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How rest and relaxation became an art

The article is about how important it is to find time to rest and sleep in our busy
world. Last year Kristen Spruit created an installation titled “A Space for Lingering”
where visitors are invited to lie down on an expensive mattress and do nothing.
Claudia Hammond, the author of The Art of Rest said before that people these days
don't appreciate the pros of relaxation enough and focus too much on staying busy
and often feel guilty about resting.
The book The Art of Rest is based on a survey that asked more than 18,000 people
which activities they found the most restful. The seventh place was bathing. Not just
with water and nice aromas but with sound-bath sessions too. Sound-bath sessions
with singing bowls, is a Tibetian method that aboriginal tribes used for more than
40,000 years. Forest baths - which basically means to take a brisk walk in nature -
also help to find rest. Hammond also said that rest gives us time to re-centre
ourselves no matter how we are doing this (take a nape, sound-bath, forest bath
But if we are not relaxing enough we deprive ourselves of the joys of rest. Also
people who are not relaxing enough often have anxiety and other mental illnesses,
more stressful and less motivated.

survey - felmérés
singing bowls - éneklő tálak
aboriginal tribes - őslakos/bennszülött törzsek
brisk - fürge, gyors
anxiety - szorongás
mental illness - mentális betegség

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