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Nama : Bayu Ajie Nur Wijanarko

Kelas : XII MIPA 4

Absen : 03
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

1. There are three definition about procedure text :

- Texts that explain how something works or how to use instruction / operation
manuals e.g. how to use the video, the computer, the tape recorder, the photocopier,
the fax.
- Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity e.g. recipes, rules for games, science
experiments, road safety rules.
- Texts that deal with human behavior, e.g how to live happily, how to succeed

2. A Procedural Text has a social function to describe how an activity

is done or how an object is made through a sequence of actions or
steps. It may use time sequencers, such as first, second, third,
later, next, finally, etc.

3. Language feature of Procedure text

- Use imperatives or commands, example :
a. Follow the steps below
b. Dress up in beekeeper’s suit and gloves
c. Be careful to seal any gaps
d. Take off the roof of the beehive
e. Etc

4. Generic Structure of procedure text

- Goal : describing the title of the procedure to be carried out
- Materials : describing lists of object which are needed
- Steps : describing the method or steps to follow

5. There is a tips to how to be a successful student in pandemic era

- Don’t be lazy
- Wake up early in the morning
- Keep healthy

6. How to conserve water

7. We can stop greenhouse effects by only saving the energy
8. Change
9. Thrifty
10. To make a budget
11. 10 to 15 percent of our income
12. BANGSAT BINGUNG tapi aku to decide what we will choose for saving our money
13. How to collect evaporating ground water
14. It needs hard effort with low result
15. Add soil or sand to the ring of rocks

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