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Tila Tamang,17, from Morang district was intercepted while she was travelling to


I am from a humble background. Due to the economic hardship we were going

through, I could not continue my formal studies. I became close with one of the guy
of my village and turned our love into marriage.

After few months of marriage, my sister in law asked me if I wanted to go Dubai and
earn money instead of staying idle at home. Initially I refused. However, even my
husband encouraged me to go. Then, I was unable to reject the proposition,
reluctantly I accepted.

Along with my sister in law, I went to Kathmandu. I thought I would be taking direct
flight to Dubai. To my surprise she said that she has arranged a visa for me from
New Delhi and I have to travel to India through Bhairawaha. She also said that she
has arranged money and one person to take me upto New Delhi.

Then, she handed me one thousand rupees and put me on a bus to Bhairawaha. I
travelled over night and reached Bhairawaha in the morning. I met a man there
who arranged a room in a hotel for me. I stayed for a day in the hotel and the next
day I was being taken to India, Gorakhpur. As I was crossing the border, 3 Angels
staff enquired me. In the beginning I lied. After they suspected me and asked me
many questions, I told the truth that I was going to Dubai through New Delhi.

They asked me to show my visa in my passport, which I did not have. Then, the 3AN
staff clearly told me that I was at high risk of being trafficked. Many girls were being
taking to India and sold using the same trap that my sister-in-law used. Many would
reach Dubai using illegal route and sold in Dubai as well.

Later I was convinced that I was truly being trafficked. If it were rightful act I would
be going to Dubai from direct flight from Kathmandu with government documents
and visa in my passport.

My parents were called and counseled about the possible future risk and not to trust
anyone if they say that they would send abroad free.

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