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TOP 10 CURRENT AFFAIRS OF THE DAY 15 AUG 2020 . Coronavirus updates, August 15: Nationwide confirmed COVID-19 cases jump past 288,000, death toll crosses 6,100; global death toll tops 759,000 . Pakistan summons senior Indian diplomat over LoC ceasefire violations: Pakistan on Saturday summoned a senior Indian diplomat to register its protest over ceasefire violations by Indian occupying forces along the Line of Control (LoC) on August 14, which resulted in serious injuries to a civilian. . Pakistan's approach to UAE-Israel deal to be guided by Palestinian people's rights: Pakistan said that its approach to the agreement between UAE and Israel will be guided by how Palestinian's rights and aspirations are upheld. . CIE agrees to review grading procedure after O/A level results controversy: Cambridge International has agreed to review its grading procedures regarding the recently declared CIE results for O' and A’ Levels after an outcry from Pakistani students who felt they were unfairly graded. . UN launches $565 mn appeal for blast-hit Lebanon: The United Nations launched an appeal Friday to raise $565 million to help Lebanon recover from this month's devastating port blast that killed 171 people. . US loses Iran arms embargo bid as Putin pushes summit to avoid nuclear deal showdown: The United States could now follow through on a threat to trigger a return of all UN sanctions on Iran using a provision in the nuclear deal, known as snapback, even though President Donald Trump abandoned the accord in 2018. . US says it seized 4 Iranian fuel shipments headed for Venezuela: American officials tell AP Trump administration seized cargo of four tankers transporting Iranian fuel to Venezuela. . Mediterranean crisis: Turkey warns Greece, slams ‘bully’ France: Turkey has warned Greece of retaliation against any attack on its survey vessel in the eastern Mediterranean and accused France of acting like a bully amid escalating tensions in the energy-rich region. |. Palestinians slam ‘traitor’ UAE for normalising ties with Israel: The United Arab Emirates (UAE) decision to normalise ties with Israel did not surprise Saeed Ibrahim, an 83-year-old Palestinian living in East Jerusalem. For Ibrahim, it was just the latest betrayal of the Palestinian cause by Arab states. . Several dead in Ivory Coast over president's third-term bid: At least four people have been killed in clashes in lvory Coast as hundreds. took to the streets following President Alassane Quattara's decision to run fora third term this October. DATE: 15 AUGUST 2020 1. Pakistan's recoveries cross 265,000 : As many as 1,564 additional recoveries have been recorded in Pakistan over the past 24 hours, the country’s Covid-19 portal said. The total number of Covid-19 recoveries in the country is now 265,624, which makes 92 per cent of the total number of cases recorded in Pakistan, About 768 patients are in a critical state. 2. Bill Gates lauds Pakistan Army for supporting polio drive campaign, success against COVID-19 : Microsoft Founder and Co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Bill Gates has reiterated his foundation's commitment of supporting Pakistan in its goal of ending polio and improving health for every child. 3. Pakistan to appeal against European Air Safety Agency ban: Despite getting its appeal rejected, Pakistan International Airline (PIA) remains persistent to resolve its ban issue with the European Air Safety Agency (EASA). 4. Climate change: WWF-Pakistan for joint efforts to mitigate destructive impacts : Pakistan lost an average of approximately 43,000 hectares of forests - equivalent to half the size of Islamabad - every year between 2000 and 2010, WWF-Pakistan said. With only 5.7 percent of land (or around 4,54 million hectares) under forest cover, the country's deforestation rate is the second highest in Asia (after Afghanistan) and is well below the recommended cover of 25 percent. 5, Power Generation Policy 1994: Government, majority of IPPs sign settlement pacts: “The government and majority of Independent Power Producers (IPPs) established under Power Generation Policy 1994 have also signed settlement pacts, paving the way for substantial reduction in power tariff and circular debt. 6. Tariq Haleem elected PSCGL president : Presidential candidate Tariq Haleem has won the elections of Pakistan Stevedores Conference Guarantee Limited (PSCGL) held after 17 years. 7, UIN Security Council rejects US bid to extend Iran arms embargo : The United Nations Security Council has resoundingly rejected a bid by the United States to extend a global arms embargo on Iran. 8. South Africa crime rate falls 40 percent in coronavirus lockdown: Police minister says country experiencing ‘crime holiday’ adding that absence of alcohol helped reduce the numbers. 9, South Korea extends olive branch to Japan over wartime history: South Korean President Moon Jae-in said his govt has left the door of consultations wide open for Japan to settle a long legal and diplomatic dispute over compensation for Koreans who had been subjected to forced labor at mines, factories and other sites. 10, US Navy carrier conducts exercises in South China Sea: US Navy says strike group led by USS Ronald Reagan conducts flight and maritime exercises in contested South China Sea.

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