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1. Sadza served with beef stew / beef curry and vegetables 2.50

2. Rice served with beef stew / beef curry and vegetables 3.00

3. Sadza served with chicken stew / chicken curry and vegetables 2.00

4. Rice served with chicken stew / chicken curry and salad 2.50

5. Rice and chicken stir fry and salad 2.50

6. Sadza served with pork chop and vegetables 3.00

7. Rice served with pork chop and salad 3.00

8. Spaghetti Bolognaise 2.50

9. Mince and mash with salad 3.00

10. Mash or Roast potatoes with crumbed fish fillet and salad 5.00

11. Mash or Roast potatoes with chicken schnitzel and salad 4.50


Toasted sandwiches

● Chicken mayonnaise 2.50

● Cheese and tomato 2.50
● Ham and Cheese 2.50
● Ham, cheese and tomato 2.50
● Tuna 2.50
Breakfast Roll (fresh roll with bacon, egg, tomato, lettuce, onion and mayonnaise) 3.00

Beef burger (fresh roll, 100g pure beef patty, lettuce, tomato, onion, mayonnaise) 3.50

Chicken burger (fresh roll, chicken fillet, lettuce, tomato, onion, and mayonnaise) 3.00

“ Looking forward to tantalizing your taste buds”

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