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Completa con l’articolo corretto A, AN, THE o con nessun articolo e traduci:

1. Elizabeth is _____ Spanish girl, but she has got _____ English name.
2. There is _____ cake on _____ table.
3. I am from _____ France.
4. _____ Lions can run fast and jump.

Completa con la forma corretta dei verbi e traduci:

1. Dolphins _____________ (live) in the sea.

2. A crocodile _____________ (swim) in the lake.
3. Mary and Tom _____________ (not go) to the mountains in summer.
4. We _____________ (walk) in the garden.

Traduci queste frasi:

1. Mike studia inglese con i miei amici

2. Loro vanno al cinema

3. Il pappagallo vola nel cielo

Leggi, traduci sul quaderno e rispondi.

Every day Jennifer goes to school by bus. She lives near the school. In her class there
are 23 children and a teacher. The teacher is a woman, her name is Gabriela, she is
Spanish but she lives in London. In the afternoon Jennifer goes home by car with her
grandad. He i sold, but he plays with Jennifer at the park.

How does Jennifer go to school? SHE GOES TO SCHOOL BY BUS esempio

Where does Jennifer live?

How many children are there in her class?

What’s her teacher’s name?

What’s her teacher’s nationality?

What does her grandad do at the park?

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