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Leadership Experiences:

• Fostering a Collaborative Culture:

I regularly work with my grade-level team on solving student academic discrepancies. We

discuss intervention options for these students in order to best support them. Once the areas
are identified may colleagues and I have determined proper intervention techniques and
curriculum into to help our students meet the state standards. For example, the kindergarten
team had seven student who were struggling with their letter sounds. We identified a hands on
way for our student to practice the letter sounds as well as placed them in a leveled reading
group and specifically worked on their areas of need.

• Promotes Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement:

Through out distance learning my coworkers and I have adjusted to different online learning
platforms. I have been able to learn these technologies and work with my colleagues on
implementing them into their classrooms as well.

Education is forever changing in a multitude of ways. I find it important to keep up with the
latest trends within the classroom and find which ones work for myself. I enjoy sharing my
findings with my fellow educators.

I work closely with our site's REP council team when determining what areas our teachers
could use more support such as preparations time and professional learning opportunities.

• Research to Improve Teaching Practices:

I prefer to work with my colleagues within scoring student work. I collaborate with my team on
scoring in order to identify student academic trends and troubleshoot any problems. I have
worked with teachers from other school sites in developing a stronger curriculum to fix the
learning gaps within our students. There was one teacher present from each site and we
discussed the learning gaps and worked as a team to create curriculum to fill these gaps. We
then shared the curriculum with our teacher teams within our school sites.

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