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ChE 525

Assignment Questions;
1. Define Boundary layer and explain the fundamental causes of its

2. Why is it necessary to control the growth of Boundary Layer on both of

the bodies? What methods are used for such a control.
3. Why is the flow in the boundary layer analyzed on the principles of
viscous flow theory.





A boundary layer is the layer of fluid in the immediate vicinity of a bounding surface where the effects of
viscosity are significant. The liquid or gas in the boundary layer tends to cling to the surface .

Flows of fluids with low viscosity values and thus very high Reynolds numbers occur in many technical
applications. As was shown in the examples from the last chapter, the limiting solution Re = ∞ is often a
good approximation. A notable shortcoming of this limiting solution is that the no–slip condition is not
satisfied, i.e. the velocities at the wall are not zero but are finite. The viscosity must be taken into
account in order to satisfy the no–slip condition. This takes care of the velocity transition from the
limiting solution’s finite value close to the wall to the value of zero directly at the wall. At large Reynolds
numbers this transition takes place in a thin layer close to the wall, called by L. Prandtl (1904) the
boundary layer or frictional layer. As will be shown, the boundary layer is thinner the higher the
Reynolds number, i.e. the smaller the viscosity. The concept of the boundary layer, therefore, implies
that flows at high Reynolds numbers can be divided up into two unequally large regions. In the bulk of
the flow region, the viscosity can be neglected, and the flow corresponds to the inviscid limiting
solution. This is called the inviscid outer flow. The second region is the very thin boundary layer at the
wall where the viscosity must be taken into account. Within the boundary layer the two different flow
forms mentioned in the previous chapter can both occur, that is, the flow can be laminar or turbulent.
One then speaks of laminar boundary–layer flows, or laminar boundary layers for short, and
equivalently of turbulent boundary layers. It will be seen later that the division of the flow field into the
inviscid outer flow and the boundary layer leads to considerable simplifications in the theoretical
treatment of high Reynolds number flows. In fact it is only due to this idea of Prandtl that any
theoretical headway could be made on these flows at all.

Consider the boundary layer formed on a flat plate kept parallel to flow of fluid of velocity U (Though the
growth of a boundary layer depends upon the body shape, flow over a flat plate aligned in the direction
of flow is considered, since most of the flow surfaces can be approximated to a flat plate and for
simplicity). — The edge facing the direction of flow is called leading edge. — The rear edge is called the
trailing edge. — Near the leading edge of a flat plate, the boundary layer is wholly laminar. For a laminar
boundary layer, the velocity distribution is parabolic. — The thickness of the boundary layer (δ)
increases with distance from the leading edge x, as more and more fluid is slowed down by the viscous
boundary, becomes unstable and breaks into turbulent boundary layer over a transition region.

Boundary layer on a flat plate. For a turbulent boundary layer, if the boundary is smooth, the roughness
projections are covered by a very thin layer which remains laminar, called laminar sublayer. The velocity
distribution in the turbulent boundary layer is given by Log law or Prandtl’s one-seventh power law.

Boundary layer changes from laminar to turbulent depends on:

— turbulence in ambient flow

— surface roughness

— pressure gradient

— plate curvature

— temperature difference between fluid and boundary.

Boundary Layer Thickness (δ) The velocity within the boundary layer increases from zero at the
boundary surface to the velocity of the main stream asymptotically. Therefore the thickness of the
boundary layer is arbitrarily defined as that distance from the boundary in which the velocity reaches 99
per cent of the velocity of the free stream (u = 0.99U). It is denoted by the symbol δ. This definition
however gives an approximate value of the boundary layer thickness and hence δ is generally termed as
nominal thickness of the boundary layer. The boundary layer thickness for greater accuracy is defined in
terms of certain mathematical expressions which are the measure of the boundary layer on the flow.
The commonly adopted definitions of the boundary layer thickness are:

1. Displacement thickness (δ*)

2. Momentum thickness (q)

3. Energy thickness (δe).

Displacement Thickness (δ*) The displacement thickness can be defined as follows: “It is the distance,
measured perpendicular to the boundary, by which the main/free stream is displaced on account of
formation of boundary layer.” Or “It is an additional “wall thickness” that would have to be added to
compensate for the reduction in flow rate on account of boundary layer formation”.

Momentum Thickness (q) Momentum thickness is defined as the distance through which the total loss
of momentum per second be equal to if it were passing a stationary plate. It is denoted by q. It may also
be defined as the distance, measured perpendicular to the boundary of the solid body, by which the
boundary should be displaced to compensate for reduction in momentum of the flowing fluid on
account of boundary layer formation.
Energy Thickness (δe) Energy thickness is defined as the distance, measured perpendicular to the
boundary of the solid body, by which the boundary should be displaced to compensate for the reduction
in K.E. of the flowing fluid on account of boundary layer formation.

Why is it necessary to control the growth of Boundary Layer on both of the bodies?

The presence of boundary layer has produced many design problems in all areas of fluid mechanics.
However the most intensive investigations have been directed towards its effects upon the lift and drag
of wings. Techniques have been developed to manipulate the boundary layer, either to increase the lift
or decrease the drag.

Methods for the control

Two boundary phenomena for which controls have been sought for are the transition of a laminar layer
to a turbulent flow and the separation of the entire flow from the surface. By maintaining such a
boundary layer in the laminar state as possible, one can reduce the skin friction. By preventing
separation, it is possible to increase the lifting effectiveness and reduce the pressure drag. Sometimes
the same control can serve both functions.

i) Controlling Transition by shaping the Airfoil

Transition to turbulence is associated with instability of the laminar boundary layer. When
studied with a high speed photography, disturbance in the laminar flow are seen to amplify to the
point of forming large eddies. These in turn produces the highly disorderly motion of turbulent

ii) Controlling transition by suction

A rather different means of stabilizer the boundary layer is the use of suction. Suction may be applied
either through porous surfaces or through a series of finite slots. When applied in this manner, suction
reduces the thickness of boundary layer by removing the low-momentum fluid next to the surface. A
more stable layer results, and transition and turbulence id delayed.

iii) Controlling Separation by Suction

There are many cases in which control of boundary layer separation is important. Suction can be used
for this purpose too. If a profile equipped with suction slots is placed at a high enough angle of attack,
suction will not be able to maintain the entire boundary layer in the laminar state. It can however exert
a profound effect upon the turbulent layer, frequently keeping the flow attached well beyond the angle
at which stalling occurs without suction.

iv) Controlling Separation by Variable Geometry and by Blowing

Separation control can also be accomplished by other techniques. Laminar separations such as those
that occur at the sharp leading angle of a thin profile can frequently be avoided by a change in geometry
that alters the pressure field, such as the deflection of a nose flap.
Vortex Geometry can help to delay separation by mixing high momentum fluid from the outer flow with
low momentum fluid next to the airfoil surface.

Blowing gets directed into critical areas are also useful. Frequently this can be created by utilizing the
pressure difference that exists on the aerodynamic bodies themselves. A leading-edge slot is an


When a real fluid (viscous fluid) flows past a stationary solid boundary, a layer of fluid which comes in
contact with the boundary surface, adheres to it (on account of viscosity) and condition of no slip occurs
(The no-slip condition implies that the velocity of fluid at a solid boundary must be same as that of
boundary itself). Thus the layer of fluid which cannot slip away from the boundary surface undergoes
retardation; this retarded layer further causes retardation for the adjacent layers of the fluid, thereby
developing a small region in the immediate vicinity of the boundary surface in which the velocity of the
flowing fluid increases rapidly from zero at the boundary surface and approaches the velocity of main
stream. The layer adjacent to the boundary is known as boundary layer. Boundary layer is formed
whenever there is relative motion between the boundary and the fluid, the fluid exerts a shear stress on
the boundary and boundary exerts an equal and opposite force on fluid known as the shear resistance.
According to boundary layer theory the extensive fluid medium around bodies moving in fluids can be
divided into following two regions:

(i) A thin layer adjoining the boundary is called the boundary layer where the viscous shear takes place.
(ii) A region outside the boundary layer where the flow behaviour is quite like that of an ideal fluid and
the potential flow theory is applicable

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