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Name: Anthony Ramirez.

Date: 01/14/2020.

Subject: Basic English.

The 4 underlying principles of changing your brain.

Nowadays, people have a wrong belief – when someone reach adulthood, around 25, the

brain is unable to change- and all our habits and attitudes are impossible or difficult to replace.

However, this idea is wrong because there many ways which people can use to keep the brain in

optimal conditions, and these are: neuroplasticity, brain agility, mindset mastery and simplicity.

Firstly, neuroplasticity is the brain’s capacity to create new “neural pathways” that help the brain

to get new habits. Secondly, brain agility is the ability to develop new and specific skills based

on the daily demands allowing the brain to adapt to the environment. Thirdly, mindset mastery

suggest that people must get involve in new activities and acquire new hobbies, and this will help

your brain to develop new skills and “new ways of thinking”. Finally, simplicity refers to focus

all our attention on the activities that we are doing in a specific moment in order to decrease

stress level. These are practical ways which help to have a flexible and creative brain throughout

the life.

In my opinion, the passage is interesting in view of the fact that presented scientific

information about a famous myth – the brain cannot change as it gets older. Additionally, the

four ways presented are simple and practical to do. I put them into practice, and the results were
amazing that allowed me to improve my lifestyle and get more focus in my daily activities. I

would recommend practicing them, and they will help you to feel better than ever. The

information is clearly and precise so all of us can understand it and development in a correct way

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