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Organized Schedule - 4/10/2020

1. Wake up
2. Brushing/ Toothbrush
3. Drink a lot of water
4. Poop
5. Yoga & Breathing exercises
6. Bath
7. Meditation (It is Done format)
8. Meal 1 (Breakfast): ​Ginger & Fenugreek Tea + 2 Bananas + sesame seeds
9. Start work
10. Meal 2 (Lunch): ​Rice + Dal + Sabji + Soya Chunks + Egg (Optional)
11. Work
12. Evening (pre-workout): 1 ltr water + poop
13. Workout
14. Meal 3 (post-workout): ​1 cup milk with turmeric
15. Walk & ride
16. Work
17. Meal 4 (Dinner): ​Same as lunch
18. Before Bed: 4-5 pistachios + magnesium tablet
19. Sleep

Snacks: ​Hummus/ Potatoes/ Sprouts

Supplement: ​Vitamin B6 & B12, Vitamin E and Magnesium

Yoga Poses:​ 1. Over the head stretch bending 2.Janu Sirasana (Leg stretch with head touch
on knee) 3. Cobra stretch 4. Vipraita Karani (Leg up against the wall) 5. JC’s Free movement
primal exercise (Lymph nodes opening)

Breathing Exercises:​ Deep inhale and Exhale (20) + Anulom Vilom (20) + Wim hoff method (2

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