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FOG 777

P J Croft, University of Louisiana at Monroe, Monroe, convenience to annoyance and from high costs to
LA, USA deadly consequences. Although mostly negative con-
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved. sequences and perceptions are associated with fog,
there are positive benefits as well. These range from a
pleasing esthetic effect to fog harvesting for agricul-
Introduction tural and water supply applications. Thus repercus-
sions can lead to a variety of associated political,
Murky and perhaps even eerie, or pristine and serene, social, and legal implications, depending upon the
are just a few of the descriptions of the often blinding precise impact and the person or peoples – and
white–gray veil that comes to mind when people think economies – affected. The first and most obvious
of fog. Whether over oceans or local waters or over impact of fog is related to the reduction of visibility.
various landscapes, a certain uniformity and blank- This reduction hampers and restricts our navigational
ness is associated with fog. Often hugging the terrain, abilities and thus increases our chances of judgment
or simply masking the landscape, fog compromises the errors in the operation of transportation vehicles.
integrity of our senses that are honed to a fog-less Reduced visibility in fog quickly impacts our ability to
environment. Sometimes it is like an unbending solid drive, move over water, fly, and transit land by train. In
wall, many times vanishing over short distances until each case the inability to see well, or to see an adequate
another patch is encountered, and even the beauty of a distance ahead, is compromised by both fog and the
fogbow belies the significance of fog. speed of motion. It is further compromised by our own
Merely a collection of small-diameter suspended ocular inability to distinguish objects given limited
water droplets in the air, fog may occur in a calm brightness and contrast that occur with fog.
atmosphere that is saturated, or nearly so, and may
also occur in cool and moist air moving quickly past
Land Transportation
us. Although fog is commonly thought of as merely ‘a
cloud on the ground’, it is much more than this given Land transportation includes automotives, trucks,
its very dynamics of formation, ‘intensity’ (or thick- and heavy machinery and is prone to disruption and
ness), nature of the droplets that it consists of, and delay when fog is present. Near Windsor, ON (Can-
areal extent and duration. Fog occurs around the globe ada), a highway ‘pileup’ collision during morning fog
for many different reasons and can be elusive when in September 1999 resulted in seven deaths as 62 cars
predicting its exact occurrence. and tractor-trailers collided. In the United States in
Will fog form? Where will it form? When will it Kingsburg, CA in November – and Waynesboro, VA in
form? How ‘thick’ will it be? How long will it persist? April – heavy fog resulted in highway pileups that
These are only a few of the many questions forecasters killed 42 and injured 91 people as 40–65 vehicles
and people ask about the enveloping droplets of fog. collided in mountain and valley regions in 1998. The
Yet to examine fog occurrence it is necessary to Virginia pileup is a ‘chain-reaction’ crash in a region
consider first its impact on our activities and then learn prone to ‘heavy’ fog, heavily traveled, and which
more about its characteristics and physical behavior. frequently experiences low visibilities. A tour bus and
Beyond fog impacts, the observation and study of fog truck collided in Asuncion (Paraguay) in March 2000
helps us to define its characteristics more completely while traveling through early morning dense fog and
and thus aids in our understanding of the fog process. 30 of 45 people on board were killed. A caravan of
With this information we are able to better predict its buses transporting college students in Pennsylvania
occurrence, extent, intensity, and duration so as to (United States) traveling through dense fog overnight
avoid or mitigate some of the hazards associated with collided with one another killing two and injuring 106.
fog. In fact, such an examination provides us with an In Bourg-Achard (France) in September 1997,
opportunity to make use of fog in various agricultural, several chain-reaction crashes claimed eight lives and
military, and other applications. The significance of fog injured 63 as over 100 vehicles were involved during a
and fog prediction includes impacts as well as benefits. mid-morning ‘heavy’ fog event. Witnesses and victims
reported that visibility was merely 45 yd (41.148 m)
when the crashes occurred. On the Ivory Coast in
Impacts Abidjan (Africa), ‘thick’ fog combined with dusty
Fog occurrence impacts a wide variety of human winds from the Sahara Desert during the Harmattan
activities worldwide. These impacts range from in- Season in December 1995 killed 14 and injured 86.
778 FOG

News reports indicated that a similar accident in desperately to maintain their scanning of the roadway
August killed 20 and injured 62, and that drivers in this ahead to ensure their own safety.
region are known for speeding and for their reluctance In addition, the variation of fog intensity and
to diminish their speeds even when weather conditions duration create a rapidly changing set of visibilities
are poor. In Lisbon (Portugal), four were killed and 70 during the course of travel and may be further
hurt in a 100 car pileup in January 2000 that halted up enhanced by hilly terrain and/or protected regions.
to 6000 cars in both directions of a 20 mile roadway Although no criteria exist for safe driving in fog, it is
for 5 h. clear that visibilities under 1 mile (or 1.6 km) while
In Mobile, AL in the United States, 193 vehicles driving at speeds of near 60 miles per hour (i.e., one
collided on the Mobile Bay ‘Bayway’ highway in the mile per minute; or 96.54 kph) compromises seriously
country’s worst fog accident ever in March 1995, a driver’s integrity and response time to hidden
sending 91 injured to hospitals and killing, miracu- hazards. This is often exacerbated by the distance
lously, only one person. Insurance losses were esti- between vehicles and curved or inclined sections of
mated at over one million dollars at the time of the roadway. Thus the first lines of defense for navigating
accident, and witnesses and victims report sitting in fog is the reduction of speed, the use of headlights
their cars and listening to the continuing crashes and/or flashers, fog lights or fog-free lenses and
behind them. Some report driving ‘into a wall’ of fog shields, and the ‘stop, rest, and wait’ approach. Other
with visibility immediately reduced from 0.5 mile alternatives include fog dispersion or mitigation tech-
(0.8045 km) to near zero. The roadway was closed for niques discussed later.
hours in both directions of travel. The event led to the Rail transportation may be impacted similarly by
installation of fog sensors in the hopes of avoiding a fog conditions. In Badrshein (Egypt), on the Nile River
repeat of the accident. The same was done for a fog in December 1995 at about 8.00 a.m., one passenger
warning system in Waynesboro at a cost of over five train plowed into an express coach which had slowed
million dollars. due to ‘heavy’ fog. The wreck killed 75 and injured 76
Although many deaths are directly attributable to as five train cars were destroyed and 40 damaged.
collisions, a number are caused by fires ignited during Reportedly the train’s driver could not see even a yard
the collision process. Many factors lead to such serious (approximately 0.9144 m) to the front and had
consequences during fog events. These include poor apparently ‘stuck his head out of the window’ to try
visibility, vehicle speeds (posted as compared to to see better. Rail collisions have also involved motor
traveled), traffic volume, roadway design and surfac- vehicles and marine vessels at various crossings.
ing, driving habits (which include invincibility and
trust of braking systems, e.g., anti-lock systems),
Marine Transportation
roadway conditions (perhaps dry but sometimes wet
due to mist or drizzle, previous rains, or condensation) The operations of ships and barges, pleasure craft, and
that restrict braking ability, and windshield visibility sailboats may all be hampered by fog. Fog events often
effects. Although fog has been cited as the primary slow, and may even stop, marine operations with
cause of an accident in generally less than 1% of all significant economic costs. A well-known event is the
accidents in a given region, it has been cited up to 10% sinking of the Andrea Doria in July 1956 off the mid-
of the time in a fog-prone region, particularly in Atlantic coast of the United States after collision with
multiple collisions. The average claim for one vehicle the Swedish liner Stockholm. One of the most serious
is nearly $8000 (US) and over one million dollars for a incidents occurred in the northern portion of Mobile
multiple-vehicle crash. Bay, Alabama (United States) in September 1993.
The most obvious threat is reduced visibility which During the early morning hours a barge collided with a
restricts a driver’s ability to navigate the roadway. This rail span, moving it out of alignment moments before
is further diminished with increasing speeds and of the arrival of an Amtrak passenger train. Rescue
serious consequence resulting in many deaths and operations were severely hampered due to inability to
injuries every year around the world. The visibility not reach easily the crash location and survivors as 47
only restricts horizontal distance and depth percep- people died. Three years later the country’s Coast
tions but also reduces the ability of drivers to gauge Guard implemented rules requiring towboats to be
their own speed of travel. Through computer simula- equipped with radar, searchlights, radios, compasses,
tions a psychologist was able to determine that and other navigational gear and that the crews knew
although drivers could learn to sustain their speeds how to use them.
in simulation, the addition of fog distorted or de- Shipping operations are stopped or slowed when
stroyed this ability. Ironically, many drivers are prone visibility is as low as 0.25 mile (0.4023 km). In a major
not to check their speeds in a fog situation as they seek (or minor) port or cargo region, large financial losses
FOG 779

can occur when operations are halted. In the case of for fog, a delayed or canceled flight may cost an airline
delays, reduced supplies and delivery of critical between $5000 and $25 000 per flight.
elements and products limit the productivity of
industry and commercial interests and their ability to Military, Rescue Operations, and Other Impacts
provide services to their clients. At the same time, ship
Although these are the most common types of impacts
operations require daily operating and maintenance
(Figure 1), many other impacts do occur for a variety
costs, salaries, and living expenses which decrease
of military and rescue operations and other activities.
profits. In the case of halting operations, these
For example, the D-Day invasion and other theaters of
considerations also include reduction or elimination
engagement have benefited or suffered from the effects
of the viability of product, particularly if perishables
of fog. The deployment of troops in Tuzla Bosnia-
or refrigerated goods are being transported. Losses
Herzegovina by the United Nations was put ‘on-hold’
may range from $10 000 to $25 000 per day per ship
for several days as persistent and continuous fog
and into millions for even a moderately active harbor
claimed the land in December 1995. The rough terrain
or port of call.
is known for its bad weather and thus allows only
small windows of opportunity for flight operations to
Air Transportation be made safely. In addition, rescue operations for a
cargo ship, which had collided with another off the
Aircraft impacted by fog include airplanes, blimps,
South Korean coast, were suspended in June 1996 as
balloons, and helicopters. Although fog-related crash-
persistent fog limited visibility to less than 10 yd
es have occurred for large aircraft in the past, this is
(9.144 m). Space shuttle operations, as well as delayed
much less frequent today given instrument flight
launches and landings, have been impacted by fog or
regulations and improved navigational beacons and
the prediction of its occurrence.
technology as part of air traffic control. Smaller planes
Although rare, fog has caused sporting event can-
however are more prone to difficulty as they lack such
celations (baseball and football) or suspensions and
systems. The more typical impact of fog today is the
class delays or cancelations at schools and colleges
delay and diversion of flights. In Hong Kong (China) in
(especially if a large number of commuter students).
March 1998, 10 000 passengers were stranded at the
Fog has also played a role in dangerous air pollution
airport as over 50 flights were canceled, delayed, or
episodes including Belgium in 1930, Pennsylvania in
diverted. Dense fog events in Minneapolis, MN
1948, and London in 1952. More recent events
(United States) in November 1997 and February
include fog combining with forest and oil fires,
2000, and at the Jackson Mississippi (United States)
chemical spills, and other emissions. These events are
International airport in June 1996 resulted in flight
sometimes aided by topographic variations (e.g., a
delays for thousands of travelers during the morning
valley location, river valley, or other water source),
hours. At LaGuardia Airport in New York
regional climate (e.g., coastal), and nature of human
(United States) in February 1996, delays claimed
activities (i.e., industrial or agricultural) in a stable
most travel plans for an entire day as visibility was
atmosphere (e.g., Mexico, Arctic).
reduced to 300 ft (91.44 m). Some passengers were
Air pollutants can also act as condensation nuclei
shuttled to nearby airports 10–30 miles (16–48 m)
and create lower visibilities through haze and fog. This
away to take alternate flights. Most flight operations,
was recognized both in early Roman history as well as
regardless of instrumentation, require at least
prior to that time. Some of the most intense fogs result
0.75 mile (1.207 km) visibility for takeoff and
when high concentrations of pollutants and other
aerosols are found in the air. London fog and its
Weather has been reported as responsible for one-
combination with pollutants, recognized as early as
fourth to one-half of all aviation accidents in the
the 1660s, was brought to the attention of King
United States, including fatal accidents, with an
Charles II and Parliament. In Donora, PA during
average of over 400 lives lost each year. The delays,
October 1948, nearly half the population of 14 000
diversions, and cancelations resulting from fog add to
became ill during a prolonged valley air pollution
the cost of major accidents. Delays and diversions may
episode that was accompanied at times by fog. The
result in greater costs due to fuel usage, passenger
enactment of air quality regulations has aided in the
discomfort and complaints, and the shuttling of
abatement, but not the elimination, of such impacts.
passengers to alternate flights or airlines. Cancelations
result in displaced passengers and flight crews and
Legal Implications and Mitigation
create additional costs of lodging, food, and alternate
transportation. Depending on plane size and passen- Although no direct fog insurance exists, the costs
ger loads, and regardless of an airport’s preponderance associated with fog events and disasters may be
780 FOG

The figure shows varying

terrain and patches of
fog (where written) with
various intensities in a
'big picture' perspective.
Airport/Rail Depot in
Valley Flat Land

Cold river

Industry FOG Rail

Row Bridge

Speed of
travel Brake lights
Roadway FOG
Driver visibility
FOG Mounted FOG
fog lights
Anti-lock FOG
Wet road braking FOG • Surface conditions
surface Headlights • Cloud microphysics

Figure 1 Fog transportation factors. The figure shows varying terrain and patches of fog.

covered according to damage, repair, and replacement celations. It will also include those who clear fog at
as well as personal suffering or loss. The liability may airports and other locations if they do not meet their
necessarily carry high rates as a function of the obligations under contract and are taken to court for
numbers of people involved and the nature of the damages.
‘cargo’ being transported, particularly in shipping, or
the nature of the impact, such as in an air pollution
episode. Payment is made based on a judgment of
whether the situation was avoidable, whether actions
were prudent in the particular setting, and if the event The most obvious types of observations of fog are its
were predictable or an ‘act of God’ or a ‘once-in-a- occurrence, reduction of visibility and/or fog’s ‘thick-
lifetime’ event. ness’ or ‘intensity’, color (of limited use in reporting),
The sociopolitical decisions and mandates that duration, and extent. Each of these may be assessed
come from these find their way into legislation or locally at an observation site and regionally using a
standards of procedures as evidenced by aviation collection of sites. The traditional determination of
instrument flight rules (IFRs), port regulations for visibility in fog is based on the ability of a human
closure and/or delay/diversion, and the recommenda- observer to see predetermined ground-based targets in
tion (or requirement) that drivers use low-beam all azimuth directions about their site. Electronic
headlights when fog is present. Legal implications methods (e.g., transmissometer) have been applied to
may arise for a farmer who irrigates a crop (for water roadways, harbors, and aerodrome runways to deter-
or for frost protection) near a roadway and thus mine low visibility in the immediate location of the
enhances the fog and which results in an accident. sensor. Various methods and instrumentation used to
Clearly, liability is one of the reasons for more determine visibility are presented in the visibility
conservative decisions on closings, delays, and can- portion of this encyclopedia.
FOG 781

The occurrence and reduction of visibility are easily spread of up to 51F (approximately 31C) and a stable
recorded based on human observation, but are often layer of atmosphere. Although fog occurrence is
electronically derived through the use of transmisso- relatively rare near or below the melting point of
meters and other instruments (e.g., the ASOS used by water, freezing or ice fog is possible. Other definitions
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- of fog relate the fog’s source and/or method of
tion’s National Weather Service as well as airports formation to its name.
around the world) and through remote sensing plat- Fog may form in place, be transported from one
forms. The duration and extent are considered location to another, and may form in minutes or over
through such platforms as well. The remote sensing an hour, depending upon existing conditions. The two
tools also include satellite, radar, and lidar. Satellite basic processes responsible for formation, as well as
observations (both infrared and visible) can indicate duration, are radiation and advection (which includes
fog location and extent and infer fog ‘thickness’ in a vertical mixing of air). It is based upon these observa-
manner far superior to a collection of surface obser- tions that fog is often referred to as ‘a cloud on the
vation sites across a region. The use of satellite imagery ground’ and which consists of visible hydrometeors.
is very helpful in completing the depiction of fog extent However, the fog formation process has important
and ‘intensity’ for a region. Visible imagery often differences from clouds (including, for example, total
shows a sharp-edged boundary between a dull gray fog moisture content, droplet size distributions, and
region, whereas infrared imagery requires a tempera- chemical contents). By international definition, fog
ture differencing technique to indicate fog areas. In occurs (or is significant) when visibility is restricted to
either case the ‘strength’ or signal ‘brightness’ shown less than 1 km (0.62 miles) and is distinguished from
by the image is related to its continuous nature (e.g., the occurrence of mist (or drizzle).
patchy versus widespread) and thickness (strength of Fog droplets range in size because of the various
signal) of the fog area. condensation nuclei with which they form and ac-
However, satellite observations have limitations cording to their resultant wettability and solubility
including minimal temperature contrasts on infrared (and thus their physicochemical composition). The con-
imagery and intervening cloud layers on visible densation process is best illustrated through Kohler
imagery. In addition, satellite observations typically curves that show droplet radius versus saturation level
are not current as processing and dissemination of (i.e., relative humidity of below or near 100% through
images may take an average of 10–45 min. In other supersaturation of up to 0.5%). As the droplet radius
words, satellite imagery is of limited value in terms of grows, the saturation vapor pressure decreases and
prediction of occurrence. Radar, although not a the environment becomes supersaturated with respect
detector of fog droplets, is useful in identifying to the droplet. This allows the maintenance of
variations in the refractive index within a limited droplets in an equilibrium state. Because of these
radius of the radar site. This can be used to infer the relationships, maritime nuclei often have very small
presence, or development, of an inversion and its droplet radii and thus little need for supersaturation
height which may indicate potential fog development. conditions.
The use of lidar is designed to detect even low Cited values for fog droplets range from 1 to 65 mm
concentrations of small particles and can be used to in diameter with an average diameter of 10–20 mm
resolve fog formation and occurrence within a limited most often reported (although some sources state the
distance of an observation site. range as 20–40). Some observational studies differen-
tiate between small droplet fogs (often maritime in
origin) and larger droplet fogs (more typically conti-
nental). Maritime fogs are often observed to be more
Fog consists of suspended droplets, some of which continuous and ‘thick’ due to their smaller droplets
may be settling out and/or evaporating, which restrict that allow a greater concentration within a parcel of
visibility and persist for some period of time. Fog may air. The occurrence of fog with light rain or light
vary in depth occurring within the lowest meter of the drizzle is not uncommon and typically limits the fog’s
atmosphere and extending up to 1000 m in height. ‘thickness’ and duration due to the fall of precipita-
Occasionally the fog layer may be somewhat elevated tion, mixing, and wind flow that accompany them.
above the surface, particularly during the fog disper- People tend to characterize fog as thick or shallow,
sion, breakup, or ‘burnoff’ process. For condensation, and some definition of this is found within the WMO
the relative humidities of the air do not necessarily coded synoptic and METAR observations. Fog is
need to be 100% and in fact may be as low as 80–90% usually distinguished from haze according to visibility
both during and after formation. These conditions are considerations, relative humidity, and content. Haze
mostly associated with a temperature-dew point and fog may occur together and have nearly equivalent
782 FOG

impacts, but fog’s restriction of visibility typically Coast, central Europe, and the Po Valley in northern
predominates. Somewhat by convention, fog ‘thick- Italy (Figure 2).
ness’ (or ‘intensity’) is defined according to the
restriction of visibility. Dense fog produces visibilities
of less than 1 km, moderate fog 1 to less than 5 km, and
light fog 5 to less than 11 km.These definitions rely on Global frequencies of fog are traditionally based on
sight distance as a surrogate for measurement of surface observational data and consider the number of
droplet distributions and are exclusive of the occur- days on which fog was reported. Few climatologies
rence of low stratus clouds. focus on the time of day, extent, duration, or intensity
Fog duration and coverage, although observed in of fog which would make for a useful basis of
time and space, do not have a generally agreed upon worldwide comparison. Fog frequencies tend to be
definition. Fog studies often differentiate between high in locations where moisture is plentiful (oceanic,
long-lasting (i.e., several hours) and short-duration river/lake, and coastal regions as well as humid or
fogs (less than 2 h), and in some cases examine tropical locations) or cooling processes predominate
extended events (i.e., several days). Some studies (mountain–valley locations and ocean currents). As
consider a minimum one-degree ‘square’ of fog to be most frequencies are derived from surface-based
sufficient to depict it as a regional occurrence, with observations, they are necessarily skewed by popula-
smaller areas being defined as local coverage events. tion centers and established habitable regions and thus
Extended events lasting more than a couple of days fog ‘hotspots’ are only approximations of the true
include late winter and springtime events in New global occurrence and distribution. It must be noted
England and the mid-Atlantic states as well as winter- that even a region with a low fog frequency is not
time events over the western US valleys, the Gulf immune to the devastating impacts of fog. Some


Formation Other characteristics

• Condensation • RH 80−100% • Chemistry and pollutants
• T/Td spread 0 − 3°C (0 − 5°F) • Moisture content
• Droplet size distributions • Association with haze, drizzle, rain
• Radiative and Advective processes • Color
Fog intensity • Inversion level
Dense < 1 km Infrared
Moderate 1 to <5 km
Light 5 to <11 km

10 m 500 m Fog Dense fog

Moderate fog Visibility
Light fog
Human sensor
Radome observer
Regional fog event ≤ 2 hours short-term
1° Lat./Long. area > 2 hours long-term
days extended event

Figure 2 Observations and definitions. The figure gives a perspective view, as in Figure 1, with focus on airport location and equipment
and varying fog intensities with spatial scale shown and varying depth of fog layer.
FOG 783

regions may experience an average of 100 days South America as related to El Niño and La Niña
per year with fog while others may only average less phenomena).
than 10.
Hemisphere has the majority of land-based and Location
coastal zone fog occurrences given the spread of
A closer look at the common features of fog-prone
continents around the Earth. Many regions in North
areas of the world provides a basic breakdown of
America, Europe, India, Africa, and Asia witness
maritime polar climates, Mediterranean climates (e.g.,
debilitating fog events, some sporadic, others long-
France), and mountain/valley climates (e.g., Chile).
lasting. A variety of climate zones are affected,
Although fog is also more likely to occur in the vicinity
including polar, temperate, tropical and even dry to
of water sources such as ocean currents and river
moist. Locations with the highest frequencies are
valleys and warm water springs (e.g., in cold climates),
found in the vicinity of cold ocean currents and/or
it may also be found in desert climates (e.g., Africa and
upwelling that stabilizes the atmosphere, provides
Australia). Radiational influences are maximized in
local moisture and aerosols, and can cool air quickly –
these desert regions as well as in valley or plateau
and do so for a prolonged period of time – to
regions around the world (e.g., China and Mexico).
condensation. For these locations fog may persist
When advective influences predominate (such as
for several days, cover an extensive area, and then
Newfoundland), various lifting and cooling processes
move en masse to another region. These fog regions
are more important. In addition, the intermediary
may occur any time of day and tend to be more
zone between ocean and land also plays a significant
persistent during the daytime with little diurnal
role in the extent, intensity, and duration of fog.
Various combinations of these lead many to classify
The Southern Hemisphere also has a variety of land-
fogs and develop a list of fog types that may occur. This
based fog in regions such as South America, Australia,
allows us to distinguish between the climatic predom-
South Africa, and the Antarctic. As strong winds and
inance of fog in some regions versus its origins, and
mixing predominate over much of the Southern
according to the prevailing synoptic flow in real time.
Hemisphere oceans, fog regions tend to persist in the
Clearly, this does not imply that other places do not
coastal zones (e.g., Chile) and/or over the interior
receive fog or that it is unimportant. It does provide a
where terrain varies considerably (e.g., Argentina). In
context in which the scale of fog occurrence and extent
addition, the tropical rain forest regions provide ample
may be considered. These include synoptic-scale
moisture and sufficient radiational cooling overnight
features (e.g., high pressure), mesoscale variations
for the formation of large fog areas. In these cases, the
(e.g., in moisture distributions), and microscale (and
time of year and time of day vary from the Northern
at times mesoscale) features that affect the occurrence,
Hemisphere. Further observations are much more
extent, intensity, and duration of fog (Figure 3).
limited given smaller population bases and/or the lack
of observations or observational equipment in the
Southern Hemisphere. A wide variety of remote
sensing methods and tools have been used to refine The role of synoptic versus mesoscale and microscale
and localize these values but have not as yet provided a variations is best understood through examination of
complete view. For example, aerosol climatology a site-specific climatology. However, this is less prac-
work and cloud climatologies based on satellite and tical – and less informative – when the same principles
radar observations can more readily complete the are applied to a collection of sites. Instead it is best to
picture of fog occurrence, and thus frequencies and examine the patterns and/or fluxes that are important
climatology, for these parts of the world. at each scale to explore the characteristics of fog.
The importance of the foregoing discussion of fog These are also of use in the identification of fog
climatology is that it helps to identify fog-prone precursors which improve our understanding and
regions, episodic regions, and assist in the forecasting prediction of fog formation, extent, intensity, and
process. It also aids in the identification of common- duration.
alities of fog formation and thus offers clues as to the Synoptic-scale features include high- and low-pres-
evolution and behavior of fog. Some fog regions tend sure areas (with/without rain or recent rainfall),
to be synoptically enriched or dominated and others locations ahead of a warm front, the warm sector,
more by boundary layer processes. Each plays a role in and behind a cold front. In the simplest case, high
the extent, intensity, and duration of fog and helps pressure and sufficient near-surface moisture com-
determine whether fog frequencies are bi- or tri-modal bined with overnight cooling produce fog as radiative
in time and according to global circulation regimes processes dominate. In the case of low-pressure
(e.g., central North America and the west coast of systems and frontal regions, some advective and
784 FOG
Current North
FOG Atlantic
FOG Drift
FOG Labrador FOG
FOG N. Pacific Current California Current
Current Florida
lf Str FOG
Kuroshio FOG Canaries
N. Equatorial Current Guinea

Equatorial Counter-Current
Brazil FOG
S. Equatorial Current Benguela
FOG Current

Peru or FOG
FOG Falklands

Antarctic Circumpolar Current (West Wind Drift)

Figure 3 Fog climatology. Map of the world showing continents, cold ocean currents, topographic relief and some of the common locations favoring fog occurrence.
FOG 785

radiative processes will dominate. Fog occurrence is advective fogs, occurs in relatively stable layers of the
possible, whether inclusive of precipitation-induced boundary layer. Other relevant factors in fog forma-
and/or cooling effects. The surface character, over tion which may be considered as secondary in nature
which these features pass, then acts to promote or (yet significant in the prediction of fog) include cloud
moderate the cooling and/or lift. These include microphysics, the vertical and horizontal distribution
upslope flow, cold ground (or frozen or snow or ice of temperature and moisture, orographic effects,
cover), and vegetative contributions (in terms of sources and sinks of moisture and heat, and land use
additional moisture in the local boundary layer). and/or surface conditions (Figure 4).
Mesoscale variations modify the imposed synoptic
conditions and may grow with time to be more
significant if synoptic flow becomes stagnant (e.g.,
autumn) or blocked (e.g., spring) or simply ‘vanishes’ There are several means of cooling an air mass, or
(e.g., low latitudes). Mesoscale variations in physiog- parcel of air, that may lead to fog formation. The most
raphy and weather conditions are obvious in areas obvious and most prevalent (even in the presence of
such as San Francisco, Death Valley, Salt Lake City, cloud cover) is the diurnal loss of heat by the Earth’s
and the Pacific Northwest (in the United States, West surface (i.e., radiational cooling). Other means include
Coast) and make a great deal of difference in the cooling of an air mass from below, adiabatic
forecasting the location, duration, and intensity of cooling (or mixing), the cooling of an air mass itself
fog. These variations are further complicated by the due to radiational release, and the evaporational
complexity of possibilities on the microscale where cooling of air due to precipitation through a dry air
boundary layer processes dominate. These tend to be layer which may induce cooling to saturation and thus
critical in identifying the precise location of formation, result in fog. Depending on the location, time of year,
timing, intensity, and duration. It is also critical with and moisture availability, these cooling mechanisms
regard to the microphysical aspects that involve may lead to fog formation with varying persistence
aerosols. This immediately distinguishes between and of varying extent and intensity.
maritime and continental concentrations and types Radiational cooling is primarily diurnal in nature
of fog droplets as previously described. and is maximized overnight and during the early
morning hours, with minimum air and surface tem-
peratures often occurring at or near sunrise. Although
Formation Mechanisms the diurnal cooling process occurs year-round, it is
Fog formation requires a variety of factors in different favored during both dry and cold seasons of the year
combinations. Essential to fog formation are sufficient when low-level moisture may be sufficient, relatively
moisture and the process of cooling and/or lifting undisturbed, and the cooling period lengthy. The
(inclusive of mixing). This gives us three basic ‘types’ dryness of the atmosphere is most typically observed
of fog: radiational (cooling), advective (cooling and/or above the boundary layer and allows great radiational
lifting), and combinatorial (cooling and lifting, or losses through an open atmospheric window, even in
mixing). These may occur in several ways from the the presence of middle- or high-level clouds. Radia-
synoptic to the local scale, as has been illustrated by tional fogs may be brief in duration (e.g., less than 1 h)
the different climates around the world which expe- or may last several hours. The depth and intensity of
rience fog. The more critical factor in the atmosphere these fog events is a function of the cooling time,
is the presence of sufficient moisture, in terms of total extent, and amount of moisture available. It is not
amount and depth, and its horizontal distribution. unusual for such fogs to initiate dew deposition.
Sufficient moisture may also be achieved by increasing The other means of cooling are of varying impor-
its ‘effectiveness’, in other words, making use of the tance to fog formation and duration. For example, the
moisture present and realizing it through cooling cooling of an air mass from below is favored in
and/or lifting processes to cause condensation. In each locations and seasons in which the active surface layer
case, despite synoptic influences, moisture and its is frozen and/or snow covered or when it experiences a
realization is very much a function of mesoscale and greater albedo (e.g., fallow versus the vegetative
microscale conditions and variations. growing season). Such fogs may form and persist for
In addition to moisture and cooling/lifting mecha- hours or days at a time and cover a relatively large area
nisms, fogs are observed to be associated with an with significant intensity. Adiabatic cooling of air is
inherently stable atmosphere. This stability may related to lifting mechanisms and therefore considered
precede or occur after fog formation and often in the next section. The cooling of an air mass itself due
increases with the advent of fog. Even fog that is to radiational release is typically a very slow process
associated with strong winds, as is the case with some and likely to be an important factor for persistent fogs
786 FOG

Other factors
• Wind
• Stability
• Horizontal/vertical temperature
and moisture
• Synoptic features
• Orographic features
• Source/sink moisture and heat
• Land use
• Surface conditions
• Cloud microphysics




Figure 4 Fog formation mechanisms.

(e.g., sea fogs). The extent may be great but the these situations involve slow vertical lifting over large
internal variations in coverage and intensity are large horizontal distances or the relatively slow and shallow
given the interactions between the air mass and the vertical mixing of two distinct air masses in the
underlying surface features. Evaporational cooling boundary layer. In the former case, long-lasting,
caused by showery precipitation falling through a extensive, and intense fogs may be expected whereas
layer of dry air may be sufficient to lead to saturation in the latter short term, shallow, and patchy fog of
and fog, but is typically of short duration and of varying intensity occur.
limited intensity. In the case of a synoptic-scale warm Slow vertical lift due to an upslope wind flow,
front, such fog may form and persist for several days parallel with the elevation gradient, will result in
and become quite extensive and intense with minimal discrete levels of cooling and saturation with increas-
local variations. ing distance and transport. Although this process may
be slow in the initial formation of fog depending upon
the amount of moisture available in the air mass (e.g.,
several hours to nearly 24 h), it is a resilient process
The second basic means of cooling air to achieve or that can produce extended events of widespread dense
sustain fog formation, or for realizing the effectiveness fog (i.e., up to several days are possible). Similarly,
of the moisture present in a parcel of air, is through frontal lifting may produce similar conditions and may
various lifting mechanisms. These include orographic persist for some time dependent upon the rapidity of
lift, frontal lift, adiabatic ascent, and mixing. In many changes in synoptic features. Frontal lift is more
cases, these processes involve advection and thus give commonly warm in nature but may involve cold
rise to advective fog formation and transport. Al- frontal surfaces which are of lesser slope than a typical
though this implies that there are many lifting situa- cold front. In both orographic and frontal cases, the
tions in which fog may form, it is clear that most of formation, duration, extent, and intensity of fog
FOG 787

events is also a function of the underlying surface and over another or whether one type may evolve into
its interaction with the lifted air. For example, the flow another. Since the orographic and frontal lifting
of warm and moist air across frozen or snow-covered processes are typically a gradual cooling process over
ground – or simply upslope – increases the depth, long distances whereas the radiational cooling process
intensity, extent, and duration of fog. is gradual over time and specific to a location, it is
This last process is an important aspect and illus- reasonable to consider various combination fogs in the
trates how two diverse air masses, initially unsaturat- same manner. It is also reasonable to incorporate the
ed, may mix to form a saturated air mass. The use of effects of cloud microphysics, the vertical and hori-
saturation vapor pressure curves can be made to zontal distribution of temperature and moisture,
compare air mass properties as a function of their sources and sinks of moisture and heat, and land use
vapor pressures versus the absolute saturation vapor and/or surface conditions.
pressure for various temperatures and pressures. For example, given the features described above, the
When a cool, and relatively lower vapor pressure, air longest-lasting, most intense, deepest, and potentially
mass combines with a warm air mass with higher most widespread fogs may occur near a coastal region
vapor pressure, their mixing results in saturation. This with a moist onshore flow in the vicinity of a warm
may be seen by plotting the original vapor pressures at frontal (or topographic) or quasi-stationary boundary.
the individual air mass temperatures and connecting This would be further enhanced or favored if the flow
the two points with a straight line. When the line of moisture were sustained, the ground frozen or snow-
crosses the saturation vapor pressure curve, the two covered (and thus the source of cooling maintained),
mixed air masses will form a saturated air mass. The and it was the cool season time of year. The formation
manner in which these two air masses combine may be and advection of sea fog tends to meet these criteria to
through isobaric mixing or weak adiabatic mixing. varying degrees around the world and create some of
Lift that involves the adiabatic ascent and mixing of the foggiest regions known. Regardless of origin, that is
air is greatly dependent upon the existing boundary whether the sea fog formed first through radiational
layer which evolves during the mixing process to cooling or other cooling and lifting processes, it is clear
produce fog. Although of limited extent, turbulent that a variety of factors produce and sustain fog. This is
mixing through adiabatic ascent can result in fog verified by observation of the movement of fog areas
formation which is typically of very short duration and their passage from water to land.
(i.e., less than a few hours), limited depth (e.g., ground
fog), and highly variable in coverage and intensity.
Microphysical and Other Aspects
Such fogs may occur preceding and following the
passage of weak cold fronts with limited pressure and Although the identification of cooling and lifting
air mass differences, and often following the passage mechanisms is significant with regard to the conden-
of scattered showers or light rain, and take place in a sation process for fog formation, alone they are
conditionally stable boundary layer. These fogs tend to insufficient if not considered with regard to the
be infrequent and of short duration as the dynamics nucleation process. A knowledge of drop size distri-
are more likely to lead to low cloud (and ceiling) butions, condensation nuclei associated with fog
formation with drizzle. However, in some cases they droplets, local nuclei populations, and the resulting
may persist and thicken over regions as the frontal atmospheric chemistry are significant with regard to
boundary decays and/or becomes stationary. The the occurrence, extent, intensity, and duration of fog
processes of adiabatic ascent and mixing also play a events. Depending upon the population of condensa-
role in the formation of Arctic Sea Smoke and other tion nuclei, the initiation of fog droplet formation, and
fogs in which the heat flux is rapid and results from a the actual drop size distribution, fog development may
temperature differential rather than a period of occur within 5–15% of the saturation value of an air
radiational cooling. mass (haze is typically within 35%). The role of nuclei
is determined by ‘how active’ they are in encouraging
or discouraging the process of condensation (i.e., how
Lifting and Cooling
hygroscopic or hydrophobic). The presence of con-
Based on the preceding discussion, it is clear that there densation nuclei may be local in origin, advected, or
are many possible combinations which may produce the result of both processes and is significant when fog
fog. It is therefore understandable why so many ‘fog is considered in combination with smoke and pollut-
types’ occur in the literature and are studied around ants. The ‘proper’ combination of nuclei can lead to
the world. For the same reason, it is clear that these long-lasting and devastating fog events.
possibilities raise the question of whether fog is readily For example, there are a number of well-known
predicted and whether one type is readily identified cases in which fog combined with, and its formation
788 FOG

was aided by, industrial emissions. These created (or thickness), extent (or coverage), and duration.
unhealthy and dangerous air quality and low visibili- These are predominantly radiative processes as lifting
ties over several hours (and even days), causing death, mechanisms are essentially cooling processes as well.
illness, injury, and accidental losses. These can be It is assumed that if the proper combination of factors
further modified according to the location in which exists, and that moisture is available in sufficient
they occur. For example, marine environments typi- quantity and/or its effectiveness can be realized, fog
cally produce a large number of small droplets formation is possible. Adequate moisture is provided
whereas continental locations are characterized by through local evaporative fluxes, advective delivery, or
large droplets. In marine environments then it is clear evaporation of falling precipitation. Ideally these are
that while haze is favored in the daytime (and salt all quantified operationally (whether modeled, ob-
nuclei) and a high moisture source with mixing, fog served, or forecast) to make a precise determination of
may still occur if these conditions are overcome (e.g., fog occurrence, intensity, extent, and duration.
at night by cooling and with the introduction of
smaller droplets).
Regardless of the limitations to droplet size by the Radiative Considerations – Formation
concentrations of nuclei, it is the actual droplet
and Growth
concentration that determines a fog’s opacity – and
that is often referred to as a fog’s intensity or thickness Rapid cooling, but with limited mixing, is best
(or severity). Because of this the lowest visibilities in accomplished through radiative heat loss by the
fog events are associated with high concentrations of surface and by an air mass that is predominantly static
small droplets. Thus again a wide variety of fog in nature and predisposed to stability. These condi-
formations are possible, particularly when consider- tions are favorable to the potential for fog formation,
ing the cooling and/or lifting processes and when assuming sufficient cooling occurs and sufficient
considering the location, transport, and interactions of moisture is available (or its effectiveness realized).
various nuclei across a coastal zone. Commonly, such conditions are associated with clear
(and sometimes dry) air, light winds, and subsidence.
The ‘Family of Fogs’ However, radiative cooling does occur in the presence
of cloud cover and may be enhanced or reduced by the
The foregoing discussion thus provides a ‘family of active surface over which air is present. Each of these is
fogs’ in terms of formation, extent, duration, and maximized within high-pressure areas when winds are
intensity which may be enveloped in a conceptual near calm, the boundary layer is moist, and the mid-
model of fog dynamics. Although similar in manner to and upper layers of the atmosphere are very dry with
the conceptualizations of air mass thunderstorm to strong subsidence. These conditions can produce
supercell, or mesocyclone to wave cyclone, or various widespread, intense, and long-lasting fog. Less opti-
levels of sea/land-breeze model conceptualizations, mal conditions (e.g., those present in the midst of a
the family of fogs is, at the moment, quite elusive. weak low-pressure center with little pressure gradient)
Although generous amounts of research have been may also produce fog that is of limited extent,
accomplished and numerous modeling studies com- intensity, and duration.
pleted to reveal more explicitly the cooling and lifting Although radiative and advective process has been
processes that may produce fog, they are as yet initiated, the lowest portion of the boundary layer
incomplete. They do not incorporate adequately the nearest the ground becomes the coolest and thus
atmospheric chemistry and associated microphysics creates a microscale inversion. This inversion grows in
that are significant to the fog process and are poorly tandem with the rate of cooling and the net cooling
understood and not routinely observed. There is also a over time and, as the air reaches saturation, may lead
need to consider the interactions and interface be- to fog formation. As the cooling process continues, the
tween the underlying surface over which fog forms and inversion layer grows deeper and fog may grow or
these microphysical aspects of chemical and physical develop upwards with time to several meters within a
behaviors. few hours. At this point the presence of fog itself begins
to feed back into the radiative balance as warmth from
the surface may be absorbed by the droplets and the
Fog Dynamics
rate of cooling slowed. In addition, the upper portion
Given the basic knowledge of fog formation mecha- of the forming fog and the fog layer itself continue to
nisms (or occurrence), and some knowledge of micro- cool, thus strengthening the inversion, while some
physical aspects, it is possible to explore the dynamic deposition and/or reevaporation of fog droplets occurs
processes involved and how they relate to fog intensity nearer the surface. Often at this stage the radiative
FOG 789

processes immediately at the ground have slowed, pressure system, or perhaps in advance of a warm
become less important, and reach a temporary equi- frontal boundary, both in the presence of light winds,
librium in which temperature and moisture conditions this may create large variations in fog extent, intensity,
remain nearly constant. and durations with frequent and rapid variations.
Although these processes dominate in a general These conditions also imply slow transport of a fog
sense, they are complicated by the nature of the surface layer and modification as the fog travels across varying
over which air lies (e.g., soil type), land use and cover, terrain and surfaces and as it encounters variations in
heat and moisture sources, and vehicular and other condensation nuclei. Modifications include other
traffic that create local turbulence. It is the combina- cooling processes, such as orographic lift, which may
tion of these factors that dictates the areal extent and reduce or enhance fog formation, maintenance, and
initial intensity of fog and that accounts for variations growth. For example, a fog that develops in the
as the fog persists. Sand and clay soils radiate at vicinity of weak low pressure may move upslope in
different intensities and thus can contribute to fog response to a weak pressure gradient and either
formation at different rates. In the simplest case, the precipitate out or intensify and deepen. The same fog
ground surface may be conducting heat from subsur- may encounter an industrial area with a variety of
face layers and thus eroding fog formation from the nuclei, which may lead to changes in the drop size
bottom after its initiation. The surface may also be distributions and either accelerate or defer fog forma-
considered active if wet or dry, vegetated or barren, tion.
paved or natural, and frozen or snow-covered. In the
case of a wet ground, more moisture and enhanced Intensity
radiative cooling are possible. For a frozen surface
Once fog has formed, persisted, and grown, the
there is a strong limitation on the radiative cooling of
intensity or thickness of the fog is of greater practical
the ground and a strong enhancement of the cooling of
significance. Fog intensity is a function of the concen-
the air itself. In the case of an asphalt or concrete
tration of small and large drops in terms of their ability
roadway, the radiative rates may favor more rapid fog
to reduce visibility to less than 1 km. When fog is in
formation whereas vehicular flow (and turbulence)
place, there is a certain amount of droplet settling and
may discourage or disperse it.
separation with time while cooling and condensation
occur at fog top and dissipation and deposition at fog
Duration and Extent bottom (in many cases). While this process is effective
in maintaining fog, it is also effective in stratifying the
As the radiative cooling persists, the fog layer may
fog layer and generating variations in intensity. In
grow vertically and horizontally with time. In partic-
these situations the middle and upper fog layers
ular, it is not unusual for the fog on the surface to
become the most opaque and thus the most difficult
diminish with time, through deposition (dew or frost)
to navigate in terms of transportation. These effects
and weak induced convective mixing, giving the
may be negated to some extent given a greater degree
appearance of a lifting fog. In this process, the
of turbulent mixing or the presence or introduction of
moisture content and subsequently the dew point are
wind flow (and thus entrainment) near the top of the
decreased within the lowest portion of the fog layer
fog layer.
and may allow for further radiative cooling and fog re-
In addition, the characteristics of condensation
formation. Thus some fogs appear to vary in their
nuclei, can lead to varying intensities. For example, a
occurrence, depth, and intensity with time. More
variety of pollution-enhanced fogs owe their extreme-
importantly, the middle and upper portions of the fog
ly low visibilities to specific chemical species. These
layer are now the most ‘active’ in terms of their
encouraged fog formation prior to saturation, reduced
behavior. In particular, these layers continue to cool,
the amount of deposition, and created a more uniform
resulting in an upward expanse of the fog, and thus the
drop size distribution often characterized by its color
inversion layer, and therefore become somewhat
or smell.
independent of the surface over which they lie.
The horizontal formation and spread of the fog,
initially a function of the radiative properties of the
surface over which the air is found and which account The dissipation of fog, is a function of the processes
for the often patchy nature of fog formation, now that act against cooling and condensational effects
becomes a function of weak circulations or turbulence previously discussed. Therefore dissipation may be
above the ground. In the presence of high pressure and considered in terms of the ‘prevention’ of the processes
light winds, this may create a fairly uniform fog in that favor formation and growth, duration and extent,
terms of intensity and duration. For a weak low- and intensity. Many of these processes may reduce or
790 FOG

eliminate fog within less than 1 h without contraven- of these is the recognition of those processes and
tion, but more typically require several hours to factors important to fog formation including cooling,
overcome the inertial presence of the fog layer as lifting, and mixing (cooling and lifting) mechanisms;
well as any underlying or continuing fog formation surface and air mass moisture and characteristics; and
processes. Usually visibility improvements occur the chemical and physical behavior associated with
within the first hour or two as dissipation processes fog droplets. Some of these are summarized by many
become dominant. Fog dissipation is typically longer authors and researchers according to a list of factors
in valley and coastal regions and during the cool such as the prior existence of fog, precipitation areas,
season and over cold waters – and in some cases may soil moisture and cover, temperature and stability,
not occur. boundary layer variations, orographic contributions,
The effects of cooling are mitigated or overcome the synoptic setting and flow regime, vertical and
through direct solar heating of the ground surface (or horizontal wind flows, cloud cover, and advection.
potentially the heating of fog droplets and the air layer Regardless of the list, it is essential to consider the
in which the fog is found, but this is of minimal synoptic-dynamic regime as it determines the charac-
significance) and the destruction of a stratified or ter of the boundary layer – and how that changes with
inversion layer through turbulent mixing. Thus warm- time – to predict adequately fog occurrence, extent,
ing and mixing are vital to dissipate fog and may be intensity, and duration.
accomplished through a variety of frontal or convec-
tive processes. This dissipation will be most effective at Climatological
the bottom and top of the fog layer and around the
One traditional means of fog prediction is based on
edges of the fog area where the air is not near
climatological considerations. This approach, al-
saturation. Thus fog is said to ‘burn off’ or ‘lift’ and
though location specific, is a reasonable first approx-
‘shrink’ with time. The pace of dissipation, which will
imation in identifying and summarizing the factors
be greater under an imposed pressure gradient and
which produce fog in a given region. Typical climatol-
during the warm season, may last a few hours.
ogies assess fog frequencies according to the time of
day and year (or by season), intensity, duration, and
sometimes according to fog occurrence at multiple
Prediction sites. Unfortunately, the climatological approach
tends to oversimplify fog prediction by categorizing
The fog process is quite dynamic and requires a great
events as fog ‘types’ with little regard to fog evolution.
deal of physical knowledge and observation to be
In addition, the results are biased for the site at which
understood completely and predicted successfully. In
the climatology is based and can thus lead to predic-
practice however, this is difficult given the limited
tions of no fog for a region which may fail.
nature of our present understanding of fog and the lack
The use of conditional climatology adds some value
of real-time observation, quantification, and modeling
beyond simple climatology in that persistence and
of the chemical and microphysical behaviors that are
contributing factors associated with a fog event can be
involved. This is made more difficult by the lack of
anticipated. Yet this approach is also limited in that it
precise observation and modeling of the detailed
does not address fog dynamics adequately and relies
surface characteristics, the distribution of moisture,
heavily upon the data available. In total a forecaster
temperature, and their interaction. However, if the
may be able to assimilate climatological information
conceptual model of a family of fogs based on the
and estimate local variations with some experience
principles previously described is applied, the chances
for a region, but the process is pragmatic rather
for improved fog prediction may be increased. Ulti-
than scientific and is only slightly more skillful.
mately even a microscale observation network would
Climatological predictions have only limited antici-
not be dense enough to provide essential details to
patory value: knowing the types of situations that
improve prediction. Instead the further application
favor fog.
and refinement of remote sensing tools and numerical
modeling will be necessary to better forecast fog
Numerical Guidance
occurrence, extent, intensity, and duration in a wide
variety of circumstances. Another approach to fog forecasting is through the use
Current forecast practices for fog include climato- of numerical guidance, both raw and processed. Raw
logical approaches, numerical guidance, observation- data from an operational model may be plotted or
al methods, modeling, and other methods (e.g., examined across a region and yield specific informa-
statistical or decision-tree methods and Artificial tion with regard to moisture and cooling with regard
Intelligence – or Expert Systems). Common to each to fog formation. However, model output has a variety
FOG 791

of errors, is often available in only limited time and Modeling

space resolution, and typically does not adequately
Many modeling efforts have been made to simulate as
depict the boundary layer structure or behavior. When
well as to produce a fog environment and fog droplets.
the raw data are processed to produce graphical and
Presently, no operational model is capable of com-
diagnostic analyses, surface and boundary layer plots,
pletely generating these in real time for predictive use.
or to generate statistical forecast guidance, it is of
Modeling has more recently focused on drop size
much greater value. The graphical diagnosis of the
distributions, deposition, and re-creation of the fog
local environment according to model output is useful
environment as well as the physical representation of
in better identifying regions potentially favored for fog
fog and the fog process. Limited studies, including
development (e.g., moisture maxima, cool air pockets)
statistical prediction, have focused on the prediction of
and thus can aid a forecaster in refining a prediction of
the visibility restrictions of fog. The First International
occurrence and extent. This provides a mesoscale
Conference on Fog and Fog Collection is indicative of
prediction which can be partially verified through
the new and renewed importance of fog study.
surface observations and satellite imagery.
Much work is now focused on collection tech-
When used to generate statistical guidance, model
niques, particularly with regard to fog chemistry and
output helps a forecaster assess the confidence level of
its impacts with regard to vegetation. In this regard,
fog formation and extent and allows some speculation
fog modeling has served as an extension of agro-
as to its intensity and duration. This guidance makes
meteorological and climatological study as well as
use of both current observations and model predic-
micrometeorology and cloud physics. Some profes-
tions. For operational models with output statistics
sional consultants and companies now offer fog
from 12 to 60 h into the future, there is some predictive
forecast products, and even assessments, many of
value and skill improvement over climatology in the
which focus on predicting the occurrence and intensity
anticipation of fog. However, most statistical guidance
of fog for a specified location. A variety of other
used in this manner is derived from regression
methods, including statistical or decision-tree meth-
relations that show current observations (or simply
ods and Artificial Intelligence (or Expert Systems),
persistence) to be the most important factor in fog
have found usefulness in the study of fog.
prediction. Thus numerical guidance is of best value in
anticipating fog during the first several hours, or
anticipating the synoptic setting conducive to fog Benefits, Mitigation, and Special
several days in advance.
Although a variety of severe impacts have occurred
with fog events around the world, efforts to mitigate
these impacts have been of limited success in part due
The observational approach to fog prediction is to the nature of human response (e.g., driving more
extremely limited in an anticipatory sense, but tends slowly through fog). However, fog has also yielded
to have the greatest skill in terms of fog extent, some beneficial effects in terms of esthetics and
intensity, duration, and ultimate dissipation. This agricultural application. Fog has also been the subject
means that a forecaster has synthesized the prevailing of literature and film and often accompanies the
synoptic environment and its interactions with the depiction of paranormal and Halloween activities.
boundary layer to understand why fog is present (or Fog systems are used routinely to create fog and other
expected) and why it will continue to persist or special effects by the film industry. There has even been
dissipate. Essentially a forecaster in this situation has a survey that found 28% of people engaged in sexual
developed and applied a conceptual model frame- relations more than once when it was foggy as
work, based on theory, knowledge, and experience compared with only 11% who did when it was sunny.
which provides specification that no other current Several facets of fog illustrate how its significance
method can match. The observational approach extends beyond a simple reduction in visibility. For
involves a wide synthesis of sensible surface weather example, fog water use for deposition collection is
elements, middle and upper atmospheric data and critical to agricultural operations in Chile, Mexico,
analyses, and a review of satellite (and perhaps even and other regions of the world. Fog water may be of
radar) images. Practical application of radiative laws use in providing a potable water supply for others.
and parcel theory through the use of sounding Most often fog water is collected for agricultural
diagrams (e.g., a skew-T chart, and even isentropic applications and has been studied with regard to its
analysis) allow a forecaster to ‘run’ a conceptual effects on the growth of giant Redwood trees in
model of fog and to make a successful prediction. California (USA). Study also indicates that fog may
792 FOG

play a significant role in the physical interactions Balloons; Buoys; Kites; Rockets. Observations for
found within plant canopies and their physiological Chemistry (In Situ): Chemiluminescent Techniques;
and growth conditions. These are also related to fog Gas Chromatography; Ozone Sondes; Particles; Reso-
water pH and the production of acid fogs. These and nance Fluorescence; Water Vapor Sondes. Observations
other issues are being explored through various studies for Chemistry (Remote Sensing): IR/FIR; Lidar; Micro-
wave. Operational Meteorology. Orographic Effects:
around the world.
Lee Cyclogenesis; Mountain Waves and Stratospheric
There also exist programs and methods for the
Chemistry. Parameterization of Physical Processes:
dispersion, or enhancement, of fog – particularly at Clouds. Radar: Incoherent Scatter Radar; MST and ST
airport locations – and the reduction of acid fogs. The Radars and Wind Profilers; Precipitation Radar; Synthetic
basic methods tend to focus on heating of the fog layer Aperture Radar (Land Surface Applications). Radiative
(to evaporate droplets), downwash mixing (to entrain Transfer: Absorption and Thermal Emission; Cloud-ra-
drier air), hygroscopic treatment (e.g., ice seeding) to diative Processes; Non-local Thermodynamic Equilibrium;
precipitate out, and the use of fog breaks (passive Scattering. Satellite Remote Sensing: Aerosol Meas-
control) to prevent formation or movement into an urements. Static Stability. Synoptic Meteorology:
area. The most effective methods tend to be those that Forecasting; Weather Maps. Thermodynamics: Moist
match the natural dissipative factors (i.e., mixing and (Unsaturated) Air; Saturated Adiabatic Processes. Turbu-
lence and Mixing. Turbulent Diffusion. Weather
evaporation) and that promote improved visibility
Modification: Inadvertant. Weather Prediction: Adap-
within an hour. Unfortunately most techniques are
tive Observations; Data Assimilation; Ensemble Prediction;
costly, labor intensive, esthetically intrusive, and must Regional Prediction Models; Seasonal and Interannual
be maintained until natural processes are capable of Weather Prediction; Severe Weather Forecasting. Wind
continuing dissipation (often for at least several Chill.
hours). These measures are also impractical for
roadways and therefore drivers instead rely on vehicle
fog lights and fog-free lenses or shields. The enhance- Further Reading
ment of fog, although seemingly undesirable, is an Anderson JR (1985) Economic impacts. In: Houghton DD
industry with commercial application for party sup- (ed.) Handbook of Applied Meteorology. New York:
pliers and movie studios. Wiley.
Air Weather Service (1979) General Aspects of Fog and
See also Stratus Forecasting. USAF AWS TR 239.
Croft PJ, Pfost R, Medlin J, and Johnson G (1997) Fog
Agricultural Meteorology and Climatology. Air–Sea forecasting for the Southern Region: a conceptual model
Interaction: Freshwater Flux; Gas Exchange; Momen- approach. Weather Forecasting 12: 545–556.
tum, Heat and Vapor Fluxes; Sea Surface Temperature; Eagleman JR (1991) Air Pollution Meteorology. Trimedia
Storm Surges; Surface Waves. Anticyclones. Arctic Publishing Company.
Haze. Aviation Weather Hazards. Boundary Layers: George JJ (1960) Weather Forecasting for Aeronautics. New
Coherent Structures; Complex Terrain; Convective Bound- York: Academic Press.
ary Layer; Modeling and Parameterization; Neutrally Strat- Houze RA Jr (1993) Cloud Dynamics. New York: Academic
ified Boundary Layer; Observational Techniques In Situ; Press.
Observational Techniques–remote; Ocean Mixed Layer; Mason J (1982) Physics of radiation fog. Journal of the
Overview; Stably Stratified Boundary Layer; Surface Layer. Meteorological Society of Japan 60: 486–499.
Chemistry of the Atmosphere: Chemical Kinetics; Gas Mayer WD and Rao GV (1999) Radiation fog prediction
Phase Reactions; Ion Chemistry; Laboratory Studies; using a simple numerical model. Pure and Applied
Principles of Chemical Change. Cloud Chemistry. Cloud Geophysics, in press.
Microphysics. Coastal Meteorology. Deposition. Di- Schemenauer RS and Bridgman H (ed.) (1998) Proceedings
urnal Cycle. Humidity Variables. Hydrology: Ground of the First International Conference on Fog and
and Surface Water; Modeling and Prediction; Overview. Fog Collection, 19–24 July 1998, Vancouver, British
Isentropic Analysis. Land–Atmosphere Interactions: Columbia, Canada.
Canopy Processes; Overview; Trace Gas Exchange.
Lidar: Atmospheric Sounding Introduction; Backscatter;
Online reference sources
DIAL; Doppler; Raman; Resonance. Mesoscale Mete-
orology: Overview. Microclimate. Numerical Models: (COMET Module Radiation Fog)
Chemistry Models; Methods. Observation Platforms:

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