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After life e5

Fill your boots

To take as much as you want of something
Fill your boots with that shit

Off the hook

No longer in difficulties on trouble

Which bring me to my next question

Why didn’t you go through with it

Why have you never

On the edge
In a precarious spot

Desperate to have

Lap something up
To lick something up

Can’t get enough

Guilt tripping
Make someone to feel guilty, especially i. Order to induce them to do something
What’s the guilt tripping and don’t give me this altruism shit.

Disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.

Wiry little twat

Nosy scruffy cunt

Stop reading my postcards, you nosy, scruffy cunt.

...that you’re not accountable for your actions, then that’s fine.
Completely responsible for

Get away from being shit

To avoid something that is difficult or unpleasant for you.

Wound up
Very worried, nervous, or angry
She gets pretty wound up before a game.

Kevin hart
make the best of the situation
Didn’t leave room for anything but hustle

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