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6/69 Look at this sentence from the text. Why has the writer placed
the word,, bridge’’in quotation marks?
To show irony because what Wemmick called the bridge was not
really a bridge, but just a plank of wood.
7/69Look at these two statements and find evidence in the extract to
support them.
Mr Wemmick is house-proud.
He hoists his bridge with pride. He has worked on the house for many
years. He believes his house is perfect.
Pip feels a little uncomfortable.
He says he likes the house when he doesn’t really. He is uncertain
about meeting Mr Wemmick’s Aged Parent.
8/69 What makes you feel proud of your home?
I feel that a person’s house—their home, the space in which they live,
will reflect the same amount of pride that one feels towards oneself,
so yes, it is very important that a person feel proud of their dwelling.
It should be a refuge from the world outside, a comfortable and safe
place (the best one can afford) filled with things that are pleasing to
you and that reflect who you are. A place that is functional and
makes one feel embraced when they enter. And as such I believe a
person should be careful and selective in the kind of people they
associate with and welcome into their space—some people have
good vibes from the higher levels—and leave their vibes behind after
they’ve gone. One’s house should always be clean with fresh air
circulating throughout—its like the body in that it feels better and a
person thinks clearer when the air is clean.
Have you ever done any home improvements? What were they?
Were you pleased with the results? Why(not)?
I redecorated the rooms and painted the walls( a newly painted
space can appear fresher and more vibrant, and if you purchased a
fixer-upper with a world of wallpaper, painting can be a game-

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