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38 TPM a(4) S AvaM pe tA HALLE (CA. 1237-CA- 287) Jen de Robin et de Marion Rondeau: Robins m’aime Po- bit We dee man St ici = me, Ro. bins Robins m’aime, Robi loves me, Robins ma, Robin has me, Robins m’a demandée Robin asked me Sim'ara, if he can have me, Robins nr'acata cotele Robin bought me a skirt Diescarlate bonne et belle ‘of scarlet, good and pretty, Souskanie et chainturele, a bodice and belt. ‘Aleuriva! Hurray! oPO> ‘The most famous of the secular musical plays was Jew de Robin et de Marion by Adam de la Halle, the last and greatest of the trouvéres. It is uncertain whether all the songs in this work, dating from about 1284, were written by Adam himself or whether they were popular chansons incorporated into the play, A few of them have polyphonic settings. Typical of the cunefill songs is Robins m’aiie, sung by Marion with choral refrains at the opening of the Jeu. It is a monophoni i form ABaabAB (using separate letters for usica choral, lower case for solo performance). Friedrich Gennriehohades To

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