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In my opinion, music can raise someone's mood, get them excited, or make them feel
calm and relaxed. It allows us to feel nearly or possibly all emotions that we experience
in our lives.

First of all, the quote ‘’Music is the medicine of the mind’’ refers to the fact that
music opens up a whole new world of experience that enhances the mind, physical
coordination, and expression. The concentration of making music is actually an effective
method of stress relief.

Secondly,  taking music lessons and learning to play an instrument or sing requires
listening skills that allow the player to hear the differences between notes, chords, and
more. Playing or singing music may increase your ability to focus and listen to
conversations, lectures, etc. Music can be a constructive way to express who you are and
what you are feeling, especially at a young age.

In conclusion, a life without music would be silent and dull. People may not prefer the
same music, but everyone can be healed by music. While everyone responds to music in
his own way, the benefits of music are universal. 

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