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NHA XUAT BAN DAI HOC QUGC GIA HA NOI Givp hoc sinh luyén tap xay dung kinh nghiém lam bai, thyc hanh phat 4m, nam chic cdc quy tée phat am va trong am co. ban, tang vén ty vung. I Cung ¢é va phat trién ki nang doc hiéu, rén luyén thuc day ki nang doc lvét va doc tim kiém théng tin, hoc them nhong cdu tric ngu phap va cach dung ty day Gn y trong nhung bai doc kho. Tang cuéng ki nang xay dung dogn héi thogi va cdc bai tap lam viée theo nhém kém huéng dan. Givp hoc sinh ty tin luyén tap noi bam sat ting chu dé. Dang bai tap doan tu qua hinh anh, dién tu, fim tv dat sai van cénh. Hoc nhung tu vyng mai thong qua ng@ canh thyc I trong tiéng Anh, ling ghép cdc tu méi vao cae don vi kién thc ngu phap. {Bs usoeis 0 Ren luyén nhing cdu tric vist cau da dang, déc dao . Nang cao trinh dé su dung tw vung co ban va nang cao, cach phat trién y tudng trong ting cht diém. Sach kam file nghe QR Code riéng biét tung bai, givp hoc sinh dé dang luyén tap nghe hang ngay cae bai tiéng anh phi hgp trinh do. Ren luyén phat am chun tiéng anh, luyén ki nang nghe co ban : Nghe ném y chinh, dodn nghia tu méi fe _ AHUAAUHATAANHHHNAHGHGHGHH Bo sdch Big 4 - Bo dé Ty kiém tra 4 ky néing NGHE ~ NOI ~ DOC = VIET dugc bién sogn nh&m givp céc em hoe sinh Trung hoc co 86 duge cing cé va phat trién ton dién cdc ky nang nghe, ndi, doc, viét tiéng Anh. Déi ngé tic gid cia Megabook da bién sogn bo 8 cuén sach tu lp 6 dén lép 9 theo chudn khung chuong trinh mdi cba Bo Gido dyc va Dao tao thich hgp véi cde em hoc sinh muén trau doi téng hop kién thc tiéng Anh. Noi dung cta bé sach gdm hé théng bai tap luyén 4 ky nang co ban gitp cdc em 6n tap kién thuc trén lép va bai tap mo réng nang cao dé cdc em rén luyén va lam quen vdi cdc ki kiém tra danh gid. Bo sdch Big 4 - Bo dé Ty kiém fra 4 ky nang NGHE - NOI ~ BOC - VIET dugc dénh gia la nguén tu ligu hau ich cho gido vién, phy huynh va cdc em hoe sinh bén canh bd sch gido khoa co ban. Mot diém dac biét cda bo séch de la tinh hign dai va sy tien dung khi cac em khéng can s¥ dung CD dé 6 dugc bai nghe. BO sach duge tich hop ma QR va ma Code gitp cac em dé dang co dugc file nghe chi vdi 1 chiéc smartphone. Cac em hoe sinh sé cam théy ty tin véi kha nang ngén ngt ca minh khi 6n luyén tiéng Anh bdi cdc bai tap vé 4 ky nang dugc lign két véi nhau theo logic bai hoc. BO sach la sy dau tu ky luéng cua déi ngo tac gid va bién tap cua MegaBook nhim nang cao 4 ky nang nghe, néi, doc, viét lam tang thém sy ty tin cUa cac em hoc sinh vdi khé nang tiéng Anh cia ban than. LATTA TAO, assesses HSH HANHINANANTAANUNS hss SHINN NNHHHNHNHNNNHNHNNHNHNHPNGNGPHH HHH HHH 1.A. tun B. put | 2. A. silence B. absent | 3. A. further B. answer | 4. A, learner B. prefer | 5. A. concern B. control 1.A. present B. beauty 2.A. father B, lesson 3.A. sickness B. feelings 4A, cancer B. export 5.A. remind B. happy C. future C. sister C. correct Choose the word with the different stress pattern. C. pretty C. repair C. contain C. correct C. tired (010) Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. C. burn C. content Dz fur . legend D, D. teacher D. return D. . hot D. begin D. woman D. language D. attract D. quiet Ba 4-80.48 ivKém a4 KV nna Nehe-n6i- dec - vtiéng Anh (Coban wanéngcad) ep7tGp1Y 6 VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR \) Put the nouns from the box into the correct column. friend housework the bus acake homework a mess the gardening video games chess photos the shopping _noise | medicine badminton pottery volleyball 6 Y big 4-86 a8 ty idm tra ky nang nghe -ndl- do - i6t éng Anh (eo bain vésnéng cao) lop 7 1G 1 | | | 1. The girls are arranging flowers now. 2. We are reading newspapers at the moment. preverenapens 3. She will have a big collection of stamps. rettssttns 4. like jogging because it helps me keep fit. 5. The man enjoys riding a horse along the field. 6. Skating isher favourite spor, tes ntene ; ap Put the following verbs into the correct tenses. 1, My brother likes (jump}. on the trampoline. 2. Dax and Woof (watch). ..cartoon on TV every day 3.1 (be) ... 4, My sister hates (get up) ... 5. Mrs. White enjoys (collec!) 6. Her hobbies (be) «free tomorrow. ...early on Sunday. ...Stamps of Uncle Ho. ...cyeling and doing shopping. 7. He sometimes (meet) his friends for coffee. 8. She (leave) . her house for Ho Chi Minh city next Friday. 9. They like (read) .... 10. What time wushe ee ...volleyball in the evening? 11. She doesn’t like (live) ....... seeeeeesin the city. She (move) ......c0:-ceeeeeeeto the countryside next year. 12, Mr. John (hate).....sssssseeees doing morning exercise. Big 4-89 dB ty Hem fad KP ning nghe -nél- dgc vid iéng Anh (63 ban va nding cao) Kp 7 Kap VY 7 _) Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 1, My father hates drive motorbike to work in the morning. AB ea. 2. | go to the beach with Staney and Peter next week. BViscessines Bt, D 3. My younger sister like building beautiful sandcastles on the beach. A B © D 4, Mary enjoys cook spaghetti and singing English songs, tse A B i D 5. He always hanging out his friends on Sunday. A B c D Choose the best answer A, B, C or D. 1. Jim thinks arranging flowers is more boring than .. .. slamps. A. buying B. collecting C. swimming D. writing 2. What does your mother often do ..... her free time? A. for B. at D.on 3. She hates doing the gardening because she thinks it is..........00..000 A. tired B. tiredness C. tiring D. tiredly 4. Mum, | lost my shoes yesterday. -Don't worry. | . you the new ones tomorrow. A. will buy B. buy C. buys D. buying 5.18000 oss ...doing the gardening over there, A. collector B. reporter C. gardener D. teacher 6. She puts all the stamps in an .... A. apple B. umbrella C.egg D, album 7. Anna’s apartment is .. . the fifth floor. A.on C.of D. by 8 (Big 4-86 8 tykiém tra ky nang nghe -nél- doc - vist éng Anh (eo ban vei néng cao) 6p 7 160 1 ssesand makes you «. 8, Playing sports always gives you .... A. pleasant/ healthy B. pleasure/ health C. pleasure/ healthy D. pleased/ healthy .. a chance to climb mountains next weekend. 9. I'm sure you ... A. have B. will have C. having D. had . to Spain.” 10. “Have you made plans for the summer?” —"Yes, we Ago B. going C. went D. will go 11. Jogging is a/ aN...........s.-. hobby. A. expensive B. cheap C. difficult D. unusual .» the match 12. “John is a better player than Martin, isn’t he?"-"Oh yes. He «....sessss tomorrow, | expect.” A. is winning B. win C. wins D. will win Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. ® 1.Oscar always does/ doing the washing up in the evening. 2.1'm a bit scared because | see/ will see the dentist this afternoon. 3. Shall you tell/ Will you tell about that story? 4, Mary hates go hiking/ going hiking at weekends. 5. My dad will grow/ growing apple trees, but my mum doesn’t like this ideal 6, She likes cycling / cycle better than jogging. Big 4-85 a ty Hm tra 4K nang AGhe -ndl- doe vis téNg Anh (ca ban va ANG eaa)iép 7 19P1Y 9 (1989) Read the passage and choose one suitable verb to put into the blank. Hello, my name’s Sarah. | have several hobbies such as (1) .. .., surfing, (2) to music and so on. However, | like (3). books the most. Reading makes me feel comfortable after school. It also helps me to improve my knowledge. Sometimes, | (4)... «. sports with my mother and sister in the front yard. In the morning, | usually get up early to go (5) . Ithelps me to improve my health and enjoy fresh air in the morning. * | play cooking cycling (59 Read the passage and do the tasks below. . money can collect sport cars. «as a good hobby. reading listening Collecting things is an interesting hobby. People collect a lot of things such as stamps, milk bottle labels, comic books as well as car toys. Someone who has much Amy is a skillful and interesting woman. She is twenty years old. She is working as a hairdresser. Amy has a strange hobby that is collecting candy shells. Her friends and relatives always give her shells after eating candy. She has a big collection of candy shell now. She thinks she will make a special dress. If she has more shells, she will make other things such as wallets or shoes. This makes her happy. Collecting things is a waste of time and money. However, people still consider it Peed “TO. Y'8ig 4-86.46 wkd ta 4 Ky nding Nghe -nol-doc- wish iéng Anh (6d ban ve ning 600) Gp 7 Ep 1 | | {3 A. Answer the following questions. 1. What do people collec? 3B. Write T (True) or F (False). 1. Collecting things is a boring hobby. 2. Collecting sport cars is not an expensive hobby. 3. Amy isa man, 4, Amy likes collecting sport cars. 5. She is thinking of making a dress with candy shells. ig 4-86 dB tym a 4k7 nang Nghe -ndi- dec - vi6t Héng Anh (ed ban va nang cao) ip 7 tap 1 17 pen Qe i ., D. SPEAKING cence” [SD Look at the pictures below. Using the phrases given in the box and make sentences © about the friends’ hobbies. beinterested in befondof be kean on like aie, ae ever 12 Yaga 66 8 iy km trad KY neng Nghe -nél- deo - VN éng Anh (eo.b&n ve nng eo} Kp 7 te 1 Now work in groups of three or four. Interview your friends about their hobbies, and © take notes in the table below. “ Friends’ | Hobby/ | How offen Why Further information “name | Hobbies Big 4-86 dB ty Kem tra 4 kV Nong Nghe - ndl- doc - vit fiéng Anh (Coban va néng cao) 6p 7 14H 1Y 13. BEEdN S\ausine [EERE aR dé nghe Do you like swimming? Go ask as many friends in your class as possible to find who “like swimming. Ask them if they can swim or cannot swim yet. Write their names in [ the space below. - Friends who can swim: - Friends who can't swim yet: .... 1. Tyrone is interested in swimming. Now listen to him calling the staff at his local swimming pool. Then fill in the registration form with Tyrone’s information. BROWNTON SWIMMING POOL REGISTRATION FORM First nam Tyrone Surname: 1d Ya 4-89 68 tyke 4 ey dng Nghe -ndl- doc - vt Hing Anh (66 ban ve néng cao) Bp 7 tap 1 2. Listen again. Decide whether the statements below are true (1) or false (F) —— | 1. There are four different age groups that play water polo. 2. Tyrone wants to join the under 14s club. 3. The under 16s train on Monday and Thursday evenings. 4, Water polo matches are played on Saturdays. 5. You have to pay to join the water polo classes for under 18s 6. You need to bring a photo to register at the swimming pool. 7. The training for the water polo team starts this week. Big 4-80 dB ty kgm tra 4K ning nghe -nél- doc vii lng Anh (ed ban va nang cae) 1p 7 FOP T 15 F. WRITING (9D Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words. ‘eo Linh likes collecting stamps of different countries in the world. 2. Ha likes going on a picnic with her best friends at weekends. — Hais. 3. What | always want to do every morning is to play badminton. lam. 4, My brother and | are really interested in watching horror films. — My brother and |. 5. My cousin is a big fan of Manschester United football team. .-(fond) (crazy) ~ My cousin is .. Do you have a special hobby? Write an email (80-100 words) to your pen-friend, © and tell him/her about it. You should base on the suggestions below: wir if. - What is your hobby? node" ingtrutment ees -When did you stot it writing amovi pay - What do you do in your hobby? - Who do you like doing it with? - How much do you like doing it@/ How do you feel when you do it? = Why do you like doing it? - What will you do with your hobby in the future? 16 8ig 4- 86 28 tykiém tra 4 ky ndng_ Nghe -n6i- doc - vit fiéng Anh (ed bn va ning cao) 1p 7 6p 1 id, Dear... love, (Your signature) lg 4-89 db ty Em fra 47 nng Nghe -ndi- de - vt Héng Anh (G0 ban vainang cas) op 7 1p 1 17 Unit PHONETICS Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1A. surf B. roof C. of D. father 2. A. laugh B. though C. cou, D. enough 3.A. machine B. chemical c D. backache 4. A. chin B. architect C. mechanic D. headache 5. A. rough B. fast C. although D. ferry Put the words into the correct column according to the underlined part. wife wives of vain laugh cough live enough victory ~—paragroph —inyention rough (ff Ii 18. “Big 4- 8548 iy Kiém tro 47 nna Nghe -nd- Gos vist héng Anh (60 ban ve ndng 60) Bp 716p | VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR (61D) Find one word which does not belong ta each group, 1.A. temperature —_B. toothache C. earache D. earrings 2. A. lemonade B. orange juice C. vitamin D. milkshake 3. A. eating B. walking C. jogging D. running 4. A. vegetable —_—B. allergy C. fruit D. junk food 5.A. itchy B. weak C. weight D. healthy 6. A. good B. tired C. comfortable D. relaxed 7.A. swimming B. watching C. reading D. listening ie 8. A. volleyball B. running nose C. baseball D. swimming 9.A. flu B. cold C. fever D. necklace 10. A. fit B. toothache C. healthy D. strong Look at the pictures and complete the sentences using the words below. | arunning nose junk food Ss | eyeles to school does moming exercise 1. You shouldn't eat too much ...-because it will make you fat. 2. My father .. .... everyday to keep fit. 3. In cold weather, children easily hove...... 4, He ..... health. .. everyday because it is good for his Big 4- B6 dB ty hibm tra 4 Ky nang. nghe -n6i- doc - vB! HhEng Anh (eo bén vaindng cao) lop 7 #1 Y 19) [99 Match the illness with the suitable symptom. 1. toothache 1. a. you have a high temperature 2. fever b. a pain in your tooth when you have a cavity in 3. sore throat your tooth A tosses c. you make a loud sound which sometimes affects people around you oe wD 5. cough d. a pain in your stomach. e. a pain in your throat [1109 Complete the following sentences with “more” or “less”. 1. Drink ... water but .... 2. Eat... 3. Spend. 4. DO veececeeeeceees exercise. 5. Eat..... .candy, 6. Cycle to school... «money buying junk food. 1) Complete these sentences using “or, and, but, so”. 1. If you want to be fit and healthy, you should eat less junk food emore vegetables. -watching TV? 2. Which activity is better for us, playing sports. 3. She wants to stay in shape, he does morning exercise everyday. A. Sports like riding a bicycle ... running use a lot of calories. 5. The expert says that cycling uses more calories than walking,... running uses the most calories of all. 20 Big 4-66 a8 ty kidm rad Ky nding Nghe -ndl- Goo - Vit ng Anh (Ca ban vernang ao) lop 716 1 cts ore Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 1. You should eat more sweets because you may have a toothache. A B Cc D 2. Itwill be good for her if she relax more. A B ie D 3. You shouldn't take up a sport. It will make your health better. A B cD 4.Drink more water, but you will not be so_thirsty. A 8 ea+D, 5. He has a toothache, and he still eats a lot of sweet things. A B CD > (159 choose the best answer A, B, Cor D. .will be harmful for your health, B. junk food C. healthy food 2. Do you think that playing outside all day will make you get .. 1. Eating too much .... A. vegetables A.a sore throat B. a toothache CC. sun burn 3. You should be careful with... A. what .you eat and drink. C. why B. who A. If you eat that strange food, you may get a/an... A. backache B. allergy C. fever 5. IF you follow a balanced diet, you will have a healthy. A. life B. style C. house drinking healthy things will keep you fit. B. although C. but 7. He will take part in an event. In this event, he will run, jump ...... A. and B. but C. though D. fresh food D. temperature D. line Big 4-89 dB ty Km fra 4 Ky nding nghe -nél- doc viét ing Anh (ca ban va nang cae) Gp 7 top 1 27 8. Don’t drink too much milk, ........0+.-60+08 you will gain your weight. B. or C. and D. but 9. The doctor advised him to play more sports and computer games. A. more B. little C. less D. least 10. Your eyes will feel dry if you watch TV .. .read comic books a lot. A.ond B. but C. though D. so 11.To... -healthy, you need between 1,600 and 2,500 calories. A.let B, stay C. make D. do 12. late too much seafood, so | had a/an.... yesterday. A. earache B. backache C. stomachache D. headache 13. We shouldn't spend much time... TV and .... games, A. watching/play B. to watch/ to play C. watching/ playing D. to watch/ playing 14. My brother eats a lot of junk food, so he .... on a lot of weight. A. turns, B. takes C. brings D. puts 15. Eat more vegetable... ..drink less beer and coffee. Aor B. and B. but D. so 22. Y Big 4-86 a8 ty hiém tra 4 ky néng_ Nghe - Ndi - doc - vié! ing Anh (co bn va nang cao) 6p 7 tp 1 READING [B® Read the passage and answer the questions. KEEPING OUR TEETH HEALTHY It’s very important to have healthy teeth. Good teeth help us chew our food. They also help us look nice. How does a tooth go bad? The decay begins in a litle crack in the enamel covering of the tooth. This happens after germs and bit of food have collected there. Then the decay slowly spreads inside to the tooth. Eventually, poison goes into the blood, and we may feel quite ill How can we keep our teeth healthy? First, we ought to visit the dentist twice a year. He can fill the small holes in our teeth before they destroy the teeth. He can examine our teeth to check that they are growing in the right way. Secondly, we should brush our teeth with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day-once after the breakfast and once before we go to bed. We can also use wooden toothpicks to clean between our teeth after a meal, Thirdly, we should eat food that is good for our teeth and our body: milk, cheese, fish, brown bread, potatoes, red rice, raw vegetables, and fresh fruits. Chocolates, sweets, biscuits and cakes are bad, especially when we eat them between meals. They are harmful because they stick to our teeth and cause decay. 1.Good teeth help us .... our food. ‘A. be nice B. have good eyesight C. chew D. be important 2. When food and germs collect in a small crack, our teeth. A. become hard B. send poison into the blood. C. begin to decay D. make us feel quite ill 3. A lot of people visit the dentist only when. Sal A. their teeth grow properly B. they have holes in their teeth C. they have toothache C. they have brush their teeth 4, We ought to clean our teeth. mn A. After breakfast B. before breakfast C. before bedtime D. Both B&C 5. We shouldn't eat a lot of Ry A. red rice B. fresh fruit C. fish D. chocolate Big 4-85.48 Iv kr ta 4KV ning Nghe -n6l-doc- v6 ing Anh (ca.ban vé nang cac)lop 7 Gp1Y 23 D. SPEAKING “* “) Work in pairs. Interview your partner with the questions given below. Then count the ® score and see the result. Questions 1, How often do you eat chocolate or} 2. How often do you eat fruit or green sweets? vegetables? «a. Everyday (0 point) a. Once or twice a year (0 point) b, Once or twice a week (1 point) b. Once or twice a month (1 point) cc. Once or twice a month (2 points) c. Once or twice a week (2 points) d. Once or twice a year (3 points) d. Everyday (3 points) 2 FW Shit do You play sock ortoks | ° -d. How matiy Roce’ slabp de'yeti wally exercise? get at night? ‘a. Once or twice a year (0 point) a. 1-5 hours (0 point) b. Once or twice a month (1 point) b. More than 12 hours (1 point) c. Once or twice a week (2 points} c. 5-8 hours (2 points) d. Every day (3 points) d. 9-12 hours (3 points) 5. How many hours a day do you spend watching TV or videos? a. More than 5 hours (0 point} b. 45 hours (1 point) c. 2:3 hours (2 points) Your partner’s WHAT DOES YOuR ‘SCORE MEANS? total score: | 1.4: You probably aren't fit. Think about a different lifestyle. 5-8: Think about your diet and take more exercise. 9-12: You have a healthy lifestyle. 13-15: You are very fit and healthy. 24 ig 4-86 a8 ty km tra 4 ky néng_nghe - n6l- doc - vit tiéng Anh (ea ban va nang ca0) 6p 7p 1 itthe ally / [SGD Now take turns to ask and answer about the two following sentences. ® 1. When was the last time you went to the doctor/ hospital? Why? 2. What do you often do to keep fit and healthy? Big 4-89 G8 Iv Kim a dV nONG Aghe -nOl- doc vei ng Anh (Ga ban veinéna cao)\6p 7161 Y 25 Bea x aust ma THERE Ak dé nghe /1D Discuss with your friends about what common health problems are among teenagers? it Puta tick next to the health problems. @. toothache e. headache eee Branbriiisi ss settee f. high-blood pressure | c. shortsighted : g.sleeplessness vessssses | d. stomachache ess h, overweight/ obesity oo... era i, bone structure | questions below. | 1. According to the doctor, what are the causes of obesity among teenagers? A. weather B. genes C. teachers and friends D. behavior E. culture F, money | 2. According to the doctor, what health problems do obese teenagers may face with? | A. breathing problems B, headache C. heart disease D. stomachache E. joint pain | F. toothache 26 Y Big 4- BO dé tykiém tra 4 ky nang nghe - nd - dpe - viét Hiéng Anh (cd ban va nang cao) Ip 7 1p 1 _— 2c listen again and fillin the gaps with the missing words. —— han the body ..chance that Obesity occurs when a person eats (1 burns. If one parent is obese, there is a (2) his or her child will also be obese. However, when both parents are obese, their children have (3)... i chance of being obese. In addition, more citiiitre teatcgans ae, Obes bommura ols err roca al or (9)... 2 lot of fast-food. Some are so busy with ee ‘or some are so lazy that they can’t spend any time (6)... .. Watching TVs or playing (7).. Howr.aid hols, afeiilsaythiegensondforliheir overweight. Big 4- 86 8 ty kid tra 4 KY ning Nghe -nél - doc - vib tiéng Anh (Co ban vainang cao) Kip 7 tp 1Y 27 FC WRITING (8) Make eres sentences by using appropriate co-ordinators given below. © aa be so or for | 1, Ihave a terrible headache. | want to visit my doctor. 2. She felt so tired and sleepy. She soulstisee = 3. The patient needs a special treatment, Her health condition is getting worse. 3. 4. My mother should have a healthy diet. She needs to do regular exercise, too. ee 5. You need to take some pain-killers. You can visit the doctor if you want. ee {) What do you do every day to keep fit and better your health? Write an email (80-100 © words) fo your friend to tell about it, You should base on the suggestions below: - What do you do for your physical health? - What do you do for your mental health? Dear... 28 Big 4-86 a8 ty Kidm ta 4 Ky nGng Nghe -nél- Goo - Vi iéng Anh (ed ban v8 néng cao) Op 7 Hep 1 | | | } | ‘es love, Big 4-86 dB ty kidm fra 4 Kj nding nghe -ndl- doc -vi6 iéng Anh (eo ban v8 nang cao) 1ép 7101 Y 29 (unit ] Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. generation —_B. goose C. ginger D. engineer 2. A. question B. mosquito C. mosque D. unique 3. A.mechanic B. stomachache _—_C. Christmas D. chance 4. A. giggle B. gone C. engine D. forget 5. A. complete B. compass C. concert D. century Put the words containing sounds /g/ or /k/ into the correct column. ache — goat communily good competitor traffic comic forgot geese gone moke coin green Greek ig! iki 30. fig 4-86 ad wind ra a ky nang Nahe -Nl- doc - Wisi Ting AN (6a ban ve nBAG 669) 16p 7 Tp 7 A eal amen sid aey 1 help 1. a. less computer games. 2. play Oe b, more food for homeless people. 3.donate | 3. | c.homeless people, elderly people and the poor. A. provide | 4... | d. houses and rooms. Ls |eeeablecdh Look at the pictures and choose a suitable words to complete the blank. raise money recycle rubbish donate blood community service homeless people provide food ‘ GIFT OF LIFE Bist eitinee Big 4-86 dB ty kém ia 4 ky nding nghe -ndi- doc - vil Hing Anh (e3 ban v6 ng ca0)l6o 7 1p 1 31 |W) Use the present perfect tense or past tense. 1, Mum (make).......1:::s:10€ delicious omelet already. 2.1 (leave) 3. We (not decide) 4, He (break)... university 2 years ago. -what to get Mark for his birthday yet. the vase this morning. 5. I can't see where my umbrella is. Somebody take)... 6. | [fot S66) .seseesse ....Susan recently, 7. Our team (win). .the match yesterday. 8. She (finish). her homework already. 9. | (visit)... Ha Long Bay several times. VO. cassesseeeeeeeensyOU (tide). ...e.e town on your new bike yet? {MD Circle the correct answer. 1.Have you (saw/ seen) my sunglasses? 2. You have (broken/ broke) my cup. 3. Where (you have/ have you) put my keys? 4, (Have/ Has) John and Tim called you? 5. He hasn't (gave/ given) me his phone number. 6. She hasn't (buy/ bought) tickets for the concert yet. 7. (Ithas/ Has it] stopped raining? 8. [haven't (did / done) my homework yet. 9. They didn’t (go / gone) to the party last night. 10. | (met/ have mef) him yesterday. {209 Fill in each blank with yet/ already/ just 1. Our classmates have joined a volunteer work. 2. We have raised a lot of money for the poot.-scvsseessese : 3. She hasn't seen this “32. Y big 4-86 a8 ty kiém tra 4 Ky nang nghe - nél- doc - viét lng Anh (ed ban va nang cao) lap 7 tap 1 4, The woman has.. ..completed the cooking to provide the homeless. ek 5. Have you finished your homework... 1) Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box in the correct verb form. pass spend —sell_‘teach win’ ~— send _~—plant-_ provide 1.You should... Bi He ose ... others how to recycle things to protect environment. svathe driving test already. 3. Sometimes we take part in charity work to.. the poor with food and money. 4. They . their house in the city last month. onl letter to Paul recently. 6. The children II their money on computer games. Fc 8 the race. 8.We...... .. @ lot of trees to make the environment fresh. [189 Choose the best answer A,B,C or D. 1.We should join our hands to help. because they are so poor. A.the homeless —_B. the rich C. the happy D. the old 2. | have to prepare some English lessons ... the orphans in the village. A. to learn B. to finish C. to teach D. to send 3. The A. young children _B. street children C. rich children D. weak children ..are people who don’t have their own houses to live in 4. We usually collect and food to provide to the homeless. A. old clothes B. garbage C. rubbish D. cans 5. My father ... A. bought B. will buy C. has bought D. buys ssuthe bike for me already. 6. We ought to take care... poor people. B. on C. with D. of Big 4-8 8 hy Km ira 4 7 nBng nghe=ndl-doc - vat ing Anh (ca ban va nang coo) 6p 7 1p 1Y 33 7.1 ++an interesting news from my best friend yesterday. A. have heard B. heard C. hear D. did hear to that village to do volunteer work several times. B. go C. going D. have gone 9. The house looks clean. .. veel A. Did you wash B. Do you wash C. Have you washed D. Did you washed 10. | have decided to ride to school environment. is a good way to protect the A. because B. so C. but D. although 11, Our class has a charity programme to.. ..«.poor people. A. ask B. tell C. help D. take 12. My brother and | s1+Da Lat recently. A. visited B. will visit C. has visited D. have visited 13. We should help street children because they have bad... A. living conditions _B. life style C. earnings D. live 14, My friends and | sometimes .. s11++1-blood fo cure patients in hospitals. A. bring B. donate C. take D. make 1e volunteer activities because we can help a lot of poor 15. We ought to people. A. make B. take in C. participate in D. bring 34 Y Big 4- 66 68 ty kim tra 4 k7 nding Nghe - néi-dos - vig ing Anh (6d ban va nang cao) ip 7 Top 1 } } } ; ; } ; } ; : { : } { ; ; ; $ : : 3 ; ; : e Read the passage and circle T (true) or F (false). Community service is very important in social life. As you know, our social life has both the rich and the poor people. So it is necessary for us to take part in volunteer activities to help poor people and elderly people. We can help them in various ways. Firstly, it is easy for us to collect old clothes which we don’t need . Besides, we can : join volunteer activities to raise funds for the poor and the homeless in our country. Finally, we can spend time talking with older people, sharing with poor children. Through these activities, we can develop our leadership skill by organizing fund raising, providing food as well. 1. Community service is not necessary in our life. T/F ; 2. We take part in volunteer activities to help rich people T/F ; 3. We don’t need to collect old clothes for the poor. 1/F ' 4, We shouldn't talk with older people. T/F ; 5. Community service can develop our leadership skill. T/F Big 4-86 dB ty kiém fra 4 Kf nng_nghe -ndl- doc - vit Hidng Anh (cg ban va nng 650) bo 7 1p 1 35 aa -~ ) D. SPEAKING “= Go around the class and find 3 friends who have done community services. Ask them some information as in the table below. Take notes. Friends’ name Jobs | When | Where With whom Now report to the class based on the notes. Work in pairs. Now tell your partner about one of the volunteer work you have done. You should base on the suggestions below: - What was it? -When/where did you do it? - What did you do? - Who did you do it with? - What did you think about the work? 36 Big 4-86 a8 tyidém trad ky ning nghe -nél- doc - vigHiéng Anh (6d ban va néng ca0) Kip 7p 1 _ E. LISTENING 6) ‘Quét ma BERN on dé nghe [ED Look at the list below about the volunteer jobs for British teenagers. Match the jobs » with the descriptions, _Jobs Job descriptions 1. Toad warden a. To make programmes for community radio station 2. Tandem bike rider b. Work on a charity stall at a music festival 3. Pet carer cc. Work with children to do theatre plays and musical productions 4, Festival volunteer d. Look after pets when elderly owners go into hospital 5. Radio producer e. Be the front rider on a tandem bike so blind people can enjoy recycling 6. Kids theatre volunteer | f, Help toad cross the road when they migrate for the annual breeding season. 4. Do you find the jobs interesting? Which one do you like to do? [529 1. Listen to a man calling for people’ s attention to volunteer activities. Then decide if the statements below are true (1) or false (F) The man says that: 1. Being a volunteer is a way to avoid wasting time. sesseaes 2. Only a few volunteer organizations need new volunteers. 3. Many people are lazy and don’t want to do something new. 4. Being a volunteer can be boring sometimes. 5. Sometimes volunteers can be sad about what the government do to people. Big 4- BO dB ty Kiém tra 4K ning nghe = nél- dgc - Wt féng Anh (ed bén vai néng cao) lép7 ap 1Y 37 _2. listen again and fill in the gaps with the missing words. Being a volunteer is one of the (1) ... . things you can do with your life. I's a great way to help other people. It’s also very (2) .... to know that you tare not wasting your time and are helping people who need help. Many of us could and should be out there doing (3) .... of some kinds. So many volunteer organizations need extra hands. It really is easy. Just pick up the phone and offer your (4) .. «++: | think too many of us settle into a lazy lifestyle. We just want to come home and watch TV. Life is much more interesting when you're a volunteer. I've found it really opens your eyes to how some people live. It's sometimes sad to see how the government lets people (5) ..........e-ses08 , but at least I’m doing my bit. 38 big 4-86 a8 ty Kiém tra 4 kj ndng Nghe - n6i - doc - vi6t Ting Anh (eo ban vé néng ca0) 16 7 tap 1 FE. WRITING BD Make meaningful sentences based on the given words. 1, Last week/ we/ plant/ lot/ trees/ new park/ close/ school 2. Volunteers/ wash/ dirty clothes/ classify/ before/ give/ the poor 5. Singer/ decide/ donate/ show's money/ show/ orphanage children/ district. Suppose that you were an organizer of a volunteer organization. Plan a volunteer campaign and write an advertisement to call for people’s participation. You should base on some suggestions below: + About the volunteer work: What is it? Call feu wolanteers: - Where to do it? if Wy - When to do it? tm - How to do it? - What can volunteers gain from the work? ¢ About the volunteers: - How many volunteers are needed? - What qualities do the volunteers need to have? ig 4-89 dB hy kiém rad KY non Nghe ndl- doo - igh iéng Anh (Ed ban va nena Goo) ioa 711 Y 39 40. big 4-8 a8 fy idm tro 4 ky nang nghe - nd doc - vi6tTiéng Anh (ed ban vé nang cao) 6p 7 tap 1 (Units 1, 2, 3) {)) Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1A. answer 8. further C. butter D. birth 2.A. burn B. collect C. alone D. neighbour 3.A. chimpanzee —_B. mechanic C. chemistry D. earache 4. of B. funny C. wife D. bookshelf 5. A. conquer B. cook C. centimetre D. key {519 Choose the word with the different stress pattern, 1.A. enjoy B. collect C. escape D. paper 2.A. answer B. repeat C. repair D. attract 3.A. village B. summer C. contact D. winter 4.A. raincoat B. machine C. airport D. bookshop 5.A. homesick B. explain C. allow D. expect Big 4-86 43 iy Bm tra 419 nang Raho -ndl-doe = vig iéng Anh (Cada winding cac)lep 7 eDTY AT \) Find one word which does not belong to each group. ~ VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1A. like B. enjoy C. hate D. love 2.A. gardening —_B. skating C. running D. swimming 3. A. working B. sleeping C. relaxing D. resting 4A. sunburn B. allergy C. sunlight D. flu 5.A. junkfood B. orange juice. milkshake D. lemonade 6.A. sick B. tired C. well D. sore 7. A. community B. compete C. complete D. compare 8. A. running B. running nose —_C. sore throat D. cold 9. A. donate B. provide C. collect D. money 10. A. clothes B. food C. provide D. money (7109 Fill in the columns with the words in the box. the homeless grandparents rubbish postcards bottles table tennis basketball letters places the poor mum wishes balling Halong Bay cans 42. Big 4-86 a8 Wy kim ta4 ky ndn@ Nghe -n6i- dogo - VIB Héng Anh (co ban va ndng ca0) 6p 748 1 [RY Put the following verbs into the correct tense. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. Zz 8. 9. They (write) . Lenjoy (fish) . because it is relaxing. . She (love) . swimming in the afternoon. . My friend hates (eat) ....out alone. . We suggest (watch) .... _..0 horrible film. . What about (listen) . sto pop music. . Does she enjoy (do) gardening? a “ad «your grandparents recently? She (send) ........ .a letter to her pen-pal for 2 days. ..uthis essay last week. school a month ago? Complete the following columns. Present simple Past simple Present parfoet il al | drink sleep sing Big 4-8 48 ty Kidm tra 4 Ky néng nghe-ndl-doc = vist Héng Anh (co ban va néng ca0) 1p 7 tap 1 AB Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 1, My hobbies is going hiking and shopping at weekends. A B ¢ D 2. IFyou eat more sugar, you will lose your weight easy, waste A B [es D 3. Her son has lost his way on his way home yesterday. assess A B Cc D 4. You should eat much junk food because you will be fat soon. A B C D 5. Peter and Ann has bought a new car for about 2 weeks. It is so nice. A B cD ||) Put the correct form of the words in the following sentences. 1. English is ano... and important subject. (interest) 2. Ba has a large stamp ... «(collect 3. My mother works ... 4, He drinks... coe hours than yours. (many) seeeeseesbeer than me, (little) 5. Eating more vegetables and less meat will make you ... (health) sus (bore) sssinose. (run) 6. | don’t like this movie because it is so... 7. He gets a cold, so he has a .... 8. There are.. ..symptoms when you have a cold. (differ) | Choose the best answer A, B, C or D. 1. My family hos decided to use.... electricity by using more solar energy instead. A. more B. less C. much D. fewer 2. She studied very hard, _she passed all the exams. A. so B. and C. because D. but 44 ig 4-86 38 tv Kiém ra-4 KV Gna Nahe - NOI - doc - vt sng Anh (eo bn ve néng E40) Kp 7 tp 1 3. All of them enjoy... santo rock music. A. to listen B. listening C. listen D. to listening A. My friend is interested in riding a horse. He rides a horse three..... 0 week, A. time B. atime C. times D. timings 5. The seafood she ate this morning makes her feel ... -all over. A. well B. good C. itchy D. weak .them how to do 6. You can help your young children learn better by... homework after school. A. teaching B. doing C. offering D. helping TE vresrere .. fo Ho Chi Minh three times. Last summer we ..... wo there by plane. A. flew/ gone B. have flown/ have gone C. flew/ went D. have flown /went 8. When you have a flu, you may have a cough and a «...... nose. A. run B. running C. runny D. flowing 9. Itis interesting leaves from different countries. A. collect B. collecting C. to collect D. collected 10. | love playing volleyball, my father doesn’t A. and B. so C. because D: but 11. Laughing is very good... A. for B. of C. at D. to 12. When you have a fever, you should drink more water, stay in bed and relax. A. much B. more C. most D. less 13. Volunteers always do generall......sssesseessse such as talking with the elderly, repairing houses, providing food and so on. A. matters B. labors. C. jobs D. activities 14, Last year, our class came to the village and ..... ..meals for the poor. A. cook B. offered D. make 15. What has she ... ...u.for that orphanage? B. did C. done D. doing Big 4-86 dB IV Kim tra 4 Ky nang nghe -nél - doc - vid Hiéng Anh (cd bain ve nng cao) lép 7 1901. 45 | 5) Read the passage. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D. i } ' ' ' a 5 i \ 5 \ { You have a headache and you sneeze and cough. Your nose is all stuffed up, ‘and it keeps running, so you have to blow it every few minutes. You know by these (hee ... that you have a cold, and you feel completely (2) .. Everyone suffers (3) . the common cold at some time or other. It isn’t a serious (4) symptoms. That is, it can make you cough (5) . intense, and stop your nose (6) .. , but nothing can cure it. Medicine can relieve the ..,make your head less . So far(7) no cure for the common cold and no medicine to prevent it. (8) Sos there is no cure or preventive medicine for colds, people have all kinds of ideas about (9) .. «sss prevent and treat colds. Some people think that if you eat a lot of onions, you won't get cold. (10) ..... say that you should avoid getting wet and chilled, or you will catch cold. 1. A. diseases B. fevers C. cures D. symptoms 2.A. sad B. hungry C. miserable D. thirsty 3. A. from B. of C. with D. about 4. A. misery 8. illness C. headache D. wrong 5.A. less B. fewer C. much D. more 6. A. walking B. jogging C. running D. flowing 7.A. itis B. there is C. they are D. there are 8.A. Although B. Despite C. In spite D. But 9. A. what B. why C. where D. how 10. A. Other's B. Another C. Others D. Other 46 ig 4-86 a8 ty kidm fra 4 ky nding nghe -nél-doc - vik ing Anh (ed ban va nang C00) 16p 7 199 1 DE D. SPEAKING LiL lnm Your best friend ill. Now you call him and give him some advice. Look atthe pictures below as the suggestions. [SD Now make a plan about what to do in this summer holiday to enjoy your hobby. ” You should base on some suggestions below: - What is your hobby? - What is your plan? - How often will you spend time on it? - Who will do it with you? Big 4-86 d ty Kiém tra 4K¥ nng_nghe - nei - doc - vit ting Ann (Co Ban varndng cao) lp 7 tap 1Y Ay : ) eae wwe , E. LISTENING a a aust ms He PR QR dé nghe Listen to a friend talking about his favorite hobby as reading books. Then answer the ’ questions below. 1. How did he feel when he first read a book? 2. How did he feel when he read a story with a happy ending? | 3. How did he feel when he read a detective story? 4, What can he learn from reading books that helps to improve his English? |) Listen again and decide if the statements below are true (I) or false (F) _ 1. He started reading when he was over 4 years old. 2. He likes J.K. Rowling because of the sense of humor in her books. 1 | | 3. Reading books doesn’t help him in learning English very much. | A. He thinks he might become a writer one day. Sasha tre | 5. He offen spends 1 hour as minimum to read books daily, sssesnens 48 Big4- BG dB tu Hibm tea 4 Wy nang Nghe -14l- doc - Vib Eng Anh (eo ban va ndng cas) lép 7 44 1 F. WRITING [E90 Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences. ° 1. poor/ should/ the/ rich/ help/ the. . she/in/ close/ watching/ her/ is/ movies/ friends/ at / interested/ cinema/ the/ with/. Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words. 1. My friend is a big fan of K-Pop music. > My friend is... (fond) 2. Tom is interested in reality TV shows. He doesn’t like game shows. > Tom is... 3. She started to work for this volunteer organization in 2010. — She has 4, The teacher has aught these students for three years. — The teacher began ... 5. He was taken to the ete His right leg was broken. His ..... Big 4-86 dB ty ibm fra 4 KY nang nghe -nél- doc - vi ing Anh (c9 ban va. nang coo) 07 1B 1Y 49 [RWW do you have any health problems? What do you think you should do to improve your ‘© health? Write a paragraph (80-100 words) fo tell about it. You should base on the suggestions below: - What is/are your health problems? = Why do you have the problem|s)2 = What should/ shouldn't you do to improve your health? - Is there anyone to help you with your problem(s}? BO Big 4-86 dB iy kiém tra 4 kj nang Nghe - néi- doc - vi6t ting Anh (ec ban va néng cao) K6p 7 tap 1 (units 12,3) Review .) Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. | 1A-nurse B. birthday C. return D. government 2.A. earn B. first C. stir D. future | 3.A. purchase B. character C. merchandise —_D. chocolate | 4.4. cough B. tough C. spaghetti D. knife | 5.A. fork B. vampire C. move D. of | Choose the word with the different stress pattern, 1.A. above B. apple C. alone D. again 2.A. dictation B. decision C. librarian D. carefully 3.A. encounter B. determine C. entertain D. endanger 4.A. mountain B. maintain C. fountain D. certain 5.A. answer B. allow C. except D. import Big 4-86 8 ty kidm tra 4 KV nang Nghe -ndI- doc - viéttiéng Anh (co ban va nang cao) lbp 7 tap 1 B1 VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR i ) Complete these sentences sing the words or phrase in the box. ‘armenia improve taught collection rugby _ free time _symptoms charity 1. When | was small, my father -me how to fix the broken bike. Drees work includes lots of activities such as raising money, donating blood ‘and helping the old as well 3. He went out under the rain for an hour, so he got high .. last night. 4. She has a large . .of foreign stamps. 5. You should do morning exercise to .. ae your health, aoe -is one good kind of sports which help people to improve their health. 7. Running nose, coughing and sneezing are the ...... 8. In his...... ., he often helps his mum cook meals for the poor and the homeless. (1109 Read the conversation. Fill in the blank with the correci verb form. Telnet climb hae drink eat lock _Paint Peter: What a mess! Kiki: Yes, Aunt Smith's grandson, Henry (1).. Peter: Oh, God! Is there any orange juice for me? Kiki: No, Henry (2) ... Jitall. Peter: What about cake? Kiki: He (3) .... ... an hour ago. Peter:What has happened to Mum’s vase? Kiki: Henry (4) .. Peter: Look at the walls! nit 82. Y Big 4-89 48 ty idm fra 4 ky nding nghe -néi- doe - v6! Hiéng Anh (eo ban vai néng cao) lbp 7 tap 1 i Kiki: He (5) ...on them! Peter: What is the noise in the cupboard? Kiki: It's Cosmo, a mousel Henry (6) .... -sssCosmo in the cupboard. Peter: Where's Thomas? Kiki: He (7)... up the tree outside now. Peter: Why? Kiki: Aunt Agatha (8)... just. .. him, She's coming to get him! He! He! Put the following verbs into the correct forms. ° .. and (go) 1. | share the same hobby with my sister. We love (dance) shopping. ....pottery is Mary's hobby. 2. (Make) 3. You become fatter. You shouldn't (eat) sesee, much coke. much fast food and (drink) 4. | think in the future people (not play) individual activities. 5. We find arranging flowers interesting because it (help) relax. 8 sean you {hear}... anything about her? 7. No one (come) 8.1 (not think) here recently. .....about what to buy my mother on her birthday. [AUD Look at the pictures and write the correct words or phrases in the box. 5 running nose sore throat ride ahorse __ street children relax puton weight —aninterview go shopping _ environment [YD Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 1. We find eating junk food is healthy because it will make you gain A B G weight quickly. D 2. Has Tom and his friend known about that news? seeaneaeeeee A petic D 3. Arranging flowers and cooking special food are herhobby. iessssssenee A B ie D 4. The study of languages are very interesting. AB iS D 5. Every student in my class likes eat fast food. A B Gi AD! [7110 Put the correct form of the words in the following sentences. 1. Her hobby is .-. sport cars. (collect) PE DON Gai errectertsteec nese food because it will be harmful to you. (health) 3, We have «.s.sssssesseenes money than you, (many) 54 big 4-86 a8 ty em tra 4 ky ndNg_Nghe - ndl- age - vist iéng Anh (cs ban va néng a9) lap 7 19m 7 + food. (favour) aaron sto take part in the community service. (difficulty) 4, Hamburger is her 5. It is not .. 6. I find this document so .. 7. You should take the doctor’ seesseseee (interest) . Stay in bed! (advise) 8. | can’t drink this water because it too. . (heat) | [IS Choose the best answer A, B, Cor D. % i. ..-many special dishes in Ha Noi, Pho is the most popular. A. Between B.In . Among D,On 2. lenioy . .in the morning because | find it good .... -evany health, A.gardening/ for B. gardening/ to C. garden/for —_D. garden/ at 3. | think you should take up some sports because playing sporls can... vennyOUr health cond A. import B. improve C. provide D. donate 4, She forgot to take the sun hat, so she got a. A. backache B. earache C. headache D. stomachache 5. You should spend ... ... computer games. A.less/toplay -B. more /toplay C. less/ playing —_—D. more/ playing 6. They . A. have visit B. have visited C. visit D. visited -NhaTrang 5 times so far. 7. Doing charity means ... money, cooking, providing food for the people in need. A. rising B. raising C. taking D. getting 8. There .... ..0 lot of organizations which do charity work recently. Aare B. were C. have been D. has been 9. A good life style ourselves. eating healthy food, playing sports and enjoying A. mean B, means C. meaning D. meaningful 10. Have you ever .... to France before? A. been B. gone C. went D. visit {ig 4-86 dé ty kiém tra 4 ky nang nghe -néi- doe - vist fiéng Anh (cd ban va nang coo) 6p 7 1p 1 55 AAT _.. C, READING —, Read the passage and write T (True) or F (False) I more young people are doing community service. They do it in many different ways. They do housework, provide the food, raise money even paint the houses. { ; ; ; ; ; ' i | ; ; | People are living longer, so there are more elderly people. Recently, more and Some young people work as hospital volunteers. In America, they are called ‘candy stripers’ because ofthe striped pink and white uniform they wear. Others are concerned about the environment and work on neighbourhood clean- up campaigns. They come to the elderly and help them with their housework, clean the yard and doing gardening as well. We should support these volunteers to make a better society. 1. There are more and more elderly people doing community service. .... 2. Young people never provide the elderly with food. 3. Some people volunteer to work in hospitals. 4, Volunteers are called ‘candy stripers’ in England. 5. Volunteers come to the elderly to help them with the gardening Bes Oe ee eee | “56 Y Big 4-86 48 ty kgm tra a ky nang nghe -nél- doc - viding Anh (co ban va nang cao) 1p 7 1p 1 ell your friend about one volunteer campaign organized by your school. You should base on the suggestions below: What was the campaign? SCHOOL Neste ia) PROGRAM -When/ where was it organized? - Who took part in it? Did you join? - What did volunteers do? - What do you think about the campaign? Now work in pair. One student is A, the other is B, A calls B and asks B to join the © volunteer work, B asks A some information about the job, based on the suggested cues: Name/ jobs/ purposes/ time/ place/ number of volunteers/requirements for volunteers/ registration deadline. tells B about the job based on the given information in the box. Name of the volunteer program: “GREEN GYM” Jobs: planting trees & improving footpath Purposes: volunteer get fit through the activities & better the environment Time: 6" May - 21"' May, weekends only, 6 hours a day Places: Green lake Park, Swansea Park Meals: free | Number of volunteers needed: 60 | Requirements for volunteers: over 12 years old, without special health problems. Register before: 2! May 3g 4-89 ay km ta 4 Ky nBNg Nghe = ndl-dgc Visi iéng Anh (GabEn ve néng coq) Kp 7 Hop 1Y 57 Islands Farm Ecuador. Listen tothe first part ofthe talk and decide if the statements | below are true (or false (F. 1. Volunteers of this campaign will do the same thing every day. 2. There are more than one main job to do there. 3. There is no machine to support volunteers when they do farming. ... 4. Half of the schools there are old. 5. The school maintenance work is as important as the farm work e > {C89 Listen to the second part of the talk and answer the questions below, ——__— | 1. How many bedrooms are there in the volunteer's house? 2. Are bathrooms inside of the house? 3. How many meals are served per day? 4. Who serve meals for volunteers? 5. Do volunteers have to work in the afternoon every day? 58. Y big 4-89 db 1VKiém fa 4 ky nang Nghe -nl- age - vi Hiéng Anh (ed ban va nang 600) 16p 7 top T {S89 Make meaningful sentences based on the given words below. 1, People/very/ willing/ donate/ charity. 2. Stop/ eat/ sweets/ ae if/ you/ not/ want/ have/ toothache. 3. Dave/be/ fond/ skiing/ since/ he/ move/ Australia. AV Veal enjoy/ slay! musical instruments/ but/ I/ not/ have/ much/ H/ reotia/ that. 5, Do/ exercise/every/ day/ very/ effective/ way/ keep fit/avoid/ diseases. [00 Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words. 1. He is crazy about beach volleyball. ..(fan) 2. What she fancy doing is to ride a bicycle around the park in the afternoon ~ She is ... (keen) 3. My grandfather needs to have a surgery. His heart problem is very serious. My grandfather 4. Lam has participated in many volunteer campaigns up to now. > lam 5. They started to raise funds to help disable cece Big 4-8 G8 ty km ta 4 Ky ndng_ngho -ndl- doo vir Eng Anh (eo ban va néng cao) Gp 7 191 59 ‘)) Write an email (80-100 words) to your friend and tell him/her about a community » service that you have ever done. You should base on the suggestions below: - What was the work? - When and where did you do it? - What organization did you work for? - What did you do? - Who did you do it with? - How did you feel? Dear... Love, ..(Your signature) 60. big 4-86 G8 nykiém tra 47 ndng Nghe -n6i- doc - vit ing Anh (ed ban va nang cac) 6p 7 ¥op 1 N ° oO ~ gilt : CAU CHUYEN VE VuGI i - Tra luén la dé véng ua thich ca ngudi Anh. Ude tinh méi ngay c6 165 trigu tach tra va hon 5 trigu chiée xc xich duge tiéu thy tai Anh. Ngudi Anh cing ding cdc logi dau nhigu gdp hai lan trung binh cla cae nude chau Au khac. Day cing chinh la cae mén chinh trong bia Gn truyén théng cla ho. Na hoang va gia dinh hoaing gia van cé suc Gnh huéng quan trong vé tinh than vdi ngudi dan Anh quéc. Hinh anh céa ng hoaing duge in trén moi con tem va viée dan tem ngugc bi coi la v6 cing bat kinh. - London la thi do va cing la thanh phé 6 nhiéu ngudi nhap cu nhét. Khoang 25% dan sé cia London duge sinh ra 6 ngodi lanh thé nude Anh. Day cing la mét thanh phé day tinh quéc 16, vdi hon 300 ngén ngo khdéc nhau duge nguai dan st dyng. Blackpool la dia diém nghi duéng co nhiéu khach nhat trén anh thé nude Anh. Day la thanh phé ven bién phia Tay Bac, vdi rét nhiéu resort va sy kién du lich. Blackpool cén néi tiéng la thd phd nguéi déng tinh cla phuong Bac (Gay capital of the North). Trai nguge véi sy ndi tiéng cua rugu champaigne Phép, logi rugu nay Igi do mét ngudi Anh phat minh ra vao khoding thé ky 17. Ngudi Anh cing cé mic tiéu ding rugu téo (cider) trung binh lén nhat thé gidi. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. chemical B. delicious C. especially D. musician 2. A. machine B. chef C. check D. sugar 3. A.generation —_B. question C. competition D. portion 4. A, unusval B. pleasure C. pleasant D. leisure 5. A. conversation —B. discussion C. decision D. mission Choose the word with the different stress pattern. 1. A. doctor B. simple C. castle D. enlarge 2. A. become B. promise C. suggest D. disorder 3. A. flower B. exclude C. husband D. farmer A.A. exciting B. telephone C. tomorrow D. November 5. A. decide B. behave C. offer D. occur 62 Big 4-86 a ly Kidm tra 4 Kj nang NgHe- NdI- dc vig Ting Anh (co ban va nding CoO) 1B 7 190 1 VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR [1UGD circle the word which does not belong to each group. 1. A. painter B. artist C. singer D. worker 2.A. saxophone _B. violin C. instrument D. guitar 3. A. interesting B. drawing C. acting D. dancing 4. A. same B. like D. different 5. A. famous B. enjoy C. expensive D. interesting 6.A. gallery B. concert C. places D. cinema 7.A. pop B. music C. classical D. rock 8. A. painting B. crayons C. paintbrush D. peneil [HIND Write the word in the box with the suitable verb to complete the columns. ° | aportrait a photo an instrument a picture the sky | asanactress — asanartist_ + somemoney _ hard music | anumbrella aus the piano basketball a house play | draw work [1% Put the following verbs into the correct tense. © 1. She (work) ... ..a8 an actress since last year. 2. | think he (become) .an artist in the future. 3. Drawing and dancing (be) ... her hobbies. 4, He (travel) . around the world for a month. 5. He (write) more than 6000 pieces of music when he was alive. Big 4-86 d HY dm trad ky nang nghe -n6i- doc - vi6t ting Anh (cd bain vaindng cao) dp 7 tap 1Y 63 ) Look at the pictures and write the correct instrument in the box. a flute a saxophone adrum aviolin guitar apiano # 7 6. tut the correct form of the following words. 1. She has bought different kinds of ........... sesesinstruments: (music) 2. Peter wants to become an. . because he is good at (art) drawing. 3. My brother works as an (acl) 4, There are so many bea .on the wall {paint 5. My teacher is as ....... seeeereeeens GS YOUFS, (better) 64 Big 4-86 a8 tym ra 4 ky nang nghe -ndl- dgc - vt tng Anh (ea bn va nang cao) lap 7 tap 1 Choose the best answer A, B, C or D. 1. Her hobbies are .. photos and making pottery. A. making B. taking C. doing D. drawing 2A. is the person who is so funny and makes people laugh happily. A. writer B. singer C. comedian D. artist 3. The play will start at the. ime as yesterday. A. same B. too C. either D. like 4, | can’t play any musical instruments. -1 can't. A. too B. either C.s0 D. neither 5. He has been famous for 3 years, ... he can earn lots of money. A. so B. because C. and D. but 6. He has written so many pieces of music. He is a wellknown . A. writer B. poet C. comedian D. musician 7. My younger sister has a very ..... ...character from me. A. different B. as C. same D. like 8. You can eat. setnuch ... you like. A. as/from B. as/ as C. the same/as D. different/from 9. We will go to the theatre, and they will go there........ A. s0 B. too C. either D. neither 10. Mozart was one of the most famous .. ..of classical music. A. makers B. workers C. composers D. actors 11. This car doesn’t cost ........ the other one because it’s not new. A. as many as B. as much as C. the same D. twice os much as +8 rock music. A. as exciting B. exciting C. less excited D. excited Big 4 B9 dB iJ Kdm ia 4 Kj nag Nghe -nGl- doo vit Hing Anh (ed bon ve nding cae) 6p 711 65 people theatre works Friday interesting in bed likes gets up programme visit Ann lives in London. She is twenty nine years old and (1) the BBC. She interviews people on an early morning (2)... ealled The World Today. Every week, she gets up at 3.00 in the morning ee meen starts at 6.30. She loves her work because it is(3)..... a lot of very interesting (4). but she loves her weekends, too. On (5) and ‘they cook dinner. Anna loves cooking. They listen to music or just chat. . and she meets a evening, she goes out. Sometimes her friends come On Saturday mornings, she (6).. ie _ at 9.00 and she goes shopping. Then in the evenings, she sometimes goes to the (7)... rd apera AMI hee flnds -SHBlloyes opera, On\Sitidéy: moming;? hears (8). late. She doesn’t get up until 11.00. Sometimes in the afternoon, she (9). .. her sister. She (10). .. playing with her niece and nephew, but she leaves early because she goes to bed at 8.00-0n Sunday evenings. 66 8q4=86 a8 Wyk fra 4k nding AGhe -néi- doc vit HSng Anh (69 bain ve nang CoG) Kp 7 Toe T ~— Read the passage and answer the questions. There are many kinds of musical instrument and people listen to music all over the world. They turn on music in parties, club, weddings and restaurants os well. People like music because it helps them forget sadness and makes them feel more love in life. After a hard working day, people come back home and feel so tired. Music now can help them close their eyes and relax themselves. Sometimes it is difficult to understand music, but people still enjoy it. 1. Do people listen to music all over the world? 2. Where do they turn on music? 3. Why do people like music? 4, How do people feel after a hard working day? 5. Is it easy to understand music? Big 4-86 dB iV Kidm tra 4 Ky nang nghe -ni- doc - Wis iéng Anh (ea ban vaindng cao) kép 746m 1 67 6) ANE O05 oe as } D. SPEAKING “Work in pairs. Look at the different types of Vietnamese traditional music and art * given in the box . Discuss with your partner and put them into the correct column in the table. Quan Ho Bac Ninh Folk Song Cai Luong Singing — Cheo Singing Silk Painting Nha Nhac CaTru Singing Xam Singing Martial Arts Tuong Singing Dong Ho Painting — Water Puppet Xoan Singing | | Visual Arts Traditional Theatre | Traditional Music * above. Question Partner 1 Partner 2 Te 2 | | 1 Sects aed Lieb Riots Now ask your partners. Take notes in the table above. Then report to the class. 68 Big 4-86 a8 ty kiém tra 4 k7 nng_nghe - nél- dec - viéttiéna Anh (ed ban v8 néng cao) lép 7 #8 1 hid E. LISTENING © Yeuet ma BRT: ce 6 nghe [SID Look at the pictures of different types of visual arts. Match the pictures with their , types provided in the box. printmaking sculpture drawing painting ceramics S99) 1. Listen to a man talking about art. Then decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. He loves art but he couldn't draw or paint. 2. He wishes he could be better at art. 4, Traditional art is his favorite type. ni | | | 3. He wants to decorate his house with similar kinds of art. 5. He has a lot of knowledge about modern art. lg 4- 89 dB tylddm fra 4 nng Nghe -nAl- doc - vit ting Anh (os ban vB nGng a9) 16p7 1p 1 69 /- 2.listen again and fill in the gaps with the missing words, — 1.1'm a great (1).. | look at beautiful paintings and sculptures and wish | could be (2! f 2.1 wonder why some people are so talented and can create (3)... pictures, when other people, like me, can’t even draw good (4)... figures. 3.1 look at an (5)... 5 it's art. always laugh when my children say, “Daddy, | can do better than that!” | offen think they can. | he fein elena A Ee .of a pile of bricks in a museum but can’t see how 70 Y Big 4-86 48 tykiém tra 4 ky nang nghe - nd - doc - viét ting Anh (6d bn va nding cao) 6p 7 Kap 1 ) Rewrite the following sentences using the given words. 1. [thought the film would be interesting, but it wasn’t. = The film was not 2. She has a red Toyota car. | have a red Toyota one, too. ~ She has ..... 3. Jane loves classical music, but John loves rock music. — Jane’ favorite kind of music. 4, My grandfather doesn''t like football. My father doesn’t like football (either) — My grandfather .... 5. Today the temperature is 18 degrees. Yesterday, it was about 25 degrees. — Yesterday was... ..(80) [0D What kind of art do you like? Write an email (80-100 words) to your friend and tell © him/her about that. You should base on the suggestions below: - What kinds of art do you like? = Why do you like it? - How often do you spend time on if? Dear..... ‘ig 4-89 dB ty KiB fra 4 kj nding nghe -nél - doc - vidt ting Anh (ca ban va néxg cao) 6p 7 tap 1 77 sassen{Your signature) 72. Y big 4 86 8 fy kidm ra 4 ky ning nghe - nd - doc - vidi fidng Anh (Co ban va nang cao) 6p 7 tap 1 | (710 Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. naughty B. floor | 2..A. washing B. drop | 3A. chop B. document A.A. what B. water 5. A. problem B. talk 2. A. believe B. marriage 3. A. confident B, important 4.A. possible B. university 5. A. mother B. behave Cc c Cc. Cc ee | J Rp Choose the word with the different stress pattern. | 1A. decide B. combine | | | | | | | | clock boring bottle salt wash apply response together secondary money goo9o9 wall daughter audience hat yoghurt happen maintain exciting suitable pizza ig 48 aB ay abm ra AV nang Noho ndl- dye ven Anh (Gaba ve nding cao) Bp 7 WGI Y 73 ~ VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR “19 Circle the word which does not belong to each group. 1.A. shrimp B. noodles C. flute D. rice 2. A. omelette B. fry C. boil D. bake 3. A. pan B. chopsticks C. bowl D. flour 4. A. tasty B. salty C. food D. sour 5. A. fragrant B. enjoy C. bitter D. spicy 6. A. smell B. cook C. sound D. taste 7. A. mineral water B. vegetable C. orange juice —_—D. milkshake 8. A. some B. any D. little {1M Write the word in the box with the suitable verb to complete the columns. portrait photo instrument — ostrich actress i fomatoes money apple honey mineral water umbrella bus furniture noodles artist vegetarian plate oranges coconut diet SOME 74. Y Big 4-86 a6 ty Kiém fra 4 Kj nGNG_ Nghe -ndl- doc vit Tiéng Anh (Co ban va nang cao) lép 7 Top 1 [499 Write a/an/some then write C for countable or U for uncountable. @ Use a/ an/ some or any to fill in the blanks. « There isn’t . . She has .. im in the fridge. 2 pples in the cupboard. 3. Are there......cseeereeeeeee ‘oranges on the tree? ‘As Thore 8 .essscyasessetecase ea sugar in the bowl. 5 ... CD on the shelf. 6 coffee? «children in the park? . Would you like .... 7. Are there ........ 8. Jane has got in her purse. urns friend in need is ... -»ufriend indeed, 10. There isn’t the bottle. water left yd [900 Look at the pictures and write down the food . shrimp green tea bread omelette fried vegetables ig 4 BO dB kim ira ky ning nghe -nél- dee - Vib iéng Anh (ea bin va ndng cao) ep 7 tap 1Y 75 ) Choose the best answer A, B, C or D. 1. She doesn’t like eel soup because she thinks it tastes ...... 7 ‘A. good B. awful C. well D. delicious 2s Therelisn't s.scssranrrarinl tice left, so | have to go to the supermarket. ‘A. some Ba C. any D. little is a meal that you eat after you get up in the morning. A. Lunch B. Dinner C. Breakfast D. Snack A, Spring rolls ... . always made on special days in Viet Nam. A. are B. is C. was: D. were 5. Is there any salt .......sssssssssssssesee in the jar? A. leave B. to leave Cleft D. leaving 6. To make cakes you need SOMe......sssssceeeseveese , sugar and eggs as well. A. flowers B, flour C. beer D. wine potatoes do you need to make chips? A. How much B. How far C. How many D. How long Bo veecccssssssssssseesesshoney do you need fo cook fried chicken? A. How much B. How many C. How little D. How far this food when | was ten. 9. My mother taught me ..... A. how cook cooking CC, how to cook D. to cooking 10. My mum has cooked a delicious meal. Do you want fo... 2 A. make B. cook C. take D. try ine consists of many kinds of vegetables. A. Noodles B. Salad C. Fish D. Chicken 76 “Big 4-86 dB ty kiém fra 4ky nding Nghe - nél- doc - vi Hing Anh (co ban ve nang Cac) Kip 7 18 1 ho. 12. Viet Nam is famous ....... A. of B. at C. for D. by 13. Ihave two. .of chocolate. A. packet B. tubes C. bars D. cans 14, We usually have. 7pm. A. lunch B. breakfast C. snack D. dinner 15. There are .. _..oranges, but there aren't. apples. ‘A.any/ some B. any/ some C. some/ any D. little/ any ig 486 dB fy dm tra 4 Ky nang Nghe -nél- doo - vii liéng Anh (ca ban vO nang calGp7 1p Y 77 a ners CZ > Viet Nam is famous for many delicious kinds of food such as spring rolls, seafood, Pho and Che as well. OF all, | like Pho the most. Pho is a Vietnamese noodle soup, usually served with beef or chicken. The soup includes noodles made from rice and is often served with Vietnamese basil, mint leaves, lime, and bean sprouts that are added to the soup by the person who is dining Vietnamese people love Pho and so do foreigners. | have a friend from England. Her name is Anna. She has come to Viet Nam for three years. Anna works ‘as an English teacher in Ha Noi. She likes Pho so much that she eats Pho three times a day. Normally we eat Pho in a restaurant, but sometimes my mother cooks at home. | think Pho in a restaurant is more delicious than that at home because it has (YA. Answer the questions. ] 1. Is Viet Nam famous for seafood? face a 2. Ist 3, Where is the writer's friend come from? 4, How long has Anna come to Viet Nam? 5. What does Anna do? 2 B. Write T (True } or F (False) 1. Pho is served with beef or hot dog. 2. The writer likes Pho the best. 3. People in other countries also like Pho. 4. Anna eats Pho twice a day. 5. The writer thinks that Pho in a restaurant is more delicious. 78 Y fig 4-86 a8 fyniém a4 ky nang nghe - néi- dee - vt H6ng Anh (ed bén vai nding cao) lp 7 top 1 | [BS Works in groups of four. You and your friends are booking a table and choose food ® for 4 people. Discuss with your friends and decide what to choose. Explain the reason why you choose them. 19) Work in pairs. Tell your partner about what kinds of food and drink that you like. You should base on the suggestions below: - What kinds of food/ drink do you like? - How often do you eat/ drink them? - How do they taste? = Why do you like to eat/ drink them? Big 4-B6 dB tykidm tra 4 Ky nang Nghe - ndi- dge - Wt tiéng Anh (ca ban va nang cao) lap 7 tap) 79 ie \euai na oa owen THERESE, GR d8 rahe )) You are going to hear about “Pho” - a Vietnamese famous dish. First, answer the ~ questions below. 1. Have you ever eaten Pho? 2, How often do you eat Pho? |) 1. Now listen and decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F). = 1. To foreign visitors, Pho is the most popular dish of Vietnam. 2. However, to Vietnamese people, Pho is not the common food. 3. All people say that Pho was born in the capital of Vietnam. 4, There are many types of Pho. 5. Pho of the North seems more delicate than Pho of the South. 80 "Big 4-86 48 iy dm ra AV neg Nghe -nel- doc vib HSng Anh (es ban v8 ning 600)18D 71D 1 2, Listen again and answer the questions below. 1, What is Pho considered as? 2. When was Pho born? 3. Where do some people think Pho was first born? 4. How far is it from that province to Hanoi? 5. How different it is between Pho of the North and Pho of the South? Big 4-86 dB iy Wid fia 4K ning Nghe -n6l- doc -vi6t tiéng Anh (6d bin ve nding cao) 6p 7 16 1 Y 81 &) ‘Make meaningful sentences based on the given words. 1, I/not/ have/ potatoes/ cook/ soup/ you. 4, Special dish/ be served/ only/ morning 5, Because/ food/ very delicious/ I/ reclly/ want/ know/ recipe. Write an email to a foreigner friend and introduce to him about one special dish in * Vietnam. You should base on some suggestions below: - What is the dish? - How popular is it in Vietnam? ~ What are the ingredients to cook it? - How is it cooked and eaten? - What do you think about the dish? 82. Big 4-86 a8 tyhiém tra 4 kj nding nghe -n6)- doe - vt ting Anh (eo bén vai nang cao) lop 7 1p 1 love, {Your signature) 1g 4- BO dB tym Wa KP nOng_nghe - nél- deo - Hag Anh (G0 ban va ndng cao) 6p 7 Kap” 83 Unit Put the words into two group /¢[// or / d3 / manager creature generous heritage age feature watch sandwich witch June jealous juice chimpanzee marriage _ bridge fridge check chance furniture cheek village chocolate chin. major Mg Ids / Choose the word with the different stress pattern. 1. A. raincoat B. bookshop: C. apply D. toyshop 2.A. somewhere 8. anyone C. teacher D. confirm 3. A. bedroom B. mistake C. typewriter D. pretty 4. A. homesick B. believe C. remark D. control 5. A. brother B. behave C. noodles D. curtain 84 Big 4-8 a8 tyhidm fro a ky Nong nghe -ndi- doe - Wid Hiéng Anh (ea Bn va nang €a9) J5p 7 Tap 1 ~ VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR [TTD Circle the word which does not belong to each group. 1. A. blanket B. tent C. clothes D. drink 2. A. university B. church C. temple D. pagoda 3. A. behind B. between C. of D.on 4. A. necessary B. important C. school D. interesting 5. A. house B. gate C. door D. window 6. A. pavilion B. temple C. literature D. pagoda 7. A. known B. seen C. travelled D. met 8. A. teacher B. professor C. school D. tutor 9. A. building B. tomb C. temple D. pagoda 10. A. visited B. played C. cooked D. spoken {100 Put the following verbs into the correct tense. 1 People in Viet Nam as well as in the world (visi Huong Pagoda every year. 2. At the end of this month we (go)....... 3. Hoan Kiem lake (be)... A, They (erect)... to the Temple of Literature. the centre of Ha Noi. +...Stone tables in the Temple of Literature many years ago. 5. The gardeners always (take) of trees and flowers in the Temple. 6. Last summer holiday, we (visit ..many historical places in Ha Noi. 7. My sister and | often (pray). in the church on Saturday. 8. The Temple of Literature (be)... tourists in Ha Noi. wuthe very first stop-over of any foreign Big 4-86 4B ty kiém fra 4 ky nding nghe -ndl- doc - vid dng Anh (egTbén vi nang ea0)lep 7 tap 1Y BS Supply the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1. One-pillar pagoda (build).............+++sseeeeim winter of 1049, 2. The Doctors’ stone tablets (erect).............:eseecee by King Le Thanh Tong. 3. My house (surround). aby many trees and flowers. 4. Ha Long Bay (consider)...........-.:111.++-.08 @ world heritage. 5, Great Wall (locate). vesaiin China 6. South America (discover)........essss0s+e by Cristoforo Colombo. 7. Huong Pagoda (visil).......... ....-by thousands of tourists every year. 8. The Imperial Academy- the first university in Viet Nam (build). under Emperor Ly Nhan Tong 9. Hue Imperial City [locate).. in Hue city in centre of Viet Nam. 10. Many souvenirs (sell) every year. |) Look at the pictures and write down the name of places . One-pillar Pagoda Doctors’ stone tablets Hue Imperial City The Temple of Literature Ha Long Bay Sword Lake 86 Y Big 4-85 48 Wy Kibm rad KY nng Aghe -nél- Go - Vi Ting Anh (66 ban vainding Gao) lp 7 16 1 A Answer B 1.The weather is nice. | dese a. It’s necessary for her to stay in bed. 2. Itis cold outside. 2 b. It's a good idea if you grow more trees 3. I'm hungry. Boe and flowers 4, I'm going camping. Veer c. You will need warm clothes. 5. She is tired. 5 d. Let’s go out and go for a walk. 6. My house is large. 6. e. Do you think you need a tent? |. You should eat something. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D. 1. The Temple of literature «.....::::11111s:+-+1.«by thousands of people every year. ited D. were visited A. is visit B. is visited C. was 2. Emperor ly Nhan Tong is the person who constructed .. A. The Imperial Academy B. Great Wall C. One pillar Pagoda D. Ha Long Bay 3. Doctors’ stone tablets were made of .... A. sand B. brick C. stone D. cement ..Sites in Viet Nam, 4. The Temple of Literature is one of the historic and A. cultural B. culture C. old D. new Big 4- BO dB ty Kem fra 4K) ndng nghe-nél- doc - vi6t ng Anh (oo bin va néng coo) 6p 7 tp 1 87 5. It's a great idea to take some medicines ou have a fever now. A. so B. because C. but D.and 6. There is a pond the garden and the house. Ain B. among C. between D.on 7. You'd better... A. to take B. taking C. take D. took .an umbrella because it is going to rain. 8. Thien Quang well was .... as a world heritage. A. met B. recognized C. seen D. watched 9. The Imperial Academy was regarded ... the first university in Viet Nam. B. for D. with 10. The Imperial Academy was... .in 1076 under Emperor ly Nhan Tong. A. construct B. construction C. constructing D. constructed 11. Stone tablets were erected on the .... of the tortoise after each Royal examination, A. back B. stomach C. head D.arm 12. The .. A. instruct B. instruction C. instructing D. instructed. .of this pagoda lasted 2 years. 88. big 4-86 a8 tw Kiém trad k7 nding nghe -nél- doc - vi iéng Anh (o bn vai nding cao) lbp 7 4p 1 The Temple of Literature is about 10 minutes away from Swordlake. It was constructed in 1070 under Ly Thanh Tong's dynasty. In 1076, King ly Nhan Tong continued the work and built it as the first university of Vietnam The temple is divided into five courtyards, each with its own significance and history. There are a total of 82 tombstones, with names and origins of 1307 doctors, corresponding to 82 examination courses from 1442 to 1779. If you visit the temple at the beginning of the year or in May when many important examinations take place, you will catch sights of numerous students who come and rub the tortoise head. Such an action is believed to bring them luck to pass the test. architecture style for centuries in Vietnam, composed of wood and tiles. Along the § ; IFyou are keen on architecture, Temple of literature has one of the most typical _§ pass way are hundred.year-old trees that have witnessed ups and downs of history. | Answer the following questions. ~~~ 1. When was the Temple of Literature constructed? = ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 3 $ } 5. When do important examinations take place? Big 4-69 dB ty Km tra 4K7 nding nghe -n6l- doc vist ting Anh (66 ban va. ndng ca0) 6p 7 1p 1 BO 9) . SPEAKING “= Work in pairs. One is student A, the other is student B. Use the information given in » the cards and take turns to talk about the 2 historical places. Student A’s card HUE IMPERIAL CITY + Location: the citadel of the city of Hue the former imperial capital of Vietnam. = Built in: 1362 — 1565 (203 years to complete) = Seen as: a symbol of wealth and power - UNESCO World Heritage Site inscription: 1993 = Dimensions: 10 kilometers, 6.6m high, 21m thick + Structure: a walled palace, divided into wo main parts (The Citadel and The Forbidden City), with 10 main majestic gates + Time to visit: about 2.5 hours Student B’s card HOI AN ANCIENT TOWN + Location: central Quang Nam province, Vietnam = Seen as: wellpreserved example of traditional Asian trading port & conmmercial centre + UNESCO World Heritage Site scription: 1999 - Dimensions: 30 ha of inscribed properly, but 280 ha of buffer zone. + Structure: a complex of 1,107 timber frame buildings with brick or wooden walls, including monuments, open markets, ferry quay, religious buildings nd family cult houses. + Time fo visit: about 3 hours Now discuss with your partner about which place, Hue Imperial city or Hoi An ancient * town, that you two will vi You should base on the suggestions below: = When will you go® - How will you get there? - How long will your trip be? - What will you take along with you? - What will you do there? - How much money will you spend? in this summer holiday. Then make a plan to get there. 90. ig 4-86 a tym trea ky nang nghe -ndl- doc - vit idng Anh (cd ban vainéng cao) 1p 710 1 RR E. LISTENING 6) pai a Qust me GR dé nghe [019 Look at the pictures and answer the questions below: 1. Do you know where the places in the pictures belong to? 2. Do you know the name of each place? Write under the pictures. 3. In what order you will see these places when you go from the main gate? ig 4-86 G8 tykiém tra 4 ky nang Agha -ndl- doc - viét Héng Anh (cd bn va ndng cao) ip 7 tap)” 91 [SID 1. Now listen to a man introducing about The Temple of Literature in Vietnam. Decide t the statements below are true (1) or false (F) 1. The temple of Literature was built under two dynasties. 2.11 was first constructed under King ly Nhan Tong dynasty. 3. Itwas built in the 10* century. 4. In the second courtyard, there are doctor names listed ‘on a tombstone above tortoise backs. 5. The Temple of Literature is closed on Monday and national holidays. 2. Listen again and fill in the gaps with the missing information, = There are a total of (1) (2).. - The fourth courtyard is dedicated for Confucius and his (3)... students, as well as Chu Van An. «tombstones, with names and origins of +. doctors in 82 examination courses from 1442 to 1779. ..» honoured - The temple of Literature opens from(4).........t0. and from(5). 92 Y 819.4 86 dB ly Kiém trad k7 ning nghe - néi-dgc - vi6H iéng Anh (co ban va nang cao) l6p 7 1p 1 WRITING You are going to visit the Temple of Literature. Write an email (80-100 words) fo your © lose friend to invite him/her to go with you. Tell your friend about your detailed plan, You should base on the suggestions below: ¢ Invite your friend: - What do you want to visit? Why? ~ Where is it? - Why do you want to go with your friend? ¢ Detail your plan: - When will you go? - How will you get there? - How long will your trip be? - What will you take along with you? - What will you do there? Big 4- BG d8 tUkiém fra 4 kj nang Nghe -néi- doc - vit ing Anh (eo bn ve ndng ea9) 167 1ap 1Y 9B. love, {Your signature) 94 (Gq4-86.a8 ty Kiem fra 4 Ky n&ng Nahe -ndl- dps - vib iéng Anh (ed ban va néng coo) I6p 7 6p 1 \(Units 4, 5, 6) Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1.A. ocean B. special C. century D. musician 2.A. guitar B. gallery C. gangster D. general 3.A. naughty B. mop C. caught D. bought 4.A. call B. car C. tall D. walk 5. A. January B. encourage C. ginger D. goodbye ||) Put the words into the correct column according to the underlined part. jealous machine jungle — sure watcher — sugar bridge delicious choose villager _— chicken chopstick Ml | 13! | wt 1g 4-85 dB Wy Hém radi nang nghe -ndl- doo - vai wgng Anh (ed bin vernang cao) 6p 71p1Y 95 [TED Choose the word with the different stress pattern. ° 1. A. toyshop B. decide C. birthday D. village 2. A. mountain B. butter C. repair D. merry 3.A. alive B. ago C. carpet D. agree 4. A. reply B. answer C. happen D. mother 5. A. father b. garden C. doctor D. compare 96 Y Big4-B6 dB iy Sin tra 4 Kj ndn@ Nahe -nél- doc - viét ting Anh (es bn va nang ca0) 16p 7 190 1 } [6599 Find one word which does not belong to each group. 1. A. portrait B. photo C. concert D. camera 2.A.lemon juice B. hamburger C. tea D. milkshake 3. A. actress B. comedian C. actor D. film 4. A. vegetable B. cabbage C. spinach D. carrot 5. A. tomb B. temple C. historic D. church 6. A.constructed —_B. written C. corrected D. played 7. A. water puppet _B. mineral water C. water D. juice 8. A. guitar B. playing C. saxophone D. harp 9. A. any B. some C. how D. few 10. A. audience B. toothache C. viewer D. listener Fill in the blank with a suitable question word. _is this packet of chips?- 15 thousand dongs. suis it from Hoan Kiem Lake to the Temple of Literature? does she eat seafood?- Twice year. _kinds of drink are there in your fridge?- Three. the name of the first university in Viet Nam? pieces of music did he write?- More than 600. 1. Can you find me the .... ....0f these two instruments? (different) 2. Hue Imperial City is considered as the ... Viet Nam. 3. My... By Ha EG vcscnsessncinvrs init OCtOrs heritage of — (history) drinks are lemonade and milkshake. (favour) (professor) Big 4-8} GB ty Kem fa KF nang Nghe -Adl= dec vit ing Anh (Ca.bsn v8: nng ec) 6p 7 tp 1 97 5. The Temple of literature is surrounded by old trees and (interest) many... things 11) Look at the pictures and complete the sentences using the words below. instruments university seafood _stone tablets 1, Some people easily get allergy when eating......-sss:eesesee 2. She has a large collection of musical... 3. After finishing he will try to find a good job. 4. People erected «0.00.2... .on the backs of tortoises. J) Choose the best answer A, B, C or D. 1. “What would you like to drink now? "ccs A. Yes, please B. No, thanks C. Tea, please D. I like nothing to do 2. All the food ......-s:esse00--and alll the drinks... «at the party last night. A. eaten/drunk B. has eaten/ has drunk C. was eaten/ were drunk D. were eaten/ was drunk 98. Y Big 4-8} a8 twhiém tra 4 ky nding nghe -néi - dge - vB! fing Anh (eo ban va nang cao) l6p 7 8p 1 3. Have you ever visited Minh Mang Tomb?- Yes, | have. It... win 1841 and completed three years later. A. was constructed _B. constructed C. is constructed D. was construction 4. We didn't buy ... potatoes for lunch. A. much B. any C. some D. little kilos of beef do you want, Sir? -I need only one. A. How many B. How much C. How big D. How large 6. John loves classical music because he is good at A. play B. playing C. played D. to play 7. The dancers in my schools learn the dance steps and how to move their.. A. trousers B. hat C. bodies D. eyes 8. Classical music is not .. pop and rock. A. as exciting so B. as exciting as C. more exciting as D. the most exciting as 9. Not many people find Art and Music school. A. important B. import C. importance D. unimportance 10. | don’t like eating fish and... A. so does B. so doesn't C. neither does D. either does 11, Dong Ho paintings are made on «...,.:.s::.--«papers with beautiful natural colours. A. tradition B. culture C. cultural D. traditional 12. The party last night . -with so many delicious food and drinks. A. served B. is served C. was served D. were served. 13. You had better .... nice and interesting place. the camera with you because The Great Wall is a very A. take B. taking C. took D. to take 14. Water puppetry is a traditional performance and it ... a pool. A. perform B. was performed C. is performed _D.. performing 15. The person who take photos is called A. a portrait B. taker D. photographer Big 4- 86.48 ty idm tra dey ning nghe -ndl- doc - vi6t ling Anh (ed ban vaindng cao) 6p 7 tap 1” 99

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