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Modern Art - The history of modern Filipino art is shaped by the conflict between
the rules and ideas of the academy and the modern methods of modernists.
Founding the Philippine Art Association of the Philippines in 1948 and the Philippine
Art Gallery in 1950, the Philippine Art Gallery went a long way in
introducing modern art to the public, supporting their fight against conservative art,
and creating patronage among art buyers. A turning point was the emergence of the
modernists, which included artists who had trained abroad, where they came in
contact with various new and experimental styles. He argued that official art is very
photo graphical and relies heavily on the accuracy of representation, resulting in
a lack of rigor and originality. In the sixties and seventies, modern art
firmly established itself in the world of cosmopolitan art in Manila, although the
question of what is Filipino in this art, like all other arts, dates back to the fifties. So
far, it has continued to grow.
The Philippine art in the modern era have more freedom to explore in artist
perspective as they show their love for country and evolving culture. The style of art
in modern era is from cross-cultural exposures in the Eastern and Western civilization
yet they have not forgotten their Filipino roots. Abstraction was one of modern arts
category that emerged, this generally consists of simplified forms. Abstraction
sometimes referred to as non-representational or non objective art as it emphasized
the relationships of line, color, and space. Some artist uses color for their emotional
rather than intellectual values.

Modern art in the Philippines has evolved from trival into a wide variety of
expressions and medium which brings the country into a creative situation.

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