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Course : Menggambar Bangunan Sipil

Code : RC184305
Date : Rabu, 13 januari 2021
Time : 09.00 – 11.00
Lecturer : Ir. Dyah Iriani W. M.Sc
Email to by each person.
Submission should not be late than 5 minutes pertinent to due
date or about 11.05 maximum otherwise will be reduced by 30 to
your grade.

1. Using Autocad, make drawing of house plan/layout above land
plot with 20 m length x 8 m width with building size 9 m
length x 8 m width.
House composed of 2 Bed room, 1 bath room, and the rest of
the space can be arrange freely for other purposes.
Also draw the roof truss for Pelana roof (Gable) applying clay
tile (genteng) and wood truss (kuda-kuda kayu),,the unknown
information are free to assumes.
Print both drawing in one page of PDF file with A3 paper
format using black and white ink.

Send file in pdf format with the file save using name of file

2. Calculate cost of constructing the roof based on the drawing

using excel, the detail of the truss can be roughly sketched.
Unit price and material as well as personel and equipment cost
can be taken using location of anywhere. Preferably using the
price of online shopping such as Bukalapak, lazada, etc

Send file in pdf format with the file save using name of file

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