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Do Not Be Afraid

1.____ hard to see clear when challenges appear.

___ get lost inside the emotions ___ feel.
When adversity strikes us down,
No need to stay on the ground.
Look up;
Reach out.

Do not be afraid, for ___ ___ with us,
Saving us with ___ right hand of righteousness.
So when ___ gets hard sometimes,
____ need to remember ____ ___ alone.
No, ____ never alone.
Just pray;
Do not be afraid.
2.____ gives us friends who stick by our side.
____ prayers of faith and love ___ always right on time.
And each day when ____ read ___ Word,
___ gives us the strength to endure.
When ____ down,
We’ll reach out.

Do not be afraid, for ___ ___ with us,
Saving us with ____ right hand of righteousness.
So when ___ gets hard sometimes,
____ need to remember ____ ____ alone.
No, ______ never alone.
Just pray.

So when those dark clouds come rolling in,
Hold ____ head high.
It’ll be all right.

Do not be afraid, for ___ ___ with us,
Saving us with ___ right hand of righteousness.
So when ___ gets hard sometimes,
___ need to remember ____ ___alone.
No, ____ never alone.
Just pray;
Do not be afraid.

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