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BOX 24-1 Factors ae rer Shane Response to ees ASPECTS OF A STRESSOR THAT iy ms THE STRESS RESPONSE FLUENce As Becky interviews Rachael, she Jeg, about Rachael's stressors and how she perceives the e Mm, Intensity Rachael experiences pressures at work, as wel home. This combination of stressors creates con intensity. I as a tinuous Scope Rachael's stress pervades her life, both at work and a home, day and night. Duration Rachael has been feeling the effects of stress for about 6 weeks, having problems sleeping and feelings of hope- lessness. Number and Nature of Other Stressors Present Rachael hes multiple stressors. Rachael has stress at ‘om her husband's hospitalizations and at wor ow staff and patient satisfaction scores. Predictability Rachgel is unable to anticipate or control the stressor nd's iliness and is unable to control the po ion scores. st CHARACTERISTICS OF THE INDIVIDUAL THAT INFLUENCE THE STRESS RESPONSE Level of Personal Control 4 10 control over patient and staff satistent?” ‘ol over her husband's disability d no corr Feelings of Competence on te oe her competence at work with the Availability of Social Supports 4 othe er Rachael does not report having the suppor © ple who could help reduce her stress “ Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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