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Changes / Additions required in HIMS

1. There should welcome / default screen on admin login having different reports in graphical
form instead of login screen.
2. Patient waiting list (Queue) should be visible in doctor account.
3. Reduce temperature in vitals to 3 digits.
4. Add following list of
‫ن‬instructions on medicine order screen.
 ‫ے‬‫ے سے پہل‬ ‫کھا ن‬
 ‫ے کے ب عد‬‫ن‬ ‫کھا‬ ‫ن‬
 ‫ے‬‫ م ٹقپہل‬30 ‫کھاے سے‬
 ‫ص ح کے وق ت‬ ‫ش ب‬
 ‫ت‬ ‫ام کے و ت‬
 ‫دودھ کے سا ھ‬
 ‫درد تکی صورت می ں‬
 ‫حمل‬
‫نکی حالت تمی ں است عمال ن ہ کری ں۔‬
 ‫دودھ پ الے والی عور ی ں اس عمال ن ہ کری ں۔‬
5. Add following options in Route.
 Per Rectal
 Per Vaginam
6. Add following options in “Frequency”
 Weekly
7. Add following options in “Form”.
 Inj.
 Infusion
 Drops
 Suppository
 Pessary
 Suspension
 Lotion
 Nebulization

8. Add Investigation Module with following structure

 Biochemistry
o Hematology
o Screening Test
 Radiology
o X-Ray
 Chest
 Abdomen
 Pelvic
 Cranial
 Others
 Gastroscopy
9. Add “Consultant / another department” in referral screen.
10. Can a doctor be assigned more than one clinic at a time?
11. Can a department be assigned more than one clinic?
12. List of referral hospital will be provided soon.
13. List of IDP Departments will be provided soon
14. List of all available consultants / departments should be automatically visible on referring to
consultant / another department.
15. Notes in medicine history are not opening on clicking on notes.
16. Medicine is not opening (As shown in shared video).
17. Add “Submit” button on “medicine order” screen and place the “Check out” button on main
screen area where patient data is loaded.
18. Add Dr. Name is history. So, a doctor can check that a patient was checked by whom in
previous visits.
19. Prepare the prescription according to following format.

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