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The Spanish War of


1.- What was the origin of the Independence


a) Treaty of Verdun
b) Treaty of Versalles
c) Treaty of Fontainebleu

2. Who was the real ruler of Spain in 1804?

a) Carlos IV
b) Napoleon
c) Maria Luisa
d) Godoy

3. What was the goal of the Aranjuez riot?

a) To expell Carlos IV from Spain

b) To crown Fernando VII and maintain to Godoy as real ruler.
c) To expel Godoy from the power.
4. At the end, in 1808, in the Bayona abdication…
a) Fernando VII abdicated to the throne of Spain. Napoleon became ruler of Spain
b) Fernando VII and Carlos IV abdicated to the throne of Spain. Napoleon became ruler of Spain
c) Fernando VII and Carlos IV abdicated to the throne of Spain. José Bonaparte became ruler of Spain

5.- During the war, Spanish population was divided into two groups:

a) ________________ who recognised José I as king

b) ________________who were loyal to Fernando VII.

6- What was the first French defeat?

a) The battle of Bailen

b) The battle of Covadonga
c) The battle of Ocaña

7.- What document was signed at the Parliament of Cadiz.

a) The treaty of Valencay

b) The Constitution of 1812 “La Pepa”

8.- Named at least 2 of the consequences of the Independence war in Spain.


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