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Idioms & Expressions About Happiness

Keep your chin up / Chin up

something you say to someone in a difficult situation
in order to encourage them to be brave and try not to
be sad:
 Chin up! It'll soon be term break.

Every cloud has a silver lining

said to emphasize that every difficult or unpleasant
situation has some advantage
 He told us about his resignation—an absolute
disaster at the time, but every cloud has a silver
lining because it led to my appointment.

(There's always) light at the end of the tunnel

signs of improvement in a situation that has been
bad for a long time, or signs that a long and difficult
piece of work is almost finished:
 As finals approached, she felt that at last she

Idioms & Expressions About Happiness

could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

When one doors closes, another opens

used for saying that even though you have lost an
opportunity to do one thing, an opportunity to do
something else has appeared
 Robert was philosophical after losing his job.
`Obviously, I am disappointed,' he explained. `But
one door closes and another one opens.'

Hang in there / Hang on in there

said as a way of telling someone to not give up,
despite difficulties:
 Work can get tough in the middle of a term but
hang in there and it'll be OK.

We will work it out

to agree to or arrange something, esp. after

Idioms & Expressions About Happiness

 The management and representatives of the
labour union met today to work out a

full of the joys of spring

very happy / cheerful
 The little girl bounced into her room, full of the
joys of spring.

on cloud 9
very happy
 I’ve been on cloud nine ever since I found the
new job.

on top of the world

feeling happy because things are going well for you
 She was feeling on top of the world when her

Idioms & Expressions About Happiness

boyfriend proposed to her.

thrilled to bits
excited and extremely pleased
 She was thrilled to bits with her exam results.

music to my ears
to be something that you are very pleased to hear
 It was music to the patient’s ears when the doctor
told him his COVID19 test result was negative.

jump for joy

show great excitement / happiness
 I practically jumped for joy when I found my lost
cell phone.

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