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Name: Anthony Ramirez.

Date: 01/22/2020.

The “How much does your name matter” episode 122 of the Freakconomics Podcast

discusses a research where Steve Levitt, co-creator of Freakconomics, demonstrate that people’s

name do not affect their socioeconomic status later in life. First, this research presents the case

of two African American girls who were born on the same day, and almost the same

circumstances with the difference that one of them received a distinctive black name and the

other a more traditional white name. However, their names did not define their economic lives in

the future, rather what can influence your economic is the kind of parents you had at birth.

Additionally, the podcast presents several cases of "successful" people whose names, according

to society, are destined to have a bad life.

Personally, I agree that your name does not affect your socioeconomic status in the

future. However, I believe that your name affects the development of your personality

throughout your life, as well as affecting the way of interacting with other people. In addition,

the kind of parents you had, when you were born, is a very important factor that would affect

your future life because depending on the things they taught you, and based on this you can make

good or bad choices.

My name is Anthony Ellian Ramirez Latorre, and to do this research about why my

mother chose these names, I had to ask her. The answer was quite long because I have two

names. Firstly, she told me that chose Anthony because my father's name is Antonio. However,

she decided to modify my father’s name a little bit, and she named me Anthony. In addition,

Anthony's meaning charmed her because it means "Worthy of praise" and "the one who stands

out". Secondly, she chose Ellian based on its origin and meaning. Ellian comes from the Greek

name Helium, which refers to the sun.  Therefore, it means "light and glare" or, more accurately,

"king of light". Those are the main reasons why I have this name

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