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110 San Patricio, Paramonga

June 28, 2020

Dear Andrea:

I've been meaning to write back, Because I am looking for many companies that can
sponsor us since in the month of August there will be an event called "ecotourism
today", where there will be many activities starting from tourist adventures, typical
foods, tourist places, products made in our area and Well, I am asking companies for
support for this reason so that they can support us and many people can come and enjoy
our city and learn about all our customs.

So Andre, that is the reason why I could not answer you before, but now that I
answer I would like to invite you, maybe you can give yourself some time and come
to relax for a moment and enjoy, also I am looking forward to seeing you a long
time ago that we did not see, cheer I know you will enjoy a lot, Also apart from that
I would like to ask you that if you know some companies that already knowing this
idea can support us it would be great, since in reality the message of all this is also
that they help us to further promote the care of the environment since today people
are very unconscious with the care of the planet, hopefully you can help me with
many more ideas for this event since I know that you know more about these
topics and would be delighted.

Since now I do or have some ideas but the truth is that sometimes I doubt that
what I do is good or enough, since I would like to increase it much more to have
more ideas or do one thing or another, so please I would ask you to communicate
with me to be able to send you all the bases of the program and see what things I
can improve or add.

Well, that´s all for now.

Best Wishes

Mallqui Ciriaco Antonella

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