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Subject: Subject: for scholarships purpose need 2 extra mark

Dear Ma’am
With due respect, I am xxxxx from your business communication section A.
I want to let you know that ma’am I got a "B" in this course.
Ma’am, I studied hard for this course, and sometimes we ran out of lack and
somehow cut a cursory figure in the examination.
Ma’am, I am currently on a scholarship. I have above "B+" in every course without
Business Communication. Because of the My scholarship is at stake.
If I just got a grade promotion, I would be able to maintain my scholarship. Ma’am,
I beg you to change my grade from b to B+ so that I can maintain my scholarship.
I therefore pray and hope that you will understand my situation and give me to
extra mark on your course and help me in this bad situation.

Your obediently,

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