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Worthing 31W Barbados COLLEGE OF Es, West indies pnpes OF Ghar ER 5 Wp ~~ % PLANE III COMPANION 71-78 LIBER* 71 COMMANDER GRAYSON TO THE RESCUE Personal & Confidential SIXTH DEGREE “The lncrstional Clee of Catrie Sties ne i reser mon tintnton an ext for the oro of disemiatinifortion on he Taina cegeniSt he aneiscuction coined iis ibrcamprac matri whch war provnol delve orl tan ester groan as whee been giventothe College foritsuse, Under these circumstances the College does not claim tobe the author ororiginatorof the contents of this Liber whichis distributed Hee ne Lert ane at sol te ecling member as nnd of ane for personal wn pal stands arpa he set 1S tcxsonedpemen tat ibn eld tt fore Cll pdt oe rete tot pon Tees. ‘DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT AND MYSTICAL ENLIGHTENMENT OF MAN ee THE HIDDEN CHURCH OF THE ILLUMIWATI A Review of The Esoteric Tradition from Atlantis to the present day = by = RICHARD, DUC DE PALATINE ‘THE SANCTUARY OF THE GNOSIS London & Halifax Personal & Confidential ‘THE HIDDEN CHURCH OF THE ILLUMINATI -by- Richard, Duc de Palatine The present Grand Hierophant of The Order of the Pleroma, himself an Initiate of many of the Assemblies of Adepts, can ‘truthfully claim to be in direct succession from the earliest know Mysteries of Light. It can be established beyond the shadow of doubt that Richard, Duc de Palatine is the successor of the Ancient Mystery Scheols, as we shall show. There is no need for us to fabricate any form of secret histery in order te induce people to join the Plerema. One has only to study the long line of Assemblies which have existed and perpetu— ated the Gnosis from the last days of Atlantis before it was submerged by the waters in 9564 B.c. History shows that there were two streams of the Wisdom Tradition deriving from Atlantis; the first migrating to Central Asia and then into India and the Chaldean Nystevies, the second from Atlan— tis to Beypt (Mysteries of Isis and Osiris) and then tp Greece (Mysteries of Fleusis); then inte Asia Minor (Mysteries of Attis and Adonis) waich wers blended with the Mysteries of Mithra and the Besenes. In B.C. 120 to 70 Christ came to establish the ‘Mysteries of Jesus’ which wore a blend of all the earlier Mysteries. The successors of Christ were the Guestics and the Fssenes (Dead Sea Scrolls). From ‘them came the Cathslic Church which des- ‘treyed outwardly the Gnostic Movement in the 3rd Century. aes 71 02 Tho main elements thon merged inte the Manichaoans of North Africa and Luzer of Bgypt. Tho Tradition then moved to Italy under the guise of the Paulicians and Cathari; thereafter it showed itself in the Orders of Chivalry and then in The Templars. After the Templars were out- wardly destroyed, the Tradition reappeared ip The Fratres Lucis, or ‘Brothers of the Light,' in Italy in 1498; then it showed itself in the Rese Cress in the 14th Century. Again, in the I8th Century, came The Unknown Philosophers, Freemasonry and Luxor in Ametica, and then The Bavarian Illuminati which embodied the various {lluminised Rose Cross Orders, Alchemists and Masons. This same Order passed into England under Ill. Bro. John Yatker Jr., and finally, in 1961, it became The Brotherhood and Order of The Plerpma. Inte this unbroken line of succession from the Mysteries in the person of Richard, Duc de Palatine was blended the Apostolic Catholic Succession from the Gnostic Fathers. This means that all the lines of power and authority from the Mysteries of Antiquity new merge in the person of the present Grand Hierophant of the Pleroma, meaning that the authority is not vested in a group of people, bub in a single individual - namely, Richard, Duc de Palatine. In all the Mysteries, both ancient and modern, the central theme of the teachings was the same ~ the Divine Nature of Man. This central fact has never changed from one century to the next. Although the names and legends have boon changed, the main theme has always been -6- the same, and unless an organisation embedies this Contral Doctrine, wo know that it is not in line with the Fsoteric Tradition of the Ages. OUTLINE OF OUR DOCTRINE When the Gnostic Teachings wore suppressed by the Christian Churches of the Bast and West, the Hierophants went underground and continued to give teaching and instruction te these who were proved wovthy of receiving the same. After the 3rd Century, the Pagan Mysteries vere practically abolished by the Christian Emperors of the Fast and the Popes of the West. The Gnostics, who were the survivers of ‘the Hietophants, divided themselves inte three classes varying in prefessien and technique, and these classes survive to this day. The Three Divisions of the Gnestic Mysteries wore: 'The Sacerdetal', which told of ‘the drama of the Immortal Soul in The Valley of Death where it enters a temporary trance-death. The second was ‘The Nilitary ov Chivalric Orders! which followed the drama of the murdered god, which to them symbolised the Immortal Soul of Man. These two Orders were sup pressed by the Christian Bmperecs of Rome, but continued their existence under the guise of ‘Strolling Priests." They became prominent during the Crusades and then as Tho Knights Templars. The basic doctrine of all these was Gnostic Christ ianity. We come now to the third class, that of "The Artisan! They learned to ‘close the lips," and, as Art was vital to the Church, they were protected. From thom ~T- came the body of masons who were guilds of werkmen wha wandered over the face of medieval Burope and who wore tho descend— ents of the Dionysiac Artificers. In Rome they appeared as the Roman Collegia and, at the Fall of Rome, some moved to Arabia whilst another section moved into Lombardy and thence into France. They also moved into India, China and Babylon by the way of old Egypt and Palestine. The Secret Schools; thet is to say, ‘the Inner Schools beyond ‘the public Mysteries of Gteece, Bgypt and Rome, were neither fraternal nor political, nor were their ideals the same as those of modern Masonry ot Rosicrucianism, They wore essentially philosophical and religious institutions. Those whe wore admitted to the Secret Schools were consecrated to the service of The Hidden Church of The Illuminati. The Discipline used in The Hidden Church was called "fhe Arcane Discipline! and it was in definite practice in the Christian church between the Ist and 4th Centuries. Those who followed it were Known as the Arcane ar Gnpstio Christians and they kept their doctrines secret and taught the expteric doctrines along the same lines as the Anciest Mysteries. We know from the writings of many of tho Christian Fathers that this system was @ivided inte grades, and these were know ast 'Catecomenois' or learners, 'Pistei! or faithfull, 'Photozomenoi', Illumined or Baptised, 'Menuemenoi' ov Initiated, and ‘Meleioumenpi' or Perfected. Within the Gnestic Arcanum this three- fold division was kept alive until the 16th -8- century when the Chivalric, Masonic and Sacerdotal were separated. Within the Arcane Church we have the division of 3.x 3= 9, the namo being the Perfected Man. These three were shows as the inner division, symbolised by baptism, communion and consecration by chrism. This division hag been carried op into the Pleroma as putification, illumination, and then per- fection. The second division is comprised ef the Deacon, Priest and Bishep; they are shown in the esoteric portion of the Gnostic Church as meaning that every Initiate passes through these three stages, bat when the Gnostics were finally sup- pressed, the Catholic Church reserved ‘these three offices for their clergy. Finally, we have the third division as ‘the Nenks, Members and Catechumens, and they represent the exeteric division of the Church. Wo must also remember that ‘the Druids had this 3 x 3 = 9 division in their om system, and when they were destroyed they reappeared as the Culdees and had rites which resembled the Pagan Mysteries. In ‘the so-called ‘Apostolic Constitutions! the Church is compared te a ship, the minister or bishop is the captain, the deacons become the mariners, and the con- gregation are the passengers. This is alse shown in the Fgyptian, Grecian, Chaldean, Tonic, Gnostic, Druidic and Grail Myster. ies. They all refer to the age-old thre divisions within the Hidden Church. In the 'Stromata' of Clemens Alex- andrinus, the organisation ef the Arcane Church is shown as "Degrees of Glory in Heaven ogrresponding with the dignities -9- le U4

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