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A gingivectomy is an in-office procedure involving the removal of excessive,

overgrown, or diseased gum
tissue from in and around the
teeth. Before the procedure
begins, you’ll be given a local
anesthetic to numb your gums
and keep you comfortable while
Doctor uses a surgical scalpel or
a low-frequency laser to remove
the gum tissue. When the
excision is complete, your remaining gums will be gently reshaped and reattached
to the tooth line with sutures. Doctor will send you home with a surgical dressing
or temporary putty in and around your teeth and gums to promote healing and
protect your stitches.
Recovery from a gingivectomy is generally quite simple, though soreness and
irritation are common. While it may take a few days, or possibly weeks, for your
gums to feel and look normal again, you should be able to manage any discomfort
through over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. You
may have specific post-operative instructions, such as avoiding certain foods or
following a special oral hygiene routine. It’s important to follow these instructions
to ensure a full recovery.
Once healing is complete, you should have healthy, pink gums that are easier to
keep clean with regular brushing and flossing. With proper aftercare, a
gingivectomy can often provide a permanent resolution to ongoing periodontal
disease, and give you a beautiful, balanced smile.

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