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Part-I— 2012 Time: 3 hours ~ PAPER-Y (New Course Marks: 100 AMERICAN LITERATURE NOTE: Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. G@ 4. Preciseness of expression and vividness of language are features of many poems. Show by reference te TWO poems the truth of this statement. . al v\ \ © 2. By referring closely to Rich's poems presc ag Glee discuss which TWO poems are typi eh, ‘poetic attitude? @ 3. Critically evaluate the po J i by hepa @ 4. Do you co iden Morris yn'senovel "Jazz" to be more optimistic tha asf! tle? aes : i es ailed note on the characterization techniques employed N W by Miller in his play "The Crucible". Q 6. When O'Neili received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1936, the official statement honored him as a writer who ‘has been successful in interpreting universal human experiences in terms of the drama’. Amplify this statement by referring closely to the play "Mourning becomes Electra". @ 7. Discuss Hemingway's novel "For Whom the Bell Tolls" as a study in disillusionment. ‘ a SI ota

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