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1) Developing the strategy — and setting the org ‘direction’.

2) Building the team — that can execute the strategy and build the solution the team is aiming to
offer to the market.
3) Setting measurable goals — that will make sure the team is running in the direction set by the
4) Assisting teams, ‘if’ needed — so that the organization continues to solve problems and push
forward with the operations
5) Monitoring progress — periodically reassessing the state of the strategy and team, making sure
that they still make sense, and having the perseverance to adjust accordingly.
6) Investor management- Manage the right frequency and nature of updates to send to each tier
of investor.

Co- Founder


1) Board Administration and Support- Supports operations and administration of the company by
advising and informing the founders and investors, interfacing between Board and staff, and
supporting Board's evaluation of chief executive.
2) Program, Product and Service Delivery- Oversees design, marketing, promotion, delivery and
quality of programs, products, and services.
3) Financial, Tax, Risk and Facilities Management- Recommends yearly budget for approval and
prudently manages organization's resources within those budget guidelines according to
current laws and regulations.
4) Human Resource Management- Effectively manages the human resources of the organization
according to authorized personnel policies and procedures that fully conform to current laws
and regulations.
5) Community and Public Relations- Assures the organization and its mission, programs, products,
and services are consistently presented in strong, positive image to relevant stakeholders.

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