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Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 (MEASUREMENTS) .............................................................................................................................................. 1

Introduction to Physics ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
Physical Quantities, SI System ............................................................................................................................................ 1
Prefixes and Scientific Notation .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Significant Figures, Precision, Accuracy and Uncertainty ................................................................................................... 3
Dimensions of Physical Quantities ...................................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 2 (VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM)............................................................................................................................ 5
Introduction to Vectors and Scalars.................................................................................................................................... 5
Components of a Vector ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Scalar and Cross Product..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Torque and Conditions of Equilibrium ................................................................................................................................ 8
CHAPTER 3 (MOTION AND FORCE) ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Velocity-Time Graph ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Laws of Motion and Equations of Motion .......................................................................................................................... 9
Linear Momentum and Impulse ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Elastic Momentum, Water Flow and Rocket Propulsion .................................................................................................. 10
Projectile Motion .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
CHAPTER 4 (WORK AND ENERGY) ....................................................................................................................................... 12
Work Done ........................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Energy, Work-Energy Principle and Power ....................................................................................................................... 12
Conservation of Energy and Escape velocity .................................................................................................................... 13
Source of Energy ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER 5 (CIRCULAR MOTION) ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Angular Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration ............................................................................................................ 14
Centripetal Force, Moment of Inertia and Angular Momentum ...................................................................................... 15
Rotational K.E., Orbital Velocity, Artificial Satellites ......................................................................................................... 16
CHAPTER 6 (FLUID DYNAMICS) ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Viscosity, Drag Force and Equation of Continuity............................................................................................................. 19
Bernoulli’s equation and its Applications ......................................................................................................................... 19
Blood Pressure .................................................................................................................................................................. 20
CHAPTER 7 (OSCILLATIONS) ................................................................................................................................................. 21
Hooke’s Law, SHM and Circular Motion ........................................................................................................................... 21
Mass Spring System, Simple Pendulum and Energy Conservation ................................................................................... 21
Natural & Driven Frequency, Damped Oscillation, Resonance and Sharpness ................................................................ 22
CHAPTER 8 (WAVES)............................................................................................................................................................. 24
Progressive Waves and Periodic Waves ........................................................................................................................... 24
Speed of Sound in Air and Factors Affecting .................................................................................................................... 24
Principle of Superposition, Interference, Beats and Reflection of Waves ........................................................................ 25
Stationary Waves .............................................................................................................................................................. 26
Doppler’s Effect and Its Applications ................................................................................................................................ 27
CHAPTER 9 (PHYSICAL OPTICS) ............................................................................................................................................ 29

Wave fronts, Huygen’s Principle and Interference of Light .............................................................................................. 29
Young’s Double Slit Experiment, Interference in Thin Films, Newton’s Rings and Michelson’s Interferometer ............. 29
Diffraction of Light, Diffraction Grating, Diffraction through X-Rays and Polarization .................................................... 30
CHAPTER 10 (OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS)................................................................................................................................ 32
Least Distance of Distinct Vision, Magnifying Power and Resolving Power ..................................................................... 32
Simple Microscope, Compound Microscope .................................................................................................................... 32
Astronomical Telescope, Spectrometer............................................................................................................................ 33
Speed of Light and Fibre Optics ........................................................................................................................................ 33
CHAPTER 11 (HEAT AND THERMODYNAMICS).................................................................................................................... 35
Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases, Pressure of Gases and Gas Laws .............................................................................. 35
Internal Energy, First law of Thermodynamics, Isothermal Process and Adiabatic Process ............................................ 35
Specific Heat Capacities and Reversible & Irreversible Processes .................................................................................... 36
Heat Engine, Second law of Thermodynamics and Carnot Engine ................................................................................... 36
Thermodynamic Scale of Temperature, Petrol Engine, Diesel Engine ............................................................................. 37
Entropy and Environmental Crisis as Entropy Crisis ......................................................................................................... 38

All Punjab Boards MCQs (Topical)
Physics intermediate Part-I
Note: Each statement has FOUR possible answers. Select the correct answer and encircle it.
Introduction to Physics
1. The branch of physics which deals with the atomic nuclei is called [DG09]
(a) Acoustics (b) Thermodynamics (c) Magnetism (d) Nuclear physics
2. Branch of physics which deals with light energy is [FD09]
(a) Mechanics (b) Thermodynamics (c) Optics (d) None of these
3. The branch of physics which deals with the ultimate particles of which matter is composed of is
[DG16, G11]
(a) Plasma physics (b) Atomic physics (c) Nuclear physics (d) Particle physics
4. Basic component of a computer chip is [DG14, 15, G14, M09]
(a) Selenium (b) Cadmium (c) Glass (d) Silicon
5. Silicon is obtained from [B15, DG13]
(a) Water (b) Metals (c) Wood (d) Sand
Physical Quantities, SI System
6. The SI system is built up from how many kinds of units [S13]
(a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four
7. Mass is [DG09]
(a) Derived quantity (b) Base quantity (c) Both a and b (d) None of these
8. The kilogram is unit of [R07]
(a) Mass (b) Weight (c) Density (d) Volume
9. Candela is the SI unit of [FD11]
(a) Charge (b) Luminous intensity (c) Power (d) Reflective index
10. The SI unit of intensity of light is [FD10S, L15]
(a) Js-1 (b) Watt (c) Kilowatt (d) Candela
11. Which is a base quantity? [FD14]
(a) Time (b) Force (c) Power (d) Velocity
12. The units of some physical quantities are given below. Which of these is a base unit? [G09, M11S,
(a) Joule (b) Newton (c) Mole (d) Centigrade
13. An example of base quantity is [G14]
(a) Area (b) Volume (c) Length (d) Velocity
14. Light year is unit of [L06, 08, 09, 16, M08, 08S, 09, 11, 15, R10, 12, S16]
(a) Time (b) Distance (c) Velocity (d) Light
15. A light year is the distance, light travels in one year. How many meters are there in one light year
[L14, S14]
(a) 9.5 x 10-15 m (b) 9.5 x 1015 m (c) 9.5 x 1015 cm (d) 9.5 x 1015 km
16. The base unit in SI units are [B09, DG12, FD07, G06, L06, L07, M10]
(a) Six (b) Four (c) Five (d) Seven
17. An example of derived unit is [FD09, G10, M10S, S15]
(a) Candela (b) Ampere (c) Coulomb (d) Mole
18. Which of the following is a derived quantity [B09, MIR16]
(a) Length (b) Mass (c) Time (d) Weight
19. Which is not a base unit in SI units? [G09, SW15]
(a) Kilogram (b) Joule (c) Ampere (d) Kelvin
20. One of the following is not a fundamental quantity? [DG15]
(a) Length (b) Mass (c) Time (d) Weight
21. Force in terms of base units is [G07, L10]
(a) Kgms-1 (b) Kgms-2 (c) Kgm-1s-1 (d) Kgm-2s-2
22. SI unit of momentum is [L15]
(a) Nm (b) Nm2 (c) N2m (d) Ns
23. SI unit of pressure are [L12]
(a) Nm2 (b) N2m (c) Nm-2 (d) N-2m
24. SI unit of pressure in terms of base units is [L11]
(a) Kgm-1s-2 (b) Kgm-1s-3 (c) Kgms-2 (d) Kgm2s-2
25. The unit of work in base unit is [R14]
(a) Kgm-1s-1 (b) Kgms-1 (c) Kgm2s-1 (d) Kgm-1s-1
26. Kgms-1 can also be written as [DG15, M15]
(a) Nm (b) Ns (c) Ns-1 (d) Js
27. Supplementary units are [B12, FD07, G06, L05]
(a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) Five
28. The SI unit of plane angle is [M16, R07]
(a) Steradian (b) Radian (c) Degree (d) Candela
29. The SI unit of solid angle is [G07, 12, 13, L10]
(a) Steradian (b) Radian (c) Degree (d) Candela
30. Steradian is a unit of [DG08, R08, 09, M10, R11]
(a) Plane angle (b) Solid angle (c) Both a and b (d) None of these
31. Radian and Steradian are [S12]
(a) Base units (b) Derived units (c) Supplementary units (d) Complementary units
32. Solid angle subtended at the centre of sphere of radius ‘r’ in Steradian is [L13, M15, SL13]
(a) 2π (b) 4π (c) 6π (d) 8π
33. The angle made by the ice cone at its edge is a [B11]
(a) Plane angle (b) Solid angle (c) Critical angle (d) Obtuse angle
34. The ratio of circumference of a circle to its diameter is equal to [B11]
(a) 2π rad (b) π rad (c) π/2 rad (d) One steradian
35. Symbolically solid angle is represented as [G06]
(a) rad (b) sr (c) θ (d) Cd
Prefixes and Scientific Notation
36. The prefix Pico is equal to [B12, M09, R16]
(a) 10-6 (b) 10-12 (c) 10-18 (d) 10-11
37. One Femto is equals [B16, DG12]
(a) 10-15 (b) 10-12 (c) 1012 (d) 1015
38. One tera is equal to [FD13, M08]
(a) 1012 (b) 109 (c) 10-12 (d) 106
39. One Peta is equal to [R15]
(a) 1016 (b) 1015 (c) 1012 (d) 109
40. One Giga is equal to [B14]
(a) 103 (b) 106 (c) 109 (d) 1012
41. The prefix atto stands for [MIR15]
(a) 109 (b) 1018 (c) 10-9 (d) 10-18
42. Which of the following is least multiple [DG15, L11]
(a) Pico (b) Femto (c) Nano (d) Atto
43. How many nanometers in a meter? [S16]
(a) 10-19 (b) 1019 (c) 109 (d) 10-9
44. The ratio of 1 nano-meter to 1 atto-meter is [S15]
(a) 109 (b) 108 (c) 10-9 (d) 10-8
45. In scientific notation the number 0.0001 may be written as [B08, DG10]
(a) 10-3 (b) 10-4 (c) 1.0 x 10-4 (d) 10 x 104

Significant Figures, Precision, Accuracy and Uncertainty
46. The number of significant figures in 8.100 x 103 kg is [FD10]
(a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four
47. The number of significant figures in 0.000846 is [G15, L07, SL13]
(a) Six (b) Four (c) Seven (d) Three
48. The number of significant figures in 0.09310 is [S11]
(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 3
49. 1275.00 has significant digits [R13]
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
50. The number of significant figures in 0.00567 are [SW16]
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
51. The number of significant figures in an observation 01.020 mm are [M09]
(a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) Five
52. Significant figures in 0.0173 are [L09]
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 2
53. Significant figures in 0.0010 are [L15]
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
54. Significant figures in 0.00876 are [G15]
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6
55. Significant figures in 1.00110 are [M13]
(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 3 (d) 1
56. Three quantities 2.7543, 4.10 and 1.273 are added. The correct answer is [L12, M10S, M12]
(a) 8.1273 (b) 8.127 (c) 8.13 (d) 8.1
57. A student added three figures 72.1, 3.32 and 0.003. The correct answer regarding the rules of the
addition of the significant figures will be [G11]
(a) 75.423 (b) 75.42 (c) 75.4 (d) 75
58. A student is calculating the area of a sheet whose length and width are 27.9 cm and 21.6 cm
respectively. The correct answer will be [M11]
(a) 602.64 cm2 (b) 602.6 cm2 (c) 602 cm2 (d) 603 cm2
59. The number 56.8546 is rounded off to three significant figures as [B10]
(a) 57.0 (b) 56.8 (c) 56.9 (d) 56.7
60. 73.650 rounded off up to one decimal is [G04, FD12]
(a) 73.6 (b) 73.7 (c) 74 (d) 73.65
61. Absolute uncertainty in measuring instrument is equal to [FD10]
(a) Least count of the instrument (b) Fractional uncertainty
(c) Accuracy (d) Percentage uncertainty
62. For total assessment of uncertainty in the final result obtained by multiplication and division [L14]
(a) Absolute uncertainties are added (b) Fractional uncertainties are added
(c) % age uncertainties are added (d) Error are added
63. An accurate measurement is one which has less [R08]
(a) Precision (b) Absolute uncertainty (c) Fractional error (d) None of these
64. The percentage uncertainty in measurement of mass and velocity are 2% and 3%. The maximum
uncertainty in the measurement of kinetic energy is [F16, L13, S11]
(a) 11% (b) 8% (c) 6% (d) 1%
65. Four students measured the length of needle with a scale whose least count as 1mm [S10]
(a) 0.2145 m (b) 0.214 m (c) 0.21 m (d) 0.2 m
66. Which is a correct record for the diameter of wire when measured by a screw gauge of least count
0.001 cm? [G12, L16]
(a) 2.3 cm (b) 2.31 cm (c) 2.312 cm (d) 2.3124 cm
67. Smaller is the least count of the instrument, more is the measurement [R09]
(a) Accurate (b) Precise (c) Accurate and precise (d) None of these
68. If x 1 = 10.5 ± 0.1 cm and x 2 = 26.8 ± 0.1 cm, then x = x 2 – x 1 is given as [L10]
(a) 16.3 ± 0.1 cm (b) 16.3 ± 0.2 cm (c) 16.1 ± 0 cm (d) 16.3 ± 0 cm
Dimensions of Physical Quantities
69. The dimension [ML2T-2] belongs to [DG10]
(a) Pressure (b) Momentum (c) Power (d) Heat energy
0 0 -1
70. [M L T ] refers to quantity [R10]
(a) Velocity (b) Time period (c) Frequency (d) Force
0 0
71. The dimension [ML T ] represents the quantity [FD12]
(a) Length (b) Mass (c) Time (d) Velocity
72. The dimensional formula for the quantity light year is [FD11]
(a) [T-1] (b) [T] (c) [ML2T-2] (d) [L]
73. The dimension of density are [FD10]
(a) [ML-2] (b) [M2L-2] (c) [ML-3] (d) [M-1L-1]
74. The dimension of work are [DG15, L09, S13, 15]
(a) [MLT-2] (b) [ML2T-2] (c) [ML2T-3] (d) None of these
75. The dimension of force are [B13, G14, L08]
(a) [MLT] (b) [MLT-1] (c) [ML-1T-1] (d) [MLT-2]
76. The dimension of power are [L11]
(a) [ML2T-1] (b) [ML2T-2] (c) [ML2T-3] (d) [ML2T0]
77. The dimension of impulse are [L15]
(a) [MLT] (b) [MLT-1] (c) [ML-1T-1] (d) [M-1L-1T-1]
78. The dimension of pressure are [G06, M14]
(a) [ML-1T-2] (b) [M-1LT2] (c) [MLT-2] (d) [MLT2]
79. The dimensional unit of “G” is [M07]
(a) [ML-3T2] (b) [M-1L3T-2] (c) [ML2T3] (d) [M-1L-3T2]
80. The dimension of angular velocity are [DG16, G06, M14, 15, R16]
(a) [LT-1] (b) [LT-2] (c) [L-1T] (d) [T-1]
81. Dimensions for acceleration due to gravity is [G08]
(a) [MLT-2] (b) [MLT] (c) [LT2] (d) [M0LT-2]
82. As Fd = 6πη rv , the dimension of coefficient of viscosity η is [L15, 16, R12]
(a) [ML-1T-1] (b) [MLT-1] (c) [ML-2T-1] (d) [ML]
83. Which of the following pair has same dimensions [FD15, M11, R15]
(a) Work and Power (b) Momentum and energy (c) Work and torque (d) Power and pressure
84. Work has the same dimensions as that of [DG14]
(a) Torque (b) Power (c) Momentum (d) Force
85. Which quantity of the following is dimensionless? [DG15]
(a) Angular velocity (b) Angular acceleration (c) Centripetal force (d) Angular displacement
86. Two terms can be added only when they have same [M07]
(a) Dimensions (b) Significant figures (c) Values (d) Natural numbers

Introduction to Vectors and Scalars
1. Which of the following is a scalar quantity? [S11]
(a) Energy (b) Velocity (c) Force (d) Torque
2. Which of the following is a scalar quantity? [DG15]
(a) Power (b) Electric field (c) Magnetic field (d) Average velocity
3. Which of the following is a vector quantity? [G08]
(a) Power (b) Inertia (c) Entropy (d) Tension
4. Which of the following is a vector quantity? [FD08]
(a) Speed (b) Volume (c) Distance (d) Velocity
5. Which one is a vector quantity? [FD11]
(a) Length (b) Volume (c) Velocity (d) Work
6. Name the quantity which is a vector [DG14, G14]
(a) Speed (b) Force (c) Temperature (d) Density
7. The vector in space has components [FD12, FD13, SW16]
(a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four
8. The direction of vector in space is specified by the [B10, L15]
(a) Two angles (b) One angle (c) Three angles (d) Without angles
   
9. A + B = B + A , this shows that addition of vectors is [B12]
(a) Associative (b) Commutative (c) Additive (d) Additive inverse
10. When two vectors are antiparallel, then angle between them is [L09]
(a) 0 (b) 180o (c) 90o (d) 270o
11. The resultant of adding A into –A is [DG12]
(a) A (b) 2A (c) O (d) 0
12. The minimum number of unequal forces whose vector sum is zero must be [S11]
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
13. A single vector which has same effect as all the original vectors taken together is called [L10, G12]
(a) Unit vector (b) Equal vector (c) Resultant vector (d) Null vector
14. Mathematically unit vector is given [L12, M12]

 A A  
(a) Â = AA (b) Aˆ =  (c) Aˆ = (d) Aˆ = A. A
15. The unit vector along y-axis is [DG09]
(a) iˆ (b) ĵ (c) k̂ (d) None of these
16. Position vector of a point P(a, b, c) in yz-plane is given by [L12]
   
(a) =
r aiˆ + biˆ (b) =
r aiˆ + ckˆ (c) r= bjˆ + ckˆ (d) r = aiˆ + bjˆ + ckˆ
17. Position vector in xz-plane is given by [M08]
  
(a) =
r xiˆ + yjˆ (b) =
r xiˆ + zkˆ (c) r = xiˆ + yjˆ + zkˆ (d) None

18. The magnitude of a vector A [FD11]
(a) Ax2 + Ay2 (b) Ax2 − Ay2 (c) Ax2 + Ay2 (d) Ax2 − Ay2
 
19. If A = 2iˆ + ˆj + 2kˆ , then | A | is [L06, L16]
(a) Zero (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 9

20. If B= 4iˆ + 5kˆ , then its magnitude will be [B16]
(a) 9 (b) 41 (c) 7 (d) 3

21. If A = 2i + 3 j − 4k , then its magnitude will be [B08]
ˆ ˆ ˆ
(a) 3 (b) −1 (c) -1 (d) 29
2 1 2
22. The magnitude of the vector iˆ − ˆj + kˆ is [L07]
3 3 3
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 1/9
23. | iˆ − ˆj − 3kˆ | = [R12]
(a) 5 (b) 7 (c) 11 (d) 13
Components of a Vector
24. Angle between components A x and A y is [M09]
(a) 90o (b) 180o (c) 270o (d) 360o
25. A force of 20 N is acting along x-axis, its component along x-axis is [FD16]
(a) 0 (b) 10 N (c) 20 N (d) 30 N
26. A force of 10 N is acting along x-axis, its component along y-axis is [G09]
(a) 10 N (b) 5 N (c) 8.66 N (d) 0
27. A force of 5 N is acting along y-axis, its x-component will be [DG15]
(a) 10 N (b) 5 N (c) 4 N (d) 0
28. A force of 10 N makes an angle 30 with y-axis, its z-component will be [R13]
(a) 5 N (b) 8.66 N (c) 10 N (d) 0
29. If a vector of magnitude 10 N is along y-axis, its component along x-axis is [DG15, G10]
(a) 0 (b) 5 N (c) 8.66 N (d) 10 N
30. The magnitudes of rectangular components of a vector are equal, if its angle with x-axis is [FD08,
FD12, L13]
(a) 0 (b) 30o (c) 45o (d) 90o
31. Vector is along y-axis, its component along x-axis is [R09]
(a) A (b) A/2 (c) Zero (d) 2A

32. If vector A is along x-axis, its y-component will be [M10]
(a) A sin θ (b) A cos θ (c) A tan θ (d) Zero
33. The angle between rectangular components of a vector is [B09]
(a) 60o (b) 90o (c) 180o (d) 0
34. Two vectors are of equal magnitude. What will be the angle between them if they are added to give a
vector of the same magnitude? [S10]
(a) 120o (b) 90o (c) 60o (d) 45o
35. If the resultant of two vectors each of magnitude F is also of the magnitude F, the angle between them
will be [M08, L14]
(a) 30o (b) 60o (c) 90o (d) 120o
  
36. The vector A has the components Ax and Ay . The magnitude Ax is given by [G12]

(a) A − Ay (b) A − Ay (c) A − Ay (d) A2 − Ay2

37. Resultant of two perpendicular vectors of equal magnitude (say A) will be [L14]
(a) A (b) 2A (c) 2 A (d) A2
38. The resultant of two forces 3N and 4N making an angle of 90o with each other is [G07, FD12, S15]
(a) 1 N (b) 7 N (c) 5 N (d) 3.5 N
39. Which pair of the following forces can give a resultant force equal to zero? [G08]
(a) 2 N and 2 N (b) 1 N and 4 N (c) 2 N and 5 N (d) 1 N and 2 N
40. The resultant of two forces 30 N and 40 N acting at an angle of 90 with each other is [L08, S13, B13]
(a) 30 N (b) 40 N (c) 50 N (d) 70 N
41. The resultant of two forces 5 N and 12 N acting at right angle to each other is [DG16]
(a) 17 N (b) 7 N (c) 13 N (d) 15 N
42. The resultant of two forces 6 N and 8 N acting at right angle to each other is [DG10, L10, FD14]
(a) 4 N (b) 6 N (c) 8 N (d) 10 N
43. The resultant magnitude of 6 N force acting at right angle to a 8 N force is [L11]
(a) 2 N (b) 14 N (c) 8 N (d) 10 N
44. Two vectors to be combined have magnitude 60 N and 35 N. The correct answer will be [G11]
(a) 15 N (b) 20 N (c) 70 N (d) 100 N
45. Reverse process of vector addition is called [G06, B11]
(a) Subtraction of vectors (b) Resolution of vectors (c) Making a vector negative (d) Obtaining a unit
46. If R x and R y are negative, then direction of resultant vector lie in [DG15, G15, M10, 16]
(a) 1st quadrant (b) 2nd quadrant (c) 3rd quadrant (d) 4th quadrant
47. If R x is positive, R y is negative, then direction of resultant vector lie in [M11]
(a) 1st quadrant (b) 2nd quadrant (c) 3rd quadrant (d) 4th quadrant
48. The direction of resultant vector R x and –R y will lie in the quadrant [DG13]
(a) 1st quadrant (b) 2nd quadrant (c) 3rd quadrant (d) 4th quadrant
49. The x and y-components of a vector are positive and negative respectively. The vector will lie in [S10]
(a) 1st (b) 2nd (c) 3rd (d) 4th
50. If both components of a vector are negative then resultant lies in [DG11]
(a) 1st quadrant (b) 2nd quadrant (c) 1st and 4th quadrant (d) 1st and 2nd quadrant
51. In third quadrant, direction of resultant vector is φ = tan −1 x [SL14]
(a) 180o - φ (b) 180o + φ (c) 360o - φ (d) 360o + φ
     
52. If | a + b |=| a − b | then angle between a and b [L06]
(a) 90o (b) 0o (c) 180o (d) 45o
 
53. Projection of B along A will be given as [M13]
   
    A.B A.B
(a) A.B (b) B. A (c) (d)
B cos θ
Scalar and Cross Product
54. The scalar product of two vectors is maximum when they are [L08]
(a) Parallel (b) Perpendicular (c) Antiparallel (d) Null
55. Dot product of two non-zero vectors is zero if angle between them is [G14]
(a) 30o (b) 60o (c) 45o (d) 90o

56. Dot product of vector A with itself is equal to [DG12, FD10, G16, R16]
(a) Zero (b) A (c) 2A (d) A2
57. The dot product iˆ=
.iˆ ˆj=
. ˆj kˆ.kˆ is equal to [G07]
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) -1 (d) i2
 
F (2iˆ + 3 ˆj ) N and =
58. If = d (4iˆ + 4 ˆj )m then the work done is [M11]
(a) 13 J (b) 18 J (c) 20 J (d) 24 J
 
59. The magnitude of vector product of two non-zero vectors A and B making an angle θ with each
other is [R10, L11]
(a) AB sin θ nˆ (b) AB sin θ (c) AB cos θ (d) AB

60. The cross product of vector A with itself has magnitude [G04, M09, D16]
(a) A (b) Zero (c) A2 (d) None of these
61. The cross product of vectors will be minimum when angle between vectors is [S12]
(a) 35o (b) 90o (c) 0o (d) 45o
 
62. The area of the parallelogram formed by A and B as two adjacent sides is equal to [FD15]
(a) AB (b) AB cos θ (c) AB sin θ (d) AB tan θ
 
63. The vector product A × A is [S15]

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) A3 (d) O
64. The cross product, iˆ.( ˆj × kˆ) is equal to [R15]
(a) −iˆ (b) − ĵ (c) −k̂ (d) iˆ
65. iˆ.( ˆj × kˆ) = [DG08, M15, L06, 11, 13, R08, R09, B11, R11, S16]
(a) k̂ (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 0
66. The magnitude of dot and cross product of two vectors are 6 3 and 6 respectively. The angle
between them will be [G11]
(a) 0o (b) 30o (c) 45o (d) 60o
67. The magnitude of cross product and dot product of two vectors are equal, the angle between the
vectors is [B15, G13, L09, S15]
(a) 0 (b) 90o (c) 180o (d) 45o
 
68. Both the dot product and cross product of two vector A and B is zero, when [L16]
(a) 0 (b) 90o (c) 180o (d) 45o
 
69. If two non-zero vectors A and B are parallel to each other then [M16]
         
(a) A.B = 0 (b) A.B = AB (c) | A × B |=AB (d) | A × B |=A.B
  1  
70. If the magnitude of A.B = AB then an angle between A and B is [S16]
(a) 30 (b) 45o (c) 60o (d) 90o
Torque and Conditions of Equilibrium
71. The turning effect of force is called [B10]
(a) Work (b) Momentum (c) Power (d) Torque
72. Torque acting on a body determines its [MIR16]
(a) Linear momentum (b) Impulse (c) Angular acceleration (d) Linear momentum
73. The counterpart of force for rotational motion is called [G09]
(a) The linear momentum (b) The angular momentum (c) The angular acceleration (d) The torque
74. The direction of torque is [G10]
  
(a) Along positive vector F (b) Parallel to the plane containing r and F
  
(c) Along force F (d) Perpendicular to the plane containing r and F
75. If the line of action of force passes through axis of rotation of origin then its torques is [L07]
(a) Maximum (b) Minimum (c) Zero (d) None of these
76. If a body is at rest or rotating with uniform angular velocity, the torque will be [DG08, R08]
(a) Maximum (b) Minimum (c) Zero (d) None of these
 
77. Torque has zero value, if the angle between r and F is [R11]
(a) 0 (b) 30o (c) 60o (d) 90o
    
78. Torque of a force is given by τ = r × F . It has maximum value when r and F are at an angle of
(a) 90o (b) 0o (c) 30o (d) 60o
 
79. If position vector r and F are in same direction then torque will be [R12]
(a) Maximum (b) Minimum (c) Same (d) Negative
80. The direction of torque can be found by [B12]
(a) Head to tail rule (b) Right hand rule (c) Left hand rule (d) Fleming rule
81. The first condition of equilibrium implies that [R14]
    
(a) ΣF = 0 (b) ΣFx = 0 (c) ΣFy = 0 (d) ΣFx = ΣFy
82. A body will be in translational equilibrium if [FD10]
   
(a) Στ =0 (b) ΣF = 0 (c) ΣP =0 (d) ΣFx =
83. The complete requirements for a body to be in equilibrium is [B13]
   
(a) ΣF = 0 (b) Σλ = 0 (c) ΣP = 0 (d) ΣF = 0, Στ = 0
84. If a body is at rest then it will be in [S12]
(a) Static equilibrium (b) Dynamic equilibrium (c) Translational equilibrium (d) Unstable equilibrium
85. A body is in static equilibrium only when it is [DG11]
(a) At rest (b) Moving with a variable velocity
(c) Moving with uniform acceleration (d) Moving with uniform velocity

Velocity-Time Graph
1. The motion of a body along a straight line is called [DG15]
(a) Angular motion (b) Linear motion (c) Vibratory motion (d) Circular motion
2. The area between velocity time graph and the time axis numerically equal to [G06, G10, G11, L14,
S12, M10, FD14]
(a) Distance (b) Acceleration (c) Velocity (d) Speed
3. When velocity time graph is a straight line parallel to time axis, then [L09]
(a) Acceleration is constant (b) Acceleration is variable (c) Velocity is zero (d) Acceleration is zero
4. The velocity time graph is parallel to time axis, the acceleration of moving body is [FD09]
(a) Positive (b) Negative (c) Maximum (d) Zero
5. The slope of velocity time graph gives [B15, DG14, FD15, G14, L06, M12]
(a) Speed (b) Force (c) Temperature (d) Acceleration
6. If the slope of a velocity time graph gradually decreases then body is said to be moving with [G14]
(a) Positive acceleration (b) Negative acceleration (c) Uniform velocity (d) Magnetic force
7. The average acceleration of the car during the interval of time is given by the slope of its [B10]
(a) Displacement time graph (b) Free time graph (c) Velocity time graph (d) Acceleration time
Laws of Motion and Equations of Motion
8. Laws of motion are valid in those systems which are [S11]
(a) Non-inertial (b) At rest (c) Inertial (d) In space
9. Laws of motion are not valid in a system which is [L07, G13]
(a) Moving with uniform velocity(b) At rest (c) Inertia (d) Non-inertial
10. The law of inertia was first time formulated by [DG10]
(a) Aristotle (b) Galileo (c) Newton (d) Einstein
11. The disc used by a woman athlete has a mass of 1 kg, its weight in Newton is [S14]
(a) 98 N (b) 100 N (c) 80 N (d) 9.8 N
12. One dyne is equal to [FD07]
(a) 103 N (b) 10-3 N (c) 104 N (d) 10-5 N
13. The mass of an object is quantitative measure of [FD15, R10]
(a) Moment of force (b) Inertia (c) Velocity (d) Acceleration
14. The equation of motions are not useful for objects moving with [M11]
(a) Uniform velocity (b) Uniform acceleration (c) Variable velocity (d) Variable acceleration
15. Acceleration of bodies of different mass allowed to fall freely is [M08]
(a) The same (b) Variable (c) Different (d) None of these
16. The distance covered by a freely falling body is 2 sec will be [R09]
(a) 4.9 m (b) 19.6 m (c) 9.8 m (d) 39.2 m
17. A ball is allowed to fall freely from certain height. It covers a distance in first second is equal to [M09]
(a) 2g (b) g (c) g/2 (d) None of these
18. The velocity of freely falling body just before hitting the ground is 9.8 ms . The height through which
it falls is [B08]
(a) 9.8 m (b) 4.9 m (c) 19.6 m (d) None of these
19. A cricket ball is hit so that it travels straight up in air and it acquires 3 seconds to reach maximum
height. Its initial velocity is [L13]
(a) 10m/s (b) 15m/s (c) 29.4m/s (d) 12.2m/s
20. A cricket ball is hit so that it travels straight up in air and it acquire 3 seconds to reach the maximum
height. Its initial velocity is [S13]
(a) 10 ms-1 (b) 10 ms (c) 29.4 ms-1 (d) 12.2 ms-1
21. A bullet short straight up returns to its starting point in 10 sec. Its initial speed was [L14]
(a) 9.8 m/s (b) 24.5 m/s (c) 49 m/s (d) 98 m/s
22. When a ball is thrown straight up, the acceleration at its highest point is [L14]
(a) Upward (b) Downward (c) Zero (d) Horizontal
Linear Momentum and Impulse
23. SI unit of linear momentum is [DG14, G14]
(a) kgm2s-1 (b) kgm2s-2 (c) kgm1s-1 (d) kgms-1
24. Kg m s-1 can also be written as [B08, FD11]
(a) N m (b) N s (c) N s-1 (d) None of these
25. Change in momentum is also called as [FD10, FD13, B09, B11, L13]
(a) Force (b) Acceleration (c) Torque (d) Impulse
26. The rate of change of momentum is equal to [G09, S10, R13, FD14]
(a) Force (b) Impulse (c) Momentum (d) Acceleration
27. If a force of 10N acts on a body of mass 5kg for one second, then its rate of change of momentum will
be [R13]
(a) 10 kg m s-2 (b) 50 kg m s-2 (c) 5 kg m s-2 (d) 2 kg m s-2
28. SI unit of impulse is [FD08, DG13, S13, L16]
(a) kg m s-1 (b) N s (c) N (d) kg m s-1 N s
29. Impulse can be defined as [R14]

          F
(a) I= F × d (b) I= F × t (c) I= F × V (d) I =
Elastic Momentum, Water Flow and Rocket Propulsion
30. Neutrons can be slowed down if the target are [R07]
(a) Beta rays (b) Photons (c) Protons (d) Electrons
31. Water flows out from pipe at 3kg/sec and its velocity changes from 5m/s to zero on striking the wall.
The force due to water flow is [L12]
(a) 3N (b) 5N (c) 10N (d) 15N
32. As a rocket moves upward doing its job, its acceleration goes on [G08]
(a) Increasing (b) Decreasing (c) Remain same (d) It moves with uniform
33. The motion of a rocket is in accordance with law of conservation of [L10]
(a) Linear momentum (b) Energy (c) Mass (d) Angular momentum
Projectile Motion
34. Motion of body along y-axis is [S14]
(a) One dimensional (b) Two dimensional (c) Three dimensional (d) Four dimensional
35. Motion of projectile is [FD12, DG13]
(a) One dimensional (b) Two dimensional (c) Three dimensional (d) Four dimensional
36. During projectile motion, the horizontal component of velocity [L08, R12, S13]
(a) Changes with time (b) Becomes zero (c) Remains constant (d) Increases with time
37. When the projectile reaches the highest point of trajectory, the vertical component of velocity
becomes [L14]
(a) Small (b) Maximum (c) vi cos θ (d) Zero
38. In projectile motion, the vertical component of velocity [DG09]
(a) Remains constant (b) Varies point to point (c) Becomes zero (d) Increases with time
39. The velocity of a projectile is maximum [R14]
(a) At the highest point
(b) At point of launching and just before striking the ground
(c) At half of the height
(d) After striking the ground
40. Total time of flight of projectile is given as [FD08, R11, DG12, G14]
v sin θ 2v sin θ v sin θ 2vi sin 2 θ
(a) i (b) i (c) i (d)
g g 2g g
41. Range of projectile [L06]

2vi sin θ vi2 sin θ vi2 sin 2θ 2vi2 sin 2θ
(a) (b) (c) (d)
g 2g g g
42. Horizontal range of a projectile is [G04]
(a) Equal to height (b) One fourth of height (c) One half of height (d) Double of height
43. The range of projectile is directly proportional to [L13, S13]
(a) sin 2 θ (b) sin 2θ (c) sin θ (d) 2sin θ
44. Horizontal range of projectile is related with maximum range according to relation[L07]
sin 2θ
(a) R = Rmax sin 2θ (b) Rmax = R sin 2θ (c) Rmax = (d) R = R sin θ
45. A projectile is thrown upward with initial velocity v i making an angle θ with the horizontal. The
maximum horizontal range is given by [DG08, FD07, L11, R08]
vi2 vi2 vi2 vi2
(a) (b) (c) sin 2θ (d) sin 2θ
g 2g g 2g
46. The range of projectile is maximum when it is projected at an angle of [FD13]
(a) 20o (b) 30o (c) 45o (d) 60o
47. A long jumper should jump at an angle of [R07]
(a) 30o (b) 45o (c) 60o (d) 90o
48. The horizontal range of projectile at 30o with horizontal is same at an angle [L08, B13, L13]
(a) 40o (b) 45o (c) 60o (d) 90o
49. What is the angle of projection of a projectile for which is maximum height and horizontal range are
equal? [B14, B15, G13]
(a) 46o (b) 56o (c) 66o (d) 76o
50. For an angle less than _______ the height reached by projectile and the range both will be less [M13]
(a) 15o (b) 30o (c) 45o (d) 60o
51. Powered and remote control guided missiles are used [M08]
(a) Medium ranges (b) Short ranges (c) Long ranges (d) Very short ranges
52. The ballistic missiles are used only for [G06, R07, B12]
(a) Long ranges (b) Short ranges (c) Medium range (d) None of these

Work Done
1. In SI system, the unit of work is [FD07, G06, 16]
(a) Joule (b) Newton (c) Erg (d) Dyne
2. If the direction of force is perpendicular to the direction of motion of body, then work done is [L07,
(a) Minimum (b) Maximum (c) Zero (d) Infinity
3. The work done will be zero when angle between force and displacement is [DG08, FD08, R08, B13]
(a) 45o (b) 60o (c) 90o (d) 180o
4. The work will be negative when angle between force and displacement [S10]
(a) 45o (b) 90o (c) 0o (d) 180o
5. Work done is maximum when the angle between force and displacement is [M11]
(a) 0o (b) 45o (c) 90o (d) 180o
6. The force which can do no work on the body on which acts is [DG09, L13, S11]
(a) Elastic force (b) Frictional force (c) Centripetal force (d) Gravitational force
7. The area under the force displacement graph represents [L09]
(a) Work done (b) Power (c) Torque (d) None of these
Energy, Work-Energy Principle and Power
8. All food we eat in one day has about the same energy as [FD15]
(a) One litre of petrol (b) ½ litre of petrol (c) 1/3 litre of petrol (d) ¼ litre of petrol
9. The commercial unit of electric energy is [DG13, FD14]
(a) kilowatt hour (b) watt (c) watt hour (d) kilowatt
10. Which one is the biggest unit of energy? [FD08]
(a) Erg (b) Joule (c) Watt-hour (d) Kilo-Watt hour
11. Heat is a form of [FD11]
(a) Power (b) Work (c) Energy (d) Motion
12. As we move up a body above the surface of Earth, the change in potential energy will always be
(a) Negative (b) Positive (c) Zero (d) Infinity
13. K.E. can be defined as the dot product of [FD09]
(a) Momentum and force (b) Force and velocity (c) Angular momentum and velocity (d) None
14. If mass of a moving object is doubled, its K.E. becomes [FD10]
(a) 2 times (b) 4 times (c) 5 times (d) 16 times
15. A body is moving with velocity v, the velocity is doubled, the K.E. becomes [B09, R09]
(a) Double (b) Remains same (c) Four times (d) None of these
16. A 4N body falls through a height of 0.5 m. After falling 0.25 m its K.E. will be [B08]
(a) 1.0 J (b) 2.0 J (c) 9.8 J (d) 20 J
17. Absolute P.E. of an object at infinite height w.r.t. earth is taken as [B11]
(a) Negative (b) Zero (c) Minimum (d) Virtual
18. Rate of doing work is known as [FD07]
(a) Impulse (b) Energy (c) Power (d) Momentum
19. Power is equal to the dot product of force and [G10, L12]
(a) Displacement (b) Acceleration (c) Velocity (d) Position vector
20. 3 J of work is done in 3 s then power is [DG08]
(a) 6 W (b) 3 W (c) 18 W (d) 1 W
21. 9 J of work is done in 3 s then power is [R08]
(a) 6 W (b) 3 W (c) 18 W (d) 2 W
22. Kilowatt hour is the unit of [M09, DG10, L10, FD13]
(a) Power (b) Work (c) Force (d) Momentum
23. 1 kWh equals [DG12]
(a) 0.36 MJ (b) 3.6 MJ (c) 36 MJ (d) 360 MJ
24. kWm is the unit of [G11, G12]
(a) Power (b) Intensity (c) Energy (d) Energy per unit area
25. The ratio of dimensions of K.E. and power is [R12, 15]
(a) 1:1 (b) T:1 (c) 1:T-1 (d) M:T
26. The dimension ratio of work to power is [L08, DG16]
(a) J (b) T (c) L (d) KWH
Conservation of Energy and Escape velocity
27. A body of mass 1.0 kg drops from the top of a tower of height 50 m, what will be its K.E., 10 m below
the top [L14]
(a) 490 J (b) 49 J (c) 98 J (d) 980 J
28. A stone is thrown up from the surface of earth when it reaches at maximum height, its K.E. is equal to
[L13, S13]
(a) mgh (b) mv 2 (c) Zero (d) 2mgh
29. The escape velocity can be determined by the relation [B15]
(a) Vesc = gR (b) Vesc = 2 gR (c) Vesc = gR (d) Vesc = 2 gR
30. The escape velocity of the object from the Earth is [B08, B14]
(a) 7.9 kms-1 (b) 11 kms-1 (c) 1.1 kmh-1 (d) None of these
31. The escape velocity on the surface of earth [R11]
(a) gR (b) 2 gR (c) 2gR (d) 2gR
32. The escape velocity on the surface of moon [G07]
(a) 2gR (b) (c) 2gR (d) 2gR
Source of Energy
33. Energy stored in winding spring [L06]
(a) Elastic P.E. (b) K.E. (c) Electrical energy (d) Solar energy
34. When sunlight passes through atmosphere, its total energy reduced due to [G08]
(a) Reflection by dust particles (b) Scattering by dust particles
(c) Absorption by dust particles (d) All of these
35. Value of solar constant is [G06, L14]
(a) 1.4 kWm-2 (b) 1.0 kWm-2 (c) 4.1 kWm-2 (d) 0.1 kWm-2
36. A solar cell converts light energy into [M13]
(a) Heat energy (b) Chemical energy (c) Electrical energy (d) Atomic energy
37. Solar energy at normal incidence outside the earth atmosphere is about [G04, S14]
(a) 1.4 kWm-2 (b) 1 kWm-2 (c) 4.1 kWm-2 (d) 4 kWm-2
38. The original source of energy for biomass is [L15]
(a) Star (b) Moon (c) Earth (d) Sun
39. The original source of tidal energy is [G09, L08, FD12, S13, DG15]
(a) Ocean (b) Moon (c) Earth (d) Sun
40. Which one is Biofuel [B12]
(a) Water (b) Petrol (c) Ethanol (d) Oil
41. Biomass is a potential source of [R14]
(a) Renewable energy (b) Non-renewable energy (c) Tidal energy (d) Both a and b
42. An example of non-conservative force is [B10, M12, G14]
(a) Electric (b) Gravitational force (c) Frictional force (d) Magnetic force
43. Which one is renewable source of energy [M12]
(a) Coal (b) Natural gas (c) Sunlight (d) Uranium

Angular Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
1. The motion of a body moving along a circular path is called [DG14, G14]
(a) Translational motion (b) Angular motion (c) Linear motion (d) Vibratory motion
2. The angle through which a body moves is called [B12]
(a) Angular velocity (b) Angular acceleration (c) Angular displacement (d) Angular momentum
3. SI unit for angular displacement is [G08, G13, DG14, G14, L16]
(a) Meter (b) Degree (c) Revolution (d) Radian
4. The angle subtended at the centre by the circumference of the circle is [FD09, 16, S14, SW15]
(a) π rad (b) 3 (c) 2π rad (d) rad
5. The angular displacement of one revolution is equal to [M12]
(a) 1 rad (b) π/2 rad (c) π rad (d) 2π rad
6. One radian is equal to [L09, FD13, L13]
(a) 67.3o (b) 57.3o (c) 87.3o (d) 45o
7. One radian is equal to [FD14, L14]
π π 1
(a) 2π rev (b) rev (c) rev (d) rev
4 2 2π
8. π radian is equal to [DG12, FD13, L13]
π π
(a) π rad (b) 2π rad (c) rad (d) rad
2 4
9. 1 revolution = [B09, G10, B14]
(a) 57o (b) 90o (c) 180o (d) 360o
10. 1 revolution = [DG15]
(a) 57o (b) 90o (c) 180o (d) 360o
11. 30o = [DG09]
1 1 1
(a) π rad (b) π rad (c) π rad (d) π rad
2 4 6
12. The time rate of change of angular displacement is called [L08]
(a) Linear velocity (b) Linear speed (c) Angular velocity (d) Angular speed
13. Average angular velocity is defined as [G07]
θ θ t
(a) ω = θ t (b) ω = (c) ω = 2 (d) ω =
t t θ
14. Unit of angular velocity in SI unit is [S13]
(a) rad/sec (b) m/s (c) degree/s (d) rev/s
15. Revolution per minute is unit for [G14]
(a) Angular displacement (b) Angular velocity (c) Angular acceleration (d) Time
16. Angular speed for daily rotation of earth is [S13]
(a) 2π rad/s (b) π rad/s (c) 4π rad/s (d) 7.3 x 10-5 rad/s
17. The direction of angular velocity is along the [M11]
(a) Radius of the circle towards the centre (b) Radius of circle away from the centre
(c) Tangent at a point (d) Axis of rotation
18. A body rotating in a circle of radius 1 m with an angular speed of 10 rad/s has tangential velocity
(a) 2 m/s (b) 5 m/s (c) 10 m/s (d) 15 m/s
19. A wheel of radius 50 cm having an angular speed of 5 rad/s have linear speed [M10, DG14, G14]
(a) 1.5 m/s (b) 3.5 m/s (c) 4.5 m/s (d) 2.5 m/s
20. If a car moves with a uniform speed of 2 m/s in a circle of radius 0.4 m its angular speed is [L14]
(a) 4 rad/s (b) 5 rad/s (c) 1.6 rad/s (d) 2.8 rad/s
21. The time rate of change of angular velocity is called [B13]
(a) Acceleration (b) Angular acceleration (c) Impulse (d) Inertia
22. The SI unit of angular acceleration is [L12]
(a) rad/sec2 (b) rad/sec (c) rev/sec2 (d) rev/sec
23. Which one of the following is correct? [S11]
r r
(a) ω = vr (b) v = (c) v = rω (d) ω =
ω v
24. When a body in a circle, the angle between its linear velocity v and angular velocity ω is [S13]
(a) 180o (b) 90o (c) 0o (d) 360o
Centripetal Force, Moment of Inertia and Angular Momentum
25. The angular acceleration is produced by [FD10]
(a) Momentum (b) Torque (c) Pressure (d) Power
26. In angular motion the centripetal force F c is [FD14]
(a) m 2 rω (b) mr 2ω (c) mrω 2 (d) mr 2ω 2
27. The magnitude of centripetal force on a mass “m” moving with angular speed ω in a circle of radius r
is [B09, G14]
mr 2ω
(a) mr 2ω (b) (c) mrω (d) mr 2ω 2
28. When a body is whirled in a horizontal circle by means of a string, the centripetal force is supplied by
(a) Mass of a body (b) Velocity of a body (c) Tension in the string (d) Centripetal
29. All points on a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis do not have same [FD15]
(a) Speed (b) Angular speed (c) Angular acceleration (d) Angular displacement
30. A body of mass 7kg moves along a circle of radius 4m with constant speed of 8ms-1, the centripetal
force on the body is [FD08, B13]
(a) 48 N (b) 8 N (c) 112 N (d) 72 N
31. The velocity of stone whirled in a circle increase from 10 revolutions per minutes to 20 revolutions per
minute. It has [M08]
(a) Centripetal acceleration (b) Centrifugal acceleration (c) Tangential acceleration (d) No acceleration
32. Centripetal force performs [L09]
(a) Maximum work (b) Minimum work (c) Negative work (d) No work
33. Moment of inertia is equal to [FD07, FD12, DG12, DG13]
(a) m2r (b) m2r2 (c) mr (d) mr2
34. The unit of moment of inertia is [L06, R09, B11, S15]
(a) kg (b) kgms-2 (c) kgm2 (d) kgm-2
35. The force and torque are analogous to [R14]
(a) Velocity (b) Mass and weight (c) Moment of inertia (d) Each other
36. Torque acting on body is given by [B12]
(a) τ = I 2 (b) τ = Iα 2 (c) τ = I 2α 2 (d) τ = Iα
37. The angular version of F = ma is [B14]
(a) L = I ω (b) τ = Iα (c) L = λα (d) F =
38. If angular velocity of a particle rotating in a circle is doubled then its moment of inertia [M13]
(a) Remains the same (b) Becomes half (c) Becomes doubled (d) Becomes 4 times
39. Moment of inertia of thin road is given by relation [M13]
1 2 5
(a) mL2 (b) mR 2 (c) 12mL2 (d) mR 2
12 5 7
40. The moment of inertia for sphere is [FD15]
1 2 1
(a) mr 2 (b) mr 2 (c) mr 2 (d) mr 2
2 5 12
41. The moment of inertia for ring or hoop is [G06, S10, S14]
2 1
(a) mr 2 (b) mr 2 (c) mr 2 (d) m 2 r
5 12
42. The moment of inertia for disc is [G06, S10]

1 2 1 1 1
(a) mr (b) mr 2 (c) mv 2 (d) m 2 r
4 2 2 4
43. The ratio of moment of inertia of disc and hoop is [B15, L08]
1 4 3 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
4 2 4 2
44. When torque acting on a system is zero which of the following will be constant [S13]
(a) Linear momentum (b) Force (c) Angular momentum (d) Impulse
45. The angular momentum L is defined by the equation [L06, FD11, L13]
          
(a) L = mv (b) L= r × F (c) L= p × r (d) L= r × p
46. Angular momentum is measured by [FD07]
(a) rp sin θ (b) rp cos θ (c) rF (d) mvr
47. Angular momentum of rigid body is given by [FD14]
(a) I ω (b) I ω 2 (c) I 2ω 2 (d) I ω
48. The direction of angular momentum of a body moving in a circle is [G12]
(a) Along the tangent (b) Perpendicular to the plane of the circle
(c) Radially outward (d) Radially inward
49. For angular momentum of a system to remain constant, external torque should be [G14]
(a) Small (b) Large (c) Zero (d) None of these
50. The cylinders of same mass but different diameter are [FD09]
(a) Same moment of inertia (b) Moment of inertia is larger for larger diameter
(c) Moment of inertia is smaller for larger diameter (d) Depends upon angular velocity
51. If a gymnast sitting on rotating stool with his arms outstretched, brings his arms towards the chest,
then his angular velocity [L07, B08]
(a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) Remains same (d) None of these
Rotational K.E., Orbital Velocity, Artificial Satellites
52. The rotational kinetic energy of a hoop of radius “r” is given by [FD10, R12]
1 1 1
(a) mr 2ω 2 (b) mr 2ω 2 (c) mr 2ω 2 (d) r 2ω 2
4 2 2
53. Rotational K.E. of the disc is [DG15, FD13]
1 1 1
(a) I ω 3 (b) I ω 2 (c) ω 2 (d) I ω 2
2 3 2
54. Rotational K.E. of the disc is [R13]
1 2 1 4
(a) mv (b) mv 2 (c) gh (d) gh
4 2 3
55. Which is large for a hoop of mass M and radius R, that is rolling without slipping- its translational or
rotational kinetic energy? [G11]
(a) Translational kinetic energy (b) Rotational kinetic energy
(c) Both are the same (d) Answer depends upon the radius
56. The linear velocity of disc moving down an inclined plane is [R11, L13, S13]
4 2 1
(a) gh (b) gh (c) gh (d) gh
3 3 2
57. A hoop and a sphere of same mass and radius are rolled from top of an inclined plane. v h and v s are
velocities are of hoop and sphere [M09]
(a) vh > vs (b) vh < vs (c) vh = vs (d) vh = 2vs
58. A man in an elevator descending with an acceleration will conclude that his weight has [G09]
(a) Increased (b) Decreased (c) Reduced to zero (d) Not changed
59. The apparent weight of a man in an ascending lift moving with acceleration “a” [L11]
(a) Increase (b) Decrease (c) Remains constant (d) Becomes zero
60. The apparent weight of a man in a lift moving down with an acceleration of 9.8 ms-2 is [R09, L12,

(a) Zero (b) 9.8 N (c) 19.6 N (d) Infinity
61. The weight of a man in an elevator descending with an acceleration of 4.9 ms will become [FD11]
(a) Twice (b) Half (c) Zero (d) Unchanged
62. The weight of a man in an elevator moving down with an acceleration of 9.8 ms-2 will be [B10, DG10,
(a) Half (b) Double (c) Four times (d) Zero
63. A man of weight ‘W’ is standing on an elevator which is ascending with an acceleration ‘a’ the
apparent weight of the man is [DG09]
(a) W + ma (b) W – ma (c) W (d) ma
64. A man standing in an elevator is acted upon [R10]
(a) One force (b) Two forces (c) Three forces (d) Four forces
65. A ball tied to the end of a string is swung in a vertical circle under the action of gravity, the tension in
the string when ball is at maximum height [DG11]
(a) Equal to centripetal force (b) Zero (c) Equal to weight of ball (d) Maximum
66. Weight of a 60 kg man in moving elevator (downward) with constant acceleration of g ( g = 10ms −2 )
(a) Zero (b) 300 N (c) 600 N (d) 200 N
67. The period of revolution of geo-stationary satellite is equal to [G10, G13]
(a) 1 hour (b) 84 min approximately (c) 1 day (d) 1 month
68. The minimum velocity required to put a satellite into orbit is [L10, M10, FD12, DG13]
(a) 5.9 kms-1 (b) 6.9 kms-1 (c) 7.9 kms-1 (d) 8.9 kms-1
69. The expression for the orbital speed of a satellite is [L10, B14]
Gr M r GM
(a) (b) (c) (d)
M Gr GM r

70. The ratio of orbital velocity to escape velocity is [R10, L14]

1 1
(a) 2 (b) (c) (d) 2
2 2
71. Relation between escape velocity “v esc ” and orbital velocity “v o ” is [R14]
(a) vesc = vo (b) vesc = 2vo (c) vesc = vo (d) vesc = 2vo
72. Close orbiting satellites orbit the earth at a height of about [R14]
(a) 400 km (b) 4000 km (c) 400 m (d) 400 cm
73. A Geostationary satellite above the equator of earth is at the height of [B10]
(a) 27300 km (b) 30000 km (c) 36000 km (d) 42300 km
74. Which in unimportant in describing the satellite’s orbit? [FD15]
(a) Distance of satellite from earth’s centre (b) Gravitational constant G
(c) Mass of satellite (d) Mass of earth
75. A satellite moving round the earth constitute [L07, G13]
(a) Inertial frame of reference (b) Non-inertial frame of reference
(c) Neither inertial nor non-inertial (d) Both inertial and non-inertial
76. Which electromagnetic waves are used as medium in satellite communication system? [G11]
(a) Microwaves (b) Radio waves (c) Infra-red waves (d) Ultraviolet waves
77. Artificial gravity like earth can be achieved when satellite is rotating with frequency equal to [G09]
g 1 R R 1 g
(a) 2π (b) (c) 2π (d)
R 2π g g 2π R
78. One Geo-stationary satellite covers a longitude of [L13]
(a) 270o (b) 120o (c) 90o (d) 360o
79. A geostationary satellite occupies a longitude of [DG13]
(a) 90o (b) 100o (c) 120o (d) 150o

80. Minimum number of communication satellites required to cover whole earth is [FD08, R11, B13, L13,
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2
81. International telecommunication satellite operates at microwave frequencies of [B15, L14]
(a) 4, 6, 8 and 10 Hz (b) 4, 6, 11 and 14 Hz (c) 4, 6, 8 and 12 Hz (d) 4, 8, 11 and 16 Hz
82. The largest satellite system is managed by the countries [R13]
(a) 126 (b) 136 (c) 120 (d) 3
83. According to Einstein theory, space time is [DG10]
(a) Linear (b) Curved (c) Circular (d) Elliptical
84. Which theory is better about gravitation [B15]
(a) Einstein (b) Plank (c) Newton (d) Michelson

Viscosity, Drag Force and Equation of Continuity
1. The frictional effect between different layers of a moving fluid is called [DG12]
(a) Fluidity (b) Density (c) Viscosity (d) Flow rate
2. η is denoted for coefficient of [FD08]
(a) Friction (b) Viscosity (c) Gravitational constant (d) Linear expansion
3. The SI unit of coefficient of viscosity is [DG15, G16, M08, B09, R11, S15]
(a) kgm-1s-1 (b) kgm-2s-1 (c) kgm-2s-2 (d) kgm2s
4. Which material has maximum viscosity? [FD13, FD15]
(a) Glycerin (b) Plasma (c) Ethanol (d) Water
5. Which of the following has highest viscosity [G04, M11, S10]
(a) Water (b) Milk (c) Honey (d) Glycerin
6. Which has minimum viscosity [G10]
(a) Air (b) Water (c) Blood (d) Glycerin
7. Ball pen function, of the principle of [DG10]
(a) Surface tension (b) Viscosity (c) Gravitational force (d) None of these
8. The SI unit of flow rate of fluid is [FD09, S11, G14]
(a) m3s-1 (b) m2s-1 (c) m2s-2 (d) m3s-3
9. An object moving through a fluid experience a regarding force called [S12, B13]
(a) Drag force (b) Gravitational force (c) Terminating force (d) Frictional force
10. Stoke’s law holds for [L08]
(a) Motion through free space (b) Motion through viscous medium
(c) Bodies of all shapes (d) All mediums
11. The equation F = 6πη rv is called [G07]
(a) Newton’s law (b) Stoke’s law (c) Ohm’s law (d) Lenz’s law
12. The maximum constant velocity of an object falling vertically downward is called [DG09]
(a) Final velocity (b) Terminal velocity (c) Initial velocity (d) None of these
13. If the radius of droplet becomes half then its terminal velocity will be [B15, DG11]
(a) Half (b) Double (c) One fourth (d) Four times
14. The terminal velocity of a drop is proportional to the square of its [DG13, B14]
(a) Radius (b) Density (c) Volume (d) Mass
15. When a body is falling under the action of gravity with terminal velocity, its acceleration is [M12]
(a) Constant (b) Zero (c) Variable (d) 9.8 ms-2
16. The maximum drag force ion falling sphere is 9.8 Nm. Its weight is [L13, SL13]
(a) 1 N (b) 9.8 N (c) 19.8 N (d) 4.9 N
17. The smooth or steady stream line flow is called [G07]
(a) Turbulent flow (b) Laminar flow (c) Simple flow (d) Regular flow
18. If cross-sectional area of pipe decreases the speed of fluid must increase according to [L07]
(a) Venturi relation (b) Bernoulli’s equation (c) Equation of continuity (d) Torricelli’s theorem
19. In equation of continuity the units of Av is given as [L08]
(a) Cubic meter (b) Cubic meter per second (c) Square meter per second (d) Square meter
20. The law of conservation of mass gives the [DG08]
(a) Bernoulli’s equation (b) Equation of continuity (c) Torricelli’s theorem (d) None of these
Bernoulli’s equation and its Applications
21. Bernoulli’s theorem is applicable to [B12]
(a) Solids (b) Plasma state (c) Fluids (d) Liquids
22. The term ρ v 2 in Bernoulli’s equation has same units as [R13]
(a) Work (b) Volume (c) Pressure (d) Force

23. Velocity of efflux is a measured by relation [FD07, S13]
gh 4
(a) gh (b) (c) 2gh (d) gh
2 3
24. A 6.0 meter high tank is full of water. A hole appears at its middle. What is the speed of efflux? [R14]
(a) 7.66 ms-1 (b) 5.66 ms-1 (c) 6.66 ms-1 (d) 8.66 ms-1
25. The pressure will be low where the speed of fluid [DG15, FD14]
(a) High (b) Low (c) Zero (d) Constant
26. The mathematical relation, v2 2 g (h2 − h1 ) is known as [L12]
(a) Equation of continuity (b) Bernoulli’s equation (c) Torricelli’s theorem (d) Venturi relation
27. Venturi relation is given as [M13]
1 1 1
(a) P = ρ v 2 (b) P1 − P2 =ρ v22 (c) P1 − P2 =ρ v12 =
(d) v2 2 g (h1 − h2 )
2 2 2
28. A horizontal pipe narrows from a diameter of 10 cm to 5 cm. For a fluid flowing from larger diameter
to small [G11]
(a) The velocity and pressure both increase (b) The velocity increases and pressure decreases
(c) The velocity decreases and pressure increases (d) The velocity and pressure both decrease
29. The venturi meter is used to find [G09, FD12, G12, R12]
(a) Speed of the fluid (b) Density of the fluid (c) Pressure of the fluid (d) Viscosity of the fluid
30. The working carburettor of a car uses [FD10]
(a) Equation of continuity (b) Gravitational law (c) Bernoulli’s theorem (d) Stoke’s law
Blood Pressure
31. Human blood pressure is measured in [G06, L06, B10]
(a) Nm-2 (b) mm (c) Nm (d) cm
32. One torr is equal to [B08, DG08, R08, L09, FD11, G13]
(a) 1.333 Nm-2 (b) 133.3 Nm-2 (c) 0.1333 Nm-2 (d) 13.33 Nm-2
33. The pressure exerted by a column of mercury 76 cm high and at 0oC is called [L13, SL13]
(a) 1atm (b) 1Nm-2 (c) 1Pa (d) None of these
34. Torr is unit of [M09]
(a) Power (b) Energy (c) Pressure (d) Work
35. Normally human blood density is equal to [G08]
(a) 111 kg m-3 (b) 133.3 kg m-3 (c) 80-120 kg m-3 (d) Water density
36. The systolic pressure of normal healthy person is [DG14, G14]
(a) 120 torr (b) 130 torr (c) 115 torr (d) 110 torr
37. The device used for the measurement of liquid flow is [L13]
(a) Manometer (b) Barometer (c) Hydrometer (d) Venturimeter
38. The lower reading of blood pressure is called [L14]
(a) Systolic pressure (b) Diastolic pressure (c) Normal pressure (d) Non-normal pressure
39. Blood has density equal to that of [R10, SL14]
(a) Mercury (b) Sodium (c) Honey (d) Water
40. The blood pressure is measured by an instrument called [M10]
(a) Stethoscope (b) Thermometer (c) Sphygmomanometer (d) Inflated bag
41. Blood is incompressible fluid having density nearly equal to that of [B08, B10]
(a) Honey (b) Water (c) Oil (d) None of these

Hooke’s Law, SHM and Circular Motion
1. In simple harmonic motion, the restoring force is directly proportional to [G04, R10, R12]
(a) Velocity (b) Acceleration (c) Displacement (d) Time period
2. The mathematical expression for the restoring force is [B14]
(a) F = kx (b) F = ma (c) F = (d) F = −kx
3. The SI units of spring constant are [L11, S15]
(a) m-1 (b) Nm-1 (c) Nm-2 (d) Nm2
4. If the spring of spring constant k is cut into two pieces, then spring constant of each spring is [G06]
(a) k (b) 2k (c) k/2 (d) None of these
5. If F = 0.08 N and x = 4 cm then k = [FD08]
(a) 6 Nm-1 (b) 3 Nm-1 (c) 8 Nm-1 (d) 2 Nm-1
6. 10 cm extension is produced in a spring due to a force of 20 N, the spring constant is [M12]
(a) 2 Nm-1 (b) 20 Nm-1 (c) 200 Nm-1 (d) 2000 Nm-1
7. The wave form of a body executing SHM is [S11, DG09, FD12]
(a) Square wave (b) Sine wave (c) Circular wave (d) Pulse
8. The acceleration of a body performing SHM depends upon its [M10]
(a) Mass (b) Time period (c) Amplitude (d) Displacement
9. The time required to complete one vibration is called [S12]
(a) Time period (b) Frequency (c) Vibration (d) Amplitude
10. One complete round trip of a vibrating body is called [FD14]
(a) Frequency (b) Time period (c) Vibration (d) Amplitude
11. Angular frequency is basically a characteristics of [FD10]
(a) Circular motion (b) Linear motion (c) Vibratory motion (d) Elliptical motion
12. The product of time period and frequency is [L08, L09, FD13, G14, M10, DG13]
(a) Zero (b) 1 (c) π (d) 2
13. The relation between frequency and angular frequency is [B09]
2π 2f π
(a) ω = 2π f (b) ω = (c) ω = (d) ω =
f π 2f
14. If f is the frequency of a body executing SHM, its angular frequency ω is [DG09]
(a) 4πf (b) 3πf (c) 2πf (d) None of these
15. SI unit of frequency is [FD07]
(a) Radian (b) ms-1 (c) Hertz (d) Meter
16. The time period of a wave is 0.2 s. Its frequency will be [FD12]
(a) 2 Hz (b) 3 Hz (c) 4 Hz (d) 5 Hz
17. When a particle moving along a circular path, its projection along the diameter executes [R14]
(a) Linear motion (b) Vibrator motion (c) Rotatory motion (d) SHM
18. The angle which specifies the displacement as well as direction of motion of the point executing SHM
is known as [G06]
(a) Phase (b) Critical angle (c) Plane angle (d) Solid angle
19. A quantity which indicates the state and direction of a vibrating body is known as [FD15]
(a) Time period (b) Amplitude (c) Phase (d) Frequency
20. The phase angle θ = ωt of a body performing SHM indicates [FD08]
(a) Only the direction of amplitude (b) Only the magnitude of displacement
(c) Both magnitude and direction (d) None of these
21. Distance covered during one vibration of an oscillating body in terms of amplitude of A is [G09, G10,
(a) A (b) 4A (c) A/2 (d) 2A
Mass Spring System, Simple Pendulum and Energy Conservation
22. Mass attached to spring is pulled slowly from mean position to x o then work will be [R13]

1 1 2
(a) kx (b) kx (c) kxo (d) ω 2 xo
2 2

23. The time period of a spring-mass vibratory system is given as [S10]

m k 1 k
(a) T = 2π (b) T = 2π (c) T = (d) None of these
k m 2π m
24. The time period of simple pendulum [G07]
1 l g l l2
(a) T = (b) T = 2π (c) T = 2π (d) T = 2π
2π g l g g
25. Which expression is correct for the time period of a simple pendulum? [G12]
(a) T ∝ l (b) T ∝ m (c) T ∝ l (d) T ∝ m
26. The length of a simple pendulum whose period is 1 sec is [B13]
(a) 0.25 m (b) 0.25 cm (c) 0.25 km (d) 25 mm

27. Units used for factor may be [M09]
(a) Meter (b) Second (c) Kilogram (d) Radian
28. Time period of simple pendulum only depends on [L12]
(a) Mass of the bob (b) Length of the pendulum (c) Amplitude of vibration (d) Size of the bod
29. In case of oscillating pendulum, its acceleration a is [B11]
(a) a ∝ θ (b) a ∝ T (c) a ∝  (d) a ∝ m
30. Acceleration of projection of a particle moving around a circle is given by relations [M13]
gx k
(a) a = − (b) a = −ω 2 x (c) a = − x (d) a = − g sin θ
 m
31. If mass of pendulum becomes double, then its time period will be [B15, DG11]
(a) Double (b) Half (c) Four times (d) Remains same
32. The frequency of a second’s pendulum is [L07, L10, L13, R08, S13, DG08, B08, DG12, S13]
(a) 1 Hz (b) 0.5 Hz (c) 1.5 Hz (d) 2 Hz
33. The total energy of a particle executing SHM at any displacement x is given by [G07]
k 1
(a) kx (b) (c) kxo (d) kxo2
x 2
34. A body is executing SHM. What fraction of its total energy will be kinetic energy when its
displacement form the mean position is half of its amplitude? [G11]
(a) 1/2 (b) 3/2 (c) 3/4 (d) 1/4
35. In simple harmonic motion the velocity of a particles is maximum at [M08, R09, G14, DG14]
(a) Extreme position (b) Mean position
(c) In between extreme and mean position (d) None of these
36. At mean position during SHM [FD11]
(a) P.E. is maximum and K.E. minimum (b) P.E. is minimum and K.E. is maximum
(c) Both P.E. are maximum (d) Both KE. And P.E. are minimum
Natural & Driven Frequency, Damped Oscillation, Resonance and Sharpness
37. The oscillation in which amplitude decreased steadily with the time are called [L08]
(a) Natural oscillation (b) Damped oscillation (c) Free oscillation (d) Forced oscillation
38. The process in which energy is dissipated in oscillating system is called [FD09, M11]
(a) Resonance (b) Forced oscillation (c) Damping (d) None of these
39. Tuning of a radio is the best example of [G08, B12]
(a) Mechanical resonance (b) Electrical resonance (c) Damping (d) Phase modulation
40. The cooking and heating of food by microwave oven is an example of [G09]
(a) SHM (b) Resonance (c) Damped oscillation (d) None of these
41. The frequency of waves produced in microwave oven is [R11, L14]
(a) 1435 Hz (b) 2450 MHz (c) 1860 MHz (d) 2850 Hz

42. When the soldiers cross a bridge, they are advised to march out of step due to the [DG15]
(a) Resonance (b) High frequency (c) Noise produced (d) Fact that bridge is

Progressive Waves and Periodic Waves
1. A mechanical wave is represented by [FD07]
(a) Light (b) Sound (c) Compressional wave (d) Heat
2. The waves which do not require any medium for their propagation are called [DG08, R08]
(a) Mechanical waves (b) Matter waves (c) Electromagnetic waves (d) Compressional waves
3. If 20 waves pass through a medium in 1 sec, with a speed of 20 ms-1 then the wavelength is [L11]
(a) 20 m (b) 40 m (c) 400 m (d) 1 m
4. If 30 waves per second pass through a medium at a speed of 30 ms , the wavelength is [B13]
(a) 30 m (b) 15 m (c) 1 m (d) 280 m
5. 10 waves pass through the medium in one second with speed of 10 ms . The wavelength of wave is
(a) 1 m (b) 10 m (c) 20 m (d) 100 m
6. Which one of the following media can transmit both transverse and longitudinal waves [L13]
(a) Solid (b) Liquid (c) Gas (d) Plasma
7. When a transverse wave is reflected on going from a denser medium to a rarer medium, then [R09]
(a) There is 180o phase shift (b) There is no change in phase
(c) A crest is converted into trough (d) Circular wave front
8. Distance between crest and trough is [R13]
λ λ
(a) λ (b) (c) 2λ (d)
2 4
9. It is possible to distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves from the property of [L07]
(a) Refraction (b) Interference (c) Diffraction (d) Polarization
Speed of Sound in Air and Factors Affecting
10. Appropriate range of audible frequencies for younger person is [M13]
(a) 20-200 Hz (b) 20-2000 Hz (c) 20-20000 Hz (d) 2000-20000 Hz
11. Sound waves can travel only through [S13]
(a) Vacuum (b) Ether (c) Material medium (d) Non-metals
12. Sound waves cannot travel through [L08]
(a) Air (b) Material medium (c) Water (d) Vacuum
13. According to Newton’s formula the speed of sound in air at STP is [G14]
(a) 332 ms-1 (b) 340 ms-1 (c) 330 ms-1 (d) 280 ms-1
14. According to Newton sound travels in air under conditions of [DG14, G14]
(a) Adiabatic (b) Isothermal (c) Isobaric (d) Isochoric
15. The value of ‘γ’ for monoatomic gas is [G14, DG14]
(a) 1.67 (b) 1.40 (c) 1.29 (d) 1.45
16. The value of constant ‘γ’ for diatomic gas is [FD14]
(a) 1.67 (b) 1.29 (c) 1.45 (d) 1.40
17. Newton’s formula for velocity of sound in gas/air is related as under [B11]
(a) v = (b) v = (c) v = PE (d) v = PE
P ρ
18. Laplace expression for the speed of sound in a gas is [R11, B12S13]
P P γP P
(a) v = (b) v = (c) v = (d) v =
ρ ρ ρ γρ
19. The velocity of sound in vacuum is [B15, DG10]
(a) 332 ms-1 (b) 333 ms-1 (c) 288 ms-1 (d) Zero
20. The louder the sound, the greater will be its [G12]
(a) Amplitude (b) Wavelength (c) Speed (d) Frequency
21. The pitch of sound depends upon [L14]
(a) Intensity of sound (b) Loudness of sound (c) Wavelength of sound (d) Frequency of sound
22. The speed of sound in air depends upon [L13, S13]
(a) Temperature (b) Humidity (c) Density (d) All of these
23. Which of the following does not have any effect on the speed of sound in gases? [G11]
(a) Temperature (b) Density (c) Elasticity (d) Pressure
24. Velocity of sound in air is independent of [FD14]
(a) Temperature (b) Time period (c) Vibration (d) Amplitude
25. The speed of sound has maximum value in [L13]
(a) Oxygen (b) Air (c) Hydrogen (d) Helium
26. If the pressure of the gas is doubled then the speed of sound is [G09, G13]
(a) Also doubled (b) Become half (c) Not affected (d) Increase by four times
27. If the speed of sound in air at a given pressure is v, then by increasing the pressure to double, the new
speed becomes [B11, M12]
(a) 0.5v (b) v (c) 2v (d) 4v
28. The speed of sound is greater in solids due to their high [FD15, L10]
(a) Density (b) Pressure (c) Temperature (d) Elasticity
29. Sound waves cannot be [G11]
(a) Reflected (b) Refracted (c) Polarized (d) Diffracted
30. What is the value of constant β in the expression= vt vo (1 + β t ) [B14]
(a) 273 (b) 1/273 (c) 0.61 (d) 1.42
31. With the rise of temperature, the velocity of sound [FD10, S14]
(a) Decrease (b) Increases (c) Remains constant (d) Becomes zero
32. For each degree Celsius rise in temperature of gas, the speed of sound through it increases by [G11]
(a) 0.60 ms-1 (b) 0.61 cms-1 (c) 61 ms-1 (d) 6.1 ms-1
33. The velocity of sound in air at 0oC is [G07]
(a) 224 ms-1 (b) 332 ms-1 (c) 322 ms-1 (d) 300 ms-1
34. The velocity of sound in air at 30oC is [G04]
(a) 332 ms-1 (b) 335 ms-1 (c) 350 ms-1 (d) 345 ms-1
35. The speed of sound in air is at 0o is 330 ms-1. Its speed at 2oC is [L07, L09]
(a) 332.2 ms-1 (b) 335 ms-1 (c) 330 ms-1 (d) None of these
36. Increase in velocity of sound in air for 1 C rise in temperature is [DG13, R12]
(a) 0.61 ms-1 (b) 61.0 ms-1 (c) 1.61 ms-1 (d) 2.00 ms-1
37. Speed of sound at toC is given as [R13]
(a) v=
t vo + 0.61t (b) v=
t vo − 0.61t (c) v=
t vo + 61t (d) v=
t vo − 61t
38. The speed of sound in air would become double than its speed at 20oC is [M08]
(a) 313oC (b) 586oC (c) 1172oC (d) 899oC
39. The speed of sound has maximum value in [B10]
(a) Oxygen (b) Air (c) Hydrogen (d) Helium
40. Velocity of sound in free space at 0 C [DG12]
(a) 332 ms-1 (b) 224 ms-1 (c) 76 ms-1 (d) Zero
41. The error in the value of speed of sound calculated by Newton at STP is about [L10, G13]
(a) 14% (b) 15% (c) 16% (d) 18%
Principle of Superposition, Interference, Beats and Reflection of Waves
42. When two identical traveling waves are superimposed velocity of the resultant wave [G14]
(a) Decreases (b) Increases (c) Remains same (d) Becomes zero
43. Two waves can interfere only if they have [M12]
(a) Phase coherence (b) Same velocity (c) Different frequencies (d) Different wavelengths
44. Two waves of same frequency and moving the same direction produce [FD09, B14, FD14]
(a) Interference (b) Diffraction (c) Beats (d) Stationary waves
45. Periodic alternations of sound between maximum and minimum loudness are called [FD11]
(a) Interference (b) Resonance (c) Doppler’s effect (d) Beats
46. The periodic increases and decreases in loudness of sound is called [FD12]
(a) Resonance (b) Interference (c) Beats (d) Polarization
47. When path difference is an integral multiple of wave length, the effect is called [S12]
(a) Coherency (b) Destructive interference (c) Constructive interference (d) Phase lag
48. A maxima is produced at point where path difference for two monochromatic waves is [M09]
λ 3λ λ
(a) λ (b) (c) (d)
2 2 4
49. When wave is reflected from the boundary of denser medium then phase of wave changes by [L14]
(a) 0o (b) 90o (c) 180o (d) 270o
50. Beats can be heard when the difference of frequency is not more than [R11, M13]
(a) 8 Hz (b) 4 Hz (c) 10 Hz (d) 6 Hz
51. Beats are formed when two notes of frequencies f 1 and f 2 (f 1 > f 2 ) are sounded together. The beat
frequency will be [G10]
f +f f −f
(a) f1 − f 2 (b) f1 + f 2 (c) 1 2 (d) 1 2
2 2
52. Beats are used to find [L13]
(a) Frequency (b) Wavelength (c) Intensity (d) Speed
53. The basic principle of beats is [B15]
(a) Interference (b) Diffraction (c) Reflection (d) Refraction
54. Two tuning forks of frequencies f 1 and f 2 are sounded together, beats are produced. The time interval
between adjacent maximum and minimum loudness is [B10]
1 1 1
(a) (b) (c) (d) None of these
f1 − f 2 2( f1 − f 2 ) f1
55. In order to produce beats, the two sound waves should have [L14]
(a) The same amplitude (b) Slightly different amplitude
(c) The same frequency (d) Slightly different frequencies
Stationary Waves
56. The stationary waves consist of [L14]
(a) Crests and troughs (b) Compressions and elongations
(c) Nodes and antinodes (d) Reflection and rarefaction
57. When two identical waves move in the opposite direction, they give rise to [FD15]
(a) Stationary waves (b) Beats (c) Constructive interference (d) Destructive
58. Two waves of equal frequency traveling in opposite direction will produce [S10, G12]
(a) Stationary waves (b) Beats (c) Transverse waves (d) Progressive waves
59. The portion of the wave above mean level is called [DG14, G14]
(a) Node (b) Antinode (c) Crest (d) Trough
60. The point of maximum displacement on a stationary wave is called [DG09]
(a) Antinode (b) Node (c) Trough (d) Crest
61. The number of anti-nodes between two nodes is [DG12]
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
62. The number of nodes between two consecutive antinodes is [S14]
(a) Zero (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1
63. A distance between two consecutive nodes [M08, R08, G09, S11, FD07, FD13, G13, L13, S13, DG15]
λ λ
(a) (b) (c) 2λ (d) λ
2 4
64. The distance between a node and anti-node is equal to [L06, B08, B09, B15, DG08, DG11, R12, DG13]
λ λ 5λ 3λ
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 4 2 2
65. Stationary waves are generated on string of length ‘l’. Its fundamental frequency is given by [G08]
v 2l
(a) f1 = v × l (b) f1 = (c) f1 = (d) =f1 2(v × l )
2l v
66. If a string is fixed at both ends vibrates in “n” loops, then wavelength in terms of length ‘l’ of string is
given by [B09, R09, FD13, L14]

n  2 2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 2n n v
67. A set of frequencies which are multiples of the fundamental frequency are called [R10, L14]
(a) Doppler effect (b) Nodal frequencies (c) Beat frequencies (d) Harmonics
68. A stationary wave is established in a string which vibrates in four segments at a frequency of 120 Hz.
Its fundamental frequency is [G10]
(a) 15 Hz (b) 30 Hz (c) 60 Hz (d) 480 Hz
69. On increasing the tension, frequency of vibration of a string [L13]
(a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) Remain constant (d) First increases then
70. The wavelength of the fundamental mode of vibration of a closed pipe of length ‘l’ is [FD09, L13]

(a) (b)  (c) 2 (d) 4
71. The fixed ends of a vibrating string are [FD08]
(a) Antinodes (b) Nodes (c) Overtones (d) Neither node or
72. At the open end of an organ pipe [FD08]
(a) Nodes are formed (b) Antinodes are formed
(c) Nodes or antinodes by formed (d) Neither node or antinode is formed
73. On increasing the tension, frequency of vibration of a string [S11, B13]
(a) Decreases (b) Increases (c) Remains constant (d) Depend on the
material of wire
74. If the organ pipe of open at both ends the frequency of fundamental harmonic is [FD13]
v v 4 2
(a) f1 = (b) f1 = (c) f1 = (d) f1 =
2 4 v v
75. Wavelength of fundamental mode of vibration of a closed end pipe is [DG10, S13]
(a) 2l (b) l (c) 4l (d) l/2
76. Which one is correct relation for one end closed pipe [R13]
2 4 nv nv
(a) λn = (b) λn = (c) λn = (d) λn =
n n  4
77. In standing wave if λ =  (length of string) the number of loops will be [B13]
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
78. For same mass of length if tension of a vibrating string is increased by four times, then speed of wave
increases by [M13]
(a) 2 times (b) 4 times (c) 6 times (d) 2 times
79. In stationary wave, the particle velocity at the nodes is [S14]
(a) Maximum (b) Minimum (c) Zero (d) Constant
Doppler’s Effect and Its Applications
80. The apparent change in the pitch of sound due to relative motion is called [B14]
(a) Carnot theorem (b) Interference (c) Doppler effect (d) Beats
81. Car A has a siren sounding a note of 540 Hz. A listener in car B hears a note of 544 Hz. Both move in
the same direction. One concludes that [M09]
(a) B leads A and moves faster (b) B is behind A and moves slower
(c) Both move with same speed (d) B leads A and moves slower
82. A spectator watching a cricket match see the bat striking the ball and hears the sound of this about
half a second later. This is because light waves and sound waves have a different [DG15]
(a) Amplitude (b) Intensity (c) Frequency (d) Speed
83. Radar system is an application of [L12]
(a) Interference (b) Beats (c) Stationary waves (d) Doppler effect
84. In sonar we use [FD15]
(a) Sound waves (b) Ultrasound waves (c) Radio waves (d) Micro waves
85. Types of waves used in “Sonar” are [FD10]
(a) Electromagnetic waves (b) Matter waves (c) Water waves (d) Sound waves
86. Star moving away from the earth shows [DG11]
(a) Red shift (b) Blue shift (c) Doppler’s shift (d) Frequency shift
87. Stars moving towards the earth show [B12]
(a) Blue shift (b) Red shift (c) No shift (d) Longer wavelength

Wave fronts, Huygen’s Principle and Interference of Light
1. The theory of wave nature of light proposed by [FD10, M10, FD12]
(a) Thomas Young (b) Huygen (c) Maxwell (d) Fresnel
2. Huygen’s principle is used to [DG15]
(a) Determine the speed of light (b) Locate the wavefront
(c) Explain polarization (d) Find index of refraction
3. According to modern idea about the nature of light, light shows [M08]
(a) Wave nature only (b) Dual nature (c) Particle nature only (d) None of these
4. A surface on which all the points have same phase of vibration is known as [M12]
(a) Crest (b) Trough (c) Wavefront (d) Wavelength
5. A line normal to the wavefront including the direction of motion is called [L06]
(a) Wave (b) Ray (c) Pulse (d) None of these
6. All wavefronts are concentric [S12]
(a) Circles (b) Squares (c) Spheres (d) Rectangles
7. The medium in which speed of light is the same in all directions is called [FD11]
(a) Homogenous (b) Heterogeneous (c) Non-homogeneous (d) Free space
8. The distance between two consecutive wave fronts is called [R10, L11]
(a) Time period (b) Frequency (c) Wavelength (d) Displacement
9. Light reaches from the sun to the earth in the form of [B08, R09, FD12]
(a) Spherical wavefront (b) Plane wavefront (c) Cylindrical wavefront (d) Circular wavefront
10. The phase difference between two points on wavefront is [R13]
π π
(a) 0 (b) (c) (d) π
4 2
11. The path difference for the constructive interference should be [G07]
λ 5λ 3λ
(a) d = (b) d = (c) d = mλ (d) d =
2 2 2
Young’s Double Slit Experiment, Interference in Thin Films, Newton’s Rings and Michelson’s
12. What happens to the interference pattern produced by double slit arrangement by doubling the split
spacing? [M09]
(a) Fringe spacing is doubled (b) Fringe spacing is halved
(c) Intensity increases (d) Fringe spacing is not changed
13. The fringes spacing increases if we are [FD15]
(a) Red light (b) Blue light (c) Yellow light (d) Green light
14. In Young’s double slit experiment, the fringe spacing is equal to [G07, G14]
2λ λL d λd
(a) (b) (c) (d)
D d λD D
15. In Young’s double slit experiment, the position of dark fringes is given by [R14]
mλ L mλ d  1  mλ L  1  mλ d
(a) Ym = (b) Ym = (c) Y=m m+  (d) Y=m m+ 
d L  2 d  2 L
16. The distance between two adjacent bright fringes, ∆y is [R10]
2λ λL d λd
(a) (b) (c) (d)
D d λD D
17. The distance between two adjacent dark fringes, ∆y is [R10]
λL mλ L  1  Lλ λd
(a) ∆y = (b) ∆y = (c) ∆y=  m +  (d) ∆y =
d d  2 d L
18. Sodium chloride in a flame gives out pure [R10]
(a) Blue light (b) Yellow light (c) Wavelength (d) Displacement
19. When Newton’s rings are observed with reflected light, the central spot is [L07]

(a) Red (b) Blue (c) Dark (d) Bright
20. The centre of Newton’s rings is _____ due to destructive interference [B12]
(a) Bright (b) Dark (c) Colourless (d) Red
21. The centre of Newton’s rings is dark due to [FD13]
(a) Constructive interference (b) Destructive interference(c) Diffraction (d) Polarization
22. Newton’s rings are formed as a result of [L10]
(a) Interference (b) Dispersion (c) Diffraction (d) Polarization
23. Phase angle of 180 is equivalent to a path difference of [L08]
λ λ
(a) (b) (c) 2λ (d) λ
2 4
24. The equation of Michelson’s interferometer is [DG08, R08, L13]
mλ mλ
(a) L = (b) L = (c) L = mλ (d) L = 2mλ
2 4
25. When one mirror of a Michelson interferometer is moved a distance of 0.5 mm, 2000 fringes are
observed. The wavelength of light used is [R12, L14]
o o
(a) 5000 m (b) 5000 A (c) 500 cm (d) 2000 A
26. In Michelson’s experiment the equation used to find the speed of light is [FD14]
1 16
(a) 16 fc (b) fc (c) 16 fd (d)
16 fd
27. Michelson’s interferometer is an instrument to measure [S11]
(a) Frequency of light (b) Intensity of light (c) Amplitude of light (d) Wavelength of light
28. Michelson’s interferometer is used to find [DG12]
(a) The refractive index of glass (b) The thickness of glass plate
(c) The distance with very high precision (d) Optical rotation
29. An oil film on water surface shows colour due to [DG14, G14]
(a) Diffraction (b) Interference (c) Polarization (d) Dispersion
30. The appearance of colours in thin films is due to [L09]
(a) Refraction (b) Reflection (c) Diffraction (d) Interference
31. Brilliant and beautiful colours in soap bubbles are due to [DG10, M11, DG12]
(a) Diffraction of light (b) Polarization of light (c) Interference of light (d) Reflection of light
32. Two light waves which are not coherent cannot produce [S14]
(a) Interference (b) Diffraction (c) Polarization in same plane (d) Return back
Diffraction of Light, Diffraction Grating, Diffraction through X-Rays and Polarization
33. Diffraction is a special type of [S13]
(a) Polarization (b) Interference (c) Reflection (d) Elliptical
34. Bending of light when it passes from one medium to another is called [FD08]
(a) Refraction (b) Reflection (c) Diffraction (d) Dispersion
35. Bending of light around the edges of an obstacle is called [G09, DG13, G13]
(a) Refraction (b) Reflection (c) Diffraction (d) Interference
36. When sunlight passes through atmosphere, its total energy reduces dues to [L07]
(a) Reflection of dust particles (b) Scattering by dust particles
(c) Absorption by dust particles (d) All of these
37. The effective path difference between two reflected beams, in X-rays diffraction by crystals [L12]
θ 
(a) d sin θ (b) 2d sin θ (c) d sin   (d) d sin(2θ )
38. The equation 2d sin θ = nλ denotes [G06, B12]
(a) Huygen’s Principle (b) Young’s double slit equations
(c) Bragg’s equation (d) Diffraction grating equation
39. The blue colour of the sky is due to [G06, B13]
(a) Scattering (b) Interference (c) Polarization (d) Diffraction
40. Which phenomenon of light proves that light is a transverse wave [G10, DG11, DG15, S12]
(a) Polarization (b) Interference (c) Reflection (d) Diffraction
41. Which of the phenomenon of light is used in propagation of light through optical fibres? [G11]
(a) Total internal reflection (b) Polarization (c) Interference (d) Diffraction
42. Longitudinal waves do not exhibit [L12]
(a) Reflection (b) Refraction (c) Diffraction (d) Polarization
43. Which characteristic of light is evident from polarization of light? [G12]
(a) Wave nature (b) Particle nature (c) Dual nature (d) Light waves are
44. The wavelength of X-rays is the order of [B15, FD08]
(a) 100 x 10-10 m (b) 102 x 10-10 m (c) 1 x 10-10 m (d) None
45. One angstrom is equal to [FD07]
(a) 10-9 m (b) 10-8 m (c) 10-10 m (d) 10-11 m
46. When light passes through a pinhole type opening, it seems to spread out. This phenomena is known
as [12]
(a) Dispersion (b) Reflection (c) Diffraction (d) Polarization
47. A typical diffraction grating has certain number of lines per centimetre whose range is [B14]
(a) 40 to 50 (b) 400 to 5000 (c) 400 to 500 (d) 4000 to 5000

Least Distance of Distinct Vision, Magnifying Power and Resolving Power
1. Least distance of distinct vision [L09, S13]
(a) Increase with increase in age (b) Decrease with increase in age
(c) Unchanged with increase in age (d) Decrease with decrease in age
2. The minimum distance from the eye at which an object appears to be distinct is [FD08, M11, DG12,
B15, G12]
(a) 15 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 25 cm (d) 30 cm
3. Angle between ray of light and wave front [L15]
(a) 0 (b) 60o (c) 90o (d) 120o
4. The magnification of a convex lens of focal length 5 cm is [FD11]
(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 20
5. The power of lens is measured in [FD07, S10]
(a) Watt (b) Joule (c) Diopter (d) Minutes
6. If N is the number of rulings on the grating then the resolving power in the mth order diffraction is
equal to [M11]
N 1 m
(a) R= N × m (b) R = (c) R = (d) R =
m Nm N
7. If magnifying power of magnifying glass is 3, then focal length will be [L14]
(a) 25 cm (b) 12.5 cm (c) 5 cm (d) 3 cm
8. The magnifying power of a convex lens of focal length 10 cm is [R10]
(a) 7 (b) 9.6 (c) 11 (d) 3.5
9. If the focal length is 4 cm the power of lens is [L06]
(a) 25 (b) 10 (c) 20 (d) 15
10. The resolving power of a lens is expressed by a relation? [FD10]
D λ λ
(a) α min = 1.22 (b) α min = 1.22 (c) α min = 1.22λ D (d) α min = 1.52
λ D D
Simple Microscope, Compound Microscope
11. A real object placed inside the focus of a convex lens gives [DG10, DG11]
(a) Real image but diminished (b) Real image but enlarged
(c) Virtual image but diminished (d) Virtual image but enlarged
12. A double convex lens acts as a diverging lens when the object is [R09]
(a) Inside the focus (b) Plane wavefront (c) At a range distance (d) Between f and 2f
13. A single convex lens can be used as a [S11]
(a) Light signals (b) Sound signals (c) Waves (d) Particles
14. A device used for viewing distinct objects is called [S12]
(a) Telescope (b) Spectrometer (c) Microscope (d) Magnifying glass
15. A transparent refractive medium bounded by two curved surface is called [DG09]
(a) Lens (b) Glass (c) Mirror (d) Prism
16. The magnifying power of simple microscope is [B10, DG08, DG15, FD13, G07, R08]
d d f f
(a) M = 1 + (b) M = 1 − (c) M = o (d) M = 1 +
f f fe d
17. If a convex lens of focal length 5 cm is used as a simple microscope, then its magnification will be
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 10 (d) 25
18. The final image formed by simple microscope is [L11, B11, L12]
(a) Virtual and inverted (b) Virtual and erect (c) Real and erect (d) Real and inverted
19. The magnifying power of compound microscope is [M08]
p d  f  d  q d  fo
(a) 1 +  (b) o 1 +  (c) 1 +  (d)
q fe  L fe  p fe  fe
20. A compound microscope forms final image at [M09, M10]
(a) Least distance of distinct vision (b) Focus of eye piece
(c) Focus of objective (d) Infinity
21. The final image formed by compound microscope is [R13]
(a) Virtual and inverted (b) Virtual and erect (c) Real and erect (d) Real and inverted
22. If a single convex lens is placed close to eye, then it is being used as [L13, SL13]
(a) Telescope (b) Microscope (c) Magnifying glass (d) None of these
23. Which combination can ensure less diffraction and more details to be seen by compound microscope?
(a) A wider objective and red light (b) A wider objective and blue light
(c) A wider eyepiece and red light (d) A wider eyepiece and blue light
Astronomical Telescope, Spectrometer
24. The magnifying power of astronomical telescope is [G06, G09, DG14, G14]
(a) o (b) f o + f e (c) f o × f e (d) f o − f e
25. For normal adjustment, the length of astronomical telescope is [FD09, G13]
(a) o (b) f o + f e (c) f o × f e (d) f o − f e
26. The final image seen through eye piece in telescope is [R14]
(a) Real, enlarge and invert (b) Virtual, enlarge and erect
(c) Virtual, enlarge and invert (d) Real, enlarge and erect
27. An astronomical telescope is made with the objective of focal length 100 cm and an eye piece of focal
length is 5 cm. The length of telescope when focused for infinity is [L07]
(a) 95 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 100 cm (d) 105 cm
28. Spectrometer is used to [B08, L09]
(a) Study diffraction of light (b) Measure wavelength of light
(c) Measure refractive index of material (d) All of these
29. A layer over the central core of jacket is called [L10]
(a) Jacket (b) Plastic (c) Cladding (d) Rubber
30. Which is optical instrument? [FD10]
(a) Telescope (b) Galvanometer (c) Ammeter (d) Avometer
31. Which is not the essential component of a spectrometer? [FD15]
(a) Collimator (b) Telescope (c) Turntable (d) Microscope
32. The collimator in a spectrometer is used to [FD11]
(a) Disperse the light beam (b) Reflect the light beam
(c) Make the beam light parallel (d) Converge the light beam
Speed of Light and Fibre Optics
33. Refractive index is given by [B09]
c v c v
(a) (b) (c) (d)
v c v c
34. Light entering into glass prism from air does not give change in its [B11]
(a) Frequency (b) Wavelength (c) Velocity (d) Direction
35. The value of critical angle for the glass-air boundary is [L08, FD12]
(a) 41.8o (b) 41.5o (c) 42o (d) 42.8o
36. Critical angle is that incident angle in denser medium for which angle of refraction is [G14]
(a) 0o (b) 45o (c) 180o (d) 90o
37. At some angle of incidence when the angle of refraction becomes 90o, this angle is called [R11]
(a) Phase angle (b) Incident angle (c) Refractive angle (d) Critical angle
38. For the phenomenon of total internal reflection, the angle of incidence should be [R10]
(a) Equal to critical angle (b) Smaller than critical angle
(c) Greater than critical angle (d) Zero
39. In Michelson’s experiment, the equation used to find the speed of light is [M08, G09, L09]
1 16
(a) 16 fc (b) fc (c) 16 fd (d)
16 fd
40. The instrument which is used to measure speed of light was developed by [G04]
(a) Newton (b) Galileo (c) Michelson (d) Hugen
41. The refractive index of water is 1.33. The speed of light in water is [L11]
(a) 3 x 108 ms-1 (b) 1.8 x 108 ms-1 (c) 2.3 x 108 ms-1 (d) Zero
42. The speed of light in other material is always [R12]
(a) Less than c (b) Greater than c (c) Equal to c (d) None of these
43. The diameter of single mode step index fibre is [R09]
(a) 10 µm (b) 50 µm (c) 100 µm (d) 5 µm
44. If n 1 and n 2 are refractive indices of core and cladding, then for light through optical fibre [M09]
(a) n 1 > n 2 (b) n 1 < n 2 (c) n 1 = n 2 (d) None of these
45. Television signals are converted into light signals by [DG10]
(a) Decoder (b) Transistor (c) Photodiode (d) Optical fibre
46. The optical fibres are of [DG08, R08, B10, M10, DG13]
(a) Two types (b) Three types (c) Four types (d) Five types
47. Using a graded index fibre, the time difference is reduced to about [DG11]
(a) 1 ns per km (b) 33 ns per km (c) 2 ns per km (d) 32 ns per km
48. It becomes possible to send light into inaccessible places due to [B12]
(a) Coaxial cable (b) Fibre optic (c) Copper wire (d) Glass wire
49. Multimode graded index fibre has core whose diameter range lie from [B14]
(a) 5 to 50 µm (b) 50 to 100 µm (c) 50 to 1000 µm (d) 50 to 10000 µm
50. Which of the following will travel much faster than others, through the optical fibres? [SL14]
(a) Ultra violet light (b) Visible light (c) Invisible infrared light (d) White light
51. In optical fibre communication system, the wavelength of light used is [G10, L10]
(a) 1.3µm (b) 1.5 µm (c) 5 µm (d) 50 µm
52. In a newer system of fibre optics, signals are regenerated by placing repeats, which may be separated
by as much as [B08, L12]
(a) 30 km (b) 50 km (c) 100 km (d) 500 km
53. The optical fibre is converted for protection by a [L14]
(a) Glass jacket (b) Plastic jacket (c) Copper jacket (d) Aluminium jacket
54. The optical fibre in which the central core has higher refractive index and its density gradually
decreases towards its periphery is called [FD09]
(a) Single mode step index fibre (b) Multi mode step index fibre
(c) Multi mode graded index fibre (d) None of these

Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases, Pressure of Gases and Gas Laws
1. At constant temperature if the volume of given gas is doubled then density of the gas become [L07]
(a) Double (b) ¼ of original (c) Unchanged (d) ½ of the original
2. Pressure of the gas depends upon [R09]
(a) Only on molecular speed (b) Only on mass of molecule
(c) Only on number of molecules in a unit volume (d) Number of molecules in unit volume, mass and
speed of molecules
3. Pressure of the gas is directly proportional to [DG15]
(a) Potential energy (b) Kinetic energy (c) Wind energy (d) Sound energy
4. Pressure of a gas is given by the relation [R13]
2 1 3
(a) ρ v 2 (b) ρ v 2 (c) ρ v 2 (d) ρ v 2
3 3 2
5. Boltzmann’s constant ‘k’ is given by [G09, G13, L13]
R 1 N
(a) (b) (c) A (d) RN A
6. Average translational K.E. of molecules for an ideal gas is given by the relation [M13]
2 3 1 3
(a) KT (b) KT (c) T (d) T
3 2 2K 2K
7. The kinetic theory of gases suggest the average kinetic energy per molecule is [L14]
1 1
(a) KT (b) KT (c) KT 2 (d) 2KT
2 2
8. Which is the average translational kinetic energy of molecules in a gas at temperature 27oC? [FD10]
(a) 6.21 x 10-21 J (b) 6.21 x 10-26 J (c) 6.21 x 1023 J (d) 6.21 x 1026 J
9. By increasing temperature, the kinetic energy is [S12]
(a) Decreased (b) Increased (c) Remains same (d) Never changed
10. According to Charles’s law [FD14]
1 1
(a) V ∝ T (b) V ∝ n (c) P ∝ (d) P ∝
11. Boyle’s law is applicable to [M12]
(a) Isobaric process (b) Isochoric process (c) Isothermal process (d) Adiabatic process
Internal Energy, First law of Thermodynamics, Isothermal Process and Adiabatic Process
12. Joule is a unit of [FD08]
(a) Kinetic energy (b) Potential energy (c) Heat energy (d) All of these
13. Which is called internal energy of an ideal gas? [G12]
(a) Potential energy (b) Translational kinetic energy
(c) Vibrational kinetic energy (d) Rotational kinetic energy
14. For an ideal gas the internal energy is directly proportional to [DG14, G14, SL14]
(a) Pressure (b) Volume (c) Mass (d) Temperature
15. The internal energy of a piece of lead when beaten by hammer will [G14]
(a) Deceases (b) Increases (c) Remains same (d) First increase and then
16. In thermodynamics, the change in internal energy depends upon [B10]
(a) The initial state only (b) The final state only
(c) The path taken between these two states (d) The initial and final state
17. At constant pressure the graph between V and T is [G07]
(a) Hyperbola (b) Straight line (c) Ellipse (d) Parabola
18. Isothermal process is carried out at constant [G04, L06, L13]
(a) Volume (b) Pressure (c) Energy (d) Temperature
19. The process which is carried out at constant temperature is called [DG15, G10, L10, L14]
(a) Isothermal (b) Adiabatic (c) Isochoric (d) Isobaric
20. Which is not example of adiabatic process [L09, G13]
(a) Rapid escape of air from burst tyre (b) Rapid expansion of air
(c) Conversion of water into ice in refrigerator (d) Cloud formation in atmosphere
21. For an isothermal process 1 law of thermodynamics is [M09, DG10, M10, FD12, DG13, FD13, DG14,
(a) Q = W (b) Q = ∆U (c) Q = −W (d) Q = ∆U + ∆W
22. The process in which no heat enters or leaves the system is called [R11, S12]
(a) Isothermal (b) Adiabatic (c) Isochoric (d) Isobaric
23. Which is an example of irreversible process? [FD15]
(a) Volume (b) Pressure (c) Entropy (d) Temperature
24. The form of the first law of thermodynamics for adiabatic process will be [B09, FD09, G11, DG12,
DG13, B13, FD14]
(a) Q = W (b) Q = −W (c) W = −∆U (d) Q = ∆U
25. The curve representing an adiabatic process is called [M08, R14]
(a) An adiabat (b) An isotherm (c) Both of them (d) None of these
26. Cloud formation in the atmosphere is an example of [DG11, B12]
(a) Isothermal process (b) Adiabatic process (c) Isobaric process (d) Isochoric process
27. During adiabatic process, which factor remain constant [B14]
(a) Entropy (b) Pressure (c) Volume (d) Temperature
28. Gas law PV = constant is for [R12]
(a) Isothermal process (b) Adiabatic process (c) Isobaric process (d) Isochoric process
Specific Heat Capacities and Reversible & Irreversible Processes
29. The amount of heat required to melt 1 kg of ice at 0oC is called [L07]
(a) Heat of vaporization (b) Heat capacity (c) Heat of fusion (d) None of these
30. The latent heat of fusion of ice is [SL14]
(a) 3.36 x 105 Jkg-1 (b) 3.36 x 106 Jkg-1 (c) 3.36 x 107 Jkg-1 (d) 3.36 Jkg-1
31. The ratio of C p and C v for diatomic gas is [R10]
(a) 1.67 (b) 1.50 (c) 1.40 (d) 1.29
32. The difference between C p and C v is equal to [DG12]
(a) Avogadro’s constant (b) Plank’s constant (c) Universal gas constant (d) Boltzmann constant
33. For monoatomic gas CV = , therefore ‘γ’ for this gas is [M08]
3 4 15 5
(a) (b) (c) (d)
5 15 4 3
34. For diatomic gas CV = , therefore ‘γ’ for this gas is [B15]
5 4 7 35
(a) (b) (c) (d)
7 35 5 4
35. One of the following is an example of reversible process [R12]
(a) Work done against friction (b) Heat produced by a current
(c) Melting of ice (d) See back effect
36. Which is an example of irreversible process? [FD15]
(a) Explosion (b) Evaporation (c) Slow compression (d) Liquefaction
37. Change in entropy of a reversible process is [DG11]
(a) Positive (b) Negative (c) Zero (d) Maximum
Heat Engine, Second law of Thermodynamics and Carnot Engine
38. The highest efficiency of a heat engine whose lower temperature is at 17oC and the higher
temperature of 200oC is [R10]
(a) 70% (b) 60% (c) 38% (d) 35%
39. For working heat engine, there must be [R14]
(a) A source (b) A sink (c) Either of these (d) Both of them

40. An ideal reversible heat engine has [B08]
(a) 100% efficiency (b) Highest efficiency (c) Efficiency which depend upon nature of working
substance (d) None of these
41. A heat engine operate between the temperatures 1000 K and 400 K. Its efficiency can be equal to
(a) 50% (b) 60% (c) 70% (d) 100%
42. A device based upon the thermodynamic property of matter is called [B15]
(a) Calorimeter (b) Heat engine (c) Thermometer (d) Voltmeter
43. Heat engine is a device which converts [B10]
(a) Heat energy into chemical energy (b) Heat energy into mechanical energy
(c) Heat energy into electrical energy (d) Heat energy into potential energy
44. An ideal reversible heat engine has [B14]
(a) 100% efficiency (b) 80% efficiency (c) Highest efficiency
(d) An efficiency which depends on the nature of working substance
45. Efficiency of an ideal engine can only be 100% when [G08]
(a) Working substance is highly active and pure (b) Working substance is in abundance
(c) Temperature of source is very high (d) Temperature of sink is 0 K
46. Carnot cycle is [L08]
(a) Reversible (b) Irreversible (c) Both (d) None of these
47. Carnot cycle consists of [G14]
(a) Two steps (b) Three steps (c) Four steps (d) Five steps
48. The most important factor regarding the significance of the Carnot engine is that [G11, G12]
(a) It is practically possible (b) Its efficiency is 100%
(c) It sets an upper limit on the efficiency (d) It sets at lower limit on the efficiency
49. The efficiency of Carnot engine depends upon [M11, L13, SL13]
(a) Sink temperature (b) Source temperature (c) Both a and b (d) The working substance
50. One of the following is true for Carnot engine [M09]
(a) η = 1 (b) η > 1 (c) η < 1 (d) Power is max
51. When the temperature of source and sink are equal then efficiency of Carnot’s engine [B13]
(a) Maximum (b) One (c) Zero (d) None of these
52. An ideal heat engine can only be 100% efficient of its exhaust temperature is [S11]
(a) 100oC (b) 0oC (c) 0 K (d) Temperature of hot
53. If the temperature of the sink is decreased, the efficiency of Carnot engine [DG10]
(a) Decreases (b) Increases (c) Remains the same (d) First increases then
Thermodynamic Scale of Temperature, Petrol Engine, Diesel Engine
54. The temperature of -273oC on Kelvin scale is [G06]
(a) 273 K (b) 373 K (c) -273 K (d) 0 K
55. The Celsius scale starts from [FD07, S10]
(a) 32oF (b) 273oK (c) 0oC (d) 373oK
56. The value of triple point of water is given as [G09, FD10, G10, L11]
(a) 0 K (b) 100 K (c) 273.16 K (d) 373.16 K
57. Unit of thermodynamic scale of temperature is [S13]
(a) Kelvin (b) Centigrade (c) Fahrenheit (d) Celsius
58. Absolute zero corresponds to [DG09]
(a) -460oF (b) -360oF (c) 0oF (d) 460oF
59. The efficiency of petrol engine is about [L09, L10, L11]
(a) 25-30% (b) 30-35% (c) 10-30% (d) 35-40%
60. The efficiency of diesel engine is about [DG08, R08, R11, M12]
(a) 25-30% (b) 35-40% (c) 40-50% (d) 50-60%
61. Working cycle of typical petrol engine consists of [L12]
(a) Two strokes (b) Four strokes (c) Six strokes (d) Eight strokes
62. Number of spark plugs needed in diesel engine is [S13]
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 0
Entropy and Environmental Crisis as Entropy Crisis
63. The concept of entropy was introduced by Rudolph Clausius in [M10, FD12]
(a) 1840 (b) 1856 (c) 1857 (d) 1905
64. The change in entropy of a system is given by [DG08, R08, B12, FD13]
∆Q T 1
(a) ∆S = (b) ∆S =∆Q × T (c) ∆S = (d) ∆S =
T ∆Q ∆Q × T
65. The unit of entropy is [B09, L12]
(a) JK (b) KJ-1 (c) JK-2 (d) JK-1
66. JK-1 is the unit of [R13]
(a) Efficiency (b) Entropy (c) Internal energy (d) Heat of fusion
67. In reversible process the entropy [G06, B11, S11]
(a) Decreases (b) Remain same (c) Increases (d) Initially increase then decreases
68. Entropy remains constant in [R09, FD11]
(a) An isothermal process (b) Adiabatic process (c) Isobaric process (d) Isochoric process
69. The increase in the entropy means the increase in [FD09]
(a) Disorder (b) Unavailability (c) Randomness (d) All of these
70. In all natural processes, the entropy of the system [B08]
(a) Decreases (b) Increase (c) Remains constant (d) None of these


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