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A. Background of the Research

English education is language education that cannot be separated from

every community life, especially in the school environment. It can be seen that

English language education is one of the main subjects taught in schools. With the

existence of English language education that is taught in schools, the culture that

is carried through the language indirectly becomes an indivisible unity.

The relationship between English language education and culture becomes

a unity. In studying English, of course, there are cultural elements that are

displayed in it. the existence of this culture can be a indicator of the identity of a

language itself. In the language itself can represent various kinds of culture that

exist in it, be it through speech, names, food, clothes and so on, because the use of

language and culture has a very close relationship, by integrating cultural

elements into English textbooks, teaching cultural aspects can be easily taught

using the English textbook.

Learning English automatically learns the culture that is in it. In learning

English, of course, there are media that are used. In formal education, English

education uses print media, namely textbooks. This English textbook is one of the

media used to represent the cultural existence in it. In the textbook, of course,

there are many cultural elements contained in it. the existence of cultural elements
in this English education printed book can be a motivation or a special attraction

for students in learning English.

The selection of textbooks is very important because the textbooks that are

used determine how cultural elements can be applied or represented. In the

textbook entitled "When English Rings a Bell", we will see whether there are

cultural representations that are displayed in the textbook. The presentation of

cultural elements in this book can be seen from each reading section as well as in

the displayed image section.

B. Problem Formulation

1. What types of culture are represented in English text book “When English

Rings a Bell”?

2. What types of culture information are represented in English text book

“When English Rings a Bell”?

C. Objectives of the Research

1. To find out the type of cultural content are represented in English textbook

"When English Rings a Bell"

2. To find out the type of cultural information are represented in English text

book "When English Rings a Bell"

D. Significances of the Research

1. For the government, this research is very important as a consideration in

choosing English textbooks as teaching materials that have cultural

representation for junior high schools, especially in Poso.

2. For the teacher, this research is very important to be of concern as a

teacher in order to use English textbooks that have cultural elements as

teaching materials in the first grade of junior high school.

3. For the researcher, this research can be used as reference material for

examining cultural elements in junior high school English textbooks.

E. Scope of the Research

The scope of this research is the types of cultural elements and the types of

cultural information contained in an English language education textbook entitled

"When English Rings a Bells" for the first year students of a junior high school, in

sections from chapter I to chapter VIII. This study uses the theory of cultural

types by Cortazzi, & Jin (1999) and theory of types of cultural information that

submitted by Adaskou, et al. (1990). The object of this research is the English

language textbook curriculum 2013 for first year student of junior high school

published by the Kemendikbud .

F. Definition of Therms

1. English Textbook: The English textbook that will be analyze in this study

entitled “When English Rings a Bell” for first year student of junior high

school. The textbook used in this study base on Kurikulum 2013,

published by the Kemendikbud, and revised 2017. The autors of this

textbook are Siti Wachidah, Asep Gunawan, Diyantari, and Yuli Rulani


2. Cultural Content: The cultural content in this study means content that

contains in the textbook which expresses culture. In this study there are

two cultural criteria, the first one is types of culture are represented in the

English textbook, and the second is types of cultural information are

represented in the English textbook.

3. Types of Culture: In this study use a types of culture that submit by

Cortazzi, and Jin (1999). From this theory there are three types of culture,

first one is source culture, this type of culture is related to learners own

culture. The second type is target culture, target culture is the culture that

contain in country that using English as a first language. The third type is

international culture, this type is a culture that’s neither a source culture

and target culture.

4. Types of Culture Information: In this study there are eight types of

culture information that submit by Adaskou, et al (1990). Those are

informative and descriptive text materials, text presented foreign attitude

and opinions, everyday life dialogues, contextualized writing taks, idioms

and unfamiliar collocations, realia or pseudo realia, visual illustration and

sound recordings.


A. Review of Related Studies

This chapter will explain the differences and similarities that this research

has with previous studies. The first research from Imam Santosa entitled Cultural

Representation in English Textbook for Junior High School. The aims from this

study were (1) to find out kind of the culture that exist in junior high school

textbook. (2) to identify the categories of culture in English for junior high school

textbook. In this study using a content analysis as a methodology of the study, this

methodology using to explore the cultural representation in electronic English

textbook for junior high school in Indonesia. There are two main point from this

study, the first one is to analyze the cultural features in the textbook, and the

second is to analyze the cultural categories. The cultural features in this study was

distinguished in four different features; aesthetic, sociological, semantic and

sociolinguistic. The cultural categories in this study there are three categories;

target culture, source culture and other culture.

The second research comes from research by Adisa Teo and Wanvisa

Kaewsakul entitled Cultural Contents in Fundamental English Coursebooks. The

objectives of this study were (1) to examine the cultural content of six commercial

books for basic English courses used at the University of Nakhon Si Thammarat

Rajabhat in Thailand. Cultural content will be analyzed in terms of cultural

sources and themes based on the framework by Lee (2009), Cortazzi and Jin
(1999), and Crystal (2003). In this research, the focus of his research is the

elements of cultural content in the course textbook, speaking and writing text,

transcriptape and reading passages, In the student course textbooks and added

with additional notes on the teacher's book, take the data used in textbook analysis

because it contains elements of cultural content, while in the grammatical points

section, it explains the meaning of new words, and intonation in the textbook

section of the course is not taken and made into analysis data because it does not

contain elements of cultural content.

The third research by Sezen Arslan entitled An Analysis of Two Turkish

EFL Books in Terms of Cultural Aspects, the purpose of this study is (1) to find

out how culture is used in textbooks used in grades 3 and 4 in public schools in

Turkey. In this study, the authors explored cultural content and the frequency of

use of elements related to target culture, source culture and international culture in

the textbook series. In this study, the contents of the textbook were analyzed

through listening scripts, while the visual part was not used. To analyze the

listening script, there are two data collection tools used, namely: a checklist and

item frequency analysis. The use of checklists is used to analyze cultural content

contained in listening scripts from textbooks used, while the item frequency

analysis is used to investigate the number of frequency items target cultures,

source cultures and international cultures.

Based on the three previous studies above, there are differences in the

three studies, the first difference is the approach method used in each study. In the

first study, the writer used content analysis as a methodology of the study. This
methodology has been choose by the writer to explor the cultural representation of

electronic English textbook for junior high school. In the second study using an

approach method quantitative, because the purpose of this study is to examine the

six course textbooks used by University students in Thailand. In the third study,

the approach method used is quantitative method, this study aims to explore and

analyze the frequency of items used to determine the number of target cultures,

source cultures and international cultures contained in student textbooks in


The next difference that exists in the three studies is, in the first study, the

books used were English text books for junior high school in Indonesia, then in

the second study the books used were English language textbooks is used for

basic English courses by University students in Thailand, and in the third study

the English textbooks used in this study were English textbooks for grade 3 and 4

students in Turkey.

The three studies also have similarities. The three studies use the same

theory, namely by Cortazzi, and Jin (1999) regarding the types of culture in

textbooks, namely the types of source culture, target culture, and international


Based on the three previous studies above, there are similarities in this

study, namely the theory used from the three studies will also be used in this

study, namely the type of culture by Cortazzi, and Jin (1999).

The three previous studies above also have some differences with this

study, what distinguishes these three studies from this research is the first, the
book used is an English textbook for first year students of junior high school

entitled When English Rings A Bell. So because of these differences, the

researcher was interested in taking the title Cultural Content Analysis in English

Textbooks Entitled "When English Rings a Bell" for First Year Students of Junior

High School.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. The Role of Textbook

The use of textbooks in the learning process is very important, including in

English lessons, the use of textbooks is the most common means used in the

learning process. The textbook itself can be a source of the most relevant

information that can be used in learning English. The textbook contains many

elements of information, so that information can be used as a universal learning

resource. Quoting from Sheldon, (1988, p.237) textbooks represent the essence of

any ELT program that is displayed, it can provide benefits for teachers and

students when the textbook is used in ESL / EFL classes.

A good textbook not only be used as a general and relevant learning resource,

textbooks can also provide or even make a real change and have a long-term

impact. This is proposed by Hutchinson and Torres, (1994, p. 323) that books can

be agents of change because several things support these changes. First, textbooks

serve as the basis for negotiations. In principle, textbooks can manage lessons and

make social interaction a basis for negotiation with all parties involved. Second,

the textbook is a flexible framework, where teachers can choose information or

learning that is structured but still flexible. The third, textbook and teacher

development, Textbooks provide opportunities for teachers to develop and explore

teacher creativity in providing material and management in the classroom. Fourth,

textbook as a workable compromise, textbook is a workable compromise so that

teachers can easily fulfill student learning needs according to the learning context


2. Language and Culture

Language and culture are an inseparable unity, language can emerge

because of a culture that develops amid society, according to Moran (2001, p. 35)

that culture produces a product called language. Discuss and use as a tool that can

represent the existing culture, language is also used as a tool that will classify and

identify all existing products.

To represent the culture of a community that has that culture, it must be able

to represent the culture it has. Language has elements that can be used in

representing culture, namely, expression, structure, sound, and writing (Moran,

2001, p. 35).

3. Cultural Content

The relationship between language and culture cannot be separated, so that in

learning English, textbooks used in the learning process must be able to display

relevant and appropriate cultural elements. In other words, the textbook used must

be able to present the culture of the students. This is done to maintain national

identity. According to Ena (2013), students will be able to more easily accept

English lessons if the material or textbooks used can display and represent the
culture that is owned by students. Therefore, a balance between the culture owned

by students and the culture of native speakers is needed, this is done so that the

teaching and learning process can run easily.

3.1 Type of Culture

In accord with Cortazzi, and Jin (1999, p.) Explain that three types of culture

must be integrated into English textbooks. The first type of culture is, the source

culture this type of culture is owned by students who learn English. The second is,

target culture type of this culture is the culture that is owned by the English-

speaking country. Then the third is international culture. This type of culture is

where English is used as an international language in a country.

3.1.1 Source Culture

Source culture is a type of culture that is owned by students, namely

Indonesian culture who learns English. This type of culture is important to be

integrated into English textbooks thus that English language subject matter that

displays this type of culture can help students realize the importance of the

cultural identity possessed by students. In addition to fostering a sense of student

awareness of their cultural identity, integrating source culture can also help

students carry out the student's English learning process. Displaying cultural

sources will also involve students in the learning process (Ena, 2013, p.17). This

can happen because the cultural content that is displayed in the books they are

studying is conveyed in a relevant way according to what happens in the daily

lives of students.
With the awareness of the importance of cultural identity possessed by

students, students can be more aware of and can accept the diversity of cultures

that exist amid the student's environment. Thus the application of the character of

bulldozing in the learning process which is emphasized by the Indonesian

government through the 2013 curriculum can be achieved and implemented.

3.1.2 Target Culture

The target culture is the culture that is owned by the English-speaking

country. This type of culture is a local culture owned by countries that use English

as its first language, such as America, Australia and, England. This type of culture

is important to be integrated into students' English textbooks so that students are

not only able to express the language they are learning but also students can

understand the social functions contained in the English textbooks they are

studying. This can also help students understand the culture owned by the country

which makes English as its first language. It can also provide the advantage of

being able to display and promote cross-culture in the English books that students


3.1.3 International Culture

This type of culture includes cultures owned by countries that do not make

English their first or second language. This type of culture is important to be

integrated into students' English textbooks. In learning English, students are

expected to be able to speak to their interlocutors in English. These students'

interlocutors can come from different countries and different cultures, so to

overcome this two ways can be done according to (Matsuda in Alsagof,,
2002, p. 177) who is the first to do this verification of the content contained in the

English textbook by including countries and regions around the world in a

teaching material. This is done to be able to organize geographic spread. The

second can classify the functional diversity of languages, for example, is the

dominant language in a particular society and its use in society in carrying out

certain functions in society.

3.2 Type of Cultural Information

In the English book that is used as a material in carrying out the learning and

teaching process there is a representation of the types of cultural information, in

this case, according to Adaskou, et al (1990) there are eight types of cultural

information proposed.

3.2.1 Informative and Descriptive Text Materials

Informative and descriptive text materials are text that aims to provide

information to the readers. Following are some examples of informative and

descriptive text, novels, newspapers, magazines, announcements, and websites.

3.2.2 Text Presented Foreign Attitude and Opinions

This text is a text that aims to present attitudes and opinions. These

attitudes and opinions are aimed at people at the target culture and international

culture. Examples of this text are stories, newspaper columns, and journal articles.

3.2.3 Everyday Life Dialogues

Everyday life dialogue is a dialogue or conversation in the form of speech

and writing carried out by two or more people in everyday life. These everyday
dialogues can be in the form of conversations about school, family, or even about

the environment of friends that can be done anywhere, for example at school, in

the canteen, or even at the dinner table.

3.2.4 Contextualized Writing Task

Contextualized writing task is a type of writing task that requires students

to respond to the writing task that is exist in the textbook. Writing task activities

can include determining the theme of a story, completing a conversational text,

writing a recount text, and writing a descriptive text that describes a place, culture,

or even a person.

3.2.5 Idiom and Collocations

An idiom is a series of words that have an implied meaning. This series of words

represents a certain expression in it. Meanwhile, collocations are a combination of

several words that are formed automatically and regularly in a language. This

combination of words can occur between a verb with a noun or a noun with an


3.2.6 Realia or PseudoRealia

Realia is a teaching medium that has the form and concept of real objects.

The use of this realia is to increase and stimulate students' comprehension in

understanding a lesson taught by the teacher. Realia is also able to provide a real

picture of a culture or real-life situation. Meanwhile, pseudo realia is an object

that is based on real objects in everyday life but recreated in the form of


3.2.7 Visual Illustration

Visual illustration is a visual representation that is usually in the form of

an image or diagram. This visual illustration is used so, that a subject can be more

easily accepted and understood by students. This visual illustration is usually

found in a dialogue or story and etc.

3.2.8 Sound Recordings

Sound recording is a recording consisting of sound, this sound can be

presented in the form of verbal material, for example, songs, speech, dialogues,

and etc.

C. Thinking Framework

Cultural Content Analysis in English Textbook

Objectives of the Research

1. To find out the type of cultural content.

2. To find out the type of cultural

Theory of the research

Type of Cultural Content (Cortazzi, and Jin

1999) And Type of Cultural Information
(Adaskou, et al 1990).


A. Type and Design of the Research

In this study using a qualitative approach. According to Hsieh & Shannon

in[ CITATION The20 \l 1057 ] stated that qualitative content analysis is a research

method for subjective interpretation of the content of text data through a

systematic classification process of coding and identifying themes or patterns.

This research is structured based on the assumptions of the researcher and the

frame of mind and data processing to collect and obtain information which can

then be processed.

B. Role of Researcher

In this study, the role of the researcher is as an observer, where to obtain

information and data to be processed, the researcher collects data or information

about cultural content representations and type of culture information that

contained in English textbook entitled “When English Rings A Bell” that publish

by Kemendikbud, which are used by first year students of junior high school.

C. Location of the Research

The location of this research is located in the researcher's house. This

location is located in Kawua Village, Poso District, South City, Poso Regency,

Central Sulawesi.
D. Source of the Data

The data in this study were taken from an English textbook entitled "When

English Rings a Bell" for first year students of junior high school. This book was

published by the Kemendikbud. This book consists of eight chapters, each of

which has a different theme. The data taken or obtained from the textbook will

then be analyzed the types of culture and type of cultural information in the

textbook, based on the types of culture proposed by Cortazzi and Jin (1999) and

type of cultural information by Asdoku, et al (1990).

E. Procedures of Data Collection

According to Sutopo (2006: 56-57) in Suci Arisca (2019) states that the

data source is where the data is obtained using a method, it can be humans,

artifacts or in the form of documents. In this study, researchers collected data

using documentation techniques.

1. The first step, the researcher chooses an English textbook that will

be used as a source of research data.

2. The second step, the researcher determines the type of cultural

content and the type of cultural information based on the theory of

Cortazzi, and Jin (1999) and Adaskou, et al (1990).

3. The third step, the researcher distinguishes each category, namely

the first type of cultural content which consists of three types, and

the type of cultural information which consists of eight types.

4. The final step, the researcher will make conclusions based on the

data that has been collected and analyzed.

F. Techniques of Data Analysis

1. Based on the criteria for the type of culture proposed by Cortazzi, and Jin (1999)

and the type of cultural information by Adaskou, et al (1990), the researcher will

write small notes on each data contained in each chapter, page, and provide

comments on each data.

2. Furthermore, the researcher will describe the data obtained following the type of

cultural content, namely, source culture, target culture, and international culture

as well as following the type of cultural information.

3. Finally, the researcher will make conclusions based on the results of this study.

G. Research Stages and Validity

The data that has been obtained, which is then described in a setra

analysis, must be checked for validity. This method is used so that research

findings can be believed or not. In this study, the existing data were checked using

triangulation. Triangulation is a qualitative cross validation that includes

convergence of data and beberwhat are the details of data collection (Sugiyono

2006) in[ CITATION The20 \l 1057 ].



AND LEARNING IN E. HEINKEL. Cambridge: Cambridge University







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