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Still Safety During Pandemic

Pandemic become a barrier for all of activity in the outside. Particularly, when we
go to travelling in our holidays. For the example is Christmas approaching, because who
celebrate this festival celebrating will celebrate it with their family or best friend. Even
though, travelling using public transport not recommended because car-share in this
pandemic dangerous. In particular, who living in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern
Ireland rather to car-share with their family than people outside. During Christmas in
pandemic Covid-19, people who want to go to travel will allowed between 23-27
December and especially for people need go to Northern Ireland allowed 22-28
December. That's all several ways to still safety during the pandemic although not
necessarily there is no-risk.
In general ways to reduce the risk is use face mask. Using mask is basic thing in
this pandemic that we must do it. Furthermore, reduce people in the car when go to
travelling will help to lower risk. In addition, be discovered in journal if we protect our
self in the car with not open the windows is better than open the windows. Although
when the situation is push to open the windows using recirculating air mode better than
opening all windows. Nonetheless, closed windows are better because avoid a particle
come in the car. As well as, when we are in the car will be helpfully if between driver and
passenger provide spacing for lower risk. As a result, car-sharing with other people better
than open the windows and opening the front window on the right side and also the rear
window on the left side might more protect. That's research has been examined and
proven with field tests. Assistant professor of physics had said, who likened this
phenomenon to the air curtain created by a draft blown down vertically at some
supermarket entrances, which prevents outdoor air from mixing with indoor air, even if
the entrance door is open.
In conclusion, all of this way can help reduce the pathogen load inside the very
confines space of a car cabin. Other than that, when you really need to open the windows
in the car to minimize the risk, you have to opening the windows farthest the driver and
the backseat passenger.

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