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Apply It in Real Life: Text as a Connected Discourse

You are the president of the student council of your school. With this, you are
planning to write a proposal letter to the school’s principal about forming new
student clubs (English, Math, Science, and Arts club) in order to promote
camaraderie and unity among the students and also to enhance their skills in the
given subjects.

Taking the properties of a well-written text into consideration, write your own
proposal letter to the principal stating your aims and goals.

The proposal letter should be type-written following the format Calibri, size of 12, in
a short bond paper. After writing your own paper, submit your output on Genyo. The
deadline for this activity is on February 19, 2021.

Attached below is a sample format of a proposal letter. Kindly address the proposal
letter to Ms. Alyssa Bianca G. Mercado, the school’s principal. Magalang Institute
Corporation, the name of the school.

Sample Format of a Proposal Letter

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