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Learning Styles that Provide Best Academic Results

1. Which of these learning styles is/are most helpful to you? (You may choose one or more answers)
a. visual (spatial) | Includes: think in images, photos, videos, maps, notes, presentations…
b. aural (auditory-musical) | Includes: songs, singing, you focus better when there’s music…
c. verbal (linguistic) | Includes: essays and writing, speeches, debates, oral presentations…
d. physical (kinesthetic) | Includes: active learning, moving around, learn by “doing”…
e. logical (mathematical) | Includes: problem solving, puzzles, numbers, graphs, logic questions…
f. social (interpersonal) | Includes: group works, work in pairs, group discussions, activities with others…
g. solitary (intrapersonal) | Includes: solo time, reflection, individual worksheets, self-directed learning…

2. Did you learn what helps you get better results early on, or did it take some time and effort?

3. Did your learning style change over time?

4. What distracts you the most when you try to study?

5. When you try to memorize the spelling of a certain word, what do you do? (Please choose one answer)
a. practice over and over again
b. recite the word or letters out loud
c. visualize the word in your head

6. Which tasks included in the class do you like the most? (Please choose one answer)
a. creative experiments
b. reading assignments
c. answering questions in the written form

7. Do you have trouble focusing in class if the tasks don’t suit your preferred learning style/s?

8. How long can you focus on studying without taking a break?

9. How can parents help their children improve their learning?

10. If you were to be a language professor in high school, which learning styles would you implement in class?

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