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Reaction to the video

The video gives a right and proper procedure of the experiment. The individual
performing the experiment, knows all the precautionary measures in performing the experiment
and it does not seem complicated to recognize the whole enterprise. All apparatuses are
assembled well and set up precisely. The video did not lack in reminding that all apparatuses
have no defect that could fail the experiment. It is also clever that the individual used an
alternative way to replace the unavailable apparatus that should be used. All in all it was a
quality video because it manifests and follows all protocols inside the laboratory and also fulfills
all the criteria in a precise experiment.

Important learnings
One of the critical skills required for us is the ability to consistently design and carry out
successful experiments.There are some basic steps that, if we took routinely, can increase the
chances of success every time. Here are the important recipes for a successful experiment that
we acquire from the video. We have to define first our objective. Make sure to include all
necessary controls and all information should be recorded in our well-organized and up-to-date
lab book. We must write out the protocol and guidelines to have a better outcome of our
experiment. It could help us identify all the reagents we’ll need for our experiment, and help us
gauge the time that we’ll need to carry out the procedure. We must also ensure that we have
everything prepared in advance. We mustn't take chances with old or expired reagents. Make
sure our equipment is clean and in good working order before each experiment. Also, writing
down any deviations from the protocol, and any difficulties we might experience while carrying
out the experiment could be a big help for us. We could make better sense of the data and
troubleshoot the experiment if necessary. Lastly, wearing personal protective equipment must
not be forgotten to minimize exposure to hazards that could cause serious injuries, because
safety should be our main priority.

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