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HW 1

Marija Vukotić

Analyze the syntactic structure of the following sentences:

1. Proverbs and sayings usually express the view that women are always talking, but the
reality is quite different.

Sent ​ ​ Cl1 + conn + Cl2 ArtDef​ ​the Conj​ ​but

Cl1​ ​S+P H​ ​N Cl2​ ​S + P

S​ ​NP1+ conn + NP2 N​ ​view S​ ​NP

NP1​ ​N Q​ ​Cl NP​ ​Det + H

N​ ​proverbs Cl​ ​conn + S + P Det​ ​ArtDef

conn​ ​Conj conn​ ​Conj ArtDef​ ​the

Conj​ ​and Conj​ ​that H​ ​N

NP2​ ​N S​ ​NP N​ ​reality

N​ ​sayings NP​ ​N P​ ​VP

P​ ​VP N​ ​women VP​ ​Vc + NomPred

VP​ ​AM + Vtr + DO P​ ​VP Vc​ ​is

AM​ ​AdvP VP​ ​Vaux + AM + NomPred​ ​AdjP

AdvP​ ​Adv Vm(intr) AdjP​ ​M + H

Vaux​ ​are
Adv​ ​usually M​ ​Adv
AM​ ​AdvP
Vtr​ ​express Adv​ ​quite
AdvP​ ​Adv
DO​ ​NP H​ ​Adj
Adv​ ​always
NP​ ​Det + H + Q Adj​ ​different
Vm(intr) ​ ​talking
Det​ ​ArtDef
conn​ ​Conj

2. What was particularly annoying was the fact that the new manager never discussed his
plans with his colleagues.

Sent​ ​S+P Cl​ ​S+P NP​ ​PronRel

S​ ​Cl S​ ​NP PronRel​ ​what

P​ ​VP VP​ ​Vc+NomPred conn​ ​Conj

VP​ ​Vc + NomPred Vc​ ​was Conj​ ​that

Vc​ ​was NomPred​ ​NP S​ ​NP

NomPred​ ​AdjP NP​ ​Det+H+Q NP​ ​Det+M+H

AdjP​ ​M+H Det​ ​ArtDef Det​ ​ArtDef

M​ ​Adv ArtDef​ ​the ArtDef​ ​the

Adv​ ​particularly H​ ​N M​ ​Adj

H​ ​Adj N​ ​fact Adj​ ​new

Adj​ ​annoying Q​ ​Cl H​ ​N

P​ ​VP Cl​ ​conn+S+P N​ ​manager

P​ ​VP N​ ​plans
VP​ ​AM+Vtr+DO+AM AM​ ​PrepP

AM​ ​never PrepP​ ​Prep+NP

Vtr​ ​discussed Prep​ ​with

DO​ ​NP NP​ ​Det+H

NP​ ​Det+H Det​ ​DetPoss

Det​ ​DetPoss DetPoss​ ​his

DetPoss​ ​his H​ ​N
H​ ​N N​ ​colleagues

3. If you have the ability to arouse the curiosity of young minds, teaching is an extremely
rewarding career.

Sent​ ​AM+S+P NP​ ​PronPers NP​ ​Det+H+Q

AM​ ​Cl PronPers​ ​you Det​ ​ArtDef

Cl​ ​conn+S+P P​ ​VP ArtDef​ ​the

conn​ ​Conj VP​ ​Vtr+DO H​ ​N

Conj​ ​if Vtr​ ​have N​ ​ability

S​ ​NP DO​ ​NP Q​ ​VinfP

VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO DO​ ​NP Vc​ ​is
Vinf(tr) ​ ​to arouse NP​ ​Det+H+Q NomPred​ ​NP

Det​ ​ArtDef NP​ ​Det+M+H

ArtDef​ ​the Det​ ​ArtIndef

H​ ​N ArtIndef​ ​an
N​ ​curiosity M​ ​AdjP

Q​ ​PrepP AdjP​ ​M+H

PrepP​ ​Prep+NP M​ ​Adv

Prep​ ​of Adv​ ​extremely

NP​ ​M+H H​ ​Adj

M​ ​Adj Adj​ ​rewarding

Adj​ ​young H​ ​N
H​ ​N N​ ​career
N​ ​minds

S​ ​VingP

VingP​ ​Ving(intr)

Ving(intr) ​ ​teaching
P​ ​VP

VP​ ​Vc+NomPred
4. Tim travelled in various parts of the world without wishing to find himself a permanent
home or a steady job.

Sent​ ​S+P Prep​ ​of DO​ ​NP1+conn+NP2

S​ ​NP NP​ ​Det+H NP1​ ​Det+M+H

NP​ ​N Det​ ​ArtDef Det​ ​ArtIndef

N​ ​Tim ArtDef​ ​the ArtIndef​ ​a

P​ ​VP H​ ​N M​ ​Adj

VP​ ​Vintr+AM1+AM2 N​ ​world Adj​ ​permanent

Vintr​ ​travelled AM2​ ​PrepP H​ ​N

AM1​ ​PrepP PrepP​ ​Prep+VingP N​ ​home

PrepP​ ​Prep+NP Prep​ ​without conn​ ​Conj

Prep​ ​in VingP​ ​Ving(tr)+DO Conj​ ​or

NP​ ​M+H+Q Ving(tr) ​ ​wishing NP2​ ​Det+M+H

M​ ​Adj DO​ ​VinfP Det​ ​ArtIndef

Adj​ ​various VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+IO+DO ArtIndef​ ​a

H​ ​N Vinf(tr) ​ ​to find M​ ​Adj

N​ ​parts IO​ ​NP Adj​ ​steady

Q​ ​PrepP NP​ ​PronRefl H​ ​N

PrepP​ ​Prep+NP PronRefl​ ​himself N​ ​job

5. Although many students said that they found the course difficult, the exam results turned
out to be quite good.

Sent​ ​AM+S+P M​ ​Adj DO​ ​Cl

AM​ ​Cl Adj​ ​many Cl​ ​conn+S+P

Cl​ ​conn+S+P H​ ​N conn​ ​Conj

conn​ ​Conj N​ ​students Conj​ ​that

Conj​ ​although P​ ​VP S​ ​NP

S​ ​NP VP​ ​Vtr+DO NP​ ​PronPers

NP​ ​M+H Vtr​ ​said PronPers​ ​they

P​ ​VP M​ ​Adv

VP​ ​Vtr+DO+C Adv​ ​quite

Vtr​ ​found H​ ​Adj

DO​ ​NP Adj​ ​good
NP​ ​Det+H

Det​ ​ArtDef

ArtDef​ ​the

H​ ​N

N​ ​course

C​ ​AdjP
AdjP​ ​Adj

Adj​ ​difficult

S​ ​NP

NP​ ​Det+M+H

Det​ ​ArtDef

ArtDef​ ​the

M​ ​N
N​ ​exam

H​ ​N

N​ ​results

P​ ​VP

VP​ ​Vtr+DO

Vtr​ ​turned out

DO​ ​VinfP
VinfP​ ​Vinf(c)+NomPred

Vinf(c) ​ ​to be

NomPred​ ​AdjP

AdjP​ ​M+H
6. This intriguing account made everybody believe that something was wrong and the editor
requested a new research.

Sent​ ​Cl1+conn+Cl2 DO​ ​Cl ArtDef​ ​the

Cl1​ ​S+P Cl​ ​conn+S+P H​ ​N

S​ ​NP conn​ ​Conj N​ ​editor

NP​ ​Det+M+H Conj​ ​that P​ ​VP

Det​ ​DetDem S​ ​NP VP​ ​Vtr+DO

M​ ​Adj NP​ ​PronIndef Vtr​ ​requested

Adj​ ​intriguing PronIndef​ ​something DO​ ​NP

H​ ​N P​ ​VP NP​ ​Det+M+H

N​ ​account VP​ ​Vc+NomPred Det​ ​ArtIndef

P​ ​VP Vc​ ​was ArtIndef​ ​a

VP​ ​Vtr+DO+C NomPred​ ​AdjP M​ ​Adj

Vtr​ ​made AdjP​ ​Adj Adj​ ​new

DO​ ​NP Adj​ ​wrong H​ ​N

NP​ ​PronIndef/Univ conn​ ​Conj N​ ​research

PronIndef/Univ​ ​everybo Conj​ ​and

dy Cl2​ ​S+P
C​ ​VinfP
S​ ​NP
VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO
NP​ ​Det+H

Vinf(tr) ​ ​believe Det​ ​ArtDef

7. Some people always worry and make their life difficult, but she believes that life is a
matter of passing the time enjoyably.

Sent​ ​Cl1+conn+Cl2 H​ ​N Adv​ ​always

Cl1​ ​S+P N​ ​people Vintr​ ​worry

S​ ​NP P​ ​VP1+conn+VP2 conn​ ​Conj

NP​ ​Det+H VP1​ ​AM+Vintr Conj​ ​and

Det​ ​DetIndef AM​ ​AdvP VP2​ ​Vtr+DO+C

DetIndef​ ​some AdvP​ ​Adv Vtr​ ​make

DO​ ​NP NP​ ​Det+H+Q H​ ​N

NP​ ​Det+H Det​ ​ArtIndef N​ ​time

Det​ ​DetPoss ArtIndef​ ​a C​ ​AdvP

DetPoss​ ​their H​ ​N AdvP​ ​Adv

H​ ​N N​ ​matter Adv​ ​enjoyably

N​ ​life Q​ ​PrepP

C​ ​AdjP PrepP​ ​Prep+VingP

AdjP​ ​Adj Prep​ ​of

Adj​ ​difficult VingP​ ​Ving(tr)+DO+C

conn​ ​Conj Ving(tr) ​ ​passing

Conj​ ​but DO​ ​NP

S​ ​NP NP​ ​Det+H

NP​ ​PronPers Det​ ​ArtDef

PronPers​ ​she ArtDef​ ​the

P​ ​VP

VP​ ​Vtr+DO

Vtr​ ​believes

DO​ ​Cl

Cl​ ​conn+S+P

conn​ ​Conj

Conj​ ​that

S​ ​NP

NP​ ​N

N​ ​life
P​ ​VP

VP​ ​Vc+NomPred

Vc​ ​is
NomPred​ ​NP
8. Strangely enough, the chairman of the board got up and left the room, despite the fact that
everybody expected him to give a speech.

Sent​ ​AM1+S+P+AM2

AM1​ ​AdvP conn​ ​Conj S​ ​NP

AdvP​ ​H+Q Conj​ ​and NP​ ​PronIndef/Univ

H​ ​Adv VP2​ ​Vtr+DO PronIndef/Univ​ ​everybo

Adv​ ​strangely Vtr​ ​left dy

P​ ​VP
Q​ ​Adv DO​ ​NP
VP​ ​Vtr+DO+C
Adv​ ​enough NP​ ​Det+H
Vtr​ ​expected
S​ ​NP Det​ ​ArtDef
NP​ ​Det+H+Q ArtDef​ ​the
NP​ ​PronPers
Det​ ​ArtDef H​ ​N
PronPers​ ​him
ArtDef​ ​the N​ ​room
C​ ​VinfP
H​ ​N AM2​ ​PrepP
VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO
N​ ​chairman PrepP​ ​Prep+NP
Vinf(tr)​ ​to give
Q​ ​PrepP Prep​ ​despite
PrepP​ ​Prep+NP NP​ ​Det+H+Q
NP​ ​Det+H
Prep​ ​of Det​ ​ArtDef
Det​ ​ArtIndef
NP​ ​Det+H ArtDef​ ​the
ArtIndef​ ​a
Det​ ​ArtDef H​ ​N
H​ ​N
ArtDef​ ​the N​ ​fact
N​ ​speech
H​ ​N Q​ ​Cl

N​ ​board Cl​ ​conn+S+P

P​ ​VP1+conn+VP2 conn​ ​Conj

VP1​ ​Vintr Conj​ ​that

Vintr​ ​got up
9. What you should do is choose the people who will appreciate the fact that this expedition
involves certain dangers.

Sent​ ​S+P NP​ ​Det+H+Q H​ ​N

S​ ​Cl Det​ ​ArtDef N​ ​fact

Cl​ ​conn+S+P ArtDef​ ​the Q​ ​Cl

conn​ ​PronRel H​ ​N Cl​ ​S+P

PronRel​ ​what N​ ​people S​ ​NP

S​ ​NP Q​ ​Cl NP​ ​Det+H

NP​ ​PronPers Cl​ ​S+P Det​ ​ArtDef

PronPers​ ​you S​ ​NP H​ ​N

P​ ​VP NP​ ​PronRel N​ ​expedition

VP​ ​Vaux+Vm(tr) PronRel​ ​who P​ ​VP

Vaux​ ​should P​ ​VP VP​ ​Vtr+DO

Vm(tr) ​ ​do VP​ ​Vaux+Vm(tr)+DO Vtr​ ​involves

P​ ​VP Vaux​ ​will DO​ ​NP

VP​ ​Vc+NomPred Vm(tr) ​ ​appreciate NP​ ​M+H

Vc​ ​is DO​ ​NP M​ ​Adj

NomPred​ ​VinfP NP​ ​Det+H+Q Adj​ ​certain

VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO Det​ ​ArtDef H​ ​N

Vinf(tr) ​ ​choose ArtDef​ ​the N​ ​dangers

10. I believe that you should be particularly careful in future, because everybody knows that
your boss always means what he says.

Sent​ ​S+P+AM Vtr​ ​believe NP​ ​PronPers

S​ ​NP DO​ ​Cl PronPers​ ​you

NP​ ​PronPers Cl​ ​conn+S+P P​ ​VP

PronPers​ ​I conn​ ​Conj VP​ ​Vaux+Vm(c)+NomP

P​ ​VP Conj​ ​that red

Vaux​ ​should
VP​ ​Vtr+DO S​ ​NP
Vm(c) ​ ​be Det​ ​DetPoss PronPers​ ​he

NomPred​ ​AdjP DetPoss​ ​your P​ ​VP

AdjP​ ​M+H+Q H​ ​N VP​ ​Vtr

M​ ​Adv N​ ​boss Vtr​ ​says

Adv​ ​particularly P​ ​VP

H​ ​Adj VP​ ​AM+Vtr+DO

Adj​ ​careful AM​ ​AdvP

Q​ ​PrepP AdvP​ ​Adv

PrepP​ ​Prep+NP Adv​ ​always

Prep​ ​in Vtr​ ​means

NP​ ​N DO​ ​Cl

N​ ​future Cl​ ​conn+S+P

AM​ ​Cl conn​ ​PronRel

Cl​ ​conn+S+P PronRel​ ​what

conn​ ​Conj S​ ​NP

Conj​ ​because NP​ ​PronPers

S​ ​NP

NP​ ​PronInfed/Univ

PronIndef/Univ​ ​everybo
P​ ​VP

VP​ ​Vtr+DO

Vtr​ ​knows

DO​ ​Cl

Cl​ ​conn+S+P

conn​ ​Conj

Conj​ ​that

S​ ​NP

NP​ ​Det+H
11. What the correspondents learned very quickly under the circumstances was that they must
obey the rules of the censorship.

Sent​ ​S+P Adv​ ​quickly PronPers​ ​they

S​ ​Cl AM2​ ​PrepP P​ ​VP

Cl​ ​conn+S+P PrepP​ ​Prep+NP VP​ ​Vaux+Vm(tr)+DO

conn​ ​PronRel Prep​ ​under Vaux​ ​must

PronRel​ ​what NP​ ​Det+H Vm(tr) ​ ​obey

S​ ​NP Det​ ​ArtDef DO​ ​NP

NP​ ​Det+H ArtDef​ ​the NP​ ​Det+H+Q

Det​ ​ArtDef H​ ​N Det​ ​ArtDef

ArtDef​ ​the N​ ​circumstances ArtDef​ ​the

H​ ​N P​ ​VP H​ ​N

N​ ​correspondents VP​ ​Vc+NomPred N​ ​rules

P​ ​VP Vc​ ​was Q​ ​PrepP

VP​ ​Vtr+AM1+AM2 NomPred​ ​Cl PrepP​ ​Prep+NP

Vtr​ ​learned Cl​ ​conn+S+P Prep​ ​of

AM1​ ​AdvP conn​ ​Conj NP​ ​N

AdvP​ ​M+H Conj​ ​that N​ ​censorship

M​ ​Adv S​ ​NP

Adv​ ​very NP​ ​PronPers

H​ ​Adv
12. Although it is very dangerous, many people simply ignore the risk and consume alcohol
before sitting behind the wheel.

Sent​ ​AM+S+P NP​ ​PronPers AdjP​ ​M+H

AM​ ​Cl PronPers​ ​it M​ ​Adv

Cl​ ​conn+S+P P​ ​VP Adv​ ​very

conn​ ​Conj VP​ ​Vc+NomPred H​ ​Adj

Conj​ ​although Vc​ ​is Adj​ ​dangerous

S​ ​NP NomPred​ ​AdjP S​ ​NP

NP​ ​M+H AM​ ​PrepP PrepP​ ​Prep+NP

M​ ​Adj Prep​ ​behind

H​ ​N NP​ ​Det+H

N​ ​people Det​ ​ArtDef

P​ ​VP1+conn+VP2 ArtDef​ ​the

VP1​ ​AM+Vtr+DO H​ ​N

AM​ ​AdvP N​ ​wheel

AdvP​ ​Adv
Adv​ ​simply

Vtr​ ​ignore


NP​ ​Det+H

Det​ ​ArtDef

ArtDef​ ​the

H​ ​N

N​ ​risk

conn​ ​Conj

Conj​ ​and

VP2​ ​Vtr+DO+AM

Vtr​ ​consume


NP​ ​N

N​ ​alcohol

AM​ ​PrepP

PrepP​ ​Prep+VingP

Prep​ ​before

VingP​ ​Ving(intr)+AM

Ving(intr) ​ ​sitting
13. The curious thing about the photograph Robert took is that it soon became famous despite
being essentially ambiguous.

Sent​ ​S+P P​ ​VP AdjP​ ​Adj

S​ ​NP VP​ ​Vtr Adj​ ​famous

NP​ ​Det+M+H+Q Vtr​ ​took AM2​ ​PrepP

Det​ ​ArtDef P​ ​VP PrepP​ ​Prep+VingP

ArtDef​ ​the VP​ ​Vc+NomPred Prep​ ​despite

M​ ​Adj Vc​ ​is VingP​ ​Ving(c)+NomPre

Adj​ ​curious NomPred​ ​Cl d

Ving​ ​being
H​ ​N Cl​ ​conn+S+P
NomPred​ ​AdjP
N​ ​thing conn​ ​Conj
AdjP​ ​M+H
Q​ ​PrepP Conj​ ​that
M​ ​Adv
PrepP​ ​Prep+NP S​ ​NP
Adv​ ​essentially
Prep​ ​about NP​ ​PronPers
H​ ​Adj
NP​ ​Det+H+Q PronPers​ ​it
Adj​ ​ambiguous
Det​ ​ArtDef P​ ​VP

ArtDef​ ​the VP​ ​AM1+Vc+NomPred

H​ ​N +AM2
AM1​ ​AdvP
N​ ​photograph
AdvP​ ​Adv
Q​ ​Cl
Adv​ ​soon
Cl​ ​S+P
Vc​ ​became
S​ ​NP
NomPred​ ​AdjP
NP​ ​N

N​ ​Robert
14. Since things continued to grow worse, we changed our plans and finally managed to find
a solution which would make everybody happy.

Sent​ ​AM+S+P Conj​ ​since N​ ​things

AM​ ​conn+S+P S​ ​NP P​ ​VP

conn​ ​Conj NP​ ​N VP​ ​Vtr+DO

Vtr​ ​continued Vinf(tr) ​ ​to find P​ ​VP

DO​ ​VinfP DO​ ​NP VP​ ​Vaux+Vm(tr)+DO+

VinfP​ ​Vinf(c)+NomPred NP​ ​Det+H+Q C

Vaux​ ​would
Vinf(c) ​ ​to grow Det​ ​ArtIndef
Vm(tr) ​ ​make
NomPred​ ​AdjP ArtIndef​ ​a
AdjP​ ​Adj H​ ​N
NP​ ​PronIndef/Univ
Adj​ ​worse N​ ​solution
PronIndef/Univ​ ​everybo
S​ ​NP Q​ ​Cl
NP​ ​PronPers Cl​ ​S+P
C​ ​AdjP
PronPers​ ​we S​ ​NP
AdjP​ ​Adj
P​ ​VP1+conn+VP2 NP​ ​PronRel
Adj​ ​happy
VP1​ ​Vtr+DO PronRel​ ​which
Vtr​ ​changed


NP​ ​Det+H

Det​ ​DetPoss

DetPoss​ ​our

H​ ​N

N​ ​plans

conn​ ​Conj

Conj​ ​and

VP2​ ​AM+Vtr+DO

AM​ ​AdvP

AdvP​ ​Adv

Adv​ ​finally

Vtr​ ​managed

DO​ ​VinfPVinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)

15. You and your mother are under a very mistaken impression that making a prosperous
young woman cook meals is a smart strategy.

Sent​ ​S+P H​ ​N VP​ ​Vc+NomPred

S​ ​NP1+conn+NP2 N​ ​impression Vc​ ​is

NP1​ ​PronPers Q​ ​Cl NomPred​ ​NP

PronPers​ ​you Cl​ ​conn+S+P NP​ ​Det+M+H

conn​ ​Conj conn​ ​Conj Det​ ​ArtIndef

Conj​ ​and Conj​ ​that ArtIndef​ ​a

NP2​ ​Det+H S​ ​VingP M​ ​Adj

Det​ ​DetPoss VingP​ ​Ving(tr)+DO+C Adj​ ​smart

DetPoss​ ​your Ving(tr) ​ ​making H​ ​N

H​ ​N DO​ ​NP N​ ​strategy

N​ ​mother NP​ ​Det+M1+M2+H

P​ ​VP Det​ ​ArtIndef

VP​ ​Vc+NomPred ArtIndef​ ​a

Vc​ ​are M1​ ​Adj

NomPred​ ​PrepP Adj​ ​prosperous

PrepP​ ​Prep+NP M2​ ​Adj

Prep​ ​under Adj​ ​young

NP​ ​Det+M+H+Q H​ ​N

Det​ ​ArtIndef N​ ​woman

ArtIndef​ ​a C​ ​VinfP

M​ ​AdjP VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO

AdjP​ ​M+H Vinf(tr) ​ ​cook

M​ ​Adv DO​ ​NP

Adv​ ​very NP​ ​N

H​ ​Adj N​ ​meals

Adj​ ​mistaken P​ ​VP

16. The correspondent sensed that what he was witnessing was a significant moment in
history and he took some great photographs.

Sent​ ​Cl1+conn+Cl2 P​ ​VP Conj​ ​and

Cl1​ ​S+P VP​ ​Vaux+Vm(tr) S​ ​NP

S​ ​NP Vaux​ ​was NP​ ​PronPers

NP​ ​Det+H Vm(tr) ​ ​witnessing PronPers​ ​he

Det​ ​ArtDef P​ ​VP P​ ​VP

ArtDef​ ​the VP​ ​Vc+NomPred VP​ ​Vtr+DO

H​ ​N Vc​ ​was Vtr​ ​took

N​ ​correspondent NomPred​ ​NP DO​ ​NP

P​ ​VP NP​ ​Det+M+H+Q NP​ ​Det+M+H

VP​ ​Vtr+DO Det​ ​ArtIndef Det​ ​DetIndef

Vtr​ ​sensed ArtIndef​ ​a DetIndef​ ​some

DO​ ​Cl M​ ​Adj M​ ​Adj

Cl​ ​conn+S+P Adj​ ​significant Adj​ ​great

conn​ ​Conj H​ ​N H​ ​N

Conj​ ​that N​ ​moment N​ ​photographs

S​ ​Cl Q​ ​PrepP

Cl​ ​conn+S+P PrepP​ ​Prep+NP

conn​ ​PronRel Prep​ ​in

PronRel​ ​what NP​ ​N

S​ ​NP N​ ​history

NP​ ​PronPers conn​ ​Conj

PronPers​ ​he
17. What was certain was that making John find a steady job would be the best thing to do
under the circumstances.

Sent​ ​S+P S​ ​NP P​ ​VP

S​ ​Cl NP​ ​PronRel VP​ ​Vc+NomPred

Cl​ ​S+P PronRel​ ​what Vc​ ​was

NomPred​ ​AdjP VP​ ​Vaux+Vm(c)+NomP NP​ ​Det+H

AdjP​ ​Adj red+AM Det​ ​ArtDef

Aux​ ​would
Adj​ ​certain ArtDef​ ​the
Vm(c) ​ ​be
P​ ​VP H​ ​N
NomPred​ ​NP
VP​ ​Vc+NomPred N​ ​circumstances
NP​ ​Det+M+H+Q
Vc​ ​was
Det​ ​ArtDef
NomPred​ ​Cl
ArtDef​ ​the
Cl​ ​conn+S+P
M​ ​Adj
conn​ ​Conj
Adj​ ​best
Conj​ ​that
H​ ​N
S​ ​VingP
N​ ​thing
VingP​ ​Ving(tr)+DO+C
Q​ ​VinfP
Ving(tr) ​ ​making
VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)
Vinf(tr) ​ ​to do
NP​ ​N
AM​ ​PrepP
N​ ​John
PrepP​ ​Prep+NP
C​ ​VinfP
Prep​ ​under
VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO

Vinf(tr)​ ​find


NP​ ​Det+M+H

Det​ ​ArtIndef

ArtIndef​ ​a

M​ ​Adj

Adj​ ​steady

H​ ​N

N​ ​job

P​ ​VP
18. Despite the discomforts, the railways offered many thousands of people a chance to leave
home and soon became hugely popular.

Sent​ ​AM+S+P NP​ ​M+H+Q Vinf(tr) ​ ​to leave

AM​ ​PrepP M​ ​Adj DO​ ​NP

PrepP​ ​Prep+NP Adj​ ​many NP​ ​N

Prep​ ​despite H​ ​N N​ ​home

NP​ ​Det+H N​ ​thousands conn​ ​Conj

Det​ ​ArtDef Q​ ​PrepP Conj​ ​and

ArtDef​ ​the PrepP​ ​Prep+NP VP2​ ​AM+Vc+NomPred

H​ ​N Prep​ ​of AM​ ​AdvP

N​ ​discomforts NP​ ​N AdvP​ ​Adv

S​ ​NP N​ ​people Adv​ ​soon

NP​ ​Det+H DO​ ​NP Vc​ ​became

Det​ ​ArtDef NP​ ​Det+H+Q NomPred​ ​AdjP

ArtDef​ ​the Det​ ​ArtIndef AdjP​ ​M+H

H​ ​N ArtIndef​ ​a M​ ​Adv

N​ ​railways H​ ​N Adv​ ​hugely

P​ ​VP1+conn+VP2 N​ ​chance H​ ​Adj

VP1​ ​Vtr+IO+DO Q​ ​VinfP Adj​ ​popular
Vtr​ ​offered VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO

19. What was absolutely crucial was the fact that the teacher always made the students feel
that what they were doing was worthwhile.
Sent​ ​S+P

S​ ​Cl PronRel​ ​what NomPred​ ​AdjP

Cl​ ​S+P P​ ​VP AdjP​ ​M+H

S​ ​NP VP​ ​Vc+NomPred M​ ​Adv

NP​ ​PronRel Vc​ ​was Adv​ ​absolutely

H​ ​Adj NP​ ​Det+H Cl​ ​conn+S+P

Adj​ ​crucial Det​ ​ArtDef conn​ ​Conj

P​ ​VP ArtDef​ ​the Conj​ ​that

VP​ ​Vc+NomPred H​ ​N S​ ​Cl

Vc​ ​was N​ ​students Cl​ ​S+P

NomPred​ ​NP C​ ​VinfP S​ ​Cl

NP​ ​Det+H+Q VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO Cl​ ​conn+S+P

Det​ ​ArtDef Vinf(tr) ​ ​feel conn​ ​PronRel

ArtDef​ ​the DO​ ​Cl PronRel​ ​what

H​ ​N S​ ​NP

N​ ​fact NP​ ​PronPers

Q​ ​Cl PronPers​ ​they

Cl​ ​conn+S+P

conn​ ​Conj

Conj​ ​that

S​ ​NP

NP​ ​Det+H

Det​ ​ArtDef

ArtDef​ ​the

H​ ​N

N​ ​teacher

P​ ​VP

VP​ ​AM+Vtr+DO+C

AM​ ​AdvP

AdvP​ ​Adv

Adv​ ​always

Vtr​ ​made

P​ ​VP P​ ​VP AdjP​ ​Adj

VP​ ​Vaux+Vm(tr) VP​ ​Vc+NomPred Adj​ ​worthwhile

Vaux​ ​were Vc​ ​was

Vm(tr) ​ ​doing NomPred​ ​AdjP
20. Edison was obviously a brilliant inventor, but what made him truly exceptional was his
ability to organize entire systems from scratch.

Sent​ ​Cl1+conn+Cl2 Cl2​ ​S+P NomPred​ ​NP

Cl1​ ​S+P S​ ​Cl NP​ ​Det+H+Q

S​ ​NP Cl​ ​S+P Det​ ​DetPoss

NP​ ​N S​ ​NP DetPoss​ ​his

N​ ​Edison NP​ ​PronRel H​ ​N

P​ ​VP PronRel​ ​what N​ ​ability

VP​ ​Vc+AM+NomPred P​ ​VP Q​ ​VinfP

Vc​ ​was VP​ ​Vtr+DO+C VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO+AM

AM​ ​AdvP Vtr​ ​made Vinf(tr) ​ ​to organize

AdvP​ ​Adv DO​ ​NP DO​ ​NP

Adv​ ​obviously NP​ ​PronPers NP​ ​M+H

NomPred​ ​NP PronPers​ ​him M​ ​Adj

NP​ ​Det+M+H C​ ​AdjP Adj​ ​entire

Det​ ​ArtIndef AdjP​ ​M+H H​ ​N

ArtIndef​ ​a M​ ​Adv N​ ​systems

M​ ​Adj Adv​ ​truly AM​ ​PrepP

Adj​ ​brilliant H​ ​Adj PrepP​ ​Prep+NP

H​ ​N Adj​ ​exceptional Prep​ ​from

N​ ​inventor P​ ​VP NP​ ​N

conn​ ​Conj VP​ ​Vc+NomPred N​ ​scratch

Conj​ ​but Vc​ ​was

21. Although some people seem to think that the fact that languages change the meanings of
their words is unfortunate, languages are in fact self-regulating systems.
Sent​ ​AM+S+P H​ ​N N​ ​words

AM​ ​Cl N​ ​fact P​ ​VP

Cl​ ​conn+S+P Q​ ​Cl VP​ ​Vc+NomPred

conn​ ​Conj Cl​ ​conn+S+P Vc​ ​is

Conj​ ​although conn​ ​Conj NomPred​ ​AdjP

S​ ​NP Conj​ ​that AdjP​ ​Adj

NP​ ​Det+H S​ ​NP Adj​ ​unfortunate

Det​ ​DetIndef NP​ ​N S​ ​NP

DetIndef​ ​some N​ ​languages NP​ ​N

H​ ​N P​ ​VP N​ ​languages

N​ ​people VP​ ​Vtr+DO P​ ​VP

S​ ​VP Vtr​ ​change VP​ ​Vc+AM+NomPred

VP​ ​Vc+NomPred DO​ ​NP Vc​ ​are

Vc​ ​seem NP​ ​Det+H+Q AM​ ​PrepP

NomPred​ ​VinfP Det​ ​ArtDef PrepP​ ​Prep+NP

VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO ArtDef​ ​the Prep​ ​in

Vinf(tr) ​ ​to think H​ ​N NP​ ​N

DO​ ​Cl N​ ​meanings N​ ​fact

Cl​ ​conn+S+P Q​ ​PrepP NomPred​ ​NP

conn​ ​Conj PrepP​ ​Prep+NP NP​ ​M+H

Conj​ ​that Prep​ ​of M​ ​Adj

S​ ​NP NP​ ​Det+H Adj​ ​self-regulating

NP​ ​Det+H+Q Det​ ​DetPoss H​ ​N

Det​ ​ArtDef DetPoss​ ​their N​ ​systems

ArtDef​ ​the H​ ​N
22. The professor said that teaching an introductory course made him realize that what was
really important was to spread the love of physics.
Sent​ ​S+P H​ ​N NomPred​ ​AdjP

S​ ​NP N​ ​course AdjP​ ​M+H

NP​ ​Det+H P​ ​VP M​ ​Adv

Det​ ​ArtDef VP​ ​Vtr+DO+C Adv​ ​really

ArtDef​ ​the Vtr​ ​made H​ ​Adj

H​ ​N DO​ ​NP Adj​ ​important

N​ ​professor NP​ ​PronPers P​ ​VP

P​ ​VP PronPers​ ​him VP​ ​Vc+NomPred

VP​ ​Vtr+DO C​ ​VinfP Vc​ ​was

Vtr​ ​said VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO NomPred​ ​VinfP

DO​ ​Cl Vinf(tr) ​ ​realize VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO

Cl​ ​conn+S+P DO​ ​Cl Vinf(tr) ​ ​to spread

conn​ ​Conj Cl​ ​conn+S+P DO​ ​NP

Conj​ ​that conn​ ​Conj NP​ ​Det+H+Q

S​ ​VingP Conj​ ​that Det​ ​ArtDef

VingP​ ​Ving(tr)+DO S​ ​Cl ArtDef​ ​the

Ving(tr) ​ ​teaching Cl​ ​S+P H​ ​N

DO​ ​NP S​ ​NP N​ ​love

NP​ ​Det+M+H NP​ ​PronRel Q​ ​PrepP

Det​ ​ArtIndef PronRel​ ​what PrepP​ ​Prep+NP

ArtIndef​ ​an P​ ​VP Prep​ ​of

M​ ​Adj VP​ ​Vc+NomPred NP​ ​N

Adj​ ​introductory Vc​ ​was N​ ​physics

23. This brilliant scientist uses the Internet to spread knowledge through cyberspace and
claims that what counts is to make students love physics.

Sent​ ​S+P
S​ ​NP

NP​ ​Det+M+H

Det​ ​DetDem NP​ ​N PronRel​ ​what

DetDem​ ​this N​ ​knowledge P​ ​VP

M​ ​Adj AM​ ​PrepP VP​ ​Vintr

Adj​ ​brilliant PrepP​ ​Prep+NP Vintr​ ​counts

H​ ​N Prep​ ​through P​ ​VP

N​ ​scientist NP​ ​N VP​ ​Vc+NomPred

P​ ​VP1+conn+VP2 N​ ​cyberspace Vc​ ​is

VP1​ ​Vtr+DO+AM conn​ ​Conj NomPred​ ​VinfP

Vtr​ ​uses Conj​ ​and VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO+C

DO​ ​NP VP2​ ​Vtr+DO Vinf(tr) ​ ​to make

NP​ ​Det+H Vtr​ ​claims DO​ ​NP

Det​ ​ArtDef DO​ ​Cl NP​ ​N

ArtDef​ ​the Cl​ ​conn+S+P N​ ​students

H​ ​N conn​ ​Conj C​ ​VinfP

N​ ​Internet Conj​ ​that VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO

AM​ ​VinfP S​ ​Cl Vinf(tr) ​ ​love

VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO+AM Cl​ ​S+P DO​ ​NP

Vinf(tr) ​ ​to spread S​ ​NP NP​ ​N

DO​ ​NP NP​ ​PronRel N​ ​physics

24. Although sharing meals is undoubtedly an important courtship ritual, many couples with
dietary differences seem to face serious problems.

Sent​ ​AM+S+P S​ ​VingP N​ ​meals

AM​ ​Cl VingP​ ​Ving(tr)+DO P​ ​VP

Cl​ ​conn+S+P Ving(tr) ​ ​sharing VP​ ​Vc+AM+NomPred

conn​ ​Conj DO​ ​NP Vc​ ​is

Conj​ ​although NP​ ​N AM​ ​AdvP

AdvP​ ​Adv NP​ ​M+H+Q P​ ​VP
Adv​ ​undoubtedly M​ ​Adj VP​ ​Vc+NomPred

NomPred​ ​NP Adj​ ​many Vc​ ​seem

NP​ ​Det+M1+M2+H H​ ​N NomPred​ ​VinfP

Det​ ​ArtIndef N​ ​couples VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO

ArtIndef​ ​an Q​ ​PrepP Vinf(tr) ​ ​to face

M1​ ​Adj PrepP​ ​Prep+NP DO​ ​NP

Adj​ ​important Prep​ ​with NP​ ​M+H

M2​ ​N NP​ ​M+H M​ ​Adj

N​ ​courtship M​ ​Adj Adj​ ​serious

H​ ​N Adj​ ​dietary H​ ​N

N​ ​ritual H​ ​N N​ ​problems

S​ ​NP N​ ​differences

25. This company seems to ignore the fact that hiring executives who have experience across
different cultures makes the international business grow faster.

Sent​ ​S+P DO​ ​NP DO​ ​NP

S​ ​NP NP​ ​Det+H+Q NP​ ​H+Q

NP​ ​Det+H Det​ ​ArtDef H​ ​N

Det​ ​DetDem ArtDef​ ​the N​ ​executives

DetDem​ ​this H​ ​N Q​ ​Cl

H​ ​N N​ ​fact Cl​ ​S+P

N​ ​company Q​ ​Cl S​ ​NP

P​ ​VP Cl​ ​conn+S+P NP​ ​PronRel

VP​ ​Vc+NomPred conn​ ​Conj PronRel​ ​who

Vc​ ​seems Conj​ ​that P​ ​VP

NomPred​ ​VinfP S​ ​VingP VP​ ​Vtr+DO

VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO VingP​ ​Ving(tr)+DO Vtr​ ​have

Vinf(tr) ​ ​to ignore Ving(tr) ​ ​hiring DO​ ​NP

NP​ ​H+Q H​ ​N M​ ​Adj

H​ ​N N​ ​cultures Adj​ ​international

N​ ​experience P​ ​VP H​ ​N

Q​ ​PrepP VP​ ​Vtr+DO+C N​ ​business

PrepP​ ​Prep+NP Vtr​ ​makes C​ ​VinfP

Prep​ ​across DO​ ​NP VinfP​ ​Vinf(intr)+AM

NP​ ​M+H NP​ ​Det+M+H Vinf(intr) ​ ​grow

M​ ​Adj Det​ ​ArtDef AM​ ​AdvP

Adj​ ​different ArtDef​ ​the AdvP​ ​Adv

Adv​ ​faster

26. The thing that could make him leave is that the colleagues in the company have turned
out to be very unfriendly without any obvious reason.

Sent​ ​S+P Vaux​ ​could S​ ​NP

S​ ​NP Vm(tr) ​ ​make NP​ ​Det+H+Q

NP​ ​Det+H+Q DO​ ​NP Det​ ​ArtDef

Det​ ​ArtDef NP​ ​PronPers ArtDef​ ​the

ArtDef​ ​the PronPers​ ​him H​ ​N

H​ ​N C​ ​VinfP N​ ​colleagues

N​ ​thing VinfP​ ​Vinf(intr) Q​ ​PrepP

Q​ ​Cl Vinf(intr) ​ ​leave PrepP​ ​Prep+NP

Cl​ ​S+P P​ ​VP Prep​ ​in

S​ ​NP VP​ ​Vc+NomPred NP​ ​Det+H

NP​ ​PronRel Vc​ ​is Det​ ​ArtDef

PronRel​ ​that NomPred​ ​Cl ArtDef​ ​the

P​ ​VP Cl​ ​conn+S+P H​ ​N

VP​ ​Vaux+Vm(tr)+DO+ conn​ ​Conj N​ ​company

C Conj​ ​that P​ ​VP
VP​ ​Vaux+Vm(c)+NomP NomPred​ ​AdjP Prep​ ​without
red AdjP​ ​M+H NP​ ​Det+M+H
Vaux​ ​have
M​ ​Adv Det​ ​DetIndef
Vm(c)​ ​turned out
Adv​ ​very DetIndef​ ​any
NomPred​ ​VinfP
H​ ​Adj M​ ​Adj
VinfP​ ​Vinf(c)+NomPred
Adj​ ​unfriendly Adj​ ​obvious
AM​ ​PrepP H​ ​N
Vinf(c) ​ ​to be
PrepP​ ​Prep+NP N​ ​reason

27. Though Jefferson and his friends favoured some unusual spellings, to suggest that these
men showed little concern for language standards would be utterly wrong.

Sent​ ​AM+S+P DO​ ​NP DetDem​ ​these

AM​ ​Cl NP​ ​Det+M+H H​ ​N

Cl​ ​conn+S+P Det​ ​DetIndef N​ ​men

conn​ ​Conj DetIndef​ ​some P​ ​VP

Conj​ ​though M​ ​Adj VP​ ​Vtr+DO

S​ ​NP1+conn+NP2 Adj​ ​unusual Vtr​ ​showed

NP1​ ​N H​ ​N DO​ ​NP

N​ ​Jefferson N​ ​spellings NP​ ​M+H+Q

conn​ ​Conj S​ ​VinfP M​ ​Adj

Conj​ ​and VinfP​ ​Vinf(tr)+DO Adj​ ​little

NP2​ ​Det+H Vinf(tr) ​ ​to suggest H​ ​N

Det​ ​DetPoss DO​ ​Cl N​ ​concern

DetPoss​ ​his Cl​ ​conn+S+P Q​ ​PrepP

H​ ​N conn​ ​Conj PrepP​ ​Prep+NP

N​ ​friends Conj​ ​that Prep​ ​for

P​ ​VP S​ ​NP NP​ ​M+H

VP​ ​Vtr+DO NP​ ​Det+H M​ ​N

Vtr​ ​favoured Det​ ​DetDem N​ ​language

H​ ​N red M​ ​Adv
Vaux​ ​would
N​ ​standards Adv​ ​utterly
Vm(c) ​ ​be
P​ ​VP H​ ​Adj
NomPred​ ​AdjP
VP​ ​Vaux+Vm(c)+NomP Adj​ ​wrong
AdjP​ ​M+H
28. People who claim that standards of literacy are declining often consider journalists to be
responsible, but the media simply reproduce the way we use the language.

Sent​ ​Cl1+conn+Cl2 Q​ ​PrepP AdjP​ ​Adj

Cl1​ ​S+P PrepP​ ​Prep+NP Adj​ ​responsible

S​ ​NP Prep​ ​of conn​ ​Conj

NP​ ​H+Q NP​ ​N Conj​ ​but

H​ ​N N​ ​literacy Cl2​ ​S+P

N​ ​people P​ ​VP S​ ​NP

Q​ ​Cl VP​ ​Vaux+Vm(intr) NP​ ​Det+H

Cl​ ​S+P Vaux​ ​are Det​ ​ArtDef

S​ ​NP Vm(intr) ​ ​declining ArtDef​ ​the

NP​ ​PronRel P​ ​VP H​ ​N

PronRel​ ​who VP​ ​AM+Vtr+DO+C N​ ​media

P​ ​VP AM​ ​AdvP P​ ​VP

VP​ ​Vtr+DO AdvP​ ​Adv VP​ ​AM+Vtr+DO

Vtr​ ​claim Adv​ ​often AM​ ​AdvP

DO​ ​Cl Vtr​ ​consider AdvP​ ​Adv

Cl​ ​conn+S+P DO​ ​NP Adv​ ​simply

conn​ ​Conj NP​ ​N Vtr​ ​reproduce

Conj​ ​that N​ ​journalists DO​ ​NP

S​ ​NP C​ ​VinfP NP​ ​Det+H+Q

NP​ ​H+Q VinfP​ ​Vinf(c)+NomPred Det​ ​ArtDef

H​ ​N Vinf(c) ​ ​to be ArtDef​ ​the

N​ ​standards NomPred​ ​AdjP H​ ​N

N​ ​way PronPers​ ​we NP​ ​Det+H

Q​ ​Cl P​ ​VP Det​ ​ArtDef

Cl​ ​S+P VP​ ​Vtr+DO ArtDef​ ​the

S​ ​NP Vtr​ ​use H​ ​N

NP​ ​PronPers DO​ ​NP N​ ​language

29. What is particularly important is that teachers go beyond broad generalizations and
recognize that views about the ugliness of languages are the result of prejudices.

Sent​ ​S+P Conj​ ​that S​ ​NP

S​ ​Cl S​ ​NP NP​ ​H+Q

Cl​ ​S+P NP​ ​N H​ ​N

S​ ​NP N​ ​teachers N​ ​views

NP​ ​PronRel P​ ​VP1+conn+VP2 Q​ ​PrepP

PronRel​ ​what VP1​ ​Vtr+DO PrepP​ ​Prep+NP

P​ ​VP Vtr​ ​go beyond Prep​ ​about

VP​ ​Vc+NomPred DO​ ​NP NP​ ​Det+H+Q

Vc​ ​is NP​ ​M+H Det​ ​ArtDef

NomPred​ ​AdjP M​ ​Adj ArtDef​ ​the

AdjP​ ​M+H Adj​ ​broad H​ ​N

M​ ​Adv H​ ​N N​ ​ugliness

Adv​ ​particularly N​ ​generalizations Q​ ​PrepP

H​ ​Adj conn​ ​Conj PrepP​ ​Prep+NP

Adj​ ​important Conj​ ​and Prep​ ​of

P​ ​VP VP2​ ​Vtr+DO NP​ ​N

VP​ ​Vc+NomPred Vtr​ ​realize N​ ​languages

Vc​ ​is DO​ ​Cl P​ ​VP

NomPred​ ​Cl Cl​ ​conn+S+P VP​ ​Vc+NomPred

Cl​ ​conn+S+P conn​ ​Conj Vc​ ​are

conn​ ​Conj Conj​ ​that NomPred​ ​NP

NP​ ​Det+H+Q N​ ​result NP​ ​N
Det​ ​ArtDef Q​ ​PrepP N​ ​prejudices

ArtDef​ ​the PrepP​ ​Prep+NP

H​ ​N Prep​ ​of
30. If you remember the golden rule that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down,
every task that you undertake can become a piece of cake.

Sent​ ​AM+S+P Conj​ ​that VinfP​ ​Vinf(intr)

AM​ ​Cl S​ ​NP Vinf(intr) ​ ​go down

Cl​ ​conn+S+P NP​ ​Det+H+Q S​ ​NP

conn​ ​Conj Det​ ​ArtIndef NP​ ​Det+H+Q

Conj​ ​if ArtIndef​ ​a Det​ ​DetIndef/Univ

S​ ​NP H​ ​N DetIndef/Univ​ ​every

NP​ ​PronPers N​ ​spoonful H​ ​N

PronPers​ ​you Q​ ​PrepP N​ ​task

P​ ​VP PrepP​ ​Prep+NP Q​ ​Cl

VP​ ​Vtr+DO Prep​ ​of Cl​ ​conn+S+P

Vtr​ ​remember NP​ ​N conn​ ​PronRel

DO​ ​NP N​ ​sugar PronRel​ ​that

NP​ ​Det+M+H+Q P​ ​VP S​ ​NP

Det​ ​ArtDef VP​ ​Vtr+DO+C NP​ ​PronPers

ArtDef​ ​the Vtr​ ​helps PronPers​ ​you

M​ ​Adj DO​ ​NP P​ ​VP

Adj​ ​golden NP​ ​Det+H VP​ ​Vtr

H​ ​N Det​ ​ArtDef Vtr​ ​undertake

N​ ​rule ArtDef​ ​the P​ ​VP

Q​ ​Cl H​ ​N VP​ ​Vaux+Vm(c)+NomP

Cl​ ​conn+S+P N​ ​medicine red

Vaux​ ​can
conn​ ​Conj C​ ​VinfP
Vm(c) ​ ​become
NomPred​ ​NP H​ ​N Prep​ ​of

NP​ ​Det+H+Q N​ ​piece NP​ ​N

Det​ ​ArtIndef Q​ ​PrepP N​ ​cake

ArtIndef​ ​a PrepP​ ​Prep+NP

HW 2
Jelena Perić

Identify the construction type and the syntactic level:

● very lonely – ENDO, SUB, Attr. 1​st​; AdjP

● ice cold – ENDO, SUB, Attr. 1​st​; AdjP
● despite her offer – EXO, DIR, PREP; PrepP
● unless you do something quickly – EXO, DIR, CONJ; Cl
● grew impatient – EXO, CONN; VP
● won the election easily – ENDO, SUB, centre 1​st​; VP
● road safety experts – ENDO, SUB, Attr. 1​st​; NP
● sink or swim – ENDO, COORDINATE, ALT; VP
● will never return – ENDO, SUB, discontinuous centre; VP
● wrote a term paper on endocentric constructions – EXO, DIR, OBJ; VP
● wrote several poems over the weekend – ENDO, SUB, centre 1​st​; VP
● Asia Minor – ENDO, SUB, centre 1​st​; NP
● wrote and book and directed a film – ENDO, COORDINATE, ADD; VP
● strawberry red – ENDO, SUB, Attr. 1​st​; AdjP
● heir apparent – ENDO, SUB, centre 1​st​; NP
● throughout the twentieth century – EXO, DIR, PREP; PrepP
● as good as it gets – ENDO, SUB, discontinuous attr; AdjP
● without his strong arguments – EXO, DIR, PREP; PrepP
● something completely different – ENDO, SUB, centre 1​st​; NP
● if the meeting gets boring – EXO, DIR, CONJ; Cl
● If you want, we shall leave. – ENDO, SUB, Attr. 1​st​; Sent (complex)
● we shall leave – EXO, PRED; Sent (Independent Clause)
● knows everything she needs to know – EXO, DIR, OBJ; VP
● insofar that it is part of a thought-provoking narrative – ENDO, SUB, centre 1​st​; Adv

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