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Equity in PLT- Session Notes

When we are planning, are we considering every student in our population?

-what do the DuFour Qs look like in this context?

Comments “those kids” - how do we have these conversations with teachers on our teams?

PLTs get stuck on one curriculum, kid, etc. - what are we not talking about? What is getting lost
in the conversation when we harp on the same problems all the time?

Importance of “pushing back” at PLT - being brave and willing to step in during conversations
with colleagues

Consistently pushing back places you in isolation.

What protocols/questions have you used to embed equity into all conversations as a PLT?
● What do you notice?
● How do you know?
● What data do you have to support that statement?
● Paraphrasing and posing questions -
● 2 cents, talking piece

There is power in who is taking minutes --- “What I heard you say that what you said?
How can I phrase that in the minutes?” (use it as a tool!)

Mediating questions

Rotating roles in PLTs -

Identifying strengths or passions of people on the team to give these voices/people a chance to

PLTs looking at subgroup data - spreadsheet - inputting data by standard

What are we doing for student who are not getting it?
Valuing the timeline to there is opportunity to have all of the conversations needed.

PLT Data Tracker - Linked

Strategic leadership - culture of the building (admin is in collaborative role), how do we want to
serve kids?, voice + value

Everyone has a responsibility to hold each other accountable to our values/culture

Instruction. Curriculum. Learner.

Scheduling - importance of an administrator being a part of the PLT team - PLTs meeting on
different days

Culture in the building - we are a team - as opposed to being separate entities.

Principal Kafele - instructional leadership -

Principal as true participant in the PLT - part of the team - asking questions

Rhonda Jones - Rand Road - principal as part of PLT

Knowing the purpose of the PLT - coming to the table with that purpose in mind - to move kids

PLTs are about putting the mirror in front of yourself - self-examination

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