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Leritza Laurelin Polanco Encarnación




Ingles III


Trabajo final

Facilitador (a):

Conrado Sánchez Reyes

Fecha de Entrega:

Jueves, 22/10/2020

The following work is the final production of English III.

In it I chose the topic of talking about my favorite clothes and among other
things because I like to wear them.
Talk about your favorite clothes and why you like to wear them. Refer to
the last time you bought something on a store or online. Show them in the

Habla sobre tu ropa favorita y por qué te gusta usarla. Consulte la última
vez que compró algo en una tienda o en línea. Muéstralos en el video.

Hello teacher, my name is Leritza Polanco, education student.

I will be talking about my favorite clothes. From Monday to Friday I go to

work formally, I wear jackets and fine fabric pants.

My favorite clothes are jeans, converse tennis shoes and t-shirts because
it makes me feel more comfortable.

On the twentieth I bought this blouse online to go to my work. I say

goodbye bay.

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