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Penetration Testing for Internet of Things and Its Automation

Conference Paper · January 2019

DOI: 10.1109/HPCC/SmartCity/DSS.2018.00244

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2 authors:

Ge Chu Alexei Lisitsa

University of Liverpool University of Liverpool


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Penetration Testing for Internet of Things and Its Automation

Ge Chu Alexei Lisitsa

Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
University of Liverpool University of Liverpool
Liverpool, UK Liverpool, UK
Email: Email:

Abstract—The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging to PTES (penetration testing execution standard) [9], the
technology, an extension of the traditional Internet which process of penetration testing comprises of Pre-Engagement
make everything is connected each other based on Radio Interaction, Information Gathering, Threat Modeling, Vul-
Frequency Identification (RFID), Sensor, GPS or Machine to
Machine technologies, etc. The security issues surrounding IoT nerability Analysis, Exploitation, Post Exploitation and re-
have been of detrimental impact to its development and has porting. The main difference between attacker and Pene-
consequently attracted research interest. However, there are tration testing relies on legal reasons. Penetration testing
very few approaches which assess the security of IoT from the aims to improve the security of the system rather than to
perspective of an attacker. Penetration testing is widely used destroy or access information illegally and does not affect
to evaluate traditional internet or systems security to date and
it normally spends numerous cost and time. In this paper, we the availability of target systems. During the 1970s, the
analyze the security problems of IoT and propose a penetration U.S. military used penetration testing to discover potential
testing approach and its automation based on belief-desire- unknown vulnerabilities and hired hackers to probe and
intention (BDI) model to evaluate the security of the IoT. attack mirror targets, which enabled software engineers to
Keywords-Internet of Things; IoT security; penetration test- build a more robust computer network system. Arguably,
ing; belief-desire-intention (BDI) model penetration testing is one of the most effective methods for
improving the security level of a target system. An increas-
I. I NTRODUCTION ing number of companies and organizations have begun to
The Internet of things(IoT) was proposed by MIT in take advantage of this method to identify and address any
1999; this particular period of time heralded an important potential vulnerabilities in their system to prevent future
part of the new generation of information technology [1]. harm.
The Internet of Things is considered an extension of tra- The majority of IoT security research focuses on analysis,
ditional Internet, whereby a connection can be achieved defense or attack on a specific device. There is not, as of
between things in the physical world to the internet allow- yet, an approach to evaluate the overall security of IoT
ing for ease of information communication transfer along from the perspective of an attacker. Although penetration
with recognition, location, tracking information, monitoring testing is a heavily favored method, the process requires
and management based on Radio Frequency Identification extensive financial cost and takes a significant amount of
(RFID), Sensor, GPS or Machine to Machine technologies, time. The Automation can significantly improve the effi-
etc. According to existing literature, IoT structure consists ciency of penetration testing. In this paper, we analyze
of three layers: application, network and perception [2]. the security problems of IoT and propose a penetration
The application layer provides various services to users in testing methodology and its automation based on belief-
different scenarios. The network layer is responsible for desire-intention (BDI) model which is one of the classical
the information transmission and processing. Finally, the cognitive architecture of agent [10] to evaluate IoT security.
perception layer collects information and identifies objects The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II
in the physical world including various hardware terminals analyzes the security problems of IoT. Section III proposes
such as RFID, sensor, GPS, etc. Currently, the use of IoT the penetration testing methodology for IoT. Section IV, we
technology has been applied in various fields such as smart discuss the automation by BDI model. Section V, we validate
grid, intelligent traffic, smart city, smart home, intelligent the automation penetration testing for IoT by a simulation
healthcare [3], physical activity [4]–[7] and smart building. experiment and we give the conclusion in Section VI.
However, due to a growing number of attacks, it has received
significant attention with a specific focus on security. II. S ECURITY ISSUES IN I NTERNET OF THINGS
Penetration testing is a widely used methodological ap- Compared to the traditional internet, the security of the
proach which evaluates the traditional Internet or systems IoT has specialised characteristics because the three-layered
security through simulation of a real attack [8]. According structure causes more vulnerabilities and attack surfaces.
Therefore, the traditional network security solutions are not
sufficient to provide protection for the IoT. In the three-
layered structure of IoT, each layer has specific security
issues, some of which are similar to the traditional network.
This section analyzes the security issues in each individual
A. Perception layer security
The perception layer, also known as recognition layer or
physical layer, collects information from the real world and
integrates this information into the digital world by RFID,
sensors, GPS and other hardware devices. Normally, the
nodes in the perception layer are light with low power,
limited computing ability, low storage space and remain Figure 1. The process of IoT penetration testing
unattended. Therefore, the traditional information security
solutions are not adopted at the perception layer. From per-
ception network to nodes, specific security issues cause more A. Information gathering
vulnerabilities and attack surfaces. For example, nodes are The information gathering in the initial stage is a critical
vulnerable to attack by skimming, eavesdropping, spoofing, step that determines the success of penetration testing by
cloning, killing, jamming and shielding attacks, etc. probing information from all three IoT structural layers
(perception, network and application).
B. Network layer security 1) Perception layer: In the perception layer, it is essential
The network layer is responsible for the transmission of to collect information regarding the physical environment,
information between the application layer and the perception location of the node, type of node, range of the node, type
layer. The network layer is a combination of a variety of connection, type of communication protocol, topology of
of networks including the internet, mobile communication the node, type of node operation system, power of the node,
network, satellite, GSM network, GPRS, 3G, 4G, WIFI the security mechanism, node vulnerability and transmission
network and so on. The security issues of these networks protocol vulnerability. Examples of tools include:
are similar to traditional ones and are vulnerable to DDOS • Hardware Bridge API: an IoT penetration testing ex-
attack, sniffing attack, data tampering attack, data replay tension in Metasploit.
attack and signal interference attack, etc. In addition, the mix • Nmap: a free and open source utility for network
of different network architectures also causes new security discovery and security auditing.
issues. • Openvas: an advanced Open Source vulnerability scan-

C. Application layer security ner and management system.

• Nessus: a worldwide used vulnerability scanner.
The application layer provides a variety of services to
users such as smart grid, intelligent traffic, smart city, smart 2) Network layer: In network layer, it is critical to collect
home intelligent healthcare and smart building, etc. IoT information similar to traditional penetration testing such as
can be accessed and managed by users through various the type of network, type of connection, security mechanism,
applications in different technological platforms such as type of communication and transmission protocol vulnerabil-
computer, mobile or smart hardware devices. The main ity by network attack tools, for example, the famous wireless
security risk of the application layer (similar to others) is its attack suite, Aircrack-ng.
vulnerability for attack depending on the IoT scenario (e.g. 3) Application layer : Although the IoT is widely used in
attack on the buffer overflow, SQL injection, XSS, password various application scenarios, application layer information
attack and social engineering attack. gathering is similar to traditional information gathering. It is
vital to collect information regarding the type of OS, port,
III. P ENETRATION TESTING FOR I OT services information, type of access control, configuration
Based on established research on IoT-specific security information and vulnerability information by Nmap, Open-
issues and the IoT attack surface areas project by OWASP vas, Nessus. etc.
[11], it has been demonstrated that the perception layer is 4) Social engineering information: To improve the prob-
what distinguishes the traditional penetration testing from ability of success of penetration testing, social engineering
the current penetration testing for IoT. We propose that the information also needs to be collected. For example, DNS
process of IoT penetration testing be considered in terms information, the email list, application information, etc. The
of four stages as shown in Figure 1 namely: 1) information DNSenum and the Fierce is famous for collecting DNS in-
gathering; 2) analysis; 3) exploitation and 4) reporting. formation and we can collect the email list by theHarvester.
B. Analysis 4) Social engineering attack: Social engineering attack
refers to a type of attack on the general publics lack of
In the analysis stage, information regarding the target
security awareness. In a hypothetical example, employees
must be organized, analysed and subsequently, discern viable
can be targeted through the delivery of a malicious email to
attack paths and planning to obtain access privilege of the
them which enables machine access privilege to the targets
target. Additionally, a validity check is often required and
sub-network and to further penetration testing objectives.
performed within an experimental environment.
The ability to perform this type of attack requires Setoolkit,
the most renowned within the field of penetration testing,
C. Exploitation consisting of social engineering attack tools.
At this stage, a real attack will be performed based on D. Reporting
the viable attack paths and planning in the analysis stage.
During penetration testing, the DDOS attack is prohibited A successful penetration testing simulation results in the
to ensure the availability of the target. identification of vulnerabilities, in which details will be
processed and subsequently reported to the owner of the
1) Perception layer: The characteristic of IoT node in
target with information to improve future security.
the perception layer determines the attack on the perception
layer and is the cause of the difference between traditional IV. AUTOMATION
and IoT penetration testing. Specific attacks can be per- Success in penetration testing requires an established set
formed by Hardware Bridge API or IoTseeker including of goals and plans. In order to achieve automation, the BDI
[12]: agent is the ideal model for this problem due to its ability
• Skimming: reading the node information illegally. to interact with the target via perception and action during
• Eavesdropping: sniffer information between nodes and penetration testing. This section examines penetration testing
router. can be modelled for IoT using the BDI model.
• Spoofing: generating fake node data. The BDI model describes the process of how an agent is
• Cloning: cloning the fake node. able to choose actions in relation to the target information
• Killing: stealing and destroying the node. during penetration testing. The BDI is characterised by three
• Buffer overflow attack on the node. logic components: belief, desire and intention. Our model
• Access control attack on the node: IoTseeker breaks the follows the conventions adopted in the Jason Interpreter, a
default password of IoT device. model based on Procedural Reasoning System (PRS) [13].
2) Network layer: The attack on the network layer nor- BDI agent is defined as a tuple <Ag, B, D, I, P, A, S>,
mally includes network traffic sniffer, signal replay, signal where:
fake, and signal hijacking in different network communica- • Ag is an agent name;
tion protocols such as WIFI, 3G, 4G, GSM, Bluetooth and • B is a belief set, which represents the information about
so on by wireless attack Aircrack-ng, etc. The description the target and it will be updated after executing actions;
of these attacks is written below: • D is a desire set, which represents all the options or

• Network traffic sniffer: sniffer information between possible candidate plans of penetration testing for the
networks. agent;
• I is an Intention set, which represents the agent goals
• Signal replay: replaying the legal information to attack
target. or which plan the agent decides to carry out.
• P is a plan set, which consists of available plans, each
• Signal fake: generating legal information to attack
target. giving the information about how to achieve the goals.
• A is an action set, which including the actions the agent
• Signal hijacking: jamming the target network and forc-
ing the target node to connect to a controllable fake can perform.
• S is a perception set, which stored the information from
the environment.
3) Application layer: The attack on the application layer
The reasoning cycle of BDI agent is shown in Figure 2
is very similar to traditional penetration testing, which
as below:
consists of web application attack, software buffer overflow
attack, password attack and so on by using the below tools: V. E XPERIMENT
• Metasploit: the most critically acclaimed penetration Our model runs on a PC with an Intel I5 CPU at 2.3 GHz
testing framework includes thousands of exploitations and 8GB of RAM. As we can see in figure 3, The simulation
load. experiment represents the BDI agent and the three layers
• W3af: A web application attack framework. IoT. We use the internal communication actions in Jason
• John the Ripper: A password cracker. to simulate the interaction between the BDI model and the
IoT Structure Service Vulnerability
Linux, App, Ng-
Application layer inx, MySQL, port,
weak pass-
Network layer WiFi, No encryption
light, lightness
No encryption,
Perception layer sensor Perception
Replay attack
network: ZigBee
Table I

IoT. Our model is implemented in AgentSpeak Jason [13]

which is a multi-agent system programming language and it
is one of the best known and well-established agent-based
development languages for cognitive agents.
A. IoT target
We pre-define the information of IoT targets in three
layers which including services and corresponding vulner-
abilities as shown in table1 and this information is stored
in belief set. Simulation of the three IoT structural layers
required the need to create 4 agents which represent the
application and network layer, as well as the two nodes
in the perception layer, respectively. Information can be
transmitted between each layer and nodes and the network
layer is responsible for the information transmission between
the application layer and the perception layer. Moreover, to
make the scenario uncertain, we use randomization number
to determine the result of an attack.

Figure 2. The BDI agent reasoning cycle B. BDI agent

In BDI agent, the default value of privilege is none and
the initial goal is root privilege in the application layer or
controls the IoT. We pre-define plans to probe information
and attacks on three layers agents based on the penetration
testing for IoT which was described in the previous section.
For example, the BDI agent can probe OS type, port,
service, vulnerability information and network type as well
as can perform password attack, sniffer attack, replay attack
and buffer overflow attack on three layers.The simulation
experiment is achieved by Jason internal actions which is
askAll and tell. The Jason code is shown in below:
+!probe information: true<−.send(agent name, askAll,
information type(value)).
+!attack action: true<−.send(agent name, tell,
attack action).
C. Simulation
A failed attack on the application layer was assumed
and the attack on the network and perception layer was
successful, showing the difference between the traditional
Figure 3. The interaction between BDI agent and IoT and current penetration testing system for IoT. The basic
information in the three layers was successfully obtained,
this includes OS type, port, services, network type, network
Figure 6. The belief set of network layer agent

Figure 7. The belief set of application layer agent

security and vulnerabilities. The process of penetration test-

Figure 4. The process of penetration testing for IoT by BDI agent ing for IoT by the BDI agent can be observed in Figure
4. Moreover, the BDI agent was successful in breaking the
SSH password and was able to obtain the users privilege.
However, it is failed to perform local buffer overflow attack
to get root privilege due to the low randomization number.
The BDI agent was successful in performing the sniffer
attack due to the lack of security protection over information
transmission between each layer. This resulted in gaining the
necessary information regarding the light sensor and light
control instructions. The information the BDI agent collected
and stored within the belief set is displayed in Figure 5.
Figure 6 shows the process of information transmission
in the network layer. The command to ”turn on the light”
and the light sensor information was transmitted between
the application and the network layer, which is exhibited in
the belief set of the network layer. Basic information and
the value from the perception layer is contained within the
belief set of the application layer agent displayed in Figure
7. We assume the value of the light sensor is 40. In the
perception layer, two agents represent light and light sensor.
Our BDI agent can perform the replay attack according to
the light sensor information and light control instructions,
Figure 5. The belief set of BDI agent
as shown by the belief set of node1 and node2 displayed in
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the IoT and we introduced specific tools. Then, to improve
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and finally, we validate our work by a simulated experiment
in Jason. In the future research, we will extend the model
with more actions and experiment with the real environment.

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