with the state) (Article 27).
constitution of Russia or its subjects9, Although the statute does not explicitly
certain articles of the current law, or the exclude these rights from non-registered
laws on specific types of associations; if social associations, this provision acts as
not all required documents are submit- a mechanic to encourage registration. For
ted, or if the documents are improperly the purpose of achieving the aims listed
formulated, or if they are submitted to in its charter (the legal requirements for
the wrong government agency; if an as- which were discussed above), a regis-
sociation with the same name already ex- tered social association has the follow-
ists in the jurisdiction; if it is established ing rights (among several other listed):
that the application includes unreliable to freely distribute information about
information; or if the name of the orga- its activities; to lobby organs of govern-
ment; to conduct assemblies, meetings,
9 Meaning subnational regional entities,
analogous to provinces. demonstrations, marches, and picketing;

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to operate mass media and to publish; to and other governing documents (Article
represent and defend its rights, those of 29). Others are far more specific and are
its members and other citizens in organs the harbingers of more stringent regula-
of government and other social associa- tion to come: an requirement to annually
tions; and to propose initiatives regard- publish, or make publicly available, an
ing aspects of public life and to petition accounting of the use of its resources; to
organs of government (Article 27). There annually notify the registration service
are two important caveats here: first, the about the continuation of its activity,
statute points out that social associations the place of business for the permanent
formed by foreign or stateless persons directing body of the association, and
may be restricted in their enjoyment of information regarding the directors; to
these rights by other federal laws and present upon request by the registration
international treaties; second, that spe- service the decisions of the association's
cific types of social associations may be governing bodies and empowered repre-
granted additional rights by their appro- sentatives, as well as quarterly and annu-
priate governing laws (Article 27). Both al reports regarding its activities; to per-
of these caveats are themes that flow mit an agent of the registration service
through subsequent amendments to leg- to attend the functions of the association
islation on social association. and to render assistance to the agent in
6. Responsibilities of social asso- familiarizing him with the activities of
ciations. the association; to notify the registration
The 1995 Law on Social Asso- agency about any changes to details of
ciations also lays the groundwork for certain submitted information (and that
responsibilities and duties which these repeated failure to do so within the allot-
associations must carry out; this ground- ted three days is grounds for the registra-
work is a base that is expanded upon tion service to petition a court to declare
very substantially in subsequent legisla- that the association has ceased its activi-
tion. Some requirements are self-evident: ties as a juridical person and should be
social associations have to comply with excluded from the register) (Article 29).
Russian law, generally accepted princi- 7. The re-registration require-
ples of international law relating to the ment.
association's sphere of activity, as well The statute declares its applica-
as the norms established in its charter bility to all social associations formed

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before its enactment, requires that they non-commercial, non-governmental or-

bring their charters into compliance at ganizations in Russia. It is also, perhaps
their next conference or general assem- by virtue of both is general applicabil-
bly, and requires that registered social ity and the more liberal sociopolitical
associations reregister by July 1, 1999 climate of the time, the most permissive
under threat of liquidation (Article 52). and least stringent in its requirements.
Although certain social associations may Following the initial wave of post-Soviet
operate without registration under this laws in the mid-1990s, most subsequent
act, the reregistration requirement and amendments imposed additional bureau-
the penalty of liquidation for failing to cratic requirements that made it difficult,
do so is another recurring theme in the and sometimes impossible, for already-
Russian regulation of various types of existing NGO's in Russia to continue
social associations. operating. But first, this article will ex-
8. The supremacy of international amine briefly the key provisions of laws
treaties. regulating three "specific types" of social
This statute, like its progeny, stip- associations: charitable organizations,
ulates explicitly that if an international non-commercial organizations, and reli-
treaty to which the Russian Federation gious associations.
is a party establishes rules different than B. The 1995 Law on Charitable
those in the statute, then the international Activities and Charitable Organizations
treaty shall apply (Article 53). This pro- The Federal Law on Charitable
vision is important because Russia is a Activities and Organizations, N 135-FZ,
party to the European Convention on was adopted on 11 August 1995. It is
Human Rights and litigation arose in the prototypical for the Russian federal laws
European Court of Human Rights re- dealing with "specific types" of social
garding Russia's implementation of laws associations, overlaps with the general
regarding certain types of social associa- Law on Social Associations, and some-
tions. times with laws covering other "specific
9. Conclusion. types." Below is a summary of some of
The 1995 Federal Law on Social the key provisions of the statute that have
Associations is the most broadly appli- analogues in similar laws and highlight
cable and the most foundational of the some of the requirements and restrictions
legislation governing various types of placed on charitable organizations.

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1. Charitable activity generally. social, national, and religious conflicts;

The statute defines charitable ac- promotion of strengthening the prestige
tivity as voluntary activity by citizens and role of the family unit in society; as-
and juridical persons that is altruistic sistance in protecting maternity, father-
(that is, unpaid or paid at a specially hood, and childhood; promotion of ac-
reduced rate) involving the transfer of tivity in the fields of education, science,
property (including money), altruistic culture, art, enlightenment, and spiritual
works, services, or other support.10 In development; and several other tradition-
an interesting step that is not uniformly al areas of charitable activity (Article 2).
repeated in analogous legislation regard- Also notable is what is specifically ex-
ing other types of social associations, the cluded: aiding, materially or otherwise,
statute contains a fairly broad but, by its any commercial organization, or political
wording, exhaustive list of the permis- party, movement, group, or campaign is
sible goals of charitable activity. The list not charitable activity (Article 2). Fore-
includes social support and protection of shadowing similar changes to other laws
citizens, including improvement in the governing various types of social asso-
material condition of disadvantaged per- ciations, a 2003 amendment to the same
sons (whether poor, unemployed, men- article prohibits the concurrent carrying
tally or physically disabled); preparing out of charitable activity with pre-elec-
the population for recovery from natural tion agitation or agitation with regard to
disasters, ecological and industrial catas- questions of referenda (Article 2).
trophes, and preventing accidents; ren- 2. Rights granted to individuals in
dering aid to victims of natural disasters regard to the carrying out of charitable
and ecological and industrial catastro- activity.
phes, social, national and religious con- All citizens and juridical persons
flict or repression, and to refugees and have the right to engage without hin-
forced resettlers; promotion of strength- drance in charitable activity on the basis
ening peace, friendship, and agreement of voluntary participation and free choice
between peoples and the prevention of in the goals of the activity (subject to the
10 "Federal Law "On Charity and Charitable
limitations enumerated above) (Article
Organizations" N 135-FZ, 11 August 4). Charitable activity may be carried out
1995. Article 1", available at: www.icnl.
individually or united with others, with
woncharactandorg.pdf. or without forming a charitable organi-

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zation; nobody has the right to interfere 4. Conditions and restrictions on

with the choice of goal for charitable ac- the carrying out of charitable activities.
tivity if that goal is among those enumer- In addition to the limitations im-
ated in the statute, or with the method of posed by the definition of what charita-
performing that activity (Article 4). ble activity is and its permissible goals,
3. Establishment and registration the statute regulates the means of carry-
of charitable organizations. ing out the activity. A charitable organi-
The directors of a charitable or- zation may engage in activity designed
ganization may be natural or juridical to achieve the goals for which it was
persons, but may not be federal or lo- formed, or any others permitted by the
cal government organs (Article 8). The instant law (Article 12); however, it may
statute sets forth fairly detailed require- engage in business activities only for the
ments for the highest governing body of sake of achieving the goals for which it
a charitable organization, including its was formed and the business activities
composition in accordance with the or- must correspond to those goals (Article
ganization's charter; its areas of compe- 12). In concurrence with the exclusion of
tency; the volunteer basis of the mem- political activities from the definition of
bers of the body (with no more than one charitable activities, charitable organiza-
member from the operating bodies of tions are prohibited from spending their
the organization); and that members of means and property to support political
the highest governing body may not also activities (Article 12).
perform official functions in the admin- 5. Foreign donors, foreign orga-
istration of commercial or non-commer- nizations, and foreign operations.
cial organizations directed by the instant The 1995 statute does not place
charitable organization (Article 10). heavy special restrictions on foreign or-
As with the general law on social ganizations or operations. Charitable or-
associations, all existing charitable or- ganizations may operate internationally
ganizations must be reregistered by the in accordance with Russian and interna-
statutory deadline (1 July 1999) or face tional law, and may receive donations
liquidation through court proceedings from foreign or stateless persons, to be
(Article 24). However, the denial of reg- used in accordance with the instant law
istration may be appealed to the courts (Article 21). Foreign and stateless per-
(Article 9). sons, as well as foreign and international

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organizations, have the right to engage tive, permitting any other goal not listed
in charitable activity within the Russian so long as it is aimed toward the general
Federation in accordance with the instant welfare (Article 2). A non-commercial
law (Article 22). organization may be created in any form
C. The 1996 Law on Non-Com- permitted by law, including religions
mercial Organizations organizations, non-commercial partner-
Federal Law N 7-FZ on Non- ships, charitable and other funds, and
Commercial Organizations, adopted others (Article 2).
12 January 1996, encompasses most, if D. The 1997 Law on the Freedom
not all, of the social associations tradi- of Conscience and on Religious Associa-
tionally thought of as NGO's. This law tions.
was one of the targets of the controver- Perhaps the most initially con-
sial amendments adopted in 2006, which troversial of the laws covering "special
will be discussed below. types" of social associations was Federal
Non-commercial organizations Law N 125-FZ on the Freedom of Con-
generally. science and on Religious Associations,
The statutory definition of a non- adopted 26 September 1997. Some saw
commercial organization encompasses it as a step backward in liberality from
any organization that does not have as Perestroika-era legislation, in both con-
its main objective the earning of profits tent and implementation.12 Some of the
and which does not distribute any profits key provisions of the law are outlined
among its members.11 A non-commercial below.
organization may pursue any goal aimed 1. Freedom of conscience gener-
toward the public welfare, including ally.
charitable, social, cultural, educational, The Russian Constitution and the
scientific, and several others (Article Religions law both contain guarantees
2). In contrast to the permissible goals of religious freedom. The Constitution
of charitable organizations (supra), the includes the right to profess alone or to-
list here is illustrative but not exhaus- gether with others any religion or no re-
11 "Federal Law "On NGOs" N
ligion at all, and to freely choose, have
7-FZ, 12 January 1996. Article 2", and share religions and other beliefs and
available at: http://legislationline.
org/documents/action/popup/ 12 See the case of Moscow Branch of the
id/4378. Salvation Army v. Russia, below.

Неправительственные организации в России: правовые аспекты

20 Вопросы российского и международного права. 1`2013

to manifest them in practice.13 The Law 2. Religious associations gener-

on Religious Associations contains simi- ally.
lar guarantees, extending them explicitly A religious association is defined
to foreign and stateless persons legally as a voluntary association of citizens
on Russian territory,14 to be abridged by and other persons permanently and le-
federal law only to the extent necessary gally present in Russia "formed for the
to defend "the foundations of the con- purpose of the joint propagation and dis-
stitutional system, morality, health, and semination of a faith" and possessing cer-
the rights and legal interests of man and tain enumerated characteristics: religious
citizen and ensuring the defense of the belief, performance of religious services
country and the security of the State." and other religious rites and ceremonies,
(Article 3). The same Article also grants and the study of religion and religious
equality before the law regardless of re- nurturing of their followers (Article 6).
ligiosity or lack thereof and protection Religious associations may be
against an obligation to divulge religious one of two main types: "religious groups"
opinions or participate or not participate and "religious organizations." (Article
in religious services. 6). As the names imply, religious groups
It is further provided that the Rus- have a less formal status: they are those
sian Federation is a secular state without religious associations that effectuate
any state religion, that all religions are their activity without state registration
equal before the law, and that none shall or the acquisition of legal capacity as a
participate in governing or political ac- juridical person (Article 7). By contrast,
tivities (and, conversely, the state will those religious associations that are reg-
not interfere with religious activity un- istered as juridical persons are "religious
less it is contrary to the law) (Article 4). organizations" and are subject to special
formal rules and requirements analogous
13 Butler, W.E. (2009), "Article 29, Constitu-
to other types of juridical person-social
tion. of the Russian Federation", Russian associations (Articles 8-10).
Public Law. 2nd ed., Oxford University
3. State registration and denial of
Press, N.Y., p. 10.
14 Butler, W.E. (2009), "Federal Law "On
registration of religious organizations.
Freedom of Conscience and Religious In parallel to the similar provi-
Associations" N 125-FZ, 26 September
sions in the respective laws concerning
1997", Russian Public Law. 2nd ed., Ox-
ford University Press, N.Y., pp. 122-127. charitable and non-commercial orga-

Лавински Кирилл
Актуальные вопросы конституционного права России 21

nizations, religious organizations must than in earlier legislation but not nearly
register with the appropriate federal to the extent of Putin-era amendments, is
agency to obtain or maintain their status disparate treatment of foreign organiza-
as a juridical person (Article 11). Regis- tions. The statute provides that although
tration may be refused if: the purposes a foreign religious organization may be
or activity of a religious organization is granted the right to establish a represen-
contrary to the Constitution or to the leg- tation in the Russian Federation, it does
islation; the organization being created not have the status of a "religious asso-
is not deemed to be religious; the charter ciation" within the meaning of the stat-
and other documents submitted do not ute (Article 13). Unlike the procedures
meet the law's requirements or the infor- for establishing, registering, and oper-
mation contained therein is not reliable; ating a domestic religious organization,
an organization with the same name has which are outlined in the statute, such
already been registered; or the founders procedures governing representations of
have no capacity to act (Article 12). foreign religious organizations are left to
As will be amply illustrated by be established through regulation by the
the case of Moscow Branch of the Sal- empowered federal agency (Article 13).
vation Army v. Russia, the same themes This peculiarity invites the risk of the
present in the registration mechanics of agency exercising its broad discretion in
other types of social associations are also an arbitrary manner and this danger was
at play with regard to religious organiza- borne out in Salvation Army.
tions. The statute requires that already- E. The case of Moscow Branch of
existing religious organizations bring the Salvation Army v. Russia.15
themselves into conformance with the Perhaps no case serves as a better
law immediately and reregister by a stat- illustration of the pitfalls of the organi-
utory deadline; failure to do so results zation registration regime in Russia, its
in the registration service petitioning a bureaucratic hurdles and potentially ar-
court to liquidate the religious organiza-
tion in question (Articles 11, 14). 15 Moscow Branch of the Salvation Army v.
Russia, Application no. 72881/01, Europe-
4. Foreign religious organiza- an Court of Human Rights, final decision
tions. of 5 January 2007", available at: http://
Yet another theme repeated in the
Religious Associations act, more strongly 77249"]}.

Неправительственные организации в России: правовые аспекты

22 Вопросы российского и международного права. 1`2013

bitrary application, than the case of the (1) Only 5 members had been
Moscow Branch of the Salvation Army. present at the meeting where the Branch's
A brief summary of the facts from the governing body adopted its founding
case follows. documents, rather than the 10 required
The Salvation Army first oper- by the act.
ated in Russia from 1913 to 1923, before (2) No visas or other documents
being dissolved as an anti-Soviet orga- establishing the lawful residence of the
nization.16 The organization resumed its Branch's foreign members were provid-
activities in Russia in 1992, after the dis- ed.
solution of the Soviet Union, on the ini- (3) The Branch was subordinate
tiative of a group of Russian nationals. to the organization's central officers in
The branch was promptly registered as London and therefore regulated under
a religious organization with status as a Article 13 of the act and its implement-
juridical person (or "legal entity", as the ing regulations.
Court puts it) in Moscow under then-ac- A district court in Moscow af-
tive Soviet-era legislation. firmed the decision to deny re-registration
When the Federal Law on the in a decision dated 5 July 2000, ruling
Freedom of Conscience and on Reli- that the Branch was indeed a representa-
gious Associations (N 125-FZ) took ef- tive office of a foreign religious organi-
fect on 1 October 1997, it required that zation and citing additional rationales:18
all previously registered religious orga- (1) The organization's charter,
nizations bring their articles of associa- which contained references to organi-
tion into conformity with the new law zational ranks such as "Officer Com-
and reregister by 31 December 1999 (the manding" and the presence of the word
deadline was later extended by a year to "Army" in the organization's name ren-
31 December 2000). The applicant Sal- dered it contrary to Article 13 § 5 of the
vation Army branch timely submitted its Constitution, which bans the "founding
re-registration application to the Mos- and functioning of social associations
cow Justice Department, but the applica- which advocated a violent change in the
tion was denied on three grounds:17 constitutional principles of the Russian
Federation or destruction of its integrity,
16 Id. at 2. undermined the security of the State, cre-
17 Id. at 2-3. 18 Id. at 3.

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ated paramilitary formations, or caused its collateral attack on the constitution-

social, racial, ethnic or religious division ality of the penalty of liquidation based
or conflict." on purely formal grounds like failure to
(2) The grounds for judicial liqui- re-register in time. The Constitutional
dation of the Branch set out in its articles Court held on 7 February 2002 that re-
of association were inconsistent with registration could not be made condi-
Russian law. tional on the fulfillment of requirements
(3) The Branch had not disclosed that were introduced after the religious
its objectives because its articles of as- organization was founded and that the
sociation failed to describe "all the deci- only permissible grounds for dissolution
sions, regulations, and traditions of The were a cessation of activities or if the or-
Salvation Army." ganization had engaged in unlawful ac-
On 28 November 2000 (just over tivities.22 Consistently with the Constitu-
one month before the re-registration tional Court's ruling, a Moscow district
deadline), the Moscow City Court af- court dismissed the action for dissolution
firmed the judgment on appeal primarily upon reconsideration, and the Moscow
on the basis that the Branch is a repre- City Court affirmed.23
sentative office of a foreign religious or- Although the Branch ultimately
ganization.19 prevailed in the Constitutional Court, it
Pursuant to the Branch's failure claimed that the initial refusal to permit
to successfully re-register by the dead- its re-registration and the subsequent
line, the Moscow Justice Department lapse in its status as a juridical person
filed a court action for dissolution of the led to several adverse effects, includ-
Branch and its removal from the register ing diversion of resources to protect its
of juridical persons.20 A Moscow district property from seizure, negative public-
court granted the action on 12 September ity, lack of cooperation from local of-
2001 and once again, the Moscow City ficials, and foreign members' inability
Court affirmed.21 to obtain residence registration in Mos-
The Branch's losing streak in the cow.24 It consequently brought a suit
courts finally came to an end through for pecuniary damages in the European
19 Id. at 3-4. 22 Id.
20 Id. at 4. 23 Id.
21 Id. 24 Id. at 5.

Неправительственные организации в России: правовые аспекты

24 Вопросы российского и международного права. 1`2013

Court of Human Rights under Articles nizations, whether foreign or domestic,

9 and 11 of the European Convention are already prohibited by law from en-
on Human Rights (to which Russia is a gaging in certain activities (e.g., politics,
party).25 26 The Court ultimately found incitement) and in general prohibited
that the Branch's rights under the con- from acting in a manner that undermines
vention were interfered with and that this the integrity of the state. There does not
interference was not justified, awarding appear to be a strong rationale for why
€10,000 to the Branch.27 the representative branch of a foreign re-
Analysis ligious organization (which, like all re-
The Moscow Branch of the Salva- ligious organization would be bound by
tion Army's saga exposes several weak- the aforementioned rules of general ap-
nesses in Russia's regulatory regime not plicability) poses any greater or special
only for religious organizations, but also concern, given the purported equality of
other types of social associations which all religions before the eyes of the law.
are covered by laws that are very similar 2. Byzantine required formali-
in many important respects. ties.
1. Disparate treatment of foreign Although the concept of "sub-
organizations and their branches. stantial compliance" is usually not ap-
At first glance it does not appear plicable in civil law systems, including
unreasonable to have separate, and more Russia's, the formalities required for
stringent, regulation for foreign organi- achieving and maintaining juridical per-
zations. It is, after all, within the plenary son status for social associations (espe-
power of any sovereign state to control cially foreign ones) stand out as exces-
the presence of foreign nationals and sive to the point of unreasonableness. A
entities within its borders. In this case, case in point from Salvation Army is the
however, there is a disconnect between requirement that at least 10 members be
what is in the state's power, and what is present at the meeting where the found-
in the state's interest. All religious orga- ing documents of a religious organiza-
25 Id. at 9. tion are adopted. The rationale for why
26 Article 9 guarantees the freedom of five (or nine) would not suffice (and why
thought, conscience, and religion, while the general law on social associations
Article 11 protects freedom of association
from unreasonable interference. permits one to be formed with as few as
27 Id. at 17-18. three) is not apparent. It is also, for in-

Лавински Кирилл
Актуальные вопросы конституционного права России 25

stance, not apparent why the registration subdivisions of foreign non-commer-

agency requires proof of the legal pres- cial, non-governmental organizations
ence in the country of the organization's (NGO's). Structural subdivisions that
foreign members given that this respon- are "branches" or "representations"
sibility would logically rest with the im- (филиалы и представительства) of
migration authorities. the foreign NGO are not juridical per-
The Constitutional Court's deci- sons and so are not subject to the normal
sion that a religious organization could registration procedure.28 Rather, they
not be denied reregistration on the basis are required to undergo a "notification"
of "formalities" seems to be a break from procedure under the newly inserted (10
the norm. However, the decision's future January 2006) Article 132 of the Federal
applicability appears questionable, given Law on Non-Commercial Organizations.
the ever more draconian formal require- On the other hand, structural subdivi-
ments introduced in subsequent amend- sions of foreign NGO's that are "divi-
ments to the laws on social associations sions" (отделение) are considered in
(especially for foreign associations) dis- themselves non-commercial, non-gov-
cussed below. ernmental organizations subject to "nor-
F. The 2006 Amendments to Rus- mal" State registration under the newly
sia's NGO Laws inserted Article 131 of the Federal Law
The innocuous-sounding "Fed- on Non-Commercial Organizations.
eral Law on the Introduction of Changes Non-commercial organizations,
to Certain Legislative Acts of the Rus- including "divisions" of foreign NGO's,
sian Federation," Federal Law N 18-FZ face new requirements for registra-
(enacted 10 January 2006) significantly tion under the amendments. Required
amended Russia's NGO laws to make documentation includes: an application
it substantially more difficult for many 28 "Federal Law "On amendments to some
organizations to both register and to re- legislative acts of the Russian Federa-
tion" N 18-FZ, 10 January 2006. Ar-
main in good standing as a juridical per- ticle 3, Section 2" ["Federal'nyi zakon
son with the right to perform activities in "O vnesenii izmenenii v nekotorye
zakonodatel'nye akty RF" N 18-FZ, 10
Russia. yanvarya 2006 g."], available at: http://
1. New registration requirements.
The amended law differentiates
(Amending Article 2 of Federal Law N
between different types of structural 7-FZ, 12 January 1996)

Неправительственные организации в России: правовые аспекты

26 Вопросы российского и международного права. 1`2013

signed by an authorized individual in- amended Law on Social Associations);

dicating his name and contact informa- and if the name of the social association
tion; the constituent documents of the offense the moral, national, or religious
organization; the resolution to create sentiments of citizens (Article 23, § 6).
the non-commercial organization and 2. New monitoring requirements.
the resolution approving its constituent The amendments add new moni-
documents, indicating the composition toring provisions to the 1995 Law on So-
of the directing body that made the de- cial Associations. The new monitoring
cision; information regarding all found- provisions include: access upon request
ers of the non-commercial organization; to the operating documents of the orga-
proof of payment of the State registra- nization's permanent operating body; ac-
tion fee; and evidence from the foreign cess for representatives of the registra-
country's register of juridical persons or tion service to all activities conducted
equivalent, confirming the legal status of by the organization; annual audits of the
the non-commercial organization in that organization's activities, including ex-
country (Article 13.1 of amended Law penditures of money and property; and
on Non-Commercial Organizations). access to information regarding financial
As with all prior Russian legisla- and internal activities of the organization,
tion on social associations, failure of al- including access to information from fi-
ready existing organizations to reregister nancial institutions (Article 38).
by the deadline means that they cannot 3. Additional conditions of liqui-
operate legally until they do success- dation for "divisions" of foreign NGO's.
fully register; and may face a motion Divisions of foreign NGO's (which
for liquidation. Some of the key grounds are juridical persons under the law) are
for denial of registration include: if the subject to liquidation in the case of liqui-
documentation is not complete, im- dation of the parent NGO (amended Ar-
properly executed, or submitted to the ticle 18 of the Law on Non-Commercial
wrong agency (Article 23.1); if the ac- Organizations); in case the activities of
tivities of the organization were found to the organization do not correspond to its
be extremist under the Federal Law on founding documents (Article 18); and in
Anti-Extremism (Article 15.1); if the in- case of failure to present required infor-
formation submitted is found not to be mation regarding incoming assets, their
credible/reliable (Article 23, § 5 of the allocation, their actual use, prospective

Лавински Кирилл
Актуальные вопросы конституционного права России 27

programs of activity, and regarding how Russian juridical persons receiving mon-
natural and juridical persons employ the ey or other property from the aforemen-
assets on behalf of the organization (in- tioned sources…and which participates,
formation required by Article 32, § 4 of (among other reasons in the interests of
the amended Law on Non-Commercial the foreign sources) in political activity
Organizations) (Article 18). carried out on the territory of the Rus-
G. 2012 Amendments regarding sian Federation." (Article 2, § 6 of the
non-commercial organizations "perform- amended Law on Non-Commercial Or-
ing the functions of a foreign agent" ganizations). Although this definition is
The latest amendments to Rus- broad enough to include every conceiv-
sian laws on social associations label a able foreign source of funding, both di-
wide swath of foreign-linked non-com- rect and indirect, its reach is curtailed
mercial organizations as "performing the by the requirement that organization
functions of a foreign agent" and sub- in question engage in political activity.
ject them to an unprecedented range of An organization is deemed to engage in
monitoring and disclosure requirements "political activity" if "regardless of the
(Federal Law N 121-FZ, enacted 20 July goals stated in its founding documents,
2012). Although the law is purportedly it participates (including through financ-
based on the American Foreign Agent ing) in the organization or undertaking
Registration Act, the requirements may of political actions with the aim of in-
in practice be so burdensome as to cause fluencing the decisions made by govern-
many organizations to quit the country. ment organs, aimed at changing the state
1. The meaning of "performing politics carried out by them, and also at
the functions of a foreign agent." shaping public opinion for the aforemen-
A non-commercial organization tioned goals." (Article 2, § 6).
performing the functions of a foreign 2. Monitoring and reporting re-
agent is define as "a Russian non-com- quirements.
mercial organization, which receives Non-commercial organizations
money or other property from foreign performing the functions of a foreign
states, foreign government organs, inter- agent are subject to especially stringent
national and foreign organizations, for- monitoring and reporting requirements.
eign citizens, stateless persons or their First, there is a separate register espe-
empowered representatives; or from cially for organizations performing the

Неправительственные организации в России: правовые аспекты

28 Вопросы российского и международного права. 1`2013

functions of a foreign agent. The annual if one were to look past the increasing-
financial statements of such organiza- ly elaborate formalities required for an
tions are subject to mandatory audits NGO (especially a foreign NGO) to oper-
(Article 32, § 1 of amended Law on ate in Russia, to the rights granted by the
Non-Commercial Organizations. These statutes discussed in Section II, troubling
organizations must also submit quarter questions emerge. For example, the Law
reports of all income and expenditures; on Social Associations enumerates as a
the planned allocation of funds as well ground for denial of registration if the
as their actual use (Article 32, § 3). All name of a social association "offends the
the information disclosed through these moral, national, or religious sentiment of
reports and audits is published on the citizens." First, who decides whether the
internet or other mass media for public name of a social association runs afoul
consumption (Article 32, § 4). In addi- of this clause? A clerk at the registration
tion, these organizations are subject to service? The head of the registration ser-
planned annual inspections, as well as vice? A court? The Salvation Army battle
unplanned inspections that can be trig- was waged partly over whether the word
gered for one of several reasons (Article "army" in the organization's name and its
32, § 4). Finally, materials published by martial-sounding officer ranks constitut-
these organizations in mass media or ed a paramilitary organization or a threat
online must carry a statement that they to the state's security—yet another va-
come from a non-commercial organiza- gary leaving wide discretion to officials
tion performing the functions of a for- to use as a reason (or pretext) for denial
eign again (Article 13.1). of registration. And how many of Rus-
sia's citizens have to be offended before
Russia's Endangered Third the naming clause is triggered? One?
Sector One percent? A majority? Uncertainties
like these are so ripe for abuse of official
As the above discussion of the case discretion that they have the potential to
Moscow Branch of the Salvation Army v. poison otherwise laudable statutory goals
Russia illustrated, even the NGO legisla- like freedom of association and freedom
tion of the relatively free-wheeling 1990s of conscience.
was not without numerous (and possibly The subject of the preceding dis-
unnecessary) bureaucratic hurdles. Even cussion predates the ascension to power

Лавински Кирилл
Актуальные вопросы конституционного права России 29

of Prime Minister, then President, then Commercial Organizations significantly

Prime Minister, and yet again Presi- increased both the requirements for reg-
dent Vladimir Putin and his promise of istration and provisions for monitoring,
a "strong state" ruled by a "dictatorship especially of NGO's with foreign links.
of the law".29 The beginning of the Pu- The enactment of the 2006 amend-
tin era of NGO regulation was marked ments caused consternation in the west
by a "Civic Forum," a Kremlin-initiated and among parts of the NGO sector in
gathering of civic organizations and gov- Russia. An author for the Heritage Foun-
ernment representatives meant ostensi- dation theorized that the law originated
bly to find ways to empower civil soci- as a response to the "color revolutions"
ety with the aid and cooperation of the in several former Soviet republics, which
State.30 Despite Putin's assurances that the Kremlin was convinced were spurred
he was not trying to co-opt civil society at least in part by foreign-financed NGO
as yet another instrument of the State, activity.32 The Duma softened the bill
skeptics warned that the event was an somewhat at Putin's suggestion after re-
image-building exercise to bolster's Pu- ceiving criticism from President Bush
tin's new status as an ally in the war on and a Congressional resolution denounc-
terror, or alternatively that it was a trial ing it, but added a new requirement that
balloon to see whether NGO's could in foreign NGO's would have to notice the
fact be co-opted.31 Although Putin's true Federal Registration service about their
intention may never be known, there receipt and expenditure of funds.33 Hu-
has been no sign of liberalization in the man Rights Watch observed that
registration and operational regime of Compliance with the 2006 NGO
NGO's. Quite on the contrary, the 2006 law has proved onerous for numerous
and 2012 amendments to the Law on So- NGOs. Vague provisions of the law, to-
cial Associations and the Law on Non- gether with the government's scope to
inspect NGOs for any number of vio-
29 Mereu, Francesca (2000), "Dictatorship of
the Law", The Russia Journal, No. 62, p. 4. 32 Volk, Ye., "Russia's NGO Law: An At-
30 Williams, D. (2001), "Social Activists tack on Freedom and Civil Society", The
Size Up Putin; Russian Leader's Overtures Heritage Foundation, available at: www.
Elicit Wary Responses," Washington Post,
available at: russias-ngo-law-an-attack-on-freedom-
496062.html. and-civil-society.
31 Ibid. 33 Ibid.

Неправительственные организации в России: правовые аспекты

30 Вопросы российского и международного права. 1`2013

lations, mean that organizations must as outdated Cold War-style thinking.37

spend inordinate amounts of time and Despite the threat of hefty fines, some
money on legal and accounting services NGO's are refusing to comply with the
to protect themselves from suspension or new law, which went into effect in No-
closure.34 vember.38 It appears that concerns about
The reaction to the 2012 amend- public perception and backlash are not
ments regarding "non-commercial orga- unfounded, as the building of the Memo-
nizations performing the functions of a rial rights group found itself graffitied
foreign agent" was even more outspoken. with the words "Foreign Agent [heart
The law is based on the American For- shape] USA".39 Other organizations, took
eign Agent Registration Act35 and is rea- more radical steps. The National Demo-
sonable on its face – it covers only those cratic Institute withdrew its country di-
organizations that receive foreign fund- rector and senior staff to Lithuania citing
ing and participate in "political activity". an "increasingly hostile climate for NGO
NGO's such as Transparency Interna- workers in Russia."40
tional Russia, however, have expressed It is, of course, natural for NGO's,
skepticism at the comparison, arguing like any other type of organization, to find
that differences in the burden of proof, any additional regulation unnecessary
legal system, and culture of the general and unduly burdensome. But it appears
population make the comparison inappo- unmistakable that the trajectory of Rus-
site.36 The term "foreign agent" itself, for sian NGO legislation has been to make
instance, is synonymous with "spy" in it more and more difficult to register and
the minds of many Russians, according operate an NGO in the country. It is not at
to the critics, though the sponsor of the 37 Ibid.
bill in the Duma dismissed the concern 38 Vasilyeva, N., "Dozens of groups boy-
cott Russia's new NGOs law", Associated
34 Human Rights Watch report on the 2006 Press, available at:
NGO Law", available at: doc/1A1-c0e7220518da44e2a7361e-
news/2009/05/13/russia-revise-ngo-law- a931d3d91e.html.
protect-rights. 39 Ibid.
35 Burke, Ingrid, "'Foreign agents' under Rus- 40 Earle, Jonathan, "Amid Crackdown on
sia's NGO Law and its US doppelganger", NGOs, U.S. Group Moves Staff out of
Russian Legal Information Agency, avail- Russia", Moscow Times, available at:
able at:
publication/20120727/263954264.html. amid-crackdown-on-ngos-us-group-
36 Ibid. moves-staff-out-of-russia/471846.html .

Лавински Кирилл
Актуальные вопросы конституционного права России 31

all clear, however, that there actually ex- organizations; illustrated the application
ist a real problem for which stricter NGO and problems with the laws in practice
laws are the solution, unless one were to through a case study; and examined key
acknowledge that Putin's critics are right provisions of amendments to those laws. It
and that the "problem" is the promotion then argued that Russian NGO law, already
of democratic values. Concurrently with vague in places and byzantine in others,
the increased barriers to NGOs, Russia has become progressively more hostile to
has trended more authoritarian under Pu- the creation and operation of NGO's within
tin's leadership. In one indicator, Freedom Russia. It postulated that this trend is in-
House downgraded Russia from "partly terwoven with the country's turn to greater
free" to "not free" in 2004, the only coun- authoritarianism and that the two trends
try in the global survey to receive a down- accelerate each other in a feedback loop.
grade.41 The two trends go hand in hand,
with the crackdowns as manifestations of References
reduced liberty resulting in fewer organi-
zations working to promote liberty. The 1. Burke, Ingrid, "'Foreign agents' un-
trend toward greater restrictions on NGOs der Russia's NGO Law and its US
probably will not be reversed until Russia doppelganger", Russian Legal Infor-
takes a turn away from authoritarianism, a mation Agency, available at: www.
result looking more remote as Putin took
the presidency again for his third term, tion/20120727/263954264.html.
now extended to six years from four. 2. Butler, W.E. (2009), Russian Pub-
lic Law. 2nd ed., Oxford University
Conclusion Press, N.Y., 860 p.
3. Daisy Sindelar, "Russia: Freedom
This article surveyed the key provi- House Downgrades Country to 'Not
sions of Russian legislation governing var- Free' Status", Radio Free Europe Ra-
ious types of social associations, including dio Liberty, available at: www.rferl.
noncommercial, charitable, and religious org/content/article/1056525.html.
41 Daisy Sindelar, "Russia: Freedom House
4. Earle, Jonathan, "Amid Crackdown
Downgrades Country to 'Not Free' Sta- on NGOs, U.S. Group Moves Staff
tus", Radio Free Europe Radio Lib-
out of Russia", Moscow Times, avail-
erty, available at:
article/1056525.html. able at:

Неправительственные организации в России: правовые аспекты

32 Вопросы российского и международного права. 1`2013

ngos-us-group-moves-staff-out-of- tion/popup/id/4378.
russia/471846.html. 11. Human Rights Watch report on the
5. "Federal Law "On public associations" 2006 NGO Law", available at: www.
N 82-FZ, 19 May 1995", available at: revise-ngo-law-protect-rights.
russia-federal-law-no-82fz-of-may-19 12. Mereu, Francesca (2000), "Dictator-
-1995-on-public-associations.html. ship of the Law", The Russia Jour-
6. Butler, W.E. (2009), "Federal Law" On nal, No. 62, p. 4.
political parties" N 95-FZ, 11 July 2001", 13. Moscow Branch of the Salvation Army
Russian Public Law. 2nd ed., Oxford v. Russia, Application no. 72881/01,
University Press, N.Y., pp. 75-110. European Court of Human Rights, fi-
7. "Federal Law "On amendments to nal decision of 5 January 2007", avail-
some legislative acts of the Rus- able at:
sian Federation" N 18-FZ, 10 Janu- eng/pages/search.aspx?i=001-77249-
ary 2006" ["Federal'nyi zakon "O #{"itemid":["001-77249"]}.
vnesenii izmenenii v nekotorye 14. Vasilyeva, N., "Dozens of groups boy-
zakonodatel'nye akty RF" N 18-FZ, 10 cott Russia's new NGOs law", Asso-
yanvarya 2006 g."], available at: http:// ciated Press, available at: www.high-
cgi?req=doc;base=LAW;n=57689b. 44e2a7361ea931d3d91e.html.
8. "Federal Law "On Charity and Char- 15. Volk, Ye., "Russia's NGO Law: An
itable Organizations" N 135-FZ, 11 Attack on Freedom and Civil Soci-
August 1995", available at: www. ety", The Heritage Foundation, avail- able at:
sia/federallawoncharactandorg.pdf. reports/2006/05/russias-ngo-law-an-
9. Butler, W.E. (2009), "Federal Law "On attack-on-freedom-and-civil-society.
Freedom of Conscience and Religious 16. Williams, D. (2001), "Social Activ-
Associations" N 125-FZ, 26 September ists Size Up Putin; Russian Leader's
1997", Russian Public Law. 2nd ed., Ox- Overtures Elicit Wary Responses,"
ford University Press, N.Y., pp. 122-127. Washington Post, available at: www.
10. "Federal Law "On NGOs" N 7-FZ,
12 January 1996", available at: http:// html.

Лавински Кирилл
Актуальные вопросы конституционного права России 33

Неправительственные организации в России: правовые


Лавински Кирилл
Кандидат юридических наук,
Университет штата Пенсильвания, Школа права Дикинсон,
16802, США, Пенсильвания, Юниверсити-Парк, Корпус Люьиса Каца;

В данной статье рассматриваются понятие и история внедрения русского
законодательства в различные неправительственные организации и послед-
ствия влияния этих факторов на развитие гражданского общества в России.

Ключевые слова
Неправительственные организации, общественное объединение, некоммер-
ческие организации, гражданское общество, третий сектор.


1. Федеральный закон «О благотворительной деятельности и благотворительных

организациях» N 135 – ФЗ, 11 августа 1995. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим досту-
2. Федеральный закон «О внесении изменений в некоторые законодательные
акты РФ» N 18-ФЗ, 10 января 2006. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:;base=LAW;n=57689b.
3. Федеральный закон «О некоммерческих организациях» №  7-ФЗ, 12 января
1996. [Электронный ресурс].  – Режим доступа:
4. Федеральный закон «О политических партиях» № 95-ФЗ, 11 июля 2001. [Элек-
тронный ресурс].  – Режим доступа:

Неправительственные организации в России: правовые аспекты

34 Вопросы российского и международного права. 1`2013

5. Федеральный закон «О свободе совести и о религиозных объединениях»

№ 125-ФЗ, 26 сентября 1997. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://;base=LAW;n=115879.
6. Федеральный закон «Об общественных объединениях» №  82-ФЗ, 19 мая
1995. [Электронный ресурс].  – Режим доступа:
7. Burke Ingrid. 'Foreign agents' under Russia's NGO Law and its US doppelganger //
Russian Legal Information Agency. Available at:
8. Butler, W.E. Russian Public Law. 2nd ed.. – N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 2009. –
860 p.
9. Daisy Sindelar, Russia: Freedom House Downgrades Country to 'Not Free'
Status  // Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty. Available at:
10. Earle Jonathan, «Amid Crackdown on NGOs, U.S. Group Moves Staff out of
Russia», Moscow Times. Available at:
11. Human Rights Watch report on the 2006 NGO Law. Available at:
12. Mereu Francesca. Dictatorship of the Law  // The Russia Journal.  – 2000.  –
No. 62. – P. 4.
13. Moscow Branch of the Salvation Army v. Russia, Application no. 72881/01, European
Court of Human Rights, final decision of 5 January 2007. Available at: http://hudoc.{"itemid":["001-77249"]}.
14. Vasilyeva N. Dozens of groups boycott Russia's new NGOs law // Associated Press.
Available at:
15. Volk Ye. Russia's NGO Law: An Attack on Freedom and Civil Society  // The
Heritage Foundation. Available at:
16. Williams D. Social Activists Size Up Putin; Russian Leader's Overtures Elicit Wary
Responses // Washington Post. Available at:

Лавински Кирилл

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