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Beatriz DE D1A (D. CA. 1212) TO Canso: A chantar Z] ets Pam mais que - te ren nt ce = Tquie-u- se fait, vers lui de - se = vi= men - ce. ‘A chantar m’es al cor que non deurie ‘To sing I aust of what Idd rather not, tant mi rancun cele a qui sisi amiigs, so much does he of whom I am the lover embiter me; etsi am mais que sule ren qui sie: yet [love him more than anything in the world. ‘non mi val ren beltat ni curtesie ‘To no avail are my beauty or politeness, ne ma bontaz ne mon pres ne mon sen; my goodness, or my virtue and good sense. altresi sui enganade et trgide For I have heen cheated and betrayed, u'eusse fait vers lui desavinence. a8 if | had been disagreeable to him. G5 ~ In this strophic song, or casio, from the second half of the twelfth century, four distinct melodic components are arranged in the form ABABCDB. All lines but one end on an unaccented syllable, a circumstance emphasized ‘Transcribed by Hendrik van der Werf in The Exicnt Tioubadowr Melodies (Rochester: Author, 1984), p-13.Gerald A. Bond, txt editor. Used by permission,

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