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Actividad en ingles Emprendimiento

Nombre de la estudiante
María Silvia Aristizábal duque

Diana Elizabeth cuadros

Fundación Universitaria Católica del Norte

The health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic transformed life in all areas.

The pandemic changed several aspects of life human. Areas such as governance, health,

nutrition, economy, human interaction, education have been affected ( Montiel, Flores,

Ávila & Sierra, 2021). However, to tackle social problems caused by COVID-19

pandemic, many Social entrepreneurship has created solutions benefitting people e.g

manufactures made ventilators, hand sanitizer and so on (Bacq and Lumpkin, 2021). The

crisis generated by COVID-19, offers social entrepreneurs many opportunities to develop

innovative solutions as such KUVU (connects older people who have a spare room with

people from other generations looking for accommodation), AUARA (dedicates 100% of

its dividends to bring drinking water to people who do not have it in developing countries

thanks to the sale of mineral water and other products), Adopta un abuelo (It connects

generations so that older people feel heard, accompanied and loved and that young people

learn values and experiences through their visits), Farmidable (allows access to local, fresh,

natural and seasonal products, connecting consumers and producers), Zubi Labs (promotes

and co-creates companies that seek to generate a positive impact), Bridge for Billions (is an

online incubation platform that seeks to democratize access to the necessary tools so that

entrepreneurs, wherever they are, can structure, develop and strengthen their businesses),

Uninicio (offers support, training and employment to young people in vulnerable situations

through gastronomy and the production of food for restaurants and catering), ComGo (is

the first blockchain platform for managing solidarity projects and traceability of social

impact). These are many of the social enterprises that help in times of crisis generated by

COVID-19 (Albella, s.f).


Albella, I. (s.f). Emprendimiento social en tiempos de coronavirus.


Bacq, S. and Lumpkin, G. (Enero, 2021). Social Entrepreneurship and COVID‐19. Journal

of Management Studies 58 (1),285-288.

Montiel Méndez, O. J., Flores Novelo, A., Ávila Paz, E., & Sierra Martínez,S. J. (2021).

“Tengo Que Sobrevivir”: Relato De Vida De Tres Jóvenes Micro Emprendedores

Bajo Covid-19. Revista Telos, 23(1), 67–84.

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