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Mythic Moments in Excalibur

Merlin calls upon the smoke of the Dragon to guide Uther across the valley and the see

When Arthur removes the sword from the stone, making a lowly squire who never knew his
royal lineage king.

When Arthur kneels in the river allowing a rival knight to take Excalibur and knight him, this
shows Arthur’s humility and willingness to believe in what is right.

When Arthur breaks Excalibur in his fight with Lancelot, Arthur even admits that he did not
deserve to win the fight and that Lancelot was a better knight than he.

When Arthur finds Lancelot and Guinivere asleep and thrusts Excalibur into the ground
between them, thus showing his sense of betrayal and dismay at how they could both betray

During the vision of Percival, he realizes that the land and the king are one, this is the moment
that mimics the Golden bough in that if the King is young and vigorous so to will be the land.

The love scene between Morgana and Arthur, again showing the result of a love that is not right
and brings Mordred into the world.

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