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External means happening, coming from, or existing outside a place, person, or area.

This hard drive is not inside a computer, but outside of it. That is why it’s called an external
hard drive.

ex·ter·nal| ikˈstərnl | adjective

1 belonging to or forming the outer surface or structure of something: the external walls. 

• relating to or denoting a medicine or similar substance for use on the outside of the body: for
external application only. 

2 coming or derived from a source outside the subject affected: for many people the church
was a symbol of external authority. 

• coming from or relating to a foreign country or an outside institution: responsibility for

defense and external affairs. 

• Computing (of hardware) not contained in the main computer; peripheral. • (of storage) using
a disk or tape drive rather than the main memory. 

noun (externals) the outward features of something: the place has all the appropriate externals,
such as chimneys choked with ivy and windows with jasmine. 

• features that are only superficial; inessentials: photographs can only show externals.

The Space Needle in Seattle is known for its external features, not for what is inside the

The outer or external part of the ear is simple in appearance, but the inner ear’s appearance is
very complex. What other things have a simple external appearance but are complex on the

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