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How to cultivate corn.

By carlosjmarq_
Corn is one of the most popular crops at Venezuela. It’s derivatives goes from simple
products, as cachapas, corn buns, etc., to more elaborate products as the corn flour used to make
tasty arepas.

Undoubtedly the corn it’s one of the more important products of us land. For this reason
here (insert cursi page name) we believe that cultivate your own sweet corns in your garden is one
of the best ways to enjoy the corn season. Furthermore, one myth tell that if you plant a lot of
corn seeds, you will eat jojotos until you shit the tusa. So, what are you waiting for? Keep reading
and know more about all the cares and supplies that need the corn plants.

Ground preparation
Like all the plants, the corn need a rich nutrients ground. A calcium and potassium rich
ground its perfect for get better corn plants. If you don’t count whit this kind of ground don’t
worry, an egg shells and banana peels based fertilizer make at home will help you to provide to
your plants the necessary nutrients to its growth.

Also, the ground to cultivate corn must be loose and wet. For that reason it’s necessary to
plow the land with a pick and scribe. The advantage of doing this is that the roots will growth
easier, leading to stronger plants. Moreover, the exercise that you will do with your arms and back
will leave you so mamadisimo like a Greek athlete.

Sowing day
The corn season is characterized by heavy rains. So the perfect day to sow the corn seeds
it’s after a rainy day, of this way the previously plowed ground will absorb the moisture needed to
germinate the corn seed.

The distance between the corn plants should be approximately one step, i.e., one square
of area one step squared in which the seed must be sowed in the intersection of its diagonals to
maximize the non-linear growth function around a local area where the approximation can be
done of linear way… what were we talking about?

Brush cleaning

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