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You need to know what it means to "succeed". How can you have something if you don't
know what it is ? It's impossible. Success for me is not necessarily success for you. Some will
need a million euros to feel they have succeeded while others will not. That is why many
people do not succeed, it is because they have as their model of success something that is not
their own. They have as a model of success Hollywood, their parents, society and what they
see around them when in fact, we have a whole different vision of success. It can be a
financial, social, spiritual success, in terms of contribution. This is your success. You need to
define precisely and specifically what your success is.
You have to decide but decide, that is, make a decision in reinforced concrete and say : "I am
committed to doing everything I can to succeed ". To decide is not to know how you will
succeed, how long it will take, what you can do or not but commit to give everything, to get
involved today and in the days that follow to succeed.


What is failure ? It's not having success. Because it is in failure that you will create your
ability to succeed. It is in failure that you build motivation, determination and willingness to
succeed. Do not feel sorry if you fail, but ask yourself what it teaches you and how you can
use them to your advantage, to be even more successful.

Taking risks is experimenting with new things. It's doing things knowing you're not going to
succeed. It is doing things knowing that others will see that you are not going to succeed.
When you take risks, you explore new territories and by doing that, you have chances to
attract new opportunities and by tasting that, you usually taste new success.


Surround yourself with people who have the norm of success, that is, for them it is something
normal to succeed. Find some that have the ability to succeed in the same way you want to
There are people who say that success is a story of experience and therefore age. It is true
that age is a factor that facilitates success but take two 40-year-olds. Do they have the same
experience ? No ! Because it's just a factor. To succeed, cause quality experiences. You will
learn more. You will experience things on another level. Most people are on autopilot, which
means that life gives them experiences and that's why these people say that age is a success
factor. But if you provoke experiences, if it is you in the morning who decide to do what will
make you proud of yourself, to do what you need to do to become another person. To have
new results, you need to become a new person, and to become a new person, you need to have
new experiences.


Develop the ability to learn from each of your experiences. Ask yourself the right questions.
What do you learn in this situation ? What could you do differently ? After triggering quality,
quantity experiences and learning from them, I challenge you to slow down your success.
People ask me how it is that at my age, I succeed like this and that you know all this. I tell
them that I spend my time with people who are 20 years old, 30 years old, 40 years old, 50
years old, 60 years old, 70 years old, 80 years old, 90 years old and in their contact, I extract
their experiences, not only to learn from their experiences but to go and provoke in my life
experiences similar to the experiences that had the most quality in their life. And so I take the
best experiences of their lives to provoke them in my life and since I meet a lot of people, I
made sure to provoke in quantity. Cumulative, what happens ? This is extraordinary because
quantity, quality and learning will boost your success.

There is an interesting notion of quantum physics, which is that everything you focus on
develops and everything you focus on develops within you. Ask yourself what you are now
focusing on in your life. Rather, you are one of the people who focus their attention on what is
right or wrong, on the victories of your past or on the defeats. Put more your attention on what
is magical in your life. It happens to me of course to put my attention on what does not work
but every time you realize it, change the way you look at your life.
Read the biographies of inspiring people, people who have been successful and have had the
results you want to have. You will learn how they did it, the strategies to get there, the
mindset they had. You will also realize that these people are humans like everyone else, they
are not superheroes, they are just ordinary people who allowed themselves to become
extraordinary and believe in them. You will more easily create belief than if they succeeded,
why not you ? It is a good way to learn, to connect with the greatest minds on the planet.


People who had great successes had no plan B. They knew what they wanted to do and
dedicated their lives to fulfilling their visions and dreams. If for example, you have two
options : start your business or have a quiet job, you have a backup option so you will not
give everything you have whereas if you decide that you are going to start a business and it
will work because you have no other options, you will more easily give everything and do
everything to make it happen.


Focus on a long-term vision rather than a short-term one. Thinking in the short term would be
for example to privilege his pleasure over the moment so not to work if it is not pleasant at the
expense of the long - term. While the long-term is sometimes know how to sacrifice his
pleasure in the short-term for the long-term. If you want to succeed and bring value to the
world, think about the long-term because not all the great things were built in two days, it
takes time.


Motivation and determination are two key ingredients for success. Without motivation, you
do nothing and do not want to act and without determination, you will easily stop at the end of
the first difficulties. These are muscles. Develop these qualities and I assure you that your life
will take to another level.


An essential key to success is knowing how to seize opportunities when they come to you.
But first, do you know what an opportunity is ? If not, how do you spot and grasp them ?
Clearly define who represents an opportunity for your success, regardless of the area of your
life. Then, by recognizing them, you have to grasp them because no one will do it for you.
There are a whole bunch of opportunities that come to you every day, only you have to be
able to see and grasp them. See the opportunity behind every person, every situation, difficult
or easy.
To succeed, it is obvious that you need to learn to concentrate. If you are all the time in
distraction, on facebook, in your emails, on skype, in front of the TV, on youtube, in your
opinion, do you think that this is how you will maximize your chances of success ? No ! I'm
not saying Never Have fun but have a sense of priorities and focus on what's important and
what will make you succeed better. Concentration is like a muscle. The more focused you are,
the easier it will be for you to be. Practice if you have difficulty in this. Meditation can help
you stay focused on a particular object. It is also a method used in several martial arts to
increase the ability to be concentrated.

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